Class: HttpRequest (in Comanche)
- Package:
- stx:goodies/webServer/comanche/swiki
- Category:
- Comanche-Kom-Protocol-HTTP
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2005/12/01 16:09:33
- user: stefan
- file: HttpRequest.st directory: goodies/webServer/comanche/swiki
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: swiki
kom/4.12 (Comanche/4.12)
bolot 2/20/2002 13:53
- rawUrl = the entire request string
- url = rawUrl up to ?
- queryString = rawUrl after the first ?
- rawUrl == url?queryString
HttpRequest (bolot 4/2/2001 18:51)
- HTTP request object wrapper
- handles details of HTTP
-- headers, formats, etc.
- as of kom47, handles multipart posts
- in kom49 (or kom50) a minor refactoring will happen
> endOfRequestHeaderMarker">endOfRequestHeaderMarker
This marks the end of an HTTP request (two consecutive CR-LFs)
> hashPassword:">hashPassword: aPassword
> secretWord">secretWord
a string used in hashing passwords
> defaultContentType">defaultContentType
> defaultMethod">defaultMethod
> defaultProtocol">defaultProtocol
> defaultUrl">defaultUrl
> initialize">initialize
(comment from inherited method)
called only once - initialize signals
instance creation
> readFromStream:">readFromStream: aStream
> contentLength">contentLength
> contentType">contentType
get rid of charset field
> cookies">cookies
answer a dictionary with the cookies in the request
> endOfRequestHeaderMarker">endOfRequestHeaderMarker
> getFields">getFields
retrieve fields encoded in the URL: http://aha/ha?a=1&b=2
> header">header
> header:">header: aDict
> host">host
> localAddress">localAddress
Answer the address of the request originator
> localPort">localPort
Answer the address of the request originator
> method">method
> method:">method: aString
> multiValueFormFields">multiValueFormFields
> multiValueFormFieldsDisable">multiValueFormFieldsDisable
disable use of multi-value form fields
> multiValueFormFieldsEnable">multiValueFormFieldsEnable
enable use of multi-value form fields
> postFields">postFields
Answer the multipart fields for a post request (if in fact this is a
POST request
> protocol">protocol
> queryString">queryString
> queryString:">queryString: aString
> rawPostFields">rawPostFields
save the POST form fields as is, for future processing, see #postFields
> rawUrl">rawUrl
> referer">referer
> remoteAddress">remoteAddress
> remoteAddress:">remoteAddress: aRemoteAddress
> stream">stream
> stream:">stream: something
> stxHttpRequest">stxHttpRequest
> stxHttpRequest:">stxHttpRequest: something
> timestamp">timestamp
> timestamp:">timestamp: aTimestamp
> url">url
> url:">url: aUrl
> user">user
currently, only basic authentication is supported
connection mgt
> isPersistentConnection">isPersistentConnection
> defaultContentType">defaultContentType
> defaultMethod">defaultMethod
> defaultProtocol">defaultProtocol
> defaultUrl">defaultUrl
> destroy">destroy
> initRemoteAddress">initRemoteAddress
> initStatusString:">initStatusString: aString
self protocol: statusLine third
> initUrl:">initUrl: aString
> initializeFromStream:">initializeFromStream: aStream
[(self readRequestHeaderFrom: stream)
> readRequestHeaderFrom:">readRequestHeaderFrom: aStream
force reading/parsing post fields
multipart forms
> multipartBoundary">multipartBoundary
boundary specification in the HTTP header looks like:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=BOUNDARY
> multipartFormFieldsDo:">multipartFormFieldsDo: aBlock
request multipartFormFieldsDo: [:chunk |
chunk saveToStream: aStream].
> nextChunkHeader">nextChunkHeader
Read the next multipart data chunk's header
> printOn:">printOn: printStream
(comment from inherited method)
append a user printed representation of the receiver to aStream.
The format is suitable for a human - not meant to be read back.
The default here is to output the receiver's class name.
BUT: this method is heavily redefined for objects which
can print prettier.
> writeOn:">writeOn: aStream
this can be used to form a client-side request and send it over network
> parseCookies:">parseCookies: aString
PRIVATE: Parse a string in the format:
> badRequest">badRequest
> redirectTo:">redirectTo: aUrl
> unauthorizedFor:">unauthorizedFor: realm
response cookies
> responseCookies">responseCookies
cookies that need to be set
> setCookieName:value:expiresDate:expiresTime:path:domain:secure:">setCookieName: nameString value: valueString expiresDate: expiresDate expiresTime: expiresTime path: pathString domain: domainString secure: secureBoolean
set a cookie in the Response
> setCookieName:value:path:">setCookieName: nameString value: valueString path: pathString
set a cookie in the Response
> isGetRequest">isGetRequest
> isHeaderRequest">isHeaderRequest
> isPostRequest">isPostRequest
user authentication
> clearPassword">clearPassword
> getUsername">getUsername
> hashPassword:">hashPassword: aPassword
> isUsername:password:">isUsername: aUsername password: aPassword
> secretWord">secretWord
> setUsername:">setUsername: aUsername
save the username in a cookie
> setUsername:password:">setUsername: aUsername password: aPassword
save the username/password in cookies
> userObject">userObject
> userObject:">userObject: anObject