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Documentation of class 'CharacterSetView':



Class: CharacterSetView



rev: 1.68 date: 2024/04/22 17:06:09
user: stefan
file: CharacterSetView.st directory: libwidg2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg2


Can be used both as an informative display of a font's characters
(opened via the fontPanel's-preview-popUpMenu)
or to insert characters into a textView 
(opened by a textEditor's misc-specialCharacters menu).

    Claus Gittinger


COPYRIGHT (c) 2004 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  new
(comment from inherited method)
create a new drawable - take the current display as
its device (for now, this may be changed until the view is
physically created)

o  open
open as a top view

Usage example(s):

     self open

o  openAsInputFor: aView label: viewLabel clickLabel: clickLabel
open as a top view

o  openOn: aFont
open as a top view

Usage example(s):

     self openOn:(View defaultFont).

o  openOn: aFont in: aTopView label: viewLabel clickLabel: clickLabel asInputFor: aConsumingView encoder: aCharacterEncoderOrNilArg
show aFont inside aTopView

Usage example(s):

     self openOn:(View defaultFont).
     self openOn:(Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12 encoding:'iso10646-1').

o  openOn: aFont label: viewLabel clickLabel: clickLabel
open as a top view

o  openOn: aFont label: viewLabel clickLabel: clickLabel asInputFor: aView
open as a top view

Usage example(s):

     self openOn:(View defaultFont).
     self openOn:(Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12 encoding:'iso10646-1').

o  openOn: aFont label: viewLabel clickLabel: clickLabel asInputFor: aConsumingView encoder: aCharacterEncoderOrNil
open as a top view as a virtual keyboard

Usage example(s):

     self openOn:(View defaultFont).
     self openOn:(Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12 encoding:'iso10646-1').

o  openOn: aFont select: aCharacterOrCodePointOrNil
open as a top view

Usage example(s):

     self openOn:(View defaultFont) select:$a.
     self openOn:(View defaultFont) select:95.
     self openOn:(View defaultFont) select:0x2211.
     self openOn:(View defaultFont) select:nil.

Instance protocol:

o  codePage
the page (code // 256) being shown

o  codePage: pageNr
the page (code // 256) being shown

o  codePageHolder
holdes on the page (code // 256) being shown

o  consumingView
the view I will send key-events to when clicked

o  consumingView: aView
the view I will send key-events to when clicked

o  encoder: aCharacterEncoder

o  select: aCharacterOrCodePointOrNil

o  selectedCodePoint
the codepoint of the selected character (highlighted)

o  selectedCodePoint: anInteger
the codepoint of the selected character (highlighted)

o  selectedCodePointHolder
holds on the codepoint of the selected character (highlighted)

o  useSameFontAs: aView

change & update
o  codePageChanged
self clear.

o  selectedCodePointChanged

o  update: something with: aParameter from: changedObject

o  redraw
(self extent:300@600) open

o  sizeChanged: how from: oldExtentOrNil
my view has changed the size (not the contents)

event handling
o  buttonPress: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
button was pressed - check my components for a hit.

o  keyPress: key x: x y: y
others are forwarded to the controlled view

initialization & release
o  destroy
(comment from inherited method)
unmap & destroy - make me invisible, destroy subviews then
make me unknown to the device

o  initialize
Modified (format): / 08-01-2019 / 14:26:23 / Claus Gittinger

o  computePreferredExtent
(comment from inherited method)
return my computed preferred extent - this is the minimum size I would like to have.
If there are any components, a rectangle enclosing them
is returned. Otherwise, the actual extent is returned.


CharacterSetView openOn:(Button defaultFont).

    label:'Input to Transcript'
    clickLabel:'Click to input character'

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 08:08:53 GMT