Class: BinaryTreeNode
- Package:
- stx:libbasic2
- Category:
- Collections-Ordered-Trees
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2021/01/20 12:59:21
- user: cg
- file: BinaryTreeNode.st directory: libbasic2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2
goody from comp.lang.smalltalk;
original header:
Here's a complete implementation of a binary tree class:
The National Capital FreeNet, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
copyrightPublic domain (1996 published in c.l.s) no limitation on use.
This class is provided as-is, without any warranty.
It is not part of or covered by the ST/X copyright.
instance creation
data: data
Returns a new binary tree node, holding data
Returns a new binary tree with subtrees as binary tree nodes
data: anObject
leftSubtree: aBinaryTree
return the node holding the next value
return the previous value
return the node holding the previous value
rightSubtree: aBinaryTree
return the next value
do: aBlock
applies aBlock to each element's data in the binary tree in inorder
inOrderDo: aBlock
Traverses the elements of the binary tree in
LEFT - ROOT - RIGHT order,
applying a block to each node.
We use an iterative approach here, to avoid VM stack overflow
postOrderDo: aBlock
Traverses the elements of the binary tree in
LEFT - RIGHT - ROOT order,
applying a block to each node
preOrderDo: aBlock
Traverses the elements of the binary tree in
ROOT - LEFT - RIGHT order,
applying a block to each node
insert & delete
insert: aBinaryTreeNode
insert a node, comparing nodes using a default sort rule
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
insert: newBinaryTreeNode sortBlock: sortBlock
insert a node, comparing nodes using sortBlock
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
insertNode: aBinaryTreeNode
insert a node, comparing nodes using a default sort rule
insertNode: newBinaryTreeNode sortBlock: sortBlock
insert a node, comparing nodes using sortBlock
Usage example(s):
leftSubtree insertNode:newBinaryTreeNode sortBlock:sortBlock
Usage example(s):
rightSubtree insertNode:newBinaryTreeNode sortBlock:sortBlock
printDataOn: aStream
printOn: aStream
Append the ascii representation to aStream
printOn: aStream indent: i
Append the graphical ascii representation to aStream
private helpers
tree := BinaryTreeNode data:4.
#(2 6 1 3 5 7)
do:[:word |
tree insertNode:(BinaryTreeNode data:word).
tree printOn:Transcript indent:0. Transcript cr.
'---------------------------' printOn:Transcript. Transcript cr.
Transcript showCR:tree removeLeftRightMostNode.
tree printOn:Transcript indent:0. Transcript cr.
tree := BinaryTreeNode data:4.
#(2 6 1 3 5 7)
do:[:word |
tree insertNode:(BinaryTreeNode data:word).
tree printOn:Transcript indent:0. Transcript cr.
'---------------------------' printOn:Transcript. Transcript cr.
Transcript showCR:tree removeRightLeftMostNode.
tree printOn:Transcript indent:0. Transcript cr.
tree := BinaryTreeNode data:4.
#(2 6 1 3 5 7)
do:[:word |
tree insertNode:(BinaryTreeNode data:word).
Transcript showCR:tree.
Transcript showCR:(tree removeLeftRightMostNode).
Transcript showCR:tree.
removeValue: oldValue using: compareOp sortBlock: sortBlock
remove a value - returns a new treeNode, or nil if the value is not in the tree
Returns the depth of the binary tree (0 for leafs)
getTreeWithAnInteger: anInteger
Private - Returns the BinaryTree with data anInteger.
If anInteger not in the tree it returns nil.
Returns the in-order successor the of receiver.
(that is the leftMost node on the right side)
If receiver is empty then returns the receiver.
includesIdenticalValue: aValue sortBlock: sortBlock
return true, if aValue is contained as some node's data
includesValue: aValue sortBlock: sortBlock
return true, if some node's data is equal to aValue
returns true if the binary tree is empty and false otherwise
Returns true if self is a leaf
Returns the leftMost (smallest-valued) node
Returns the level of the binary tree (1 for leafs)
Returns the rightMost (largest-valued) node
Returns the size of the binary tree
manual building of a tree (but see BinaryTree for a collection-facade):
tree := BinaryTreeNode data:2.
tree leftSubtree:(BinaryTreeNode new data:1).
tree rightSubtree:(BinaryTreeNode new data:3).
tree printOn:Transcript.
tree := BinaryTreeNode data:'hello'.
#('the' 'quick' 'brown' 'fox' 'jumps' 'over' 'the' 'lazy' 'dogs')
do:[:word |
tree insert:(BinaryTreeNode data:word).
tree inOrderDo:[:node |
Transcript showCR:node data