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Documentation of class 'CodeCompletionHelpView':



Class: CodeCompletionHelpView



rev: 1.28 date: 2023/08/15 08:41:26
user: cg
file: CodeCompletionHelpView.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool


used with code completion suggestions


COPYRIGHT (c) 2013 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  with: aView
create a talking-view wrapping some other view

Usage example(s):

     (ActiveHelpView with:(TextView new)) realize
     (ActiveHelpView with:(TextView new)) open
     (ActiveHelpView with:(Button label:'ok')) open

Instance protocol:

o  closeOnPointerLeave: aBoolean

o  editView: aView
my code editor view

o  withView: aView
set the component view

event handling
o  delayedClose

o  delayedDestroy

o  delayedUnmap

o  focusIn
(comment from inherited method)
got keyboard focus - do nothing here

o  focusOut
(comment from inherited method)
lost keyboard focus (via the window manager).
Nothing done here

o  handlesButtonMotion: state inView: aView

o  handlesButtonPress: state inView: aView

o  handlesButtonRelease: state inView: aView

o  handlesKeyPress: key inView: aView

o  handlesKeyRelease: key inView: aView

o  handlesPointerEnter: state inView: aView
^ true

o  handlesPointerLeave: state inView: aView
^ true

o  installDelayedClose

o  keyPress: key x: x y: y view: aView
close now

o  pointerEnter: state x: x y: y view: view

o  pointerLeave: state view: view

o  uninstallDelayedClose

o  checkForClosedOrRaisedEditor
Transcript showCR:editView.

o  enableDelegation

o  initStyle
setup viewStyle specifics

o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
must be called if redefined

o  mapped
install a watcher to check for the editView being still present

o  raise
(comment from inherited method)
bring to front

o  realize
self computeShape.

o  release

o  unmapped
(comment from inherited method)
the view has been unmapped
(either by some outside action - i.e. window manager iconified me,
or due to unmapping of my parentView).

o  resizeToFit
resize myself to make the component view fit

o  isPopUpView
return true - I am a popUp type of view (no decoration, raise-to-top)

o  wantsFocusWithButtonPress
DEFINITELY not, because if we do so,
the editView looses focus on click, and sends me to hell in its lost focus handling!
So I will be terminated by a buttonPress, before I get a chance to handle the buttonRelease
(in which I fire my action)

o  wantsFocusWithPointerEnter
DEFINITELY not, because if we do so,
the editView looses focus on entry, and sends me to hell in its lost focus handling!
So I will be terminated by a motion

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