Class: FTPClient
- Package:
- stx:goodies/communication
- Category:
- Net-Communication-FTP
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2022/01/06 18:57:11
- user: cg
- file: FTPClient.st directory: goodies/communication
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: communication
Client interface to an ftp server.
[instance variables:]
partnersTransferMode mode of the connected-to partner
(nil initially - could be initialized by parsing some startup message)
transferMode wanted mode (can be changed before logging in)
passiveMode controls data connection setup - either I connect to the partners data port,
or he connects to my data port (req'd for firewalls / outgoing connection blockers)
passiveMode == false -> I am actively connecting to partners data port
passiveMode == true -> I am passively awaiting partner to connect to my data port
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2003 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
Signal constants
return the signal raised if some file-get or chdir fails
return the signal raised if some file-get or chdir fails
return the signal raised if some file-put fails
return the parent of all ftp errors
return the notification raised to transfer info information (such as speed etc.)
Currently never raised, but provided for later extension and compatibility with HTTPInterface.
return the notification raised to provide progress (percentage) information.
Currently never raised, but provided for later extension and compatibility with HTTPInterface.
class initialization
self initialize.
Verbose := true
compatibility - squeak
changeDirectoryTo: dirName
getFileNamed: fileName
loginUser: user password: pw
login using userName and password. Squeak compatibility.
After successful login, set transfer mode
putFileStreamContents: aStream as: remoteFileName
the anonymous's default password
Socket portOfService:'ftp'
error handling
noPort: errMsg
means: unknown
send a 'type a' command (switch to text-mode transfer).
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp binary.
ftp ascii.
ftp close
send a 'type i' command (switch to binary-mode transfer)
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp binary.
ftp close
cd: aDirectoryPath
send a changeDirectory command
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp cd:'/pub'.
ftp close
send a changeDirectory-up command
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
Transcript showCR:(ftp pwd).
ftp cdUp.
Transcript showCR:(ftp pwd).
ftp close
delete: aFilePath
send a delete file command
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp delete:'testfile'.
ftp close
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'foo.bar.com' user:'anonymous' password:'fooBarBaz'.
ftp delete:'testfile'.
ftp close
get: aFileNameString
send a get command; return the result as either a string
or a byteArray (depending on the transfer mode).
Raise connectFailedSignal if data connection cannot be established
Usage example(s):
|ftp text|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp ascii.
text := ftp get:'welcome.msg'.
ftp close.
TextView openWith:text.
Usage example(s):
|ftp text|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp binary.
text := ftp get:'welcome.msg'.
ftp close.
text inspect.
getStreamFor: aFilenameString
send a get command; return a stream on the files contents.
Raise a signal if connection cannot be established
Usage example(s):
|ftp s t|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
s := ftp getStreamFor:'welcome.msg'.
t := s contents.
TextView openWith:t.
s close.
ftp close.
Usage example(s):
|ftp s t|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
s := ftp getStreamFor:'fooBar'.
t := s contents.
TextView openWith:t.
s close.
ftp close.
send a 'HELP' command to ask about the partners capabilities.
Return a collection of help lines.
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'alt.exept.de' user:'anonymous'.
Transcript showCR:(ftp help).
ftp close
send a list command; return the result as a collection of
strings (containing the listing)
Usage example(s):
|ftp list|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
list := ftp list.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
Usage example(s):
|ftp list|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'aix' user:'anonymous'.
ftp cd:'/'.
list := ftp list.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
Usage example(s):
|ftp list|
FTPClient ftpErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
self warn:'ftp failed'
] do:[
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'ftp.mozilla.org' user:'anonymous'.
ftp cd:'/'.
list := ftp list.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
list: aFileName
send a list command; return the result as a collection of
strings (containing the listing)
send a list command; return a stream on the listing
Usage example(s):
|ftp s t|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
s := ftp listStream.
t := s contents.
TextView openWith:t.
s close.
ftp close.
Usage example(s):
|ftp s1 s2 t|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
s1 := ftp listStream.
ftp cd:'bin'.
s2 := ftp listStream.
t := s1 contents.
TextView openWith:t.
s1 close.
t := s2 contents.
TextView openWith:t.
s2 close.
ftp close.
listStream: listCommand
send a list command; return a stream on the listing
listWithCommand: listCommand
send a list command; return the result as a collection of
strings (containing the listing)
mkdir: aDirectoryNameString
send a make Directory command
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp cd:'/tmp'.
ftp mkdir:'test12345'.
ftp close
send an nlist command; return the result as a collection of
strings (containing the listing)
Usage example(s):
|ftp list|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'ftp.mozilla.org' user:'anonymous'.
list := ftp nlist.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
passiveMode: aBoolean
set passiveMode to aBoolean.
In passive mode, the server instead of the client creates an extra socket to transmit the data.
Answer the prevoius status of passiveMode
put: aStringOrByteArrayOrStream as: remoteFileName
send a put command;
send aStringOrbyteArray
Usage example(s):
|ftp s|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp ascii.
(ftp put:'hello world' as:'testfile') ifFalse:[
self warn:'File transfer failed'
ftp close.
putFile: localFileName as: remoteFileName
send a put command;
send a local file
Usage example(s):
|ftp s|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp ascii.
(ftp putFile:'..\bmake.bat' as:'testfile') ifFalse:[
self warn:'File transfer failed'
ftp close.
putStreamFor: aFilenameString
send a put command; return a stream for writing the file
Usage example(s):
|ftp s|
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp ascii.
s := ftp putStreamFor:'newfile'.
s nextPutLine:'line1'.
s nextPutLine:'line2'.
s nextPutLine:'line3'.
s close.
ftp close.
send an XPWD (print current dir) command; return the directory or nil
if the partner does not support the XPWD command
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
Transcript showCR:(ftp pwd).
ftp cd:'/pub'.
Transcript showCR:(ftp pwd).
ftp close
recursiveMkDir: aDirectoryNameString
recursively create all required directories and change to
rename: fromFilename to: toFilename
rename a file
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'hippo' user:'stefan' password:'pass'.
ftp rename:'/tmp/bla1' to:'/tmp/bla2'.
ftp close
rmdir: aDirectoryNameString
send a make Directory command
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'porty' user:'anonymous'.
ftp cd:'/tmp'.
ftp mkdir:'test12345'.
ftp rmdir:'test12345'.
ftp close
sizeOf: aFileName
send an SIZE (print size) command; return the size or nil
if the partner does not support the SIZE command
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'www.exept.de' user:'anonymous'.
Transcript showCR:(ftp sizeOf:'download/wartungsvertrag.pdf').
ftp close
send a 'STAT' command to ask about the partner systems status.
Return a collection of status lines.
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'alt.exept.de' user:'anonymous'.
Transcript showCR:(ftp systemStatus).
ftp close
send a 'SYST' command to ask about the partner system
Usage example(s):
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'www.exept.de' user:'anonymous'.
Transcript showCR:(ftp systemType).
ftp close
private - commands & responses
handleReplyCode: replyCode
(comment from inherited method)
intermediate message; final reply code follows
handleReplyCodeOfPORTCommand: replyCode
private - connection setup
means: unknown
(comment from inherited method)
invoked right after the socket connection has been setup;
subclass implementation should read all initial hello-bla
login: userName password: passwordOrNil
login using userName and password.
After successful login, set transfer mode
openActiveDataConnection: mode for: command
open & retrieve a data connection.
Raise connectFailedSignal if data connection can't be established
openDataConnection: mode for: command
open & retrieve a data connection
openDataConnectionFor: command
open & retrieve a data connection
openPassiveDataConnection: mode for: command
open & retrieve a data connection.
Raise connectFailedSignal if data connection can't be established
login using userName and password iff userName is not nil.
This is invoked automatically by doConnect.
If userName is nil, manual login is required.
(comment from inherited method)
invoked before the socket connection is shutDown.
A subclass implementation may want to redefine this for a graceful goodBy
(typically sending a quit-command)
setModeTo: mode
|host ftpClient|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de'.
ftpClient := FTPClient new.
ftpClient connectToHost:host.
ftpClient login:'anonymous' password:'foo@bar.com'.
Transcript showCR:(ftpClient pwd).
ftpClient close.
getting a list from some other machine:
|host ftp list|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de'.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host user:'anonymous' password:'foo@bar.com'.
list := ftp list.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
getting a list from some other machine (passive mode):
|host ftp list|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de'.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp passiveMode:true.
ftp connectTo:host user:'anonymous' password:'foo@bar.com'.
list := ftp list.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
getting list from some other machine:
|host user passwd fn ftp data|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
data := ftp list.
ftp close.
data inspect.
on a special port:
|host port user passwd fn ftp data|
FTPClient verbose:true.
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
port := Dialog request:'port:' initialAnswer:(Socket portOfService:'ftp') printString.
port := Integer readFrom:port onError:nil.
user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host port:port user:user password:passwd.
data := ftp list.
ftp close.
data inspect.
getting a (text) file from some other machine:
|host user passwd fn ftp data|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
fn := Dialog request:'file:'.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
data := ftp get:fn.
ftp close.
data asString inspect.
getting a (binary) file from some other machine:
|host user passwd fn ftp data|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
fn := Dialog request:'file:'.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
ftp binary.
data := ftp get:fn.
ftp close.
data inspect.
putting some data onto some other machine:
|host user passwd fn ftp data|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
fn := Dialog request:'local file:'.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
ftp binary.
data := ftp put:'hello world' as:'testfile'.
ftp close.
data inspect.
putting a (binary) file onto some other machine:
|host user passwd fn ftp data|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
fn := Dialog request:'local file:'.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
ftp binary.
data := ftp putFile:'Makefile' as:'testfile'.
ftp close.
data inspect.
handling errors:
|host ftp list|
host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:(OperatingSystem getHostName).
FTPClient ftpErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
self warn:('ftp error:\\' , ex signal errorString) withCRs
] do:[
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host user:'anonymous'.
list := ftp list.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
chdir & get a list from some other machine:
|ftp list|
FTPClient ftpErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
self warn:('ftp error:\\' , ex signal errorString) withCRs
] do:[
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:'aix' user:'anonymous'.
ftp cd:'/'.
list := ftp list.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
dialog with user & password:
|ftp dlg hostHolder userHolder passHolder list|
hostHolder := OperatingSystem getHostName asValue.
userHolder := OperatingSystem getLoginName asValue.
passHolder := '' asValue.
dlg := DialogBox new.
dlg addTextLabel:'host:'.
dlg addInputFieldOn:hostHolder tabable:true.
dlg addTextLabel:'user:'.
dlg addInputFieldOn:userHolder tabable:true.
dlg addTextLabel:'password:'.
(dlg addInputFieldOn:passHolder tabable:true) passwordCharacter:$*.
dlg addAbortButton; addOkButton.
dlg open.
dlg accepted ifTrue:[
FTPClient ftpErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
self warn:('ftp error:\\' , ex signal errorString) withCRs
] do:[
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:hostHolder value
user:userHolder value
password:passHolder value.
ftp cd:'/'.
list := ftp list.
ftp close.
list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
|host port user passwd fn ftp data|
FTPClient verbose:true.
host := 'data'.
port := 12345.
user := 'anonymous'.
passwd := nil.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host port:port user:user password:passwd.
ftp ascii.
data := ftp list.
ftp close.
data inspect.
|host port user passwd fn ftp data|
FTPClient verbose:true.
host := 'data'.
port := 12345.
user := 'anonymous'.
passwd := nil.
ftp := FTPClient new.
ftp connectTo:host port:port user:user password:passwd.
ftp ascii.
data := ftp list.
ftp close.
data inspect.