Class: STTComancheModel (in Comanche)
- Package:
- stx:goodies/webServer/comanche/stt
- Category:
- Comanche-STT
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2005/12/05 00:35:02
- user: stefan
- file: STTComancheModel.st directory: goodies/webServer/comanche/stt
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: stt
- Author:
- Federico Gregorio Stilman
STT (Smalltalk Templates) support.
Enables embedding Smalltalk code in HTML and other documents too.
7 July 2002
instance creation
newOn: aModel
Creates an instance of the receiver on aModel
Returns the receiver's application model.
NOTE: we choose the shortcut selector #model instead of #applicationModel
considering that references to 'self model' are very common on STT templates,
and to avoid long names on scripting
Returns the receiver's request
request: aRequest
Sets the receiver's request to be aRequest
Returns the receiver's service.
Thats the instance of ComancheSTTService, which forwards the requests to STT.
(it can, for example, be asked for its link)
service: aService
Sets the receiver's service to be aService
sttFilePath: something
initializeOn: aModel
Initialize and sets the receiver's application model to aModel
printOn: aStream
(comment from inherited method)
append a user printed representation of the receiver to aStream.
The format is suitable for a human - not meant to be read back.
The default here is to output the receiver's class name.
BUT: this method is heavily redefined for objects which
can print prettier.