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Documentation of class 'ExtendedComboBox':



Class: ExtendedComboBox



rev: 1.84 date: 2019/08/11 17:49:56
user: cg
file: ExtendedComboBox.st directory: libwidg2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg2
Claus Atzkern


An ExtendedComboBox looks much like a ComboBox, but allows for any view
to be popped up 
(in contrast to a ComboBox, which has a hardWired selectionInListmenu).

The popped view may optionally be decorated with scrollBars.
As a side effect, an ExtendedComboBox with a SelectionInListView or Menu
can now be used as a replacement for ComboBoxes when long-lists are to be shown,
since those can now be scrolled or defined as hierarchical lists.

Related information:


Instance protocol:

o  contents
return the value of the field (the model's value)

o  contents: aValue
set the value of the field (the models value)

o  menuExtent

o  menuExtent: anExtent

o  menuWidget
get the menu widget or nil

o  menuWidget: aWidgetOrFilenameOrSequenceableCollectionOrNil
set the menu widget or nil

o  openAction
returns the action, called before opening the pulldown menu

o  openAction: aOneArgBlock
set the action, called before opening the pulldown menu;
the argument to the action is the menu widget

o  closeOnSelect
if true, then the comboList is closed when the model value/selection changed

o  closeOnSelect: aBoolean
if true, then the comboList is closed when the model value/selection changed

o  disable
disable me and my components

o  enable
enable me and my components

o  enabled
returns true, if enabled

o  readOnly
returns true if the menuField is readonly

o  readOnly: aBoolean
set the menuField to be readonly or writable

accessing-bg & border
o  backgroundColor
get the background color of the menu field

o  backgroundColor: aColor
set the background color of the menu field

o  foregroundColor
return the foreground color of the menu field

o  foregroundColor: aColor
set the foreground color of the menu field

o  enableChannel
return a valueHolder for enable/disable

o  enableChannel: aValueHolder
set a valueHolder for enable/disable

o  menuWidgetHolder
returns the menu widget or nil

o  menuWidgetHolder: aHolder
returns the menu widget or nil

o  model: aModel
set the model

o  editor

o  menuButton
return the menuButton component

o  menuField

o  menuHolder: anObject
change the one that provides the menu (via menuMsg).

accessing-default menus
o  directory: aDirectory
creates a FileSelectionTree as menuWidget - menu, setting the root to the directory

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  list: aList
creates a SelectionInListView as menuWidget - menu setting the list

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  setupMenuWidgetForDirectory: aDirectory
creates a FileSelectionTree as menuWidget - setting the root to the directory

o  setupMenuWidgetForList: aList
creates a SelectionInListView as menuWidget - menu setting the list

o  computePreferredExtent
compute & return the preferredExtent from the components' preferrences

o  menuHeight
get the maximum height of the menu widget or nil

o  menuHeight: aHeight
set the maximum height of the menu widget or nil

o  usePreferredWidthForMenu
returns true if the menu is to be opened with its menu preferred width

o  usePreferredWidthForMenu: aBoolean
open the menu with its preferred width

o  adjust
returns the button-adjust symbol, which is one of
#left -> left adjust
#right -> right adjust

o  adjust: how
set the button-adjust, which must be one of
#left -> left adjust
#right -> right adjust

o  font: aFont
set the font of the menu field

o  autoHideScrollBars
set/clear the flag which controls if scrollBars should
be made invisible dynamically, when there is nothing to scroll
(and shown if there is)

o  autoHideScrollBars: aBoolean
set/clear the flag which controls if scrollBars should
be made invisible dynamically, when there is nothing to scroll
(and shown if there is)

o  hasHorizontalScrollBar
return the horizontal scrollability.
If disabled, the horizontal scrollBar is made invisible.

o  hasHorizontalScrollBar: aBool
enable/disable horizontal scrollability.
If disabled, the horizontal scrollBar is made invisible.

o  hasVerticalScrollBar
return the vertical scrollability.
If disabled, the vertical scrollBar is made invisible.

o  hasVerticalScrollBar: aBool
enable/disable vertical scrollability.
If disabled, the vertical scrollBar is made invisible.

o  miniScrollerHorizontal
return the flag which controls if the horizontal scrollBar is either a miniScroller,
or a full scrollBar.

o  miniScrollerHorizontal: aBool
control the horizontal scrollBar to be either a miniScroller,
or a full scrollBar.

o  miniScrollerVertical
return the flag which controls if the vertical scrollBar is either a miniScroller,
or a full scrollBar.

o  miniScrollerVertical: aBool
control the vertical scrollBar to be either a miniScroller,
or a full scrollBar.

change & update
o  update: what with: aPara from: aModel
one of my models changed

error handling
o  doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
delegate messages to the widget

event handling
o  keyPress: key x: x y: y
handle a key press event

o  processEvent: anEvent

o  createEditField

o  destroy

o  initStyle

o  initialize
setup defaults

o  initializeButton

o  realize

o  release
release dependencies

o  menuIsScrollable
returns true if the menu is scrollable

o  isComboView

user interaction
o  closeMenu
close the menu

o  openMenu
pull the menu - triggered from the button

Private classes:



example 1: SelectionInListView
|top menu widget list sidx|

top  := StandardSystemView extent:200@35.
menu := ExtendedComboBox origin:5 @ 5 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 in:top.
list := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hjh' 'kk' 'claus' 'gjhj').
sidx := 4.
menu bottomInset:(menu preferredExtent y negated).
menu contents:(list at:sidx).

widget := SelectionInListView new.
widget list:list.
widget doubleClickAction:[:i| menu contents:(widget at:i) ].
widget selection:sidx.
menu menuWidget:widget.
top open.
example 2: FileSelectionTree
|top menu widget|

top  := StandardSystemView extent:200@35.
menu := ExtendedComboBox origin:5 @ 5 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 in:top.
menu bottomInset:(menu preferredExtent y negated).

widget := FileSelectionTree new.
widget directory:(Filename homeDirectory).

widget doubleClickAction:[:i||n|
    n := widget selectedNode.
    n isDirectory ifFalse:[menu contents:(n pathName)]
menu menuHeight:400.
menu menuWidget:widget.
top  open.
example 3: SelectionInTreeView
|top menu widget|

top  := StandardSystemView extent:200@35.
menu := ExtendedComboBox origin:5 @ 5 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 in:top.
menu bottomInset:(menu preferredExtent y negated).
menu contents:'foo'.

widget := SelectionInTreeView new.
widget root:(TreeItem newAsTreeFromSmalltalkClass:Object).

widget doubleClickAction:[:i||n|
    n := widget selectedNode.
    n hasChildren ifFalse:[menu contents:(n name)]
menu menuHeight:300.
menu menuWidget:widget.
top  open.
example 3: Funny
|top menu widget|

Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:libwidg3'.
top  := StandardSystemView extent:250@35.
menu := ExtendedComboBox origin:5 @ 5 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 in:top.
menu bottomInset:(menu preferredExtent y negated).
menu contents:'lets do the timeWarp again...'.

widget := ClockView new.
menu menuHeight:[widget width].
menu menuWidget:widget.
top open.
example 3: Funny - again (use widgets pref-width; even if the combo-box is smaller)
|top menu widget|

top  := StandardSystemView extent:80@35.
menu := ExtendedComboBox origin:5 @ 5 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 in:top.
menu bottomInset:(menu preferredExtent y negated).
menu contents:'time...'.

widget := ClockView new.
menu menuWidget:widget.
menu usePreferredWidthForMenu:true.
top open.
example 4: Funny - again (use widgets pref-width; even if the combo-box is smaller, adjust the height for the width)
|top menu widget|

top  := StandardSystemView extent:80@35.
menu := ExtendedComboBox origin:5 @ 5 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 in:top.
menu bottomInset:(menu preferredExtent y negated).
menu contents:'time...'.

widget := ClockView new.
menu menuWidget:widget.
menu usePreferredWidthForMenu:true.
menu menuHeight:[widget width].
top open.
example 5: Subcanvas with a spec
|top menu widget list sidx spec|

spec :=  #(#FullSpec
          #name: 'Define Color'
          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 13 0 29 0 352 0 159 0)
          #label: 'Define Color'
          #min: #(#Point 340 110)
          #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 29 353 160)
          #usePreferredExtent: false
                #name: 'VerticalPanel1'
                #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 58 0 -40 1.0)
                          #name: 'RedLabel'
                          #label: 'Red:'
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #adjust: #right
                          #extent: #(#Point 58 26)
                          #name: 'GreenLabel'
                          #label: 'Green:'
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #adjust: #right
                          #extent: #(#Point 58 27)
                          #name: 'BlueLabel'
                          #label: 'Blue:'
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #adjust: #right
                          #extent: #(#Point 58 26)
                #horizontalLayout: #fit
                #verticalLayout: #fitSpace
                #horizontalSpace: 3
                #verticalSpace: 3
                #name: 'VerticalPanel2'
                #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 60 0 0 0.0 -160 1.0 -40 1.0)
                          #name: 'RedSlider'
                          #tabable: true
                          #model: #red
                          #orientation: #horizontal
                          #stop: 255
                          #step: 1
                          #backgroundColor: #(#Color 100.0 0.0 0.0)
                          #extent: #(#Point 118 16)
                          #name: 'GreenSlider'
                          #tabable: true
                          #model: #green
                          #orientation: #horizontal
                          #stop: 255
                          #step: 1
                          #backgroundColor: #(#Color 0.0 100.0 0.0)
                          #extent: #(#Point 118 16)
                          #name: 'BlueSlider'
                          #tabable: true
                          #model: #blue
                          #orientation: #horizontal
                          #stop: 255
                          #step: 1
                          #backgroundColor: #(#Color 0.0 0.0 100.0)
                          #extent: #(#Point 118 16)
                #horizontalLayout: #fit
                #verticalLayout: #spreadSpace
                #horizontalSpace: 3
                #verticalSpace: 3
                #name: 'VerticalPanel3'
                #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -158 1 0 0.0 -120 1 -40 1.0)
                          #name: 'RedField'
                          #model: #red
                          #type: #numberInRange
                          #numChars: 3
                          #minValue: 0
                          #maxValue: 255
                          #extent: #(#Point 38 20)
                          #name: 'GreenField'
                          #model: #green
                          #type: #numberInRange
                          #numChars: 3
                          #minValue: 0
                          #maxValue: 255
                          #extent: #(#Point 38 20)
                          #name: 'BlueField'
                          #model: #blue
                          #type: #numberInRange
                          #numChars: 3
                          #minValue: 0
                          #maxValue: 255
                          #extent: #(#Point 38 20)
                #horizontalLayout: #fit
                #verticalLayout: #spreadSpace
                #horizontalSpace: 3
                #verticalSpace: 3
                #name: 'PreviewBox'
                #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -116 1 0 0.0 -2 1.0 -40 1.0)
                #label: 'Preview'
                #translateLabel: true
                #level: -1
                #name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
                #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -32 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                          #name: 'CancelButton'
                          #label: 'Cancel'
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #model: #doCancel
                          #extent: #(#Point 165 26)
                          #name: 'OKButton'
                          #label: 'OK'
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #model: #doAccept
                          #extent: #(#Point 166 26)
                #horizontalLayout: #fitSpace
                #verticalLayout: #centerMax
                #horizontalSpace: 3
                #verticalSpace: 3

top  := StandardSystemView extent:200@35.
menu := ExtendedComboBox origin:5 @ 5 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 in:top.
list := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hjh' 'kk' 'claus' 'gjhj').
sidx := 4.
menu bottomInset:(menu preferredExtent y negated).
menu contents:(list at:sidx).

widget := SubCanvas new.
widget client:(SimpleDialog new).
widget spec:spec.
menu menuWidget:widget.
top open.

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