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Documentation of class 'ByteCodeCompiler':



Class: ByteCodeCompiler



rev: 1.339 date: 2024/02/21 11:04:37
user: cg
file: ByteCodeCompiler.st directory: libcomp
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libcomp
Claus Gittinger


This class performs compilation into ByteCodes.
First, parsing is done using superclass methods,
then the parse-tree is converted into an array of symbolic codes
and a relocation table;
these two are finally combined into a byteArray of the codes.

(the intermediate step through symbolic codes is for debugging
 only - it may vanish in future releases)

There are many dependencies to the run-time-system (especially the
interpreter) in here - be careful when playing around ...

[Instance variables:]

    codeBytes       <ByteArry>              bytecodes
    codeIndex       <SmallInteger>          next index to put into code array
    litArray        <OrderedCollection>     literals
    stackDelta      <SmallInteger>          return value of byteCodeFor:
    extra           <Symbol>                return value of byteCodeFor:
    lineno          <Boolean>               return value of byteCodeFor:
    extraLiteral    <Symbol>                return value of byteCodeFor:
    maxStackDepth   <SmallInteger>          stack need of method
    relocList       <Array>                 used temporary for relocation

[Class variables:]

    JumpToAbsJump   <Dictionary>            internal table to map opcodes

    STCCompilationDefines                   passed to stc as command line arguments

    STCCompilation  <Symbol>                #always, #primitiveOnly or #never
                                            controls when stc compilation is wanted

    ShareCode       <Boolean>               reuse byteArrays for common (simple) code sequences
                                            This is normally a 'good' optimization,
                                            except if you plan to modify the byteCodes.


COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.


TOS - top of stack NOS - next on stack uu - byte-valued unsigned (0..16rFF) uuuu - twoByte-valued unsigned (0..16rFFFF); msb-first ll - byte-valued literal index (0..16rFF) nn - byte-valued signed (-128..+127) nnnn - twoByte-valued signed (16r-8000 .. 16r7FFF) Notes: - bytecode optimized for space, not interpreter speed, since JITTER is assumed to be present and compensate for decoding overhead. - number assignments due to backward compatible extensions of the bytecode set - reassignment & cleanup would be nice. - codes marked with (*) make the minimal set; all others duplicate the functionality of a minimalSet code, but provides dense encoding definition of ST/X byteCode: * 00 RET_TOP return TOS from current context 01 RET_NIL return nil from current context 02 RET_TRUE return true from current context 03 RET_FALSE return false from current context 04 RET_0 return 0 (zero) from current context 05 RET_SELF return the current receiver from current context * 06 DUP_OVER push NOS (used with inlined loops) * 07 HOME_RET_TOP return TOS from home context (method return from block) 08 uu LINENO line number information dummy * 09 uuuu LINENO16 line number information dummy 0A PUSH_NIL push nil onto stack 0B PUSH_TRUE push true onto stack 0C PUSH_FALSE push false onto stack 0D SEND_SELF self-send * 0E ll PUSH_LIT push a literal 0F PUSH_SELF push the current receiver onto stack 10 nn PUSH_NUM push a byte-valued smallInteger onto stack 11 nnnn PUSH_NUM16 push a twoByte-valued smallInteger onto stack * 12 DROP pop & forget * 13 SEND send * 14 SUPER_SEND super-send (actually: directed send) 15 SEND0 send 0-arg message 16 SEND1 send 1-arg message 17 SEND2 send 2-arg message 18 SEND3 send 3-arg message 19 SEND_DROP send & forget result 1A SEND0_DROP send 0-arg message & forget result 1B SEND1_DROP send 1-arg message & forget result 1C SEND2_DROP send 2-arg message & forget result 1D SEND3_DROP send 3-arg message & forget result * 1E PUSH_MARG push method arg * 1F PUSH_MVAR push method variable * 20 PUSH_BARG push block arg * 21 PUSH_BVAR push block variable * 22 PUSH_IVAR push instance variable 23 PUSH_CVAR -- obsolete -- no longer used. * 24 PUSH_GLOB push global * 25 STORE_MVAR pop and store into method variable * 26 STORE_BVAR pop and store into block variable * 27 STORE_IVAR pop and store into instance variable 28 STORE_CVAR -- obsolete -- no longer used. * 29 STORE_GLOB pop and store into global * 2A PUSH_OBARG push outer block arg (n levels) 2B PUSH_OBARG1 push outer block arg (1 level) 2C PUSH_OBARG2 push outer block arg (2 levels) 2D EQEQ == -> pop a,b; push a==b 2E NENE ~~ -> pop a,b; push a~~b * 2F DUP duplicate TOS 30 EQEQ0 ==0 -> pop a; push a==0 31 NENE0 ~~0 -> pop a; push a~~0 32 JMP_FALSE pop; branch if false 33 JMP_TRUE pop; branch if true 34 JMP_NIL pop; branch if nil 35 JMP_NOTNIL pop; branch if not nil 36 JMP branch always 37 MAKE_BLOCK make a block 38 JMP_ZERO pop; branch if ==0 39 JMP_NOTZERO pop; branch if ~~0 3A JMP_EQEQ pop a,b; branch if a==b 3B JMP_NENE pop a,b; branch if a~~b 3C JMPL_FALSE like above, extended branch delta, (add +128/-128 to offs) ... ... 45 JMPL_NENE like above, extended branch delta, (add +128/-128 to offs) 46 JMPVL_FALSE like above, extended branch delta, (add +256/-256 to offs) ... ... 4F JMPVL_NENE like above, extended branch delta, (add +256/-256 to offs) 50 PUSH_MVAR1 push method variable 1 (first variable) 51 PUSH_MVAR2 push method variable 2 52 PUSH_MVAR3 push method variable 3 53 PUSH_MVAR4 push method variable 4 54 PUSH_MVAR5 push method variable 5 55 PUSH_MVAR6 push method variable 6 56 PUSH_MARG1 push method arg 1 57 PUSH_MARG2 push method arg 2 58 PUSH_MARG3 push method arg 3 59 PUSH_MARG4 push method arg 4 5A PUSH_IVAR1 push inst variable 1 (first variable) 5B PUSH_IVAR2 push inst variable 2 5C PUSH_IVAR3 push inst variable 3 5D PUSH_IVAR4 push inst variable 4 5E PUSH_IVAR5 push inst variable 5 5F PUSH_IVAR6 push inst variable 6 60 PUSH_IVAR7 push inst variable 7 61 PUSH_IVAR8 push inst variable 8 62 PUSH_IVAR9 push inst variable 9 63 PUSH_IVAR10 push inst variable 10 64 STORE_MVAR1 pop and store into method variable 1 (first variable) 65 STORE_MVAR2 pop and store into method variable 2 66 STORE_MVAR3 pop and store into method variable 3 67 STORE_MVAR4 pop and store into method variable 4 68 STORE_MVAR5 pop and store into method variable 5 69 STORE_MVAR6 pop and store into method variable 6 6A unused 6B unused 6C unused 6D unused 6E STORE_IVAR1 pop and store into inst variable 1 (first variable) 6F STORE_IVAR2 pop and store into inst variable 2 70 STORE_IVAR3 pop and store into inst variable 3 71 STORE_IVAR4 pop and store into inst variable 4 72 STORE_IVAR5 pop and store into inst variable 5 73 STORE_IVAR6 pop and store into inst variable 6 74 STORE_IVAR7 pop and store into inst variable 7 75 STORE_IVAR8 pop and store into inst variable 8 76 STORE_IVAR9 pop and store into inst variable 9 77 STORE_IVAR10 pop and store into inst variable 10 78 PUSH_0 push smallinteger 0 constant 79 PUSH_1 push smallinteger 1 constant 7A PUSH_M1 push smallinteger -1 constant 7B SEND_PLUS1 send '+ 1' to TOS; replace TOS by result 7C SEND_MINUS1 send '- 1' to TOS; replace TOS by result 7D INC_MVAR send '+ 1' to a method variable; store result into same mvar (for inlined loops) 7E DEC_MVAR send '- 1' to a method variable; store result into same mvar (for inlined loops) 7F nn RET_NUM return a smallInteger from current context * 80 PUSH_OBVAR push outer block variable * 81 STORE_OBVAR pop and store into outer block variable 82 SEND_EQ send #= 83 SEND_PLUS send #+ 84 SEND_NE send #~= 85 SEND_MINUS send #- 86 SEND_CLASS send #class 87 SEND_AT send #at: 88 SEND_ATPUT send #at:put: 89 SEND_BITAND send #bitAnd: 8A SEND_BITOR send #bitOr: 8B PUSH_2 push constant 2 8C PUSH_BARG1 push block argument 1 8D PUSH_BARG2 8E PUSH_BARG3 8F PUSH_BARG4 * 90 PUSH_CONTEXT push thisContext 91 SEND_GT send > 92 SEND_GE send >= 93 SEND_LT send < 94 SEND_LE send <= 95 UNUSED_149 obsolete; was: send #next 96 UNUSED_150 obsolete; was: send #peek 97 SEND_VALUE send #value 98 SEND_VALUE1 send #value: 99 SEND_SIZE send #size 9A UNUSED_154 9B UNUSED_155 9C MK0BLOCK make a 0-returning block 9D MKNILBLOCK make a nil-returning block 9E UNUSED_158 obsolete; was: send #asInteger */ 9F UNUSED_159 obsolete; was: send #rounded */ A0 RET_MVAR1 return method variable 1 from current context A1 RET_MVAR2 return method variable 2 from current context A2 RET_MVAR3 A3 RET_MVAR4 A4 RET_MVAR5 A5 RET_MVAR6 return method variable 6 from current context A6 RET_IVAR1 return instance variable 1 from current context A7 RET_IVAR2 return instance variable 2 from current context A8 RET_IVAR3 A9 RET_IVAR4 AA RET_IVAR5 AB RET_IVAR6 AC RET_IVAR7 AD RET_IVAR8 return instance variable 8 from current context AE RET_MARG1 return method arg 1 from current context AF RET_MARG2 return method arg 1 from current context B0 PUSH_CIVAR obsolete; push class instance variable B1 STORE_CIVAR obsolete; store top of stack in class instance variable B2 SEND_VALUE2 send #value:value: B3 SEND_NOT send #not B4 SEND_SELF0 send a 0-arg message to self B5 SEND_SELF1 send a 1-arg message to self B6 SEND_SELF2 send a 2-arg message to self B7 SEND_SELF3 send a 3-arg message to self B8 SEND_SELF_DROP0 send a 0-arg message to self forget result B9 SEND_SELF_DROP1 send a 1-arg message to self forget result BA SEND_SELF_DROP2 send a 2-arg message to self forget result BB SEND_SELF_DROP3 send a 3-arg message to self forget result BC ISNIL replace TOS by 'TOS isNil' BD NOTNIL replace TOS by 'TOS notNil' BE uuuu JMPA_FALSE jumps to absolute offset (2 byte hi-lo) BF uuuu JMPA_TRUE C0 uuuu JMPA_NIL C1 uuuu JMPA_NOTNIL C2 uuuu JMPA C3 MAKE_ABLOCK C4 uuuu JMPA_ZERO C5 uuuu JMPA_NOTZERO C6 uuuu JMPA_EQ C7 uuuu JMPA_NOTEQ C8 xx PUSH_GSPECIAL push a special global; xx specifies what: 00 Array (push 'Smalltalk at:#Array'; i.e. the Array class) 01 String (push 'Smalltalk at:#String'; i.e. the String class) 02 FloatArray 03 DoubleArray 04 Point 05 Symbol 06 Smalltalk 07 Processor 08 SmallInteger 09 Character 0A Float 0B Process 0C Set 0D IdentitySet 0E Dictionary 0F IdentityDictionary 10 Semaphore 11 OrderedCollection C9 uuuu PUSH_LLIT push a literal (2-byte literal-number) CA nn JMP_FALSE_L jump if top is false (+127 .. -128) CB nn JMP_TRUE_L jump if top is true CC UNUSED_204 CD LSEND_MSG send with 16 bit literal index */ CE LSUPERSEND_MSG super send with 16 bit literal index */ CF LSEND_SELF self-send send with 16 bit literal index */ D0 PUSH_GT0 push 'TOS > 0'; leaves original TOS as NOS D1 UNUSED_209 D2 SEND_ARRAY_NEW use for new/basicNew; top is size (0 for Array new) D3 SEND_BASICNEW top is class (receiver) D4 SEND_GT0 replace TOS by result of send 'TOS > 0' D5 SEND_NEW top is class (receiver) D6 SEND_BASICNEWN top is class (receiver) and arg D7 SEND_NEWN top is class (receiver) and arg D8 SEND_LOGAND send & D9 SEND_LOGOR send | DA uuuu PUSH_LGLOB push global variable word index literal DB uuuu STORE_LGLOB store global with word index literal DC UNUSED_220 DE UNUSED_221 DF PUSH_LIT1 push 1st literal E0 PUSH_LIT2 push 2nd literal E1 PUSH_LIT3 push literal 3 E2 PUSH_LIT4 push literal 4 E3 PUSH_LIT5 push literal 5 E4 PUSH_LIT6 push literal 6 E5 PUSH_LIT7 push literal 7 E6 PUSH_LIT8 push literal 8 E7 SEND_MUL send #* E8 xx SEND_SPECIAL special send; as specified by xx: 00 top send #top 01 bottom send #bottom 02 left send #left 03 right send #right 04 x send #x 05 y send #y 06 width send #width 07 height send #height 08 origin send #origin 09 extent send #extent 0A asInteger send #asInteger 0B rounded send #rounded 0C next send #next 0D peek send #peek E9 PUSH_BVAR1 push block variable 1 EA PUSH_BVAR2 push block variable 2 EB PUSH_BVAR3 push block variable 3 EC STORE_BVAR1 store TOS in block variable 1 and drop ED STORE_BVAR2 store TOS in block variable 2 and drop EE STORE_BVAR3 store TOS in block variable 3 and drop * EF BLOCK_REF internal - check if a block is referenced by TOS F0 PUSH_LVAR push local variable 0..numArgs-1 for args; numArgs..numArgs+nLocal-1 for mVars F1 STORE_LVAR store local variable 0..numArgs-1 for args; numArgs..numArgs+nLocal-1 for mVars F2 STORE_OUTBLOCK_LVAR store local variable in outer context 0..numArgs-1 for args; numArgs..numArgs+nLocal-1 for bVars F3 SWAP swap TOS with NOS F4 UNUSED_244 F5 UNUSED_245 F6 UNUSED_246 F7 UNUSED_247 F8 UNUSED_248 F9 UNUSED_249 FA UNUSED_250 FB UNUSED_251 FC UNUSED_252 FD UNUSED_253 FE UNUSED_254 FF UNUSED_255

Class protocol:

compiling methods
o  compile: methodText forClass: classToCompileFor
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: aString forClass: aClass inCategory: cat
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
The method will get cat as category.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: aString forClass: aClass inCategory: cat notifying: requestor
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
errors are forwarded to requestor.
The method will get cat as category.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: aString forClass: aClass inCategory: cat notifying: requestor install: install
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
The install-argument controls if the method is to be installed into the
classes method-dictionary, or just to be compiled and a method object to be returned.
Errors are forwarded to requestor. The method will get cat as category.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: aString forClass: aClass inCategory: cat notifying: requestor install: install skipIfSame: skipIfSame
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
The install-argument controls if the method is to be installed into the
classes method-dictionary, or just to be compiled and a method object to be returned.
Errors are forwarded to requestor. The method will get cat as category.
If skipIsSame is true, and the source is the same as an existing
methods source, this is a noop (for fast fileIn).
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: aString forClass: aClass inCategory: cat notifying: requestor install: install skipIfSame: skipIfSame silent: silent
compile a source-string for a method in aClass.
errors are forwarded to requestor.
The method will get cat as category.
if install is true, the method is installed in the class.
if skipIfSame, the method is not installed if there is no change
(used when filing in).
if silent is true, no warnings are output.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: aStringArg forClass: aClassArg inCategory: cat notifying: requestor install: install skipIfSame: skipIfSame silent: silent foldConstants: fold
the basic workhorse method for compiling:
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
errors are forwarded to requestor
(report on Transcript and return #Error, if requestor is nil).

The new method will get cat as category.
If install is true, the method will go into the classes method-table,
otherwise the method is simply returned (for anonymous methods).
If skipIsSame is true, and the source is the same as an existing
methods source, this is a noop (for fast fileIn).
The argument, silent controls if errors are to be reported.
Returns the method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: methodText forClass: classToCompileFor install: doInstall
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
The install-argument controls if the method is to be installed into the
classes method-dictionary, or just to be compiled and a method object to be returned.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: methodText forClass: classToCompileFor notifying: requestor
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
Errors are forwarded to requestor.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: textOrStream in: aClass notifying: requestor ifFail: exceptionBlock
name alias for ST-80 compatibility.
Returns the new method, or the value from exceptionBlock.

o  compile: textOrStream in: aClass notifying: requestor install: install ifFail: exceptionBlock
name alias for ST-80 compatibility.
Returns the new method, or the value from exceptionBlock.

o  stcCompileMethod: aMethod

o  byteCodeFor: aSymbol
returns the numeric code for some symbolic bytecodes.

o  allowExtensionsToPrivateClasses

o  asYetUncategorizedMethodCategory

o  defaultMethodCategory
^ '** As yet uncategorized **'.

o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
usually set to true in your .rc file

o  newCodeSet

o  newCodeSet: aBoolean
ByteCodeCompiler newCodeSet:true

o  newPrimitives

o  newPrimitives: aBoolean
ByteCodeCompiler newPrimitives:true

instance creation
o  new
Pretty ugly hack. A caller to compiler may provide a set of breakpoints

o  stringWithSimpleCRs: aString

stc compilation defaults
o  canCreateMachineCode
return true, if compilation to machine code is supported.
Currently, all SYSV4, Linux and WinNT/XP systems do so;
REAL/IX and HPUX9.x do not
(due to the need for dynamic loading of object files, which is not supported by those).
MIPS ULTRIX is almost finished, but not yet released.
(late note - we no longer care for REAL/IX, HPUX9.x and MIPS ULTRIX)

Usage example(s):

     Compiler canCreateMachineCode

o  ccCompilationOptions
return the options used with cc compilation.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  ccCompilationOptions: aString
define the compilation options
to be used when compiling to machine code.
These are passed to cc. Can be set from your private.rc file.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  ccPath
return the path to (name of) the cc command for incremental method compilation.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  ccPath: aPathOrCommandName
set the path to the cc command for incremental method compilation.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcCompilation
return the flag which controls compilation to machine code.
If #always, methods are always compiled to machine code (which takes
longer, but provides faster code). If #none, methods are never compiled
to machine code, instead for non-primitive ones, compilation is to bytecode
and for primitive ones, a trapping stub is generated.
Anything else lets the compiler compile to bytecode,
except for methods containing primitive code.
This can be set from your private.rc file or from a workspace
for selective compilation to machine code.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcCompilation: how
set the flag which controls compilation to machine code.
If #always, methods are always compiled to machine code (which takes
longer, but provides faster code). If #none, methods are never compiled
to machine code, instead for non-primitive ones, compilation is to bytecode
and for primitive ones, a trapping stub is generated.
Anything else lets the compiler compile to bytecode,
except for methods containing primitive code.
This can be set from your private.rc file or from a workspace
for selective compilation to machine code.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcCompilationDefines
return the defines used with stc compilation.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcCompilationDefines: aString
define the flags (for example, additional -D defines)
to be used when compiling to machine code.
These are passed to stc. Can be set from your private.rc file.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcCompilationIncludes
return the includes used with stc compilation.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcCompilationIncludes: aString
define the include directories via additional -I flags.
These are passed to stc. Can be set in your private.rc file.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcCompilationOptions
return the options used with stc compilation.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcCompilationOptions: aString
define the compilation options
to be used when compiling to machine code.
These are passed to stc. Can be set from your private.rc file.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcModulePath
return the path, where temporary modules are created.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcModulePath: aPath
set the path to the directory, where temporary modules are created.
Obsolete; knowledge moved to parserFlags,
where it is also obsolete now, as this should not be set from the outside,
but instead rely totally on the userPreferences.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcPath
return the path to the stc command, or nil if not found.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcPath: aPath
set the path to the stc command - useful if private stc is wanted.
This method remains here for backward compatibility (older script files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  stcPathOf: command
return the path to an stc command, or nil if not found.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

Instance protocol:

o  compile: textOrStream in: aClass notifying: requestor ifFail: exceptionBlock
name alias for ST-80 compatibility

o  compile: textOrStream in: aClass notifying: requestor install: install ifFail: exceptionBlock
name alias for ST-80 compatibility

o  from: aStream class: aClass context: ctx notifying: aRequestor

o  code
return the bytecode array - only valid after code-generation

o  literalArray
return the literal array - only valid after parsing

o  maxStackDepth
return the stack-need of the method - only valid after code-generation

o  methodClass

o  methodClass: aClass

code generation
o  byteCodeFor: aSymbol
given a symbolic instruction, return the corresponding bytecode.
as a side-effect, leave number of bytes pushed/popped by this instr.
in stackDelta, and, if the instruction needs extra arguments, leave
this info in extra. Also lineno is set to true, if this code has line
information and extraLiteral is set if any hidden send is performed by it.

o  checkForCommonCode: symbolicCodeArray
hook to return the code for common code sequences.
This reduces the in-memory number of byteArrays somewhat.

Not yet fully implemented - just an idea ... there is certainly more to do here
(does it make sense to scan all methods, collect code in a set and unify things
automatically in the background - or upon request ?)

o  checkForPrimitiveCode: nr
return the code for an ST-80 primitive method.
Since many primitives available on ST-80 should also be available
somewhere in ST/X, this may work for many primitive numbers.
However, more information is needed and more things to be added below.

This was added to allow emulation of (some) ST-80
primitives (to fileIn RemoteInvocation & Monitor41 packages)

o  codeLineNumber: nr on: codeStream
generate lineNumber information

o  createMethod
fixup CheapBlocks method-field in literal array,

o  genByteCodeFrom: symbolicCodeArray
convert symbolicCode into bytecodes

o  genSpecialStatement: selector on: codeStream
generate: thisContext selector (to force a context).

o  genSymbolicCode
traverse the parse-tree producing symbolicCode - return the codeArray

o  generateVariables: varCollection on: codeStream
generate code to set it up.

o  relocateWith: symbolicCodeArray relocInfo: relocInfo
helper for genByteCodeFrom - relocate code using relocInfo.
if relocation fails badly (due to long relative jumps) patch
symbolicCode to use absolute jumps instead and return false
(genByteCodeFrom will then try again). Otherwise return true.
Also, on the fly, jumps to jumps and jumps to return are handled.

code generation helpers
o  absJumpFromJump: code
given a jump-symbolic code, return corresponding absolute jump

o  addLiteral: anObject
add a literal to the literalArray - watch for and eliminate
duplicates. return the index of the literal in the Array

o  addReloc: symIndex
remember to relocate offset at symIndex later ...

o  addTempVar
add a temporary variable; return its position (1-based).
Used when a block with args/locals is inlined.

o  appendByte: aByte
append a byte to the code-Array, checking for byte-range (debug-only)

o  appendByteCodeFor: codeSymbol
append the byteCode for an instructionSymbol to the code-Array

o  appendEmptyByte
append an empty byte to the code-Array

o  appendEmptyLong
append an empty long (4 bytes) to the code-Array

o  appendEmptyShort
append an empty short (2 bytes) to the code-Array

o  appendLongWord: aWord
append an unsigned long word (low-high) to the code-Array,
checking for long word-range (debug-only)

o  appendSignedByte: aByte
append a signedbyte (as in jump-offsets) to the code-Array,
check range and report an error if invalid

o  appendSignedWord: aWord
append a signed word to the code-Array,
check range and report an error if invalid

o  appendWord: aWord
append an unsigned word (low-high) to the code-Array,
checking for word-range (debug-only)

o  nameSpaceSelectorFor: aSymbol
Caring for the current namespace, return the real selector used for a send.

o  removeTempVar
remove a temporary variable

code generation hooks
o  startCodeGenerationHookOn: codeStream
invoked before code is generated;
gives subclasses a chance to prepare and to inject code to be
executed on entry (instrumentation)

o  compile: aString forClass: aClass inCategory: cat
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
The method will get cat as category.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: aStringArg forClass: aClassArg inCategory: cat notifying: aRequestor install: install skipIfSame: skipIfSame silent: silent foldConstants: fold
ParseError new

o  compile: sourceCodeStringArg forClass: aClassArg inCategory: cat notifying: aRequestor install: install skipIfSame: skipIfSame silent: silent foldConstants: fold ifFail: failBlockWithOptionalArgument
the basic workhorse method for compiling:
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
errors are forwarded to requestor
(report on Transcript and return the value of failBlock, if requestor is nil).

The new method will get cat as category.
If install is true, the method will go into the classes method-table,
otherwise the method is simply returned (for anonymous methods).
If skipIsSame is true, and the source is the same as an existing
methods source, this is a noop (for fast fileIn).
The argument, silent controls if errors are to be reported.
Returns the method, #Error or nil.

o  compile: methodText forClass: aBehavior install: doInstall
compile a source-string for a method in classToCompileFor.
The install-argument controls if the method is to be installed into the
classes method-dictionary, or just to be compiled and a method object to be returned.
Returns the new method, #Error or nil.

o  compileTree: aTree forClass: aClass
given an already parsed AST, generate code and return a method

o  compileTree: aMethodNode forClass: aClass ifFail: failBlock
given an already parsed AST, generate code and return a method

o  showErrorNotification: message

error handling
o  codeGeneratorError: aMessage

machine code generation
o  trappingStubMethodFor: aString inCategory: cat
return a stub method which traps and reports an error whenever

o  hasLineNumber: sel
return true, if special send code needs lineNr

o  isBuiltInSelector: sel forReceiver: receiver
return true, if selector sel is built-in.
(i.e. there is a single bytecode for it)

o  isCompiling
return true if compiling code as opposed to evaluating

o  numberOfTempVars
return the number of additional temporary variables which
were created from inlined blocks (valid after parsing)

o  specialGlobalCodeFor: aSymbol
codeExtension for globals,
which can be accessed by specialGlobal opCode

o  specialGlobals
list of globals which can be accessed by specialGlobal opCode;
adding any here requires a new VM (i.e. you cannot change it)

o  specialSendCodeFor: sel
return the codeExtension for sends,
which can be performed by specialSend opCode

o  specialSends
list of selectors which can be sent by specialSend opCode;
adding any here requires a new VM (i.e. you cannot change it)


a GNU-Smalltalk method:
<category: ''tests''>

^ 123
    forClass: Object

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