Class: ImmutableExternalBytes (private in ExternalBytes
This class is only visible from within
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- System-Support-External Memory
- Owner:
- ExternalBytes
- Author:
- cg
documentation to be added.
<a short class summary here, describing what instances represent>
<describing what my main role is>
<describing with whom and how I talk to>
<public api and main messages>
<a one-line examples on how to use - can also be in a separate example method>
<implementation points>
[instance variables:]
[class variables:]
> atAllPutByte:">atAllPutByte: byteValue
Trigger an error if an immutable object is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger.
> basicAt:put:">basicAt: index put: value
Trigger an error if an immutable object is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger.
> doubleAt:put:">doubleAt: index put: anInteger
Trigger an error if an immutable bytearray is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger (or proceed in an exception handler).
> floatAt:put:">floatAt: index put: anInteger
Trigger an error if an immutable bytearray is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger (or proceed in an exception handler).
> signedInt16At:put:MSB:">signedInt16At: index put: anInteger MSB: msb
Trigger an error if an immutable bytearray is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger (or proceed in an exception handler).
> signedInt32At:put:MSB:">signedInt32At: index put: anInteger MSB: msb
Trigger an error if an immutable bytearray is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger (or proceed in an exception handler).
> unsignedInt16At:put:MSB:">unsignedInt16At: index put: anInteger MSB: msb
Trigger an error if an immutable bytearray is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger (or proceed in an exception handler).
> unsignedInt32At:put:MSB:">unsignedInt32At: index put: anInteger MSB: msb
Trigger an error if an immutable bytearray is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger (or proceed in an exception handler).
> beImmutable">beImmutable
that's what I am
filling & replacing
> replaceBytesFrom:to:with:startingAt:">replaceBytesFrom: start to: stop with: aCollection startingAt: repStart
Trigger an error if an immutable object is stored into.
The store will be performed (for compatibility reasons) if you continue
in the debugger.