Class: ExceptionHandlerSet
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- Kernel-Exceptions
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2021/01/20 14:25:11
- user: cg
- file: ExceptionHandlerSet.st directory: libbasic
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
An ExceptionHandlerSet allows a group of unrelated signals to be handled
by individual handlers - their evaluation is equivalent to a corresponding
number of nested signal handlers, but more efficient and
somwehat easier to program and read.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1999 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
on: aSignalOrException handle: aHandler
add a handler for aSignal to the set
accepts: aSignalOrExceptionClass
return true, if the receiver accepts the argument, aSignal.
(i.e. if any of the receiver's elements is aSignal or a parent of it).
exceptionHandlerFor: anException in: aContext
answer the exceptionHandler for anException from aContext.
handlerForSignal: signal
answer the handler block for signal
handlerForSignal: exceptionCreator context: theContext originator: originator
answer the handler block for the signal from originator.
The block is retrieved from aContext.
Answer nil if the signal is not handled
handlerProtectedBlock: doBlock inContext: context
set the handlerProtectedBlock in context
handles: anException
return true, if the receiver handles the argument, anException.
(i.e. if any of the receiver's elements handles anException).
Usage example(s):
(eachExceptionHandler handles:anException) ifTrue:[^ true]
save evaluation
handleDo: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock.
If any of the signals in the receiver is raised during evaluation,
evaluate the handleBlock passing it an Exception argument.
The handler may decide how to react to the signal by sending
a corresponding message to the exception (see there).
If the signal is not raised, return the value of evaluating
Usage example(s):
|h num|
h := ExceptionHandlerSet new.
h on:(Number divisionByZeroSignal)
handle:[:ex | 'division by zero' printNL. ex proceed].
h on:(Object haltSignal)
handle:[:ex | 'halt encountered ' printNL. ex proceed].
h on:(Float domainErrorSignal)
handle:[:ex | 'domain error ' printNL. ex proceed].
h handleDo:[
num := 0.
'now dividing' printNL.
1 // num.
'now doing bad arcSin' printNL.
num := 50.
num arcSin.
'now halting' printNL.
self halt.
handleDo: aBlock from: originator
evaluate the argument, aBlock.
If any of the signals in the receiver is raised during evaluation,
evaluate the handleBlock passing it an Exception argument.
The handler may decide how to react to the signal by sending
a corresponding message to the exception (see there).
If the signal is not raised, return the value of evaluating
Usage example(s):
|h num|
h := ExceptionHandlerSet new.
h on:(Number divisionByZeroSignal)
handle:[:ex | 'division by zero' printNL. ex proceed].
h on:(Object haltSignal)
handle:[:ex | 'halt encountered ' printNL. ex proceed].
h on:(Float domainErrorSignal)
handle:[:ex | 'domain error ' printNL. ex proceed].
h handleDo:[
'now halting' printNL.
self halt.
'the following exceptions are not handled.
A debugger is opened' printNL.
'now dividing' printNL.
num := 0.
1 // num.
'now doing bad arcSin' printNL.
num := 50.
num arcSin.
] from:self
on: anExceptionHandlerOrHandlerCollection do: aHandlerBlock
add a handler for aSignal to the set.
anExceptionHandlerOrHandlerCollection may be a single exceptionHandler or
a Collection of exceptionHandlers (e.g. Array or SignalSet)
return true, if the receiver responds to the exception handler protocol,
especially to the #accepts: and #handles: messages
|h num|
h := ExceptionHandlerSet new.
h on:ZeroDivide
do:[:ex | 'division by zero' printCR. ex proceed].
h on:HaltInterrupt
do:[:ex | 'halt encountered ' printCR. ex proceed].
h on:DomainError
do:[:ex | 'domain error ' printCR. ex proceed].
h handleDo:[
num := 0.
'now dividing' printCR.
1 // num.
'now doing bad arcSin' printCR.
num := 50.
num arcSin.
'now halting' printCR.
self halt.
|h num|
h := ExceptionHandlerSet new.
h on:ZeroDivide
do:[:ex | 'division by zero' printCR. ex proceed].
h on:HaltInterrupt
do:[:ex | 'halt encountered ' printCR. ex proceed].
h on:DomainError
do:[:ex | 'domain error ' printCR. ex proceed].
num := 0.
'now dividing' printCR.
1 // num.
'now doing bad arcSin' printCR.
num := 50.
num arcSin.
'now halting' printCR.
self halt.
] valueWithExceptionHandler:h