Class: Bar (private in BarChart3DWidget
This class is only visible from within
- Package:
- stx:libwidg3
- Category:
- Views-Graphs
- Owner:
- BarChart3DWidget
- Author:
- Martin Walser (martin@vercingetorix)
One 3-dimensional-bar of a bar-chart-view.
[instance variables:]
color Color
origin Like with rectangle the most top left point
of the maximum bar, not of the real bar.
corner Like with rectangle the most bottom right point.
percentageHeight The 'value' of the bar, a value inbetwen 0,0 and 1.0
depthVector Depth of the bar as vector.
[class variables:]
defaultColorsAt: aNumber
Return a color for a number.
Use three different colors and alternate them for bigger numbers.
Caller gets always a usable bar-color.
Return a vector for the depths.
Holding direction and length of the depths of a bar.
Return the default extent of a display bar.
instance creation
for: aValue on: aBarChartView at: aPosition
Build a display bar on a view.
Return the corner.
Return the origin of this bar.
It is the origin of the maximum bar.
drawing required
drawIn: aDrawable offset: anOffset
Display yourself in a drawable.
Draws three sides of three dimensional bar.
Return the bounding box of the drawn real display bar.
As a side effect, leave the value in the frame variable.
You can see this box if you enable some line in the draw method.
Return the bounding box of the total potential display bar.
You can see this box if you enable some line in the draw method.
private accessing
Return the color.
If no color set, use first of defaults.
Return the percentage height of the bar.
Default is to be 100% = 1.0
private instance creation
for: aValue on: aBarChartView at: aPosition
Build a display bar.
Private - use only for instance creation.