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Documentation of class 'AbstractChronologyObject':



Class: AbstractChronologyObject



rev: 1.9 date: 2024/04/18 14:22:42
user: cg
file: AbstractChronologyObject.st directory: libbasic
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic


This is an abstract class defining common methods for dates and time-like objects


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Class protocol:

change & update
o  update: something with: aParameter from: changedObject
just remember change for next access

general queries
o  abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage: languageOrNilForDefault
return a collection of short month-names for a given language or the
current language if nil is given.
The returned strings depend on the resource translation file to be present for the
given language (i.e. libbasic/resources(<lang>.rs).
If not, english names are returned

Usage example(s):

     self abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage:#en   
     self abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage:#de   
     self abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage:#fr   
     self abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage:#es   
     self abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage:#zulu 

     self abbreviatedDayNamesForLanguage:nil   

o  abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage: languageOrNilForDefault
return a collection of short month-names for a given language or the
current language if nil is given.
The returned strings depend on the resource translation file to be present for the
given language (i.e. libbasic/resources(<lang>.rs).
If not, english names are returned

Usage example(s):

     self abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage:#en
     self abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage:#de
     self abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage:#fr
     self abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage:#es
     self abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage:#zulu

     self abbreviatedMonthNamesForLanguage:nil

o  abbreviatedNameOfDay: dayIndex
given a day index (1..7),
return the abbreviated name of the day
for the current language setting

Usage example(s):

     Date abbreviatedNameOfDay:4

o  abbreviatedNameOfDay: dayIndex language: langOrNilForDefault
given a day index (1..7),
return the abbreviated name of the day.
For nil, the current default language us used.
For unknown languages, english is used.

Usage example(s):

     Date abbreviatedNameOfDay:4 language:#en    
     Date abbreviatedNameOfDay:4 language:#de    
     Date abbreviatedNameOfDay:4 language:#zulu  
     Date abbreviatedNameOfDay:4 language:nil    

o  abbreviatedNameOfMonth: monthIndex
given a month index (1..12),
return the abbreviated name of the month
for the current language setting

Usage example(s):

     Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth:11
     Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth:12

o  abbreviatedNameOfMonth: monthIndex language: langOrNilForDefault
given a month index (1..12),
return the abbreviated name of the month.
For nil, the current default language us used.
For unknown languages, english is used.

Usage example(s):

     Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth:11 language:#en     
     Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth:12 language:#en     
     Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth:12 language:#de     
     Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth:12 language:#fr     
     Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth:12 language:#zulu   
     Date abbreviatedNameOfMonth:12 language:nil     

o  dayNamesForLanguage: languageOrNilForDefault
return a collection of day-names for a given language or the
current language if nil is given.
The returned strings depend on the resource translation file to be present for the
given language (i.e. libbasic/resources(<lang>.rs).
If not, english names are returned

Usage example(s):

     self dayNamesForLanguage:#en
     self dayNamesForLanguage:#de
     self dayNamesForLanguage:#fr   
     self dayNamesForLanguage:#es   

     self dayNamesForLanguage:#zulu 
     self dayNamesForLanguage:nil   

o  monthNamesForLanguage: languageOrNilForDefault
return a collection of month-names for a given language or the
current language if nil is given.
The returned strings depend on the resource translation file to be present for the
given language (i.e. libbasic/resources(<lang>.rs).
If not, english names are returned

Usage example(s):

     self monthNamesForLanguage:#en  
     self monthNamesForLanguage:#de  
     self monthNamesForLanguage:#de_at  
     self monthNamesForLanguage:#fr   
     self monthNamesForLanguage:#es   

     self monthNamesForLanguage:#zulu 
     self monthNamesForLanguage:nil   

o  nameOfDay: dayIndex
given a day index (1..7), return the name of the day

Usage example(s):

     Date nameOfDay:1
     Date nameOfDay:4

o  nameOfDay: dayIndex language: lang
given a day index (1..7), return the name of the day.
For nil, Smalltalk language is used,
for unknown languages, english is used.

Usage example(s):

     Date nameOfDay:4 language:#en

o  nameOfMonth: monthIndex
given a month index (1..12), return the name of the month

Usage example(s):

     Date nameOfMonth:11
     Date nameOfMonth:12
     Date nameOfMonth:4

o  nameOfMonth: monthIndex language: lang
given a month index (1..12), return the name of the month.
For nil, Smalltalk language is used,
for unknown languages, english is used.

Usage example(s):

     Date nameOfMonth:11 language:#en
     Date nameOfMonth:12 language:#en
     Date nameOfMonth:4  language:#en
     Date nameOfMonth:1  language:#de     => 'Januar'
     Date nameOfMonth:1  language:#de_de  => 'Januar'
     Date nameOfMonth:1  language:#de_at  => 'Jänner'

o  initDefaultNames
read the language specific names.

Usage example(s):

     Date initDefaultNames

o  initNames
read the language specific names.

Usage example(s):

     Date initNames

o  initNamesForLanguage: language
read the language specific names.

Usage example(s):

     Date initNamesForLanguage:#de.
     Date initNamesForLanguage:#de_at.
     Date initNamesForLanguage:#de_de.
     Date initNamesForLanguage:#de_auto.
     Date initNamesForLanguage:#en.
     Date initNamesForLanguage:#en_en.
     Date initNamesForLanguage:#en_au.
     Date initNamesForLanguage:#fr.
     Date initNamesForLanguage:#es.

o  initialize
Modified (comment): / 07-06-2023 / 10:43:03 / alkurz

o  resourcesForLanguage: language
guard for tinytalk (no libview)

instance creation
o  dateAndTimeNow
return an array filled with the current date and time.
As these provide no timezone info, this should be only used for user interface purposes.
See also: Date today / Time now / Timestamp now.

Usage example(s):

     Time dateAndTimeNow       
     Date dateAndTimeNow       

misc ui support
o  iconInBrowserSymbol
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
the browser will use this as index into the toolbariconlibrary

o  isAbstract
Return if this class is an abstract class.
True is returned here for myself only; false for subclasses.
Abstract subclasses must redefine this again.

Instance protocol:

o  monthAbbreviation
return the month of the receiver as a string.
The returned string depends on the language setting.
Expect things like 'jan', 'feb' ...

Usage example(s):

     Date today monthAbbreviation  

o  asDateAndTime
( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
return an Timestamp instance, representing midnight of last night

Usage example(s):

     Date today asDateAndTime

o  additionalPicoseconds
return the additional picoseconds within the current second (0..999999999).
Here, assume that we have none

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