Class: GenericException
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- Kernel-Exceptions
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/03/26 12:51:14
- user: cg
- file: GenericException.st directory: libbasic
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
The instance based Signal framework is being replaced by
class based exceptions.
I.e. what used to be instances of Signal/QuerySignal is being
rewritten into subclasses of Exception/Error/Query and Warning.
Although the functionality is basically unchanged, the new
class based exceptions are easier to instantiate (no need for
creation in a classes initialize method), easier to use (no real
need for Signal-constant accessors) and allow for easier parameter
passing (not only a single parameter, but allows for individual
exception subclasses to add additional state).
GenericException and its subclasses implement the same protocol as Signal.
So class based exceptions may be implemented as subclasses of GenericException.
Normally all exceptions are subclasses of Exception. Exceptions, that are
used for debugging or that are signalling errors in the exception system itself
are direct subclasses of GenericException.
Instances of Exception are passed to a Signal handling block as argument.
The handler block may perform various actions by sending corresponding messages
to the exception object. The following actions are possible:
reject - don't handle this signal;
another handler will be searched for,
upper in the calling hierarchy
proceed - return from the Signal>>raise, with nil as value
proceedWith:val - same, but return val from Signal>>raise
return - return from the Signal>>handle:do:, with nil as value
returnWith:val - same, but return val from Signal>>handle:do:
(this is also the handler's default,
if it falls through; taking the handlerBlocks value
as return value)
restart - restart the Signal>>handle:do:, after repairing
Via the Exception object, the handler can also query the state of execution:
where the Signal was raised, where the handler is, the signal which caused
the error and the messageText passed when the signal was raised. Also, an optional
parameter can be passed - the use is signal specific.
[instance variables:]
signal <Signal> the signal which caused the exception
parameter <Object> a parameter (if any) which was passed when raising
the signal (only if raised with #raiseWith:aParameter)
messageText <String> an messageText
(usually the signals own messageText, but sometimes
changed explicitely in #raiseWith:errorString:)
suspendedContext <Context> the context in which the raise occurred
handlerContext <Context> the context of the handler (if any)
In case of an unhandled signal raise, Exceptions EmergenyHandler will be evaluated.
The default emergeny handler will enter the debugger.
For applications, which do not want Debuggers to come up, other handlers are
For example, to get the typical C++ behavior, use:
Exception emergencyHandler:[:ex | Smalltalk exitWithCoreDump]
two different raising messages are to be used,
depending on whether the exception is proceedable or not
For some stupid reason, someone decided that the raise-code checks if
the raising messages matches to what the signal thinks is its proceedability.
(i.e. not only do both the sender and the signal itself specify proceedability,
this is checked by the raise code and a warning is generated if there is a mismatch)
This used to be even worse (WrongProceedabilityError), but we relaxed this to
a message sent to stderr.
That means, that PROCEEDABLE signals must be raised with:
and NON-PROCEEDABLE signals must be raised with:
If you don't know/care as a raiser, you can use
which checks for proceedability and sends the appropriate message.
all of the 3 messages above come in various flavours:
raiseXXX - do not pass any additional parameter;
default messageText
raiseXXXWith: - pass additional parameter;
default messageText
raiseXXXErrorString: - do not pass any additional parameter;
given errorString
- pass any additional parameter;
AND given errorString
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
raise a signal proceedable or nonproceedable (whichever is right).
ANSI compatibility.
signalWith: messageText
raise a signal proceedable or nonproceedable (whichever is right).
The argument is used as messageText.
ANSI compatibility.
signal: messageText
raise a signal proceedable or nonproceedable (whichever is right).
The argument is used as messageText.
Javascript support
js_add: anExceptionHandler ( an extension from the stx:libjavascript package )
For JavaScript only:
Alternative error concatenation.
Generated for +-operator in javascript.
#errorString is deprecated, use description instead
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
Compatibility with Signal. Class based exceptions do not have a handler
block. They redefine the #action method instead
return my notifier string.
This used to be defined via a classVar,
but is now actually provided by a default getter
notifierString: aString
backward compatibility
WARNING: this method belongs to NoHandlerError, and has been moved there
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
WARNING: this method belongs to NoHandlerError, and has been moved there
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
WARNING: this method belongs to NoHandlerError, and has been moved there
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
emergencyHandler: aOneArgBlock
WARNING: this method belongs to NoHandlerError, and has been moved there
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
WARNING: this method belongs to NoHandlerError, and has been moved there
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
WARNING: this method belongs to NoHandlerError, and has been moved there
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
WARNING: this method belongs to NoHandlerError, and has been moved there
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
child signal creation
create a new signal, using the receiver as a prototype and
setting the parent of the new signal to the receiver.
newSignalMayProceed: mayProceedBoolean
create a new signal, using the receiver as a prototype and
setting the parent of the new signal to the receiver.
, anExceptionHandler
return a Handler (SignalSet) that accepts myself and anExceptionHandler
Usage example(s):
ArithmeticError, ContextError
Error, OsError
OsError, Error
force strict signal checking in Smalltalk development - nobody cares otherwise
instance creation
js_new: errorString ( an extension from the stx:libjavascript package )
sent from js in:
throw new Error(msg)
Usage example(s):
(Error js_new:'hello') raise
(comment from inherited method)
return an instance of myself without indexed variables
misc ui support
iconInBrowserSymbol ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
the browser will use this as index into the toolbariconlibrary
return the notifier string.
If the notifier string starts with space,
then prepend the parent's notifier string.
Subclasses may redefine this method.
Usage example(s):
Object errorSignal description
if no notifierString is specified, this is used.
Can be redfined to hide the namespace in subclasses
printBadExceptionHandler: badExceptionHandler in: aContext
if anyone does:
[ xxx ] on: foo do:[ ... ]
with a bad foo (i.e. nil or not an Exception, ExceptionSet, Signal or HandlerSet
this method is called to print a warning.
Usually, this happens when foo is misspelled or when porting code
from Squeak, and there is no such exception-class in ST/X.
A typical situation is:
[ xxx ] on: NetworkError do:[ ... ]
accepts: aSignalOrExceptionClass
return true, if the receiver accepts the argument, aSignalOrExceptionClass.
(i.e. the receiver is aSignal or a parent of it). False otherwise.
exception: anExceptionClass isHandledIn: aContext
return true, if there is a handler for anException in the
contextChain starting with aContext.
exceptionHandlerFor: anException in: aContext
answer the exceptionHandler-block for anException from aContext.
handlerContextForException: anExceptionClass in: aContext
return a handlerContext for anException in the
contextChain starting with aContext.
Returns nil, if there is no handler.
handlerForSignal: exceptionCreator context: theContext originator: originator
answer the handler block for the signal from originator.
The block is retrieved from aContext.
Answer nil if the signal is not handled
handlerProtectedBlock: doBlock inContext: context
set the handlerProtectedBlock in context
handles: anException
return true, if the receiver handles the argument, anException.
(i.e. the receiver is anExceptions signal or a parent of it)
isAcceptedBy: aHandlerSignalOrExceptionClass
return true, if aHandlerSignal accepts the receiver.
return true, if there is a handler for the receiver signal/exception class.
Raising an unhandled signal will usually lead into the debugger,
but can be caught globally by setting Exceptions EmergencyHandler.
isHandledIn: aContext
return true, if there is a handler for the receiver signal in the
contextChain starting with aContext.
return the parent Signal/Exception of myself.
Subclasses may redefine this to install themself as child of
existing Signals.
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The signals notifierString is used as messageText.
utility to avoid code duplication.
raise the exception as a query. This means, that if it is unhandled,
a default value is returned (i.e. an implicit resume).
Return the handler's value (if there is one), or the default value, if not.
Invoking the handler is exactly the functionality of Signal>>raiseRequest,
but we can do it faster here (avoiding the construction of an exception instance).
This should normally go into the Notification class, but some of my
subclasess that do not inherit from Notification simulate themself as Queries
(e.g. GraphicsDevice::GraphicResourceAllocationFailure class >> #query)
raiseErrorString: aString
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The argument is used as messageText.
raiseErrorString: aString in: aContext
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The argument is used as messageText.
raiseFrom: something
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The argument, something is passed both as parameter and originator.
raiseIn: aContext
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The signals notifierString is used as messageText.
raise a signal proceedable.
The signals notifierString is used as messageText.
raiseRequestErrorString: aString
raise a signal proceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText.
raiseRequestFrom: something
raise a signal proceedable.
The argument, something is passed both as parameter and originator.
raiseRequestIn: aContext
raise a signal proceedable.
The signals notifierString is used as messageText.
raiseRequestWith: aParameter
raise a signal proceedable.
The signals notifierString is used as messageText.
raiseRequestWith: aParameter errorString: aString
raise a signal proceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText.
raiseRequestWith: aParameter errorString: aString in: aContext
raise a signal proceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText.
The additional context is passed as the context responsible for the raise,
allowing a raise to mimicri the exception happened somewhere else.
raiseRequestWith: aParameter in: aContext
raise a signal proceedable.
The additional context is passed as the context responsible for the raise,
allowing a raise to mimicri the exception happened somewhere else.
raise a signal (proceedable or not, whatever the proceedability is).
The signals notifierString is used as messageText.
raiseSignal: errorMessage
ANSI: raise a signal (proceedable or not, whatever the proceedability is).
The argument, errorMessage is used as messageText.
raiseSignal: errorMessage with: aParameter
ANSI: raise a signal (proceedable or not, whatever the proceedability is).
The argument, errorMessage is used as messageText.
raiseSignalErrorString: aString
raise a signal (proceedable or not, whatever the proceedability is).
The argument, aString is used as messageText.
raiseSignalWith: aParameter
raise a signal (proceedable or not, whatever the proceedability is).
The argument, aParameter is passed as parameter.
raiseSignalWith: aParameter errorString: aString
raise a signal (proceedable or not, whatever the proceedability is).
The argument, aString is used as messageText,
aParameter is passed as exception parameter.
raiseWith: aParameter
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aParameter is passed as parameter.
raiseWith: aParameter errorString: aString
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText,
aParameter is passed as exception parameter.
raiseWith: aParameter errorString: aString in: aContext
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText, aParameter is passed
as exception parameter.
The additional context is passed as the context responsible for the raise,
allowing a raise to mimicri the exception happened somewhere else.
raiseWith: aParameter in: aContext
raise a signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aParameter is passed as exception parameter.
The additional context is passed as the context responsible for the raise,
allowing a raise to mimicri the exception happened somewhere else.
save evaluation
catch: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock.
If the receiver-exception is raised during evaluation, abort
the evaluation and return true; otherwise return false.
This is the catch & throw mechanism found in other languages,
where the returned value indicates if an exception occurred.
Usage example(s):
(Object messageNotUnderstoodSignal catch:[
123 size open
]) ifTrue:[
Transcript showCR:'an error was caught'
deferAfter: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock.
Ignore the receiver-exception during evaluation - i.e. simply continue,
but remember if an exception was raised.
After the block evaluation, finally raise the exception - if it was raised in the block.
If the exception is raised multiple times, only the first raise's parameter is remembered,
and only a single raise is performed after the block's evaluation.
Deferring makes sense for some signals, such as UserInterrupt or AbortSignal,
which must occasionally be delayed temporarily until a save place is reached
(especially when packages are sent across a communication channel, and you don't want
partial packages to be generated by user interruptions).
Usage example(s):
handle:[:ex |
Transcript showCR:'X - here is a returning handler.'.
UserInterrupt deferAfter:[
Transcript showCR:'1 - now raising, but will be deferred.'.
UserInterrupt raiseRequestWith:'hello'.
Transcript showCR:'2 - after the raise, deferred exception will be handled soon.'.
Transcript showCR:'3 - here after the protected block.'.
Usage example(s):
handle:[:ex |
Transcript showCR:'X - here is a proceeding handler.'.
ex proceed
UserInterrupt deferAfter:[
Transcript showCR:'1 - now raising, but will be deferred.'.
UserInterrupt raiseRequestWith:'hello'.
Transcript showCR:'2 - after the raise, deferred exception will be handled soon.'.
Transcript showCR:'3 - here after the protected block.'.
evaluate: aBlock ifRaised: exceptionValue
evaluate the argument, aBlock and return its value.
If the receiver-signal is raised during evaluation, abort
the evaluation and return the value from exceptionValue.
This is similar to the catch & throw mechanism found in other languages
Usage example(s):
evaluate:[ 123 size open ]
evaluate:[ 123 size ]
handle: handleBlock do: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock.
If the receiver-exception is raised during evaluation,
evaluate the handleBlock passing it an Exception argument.
The handler may decide how to react to the signal by sending
a corresponding message to the exception (see there).
If the signal is not raised, return the value of evaluating
Usage example(s):
Object messageNotUnderstoodSignal handle:[:ex |
'oops' printNL.
ex return
] do:[
123 size open
Usage example(s):
num := 0.
Number divisionByZeroSignal handle:[:ex |
'oops' printNL.
ex return
] do:[
123 / num
handle: handleBlock from: anObject do: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock.
If the receiver-exception is raised during evaluation,
and the exception originated from anObject,
evaluate the handleBlock passing it an Exception argument.
The handler may decide how to react to the signal by sending
a corresponding message to the exception (see there).
If the signal is not raised, return the value of evaluating
ignoreIn: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock.
Ignore the receiver-exception during evaluation - i.e. simply continue with the default resume value.
This makes only sense for some signals, such as UserInterrupt
or AbortOperationRequest, because continuing after an exception without any cleanup
often leads to followup-errors.
Usage example(s):
Object messageNotUnderstoodSignal ignoreIn:[
123 size open
DomainError ignoreIn:[ -1.0 log10 ]
(comment from inherited method)
Return if this class is an abstract class.
True is returned for Object here; false for subclasses.
Abstract subclasses must redefine this again.
true if this is a breakpoint or user-interrupt (CTRL-c)
return true, if the receiver can create exceptions,
this includes #raise, #raiseRequest as well as the behavior of
an exception handler, such as the #accepts: and #handles: messages
return true, if the receiver responds to the exception handler protocol,
especially to the #accepts: and #handles: messages
redefined in all exceptions which are programmer's errors,
and which should probably not be ignored.
I.e. a global error handler should reject and let a debugger get control.
return true, if this is a query - always return false here
return true, if this is a querySignal - always return false here
true if this is a user-interrupt (CTRL-c)
return true, if the exception handler is allowed to proceed
the execution where the exception occurred.
Subclasses may redefine this.
same as reject - for ANSI compatibility
same as #restart - ANSI & VW compatibility
retryUsing: alternativeBlock
Abort an exception handler and evaluate a new block in place of the handler's protected block.
signal: aString
signalWith: messageTextArg
raise a signal proceedable or nonproceedable (whichever is right).
The argument is used as messageText.
ANSI compatibility.
Error raise
] on:Error do:[:ex |
ex tag transcribeCR.
self assert:(ex tag isNil)
Usage example(s):
Error raiseErrorString:'foo'
] on:Error do:[:ex |
ex tag transcribeCR.
self assert:(ex tag = 'foo')
Usage example(s):
Error raiseWith:#foo errorString:'foobar'
] on:Error do:[:ex |
ex tag transcribeCR.
self assert:(ex tag == #'foo')
stackTrace: numberOfFrames
return a backtrace information string
Usage example(s):
Error handle:[:ex |
(ex stackTrace:20) inspect.
] do:[
self error
Return the object that is the subject involving me.
This is set automatically to my #receiver during #signal
but could be overwritten when I am signaled
return the context in which the raise occurred.
Same as suspendedContext, for squeak compatibility
exitWith: value
return with a value.
V'AGE compatibility.
same as description - VW compatibility
searchFrom: raisingContext
if set, the debugger will handle this signal in its event loop and will close itself
without asking for close-confirmation.
This allows for debugged processes to be terminated without a user confirmation dialog
(for now, this is used in expecco's hard-terminate function to shut down any open debuggers
together with the test-process).
Dummy here
catchInDebugger: aBoolean
if set, the debugger will handle this signal in its event loop and will close itself
without asking for close-confirmation.
This allows for debugged processes to be terminated without a user confirmation dialog
(for now, this is used in expecco's hard-terminate function to shut down any open debuggers
together with the test-process).
Dummy here
return the creator of the exception.
For class based exceptions, that is the exception class;
for signals, that is the signal itself.
This used to be called 'signal' in earlier versions,
but due to the conflict with VSE, Squeak and others,
where 'signal' means 'raise', 'signal' was obsoleted by this method.
return the errorString passsed with the signal raise
(or nil, if there was none).
#errorString is the same as description,
which returns the messageText plain or appended or prepended to the
classes description string.
errorString: aString
set the messageText.
If it starts with a space, the signal's messageText is prepended,
if it ends with a space, it is appended.
#errorString: does the same as messageText:,
but should be used for errors and exceptions,
whereas messageText: should be used for notifications and queries
(for documentation only)
return the exception handler (Signal or SignalSet or ExceptionHandlerSet or Exception)
that handles the exception.
This is only valid during handler evaluation, and answers
the object which accepted the actual exception.
Usage example(s):
2 // 0
] on:Error do:[:ex| ex handler inspect]
2 // 0
] on:ArithmeticError, Error do:[:ex| ex handler inspect]
2 // 0
] on:MessageNotUnderstood do:[:ex| ex handler inspect]
on:Error do:[:ex| ex handler inspect]
return the context of the handler.
The handlerContext's home or methodHome is the usually the context where the interesting code is found
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
return true, if the exception is resumable
isResumable: aBoolean
return the explicit given messageText - nil, if signaler did not provide one.
messageText: aString
set the messageText.
If it starts with a space, the signal's original messageText is prepended,
if it ends with a space, it is appended.
messageText: does the same as errorString:,
but should be used for notifications and queries,
whereas errorString: should be used for errors and exceptions
(for documentation only)
return the signal/exception which was originally raised.
For noHandler, that is my unhandled signal;
for others, that's the exception itself.
return the originator passsed with the signal raise
(or nil, if there was none)
originator: anObject
set the originator
return the parameter passsed with the signal raise
(or nil, if there was none)
parameter: anObject
set the parameter of the exception
parameter: anObject errorString: errorString
set the parameter and errorString of the exception
proceedable: aBoolean
explicitly change the proceedability.
Normally this gets initialized from the classes idea of whether this makes sense
return the context of the raise.
That is usually one above the suspended context
(however if one raise calls another raise-helper, there might be intermediate contexts in between)
return true, if any other of the exception's handlers has rejected
Uncertain, if this is really interesting to anybody.
This is only valid during handler execution.
(i.e. an outer handler can find out, if any other handler has already rejected).
Currently only used to change the 'unhandled-exception' messageText
into 'rejected-exception' for the information, that there was a handler which rejected.
return a nearest returnable context above suspendedContext in the sender chain.
We know, that raiseContext is always returnable, so if suspendedContext
is non-returnable, start there
setHandlerContext: aContextOrNil
Modified (comment): / 11-05-2020 / 10:49:01 / cg
setRaiseContext: aContextOrNil
Modified (comment): / 11-05-2020 / 10:48:46 / cg
setSuspendedContext: aContextOrNil
Modified (comment): / 11-05-2020 / 10:48:49 / cg
return the context in which the raise occurred.
That is usually one below the raise context
(however if one raise calls another raise-helper, there might be intermediate contexts in between)
suspendedContext: something
set the value of the instance variable 'suspendedContext' (automatically generated)
return true, if the exception is proceedable
copyWithWalkbackUpTo: aContextOrNil
generate a (dead) copy of myself with a dead copy of my calling chain.
This is no longer alive, so it cannot be resumed or restarted.
Only useful to copy a walkback inside a handler for later
(eg. when copying for reraise in another thread, eg. in a promise)
set the internal state to nil
set the internal state to nil
default actions
perform a action for the exception if it hasn't been catched
We arrive here, if either no handler was found, or none of the
handlers did a return (i.e. every handler rejected).
The default is to evaluate the signal's handlerBlock or
to raise the noHandlerSignal.
Subclasses may redefine this.
return true, if the exception handler is allowed to proceed
the execution where the exception occurred.
Subclasses may redefine this.
raise the NoHandlerError.
NohandlerError redefines this method to avoid recursive invocations
default values
by default, the description found on the class side
the default answer, if no one handles the query and the exception is resumed
handler actions
either resume or return - depending on the receiver's resumability.
VW compatibility.
exit: value
either resume or return - depending on the receiver's resumability.
VW compatibility.
Continue after the raise - the raise returns nil
proceedWith: value
Continue after the raise - the raise returns value
handler decided not to handle this signal -
system will look for another handler
Usage example(s):
returning from the doCallXX: signals a reject
Usage example(s):
Error handle:[:ex |
'1' printCR.
ex reject
] do:[
Error handle:[:ex |
'2' printCR.
ex reject
] do:[
#() at:1
resignalAs: anotherException
resignal anotherException, as if it was raised in the first place.
Only to be sent inside an exception handler block!
Usage example(s):
MessageNotUnderstood handle:[:ex |
ex resignalAs:Number domainErrorSignal
] do:[
rslt := 1 perform:#foo
restart the handle:do: - usually after some repair work is done
in the handler
Usage example(s):
Usage example(s):
|rslt n|
Error handle:[:ex |
Transcript showCR:'fixing divisor ...'.
n := 1.
ex restart.
] do:[
rslt := 5 / n.
restartDo: aBlock
restart the handle:do: but execute the argument, aBlock instead of the
original do-block - usually after some repair work is done in handler
Usage example(s):
|sig rslt|
sig := Signal new.
sig handle:[:ex |
Transcript showCR:'exchanging do-block ...'.
ex restartDo:[ rslt := 999 ]
] do:[
rslt := 0.
sig raise
Transcript showCR:rslt
Usage example(s):
|sig rslt|
Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
ex restartDo:[ rslt := 999 ]
] do:[
rslt := nil foo.
Transcript showCR:rslt
Usage example(s):
|sig rslt|
Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
ex restartDo:[ 'handler' printCR. rslt := nil foo ]
] do:[
rslt := nil foo.
Transcript showCR:rslt
Continue after the raise - the raise returns defaultResumeValue - ANSI
resume: value
Continue after the raise - the raise returns value - ANSI
resumeWith: value
Continue after the raise - the raise returns value - ANSI
Continue after the handle:do: - the handle:do: returns nil
Usage example(s):
when a normal return is done. As unwind actions are called,
return: value
Continue after the handle:do: - the handle:do: returns value
returnDoing: aBlock
Continue after the handle:do: - the handle:do: returns aBlock value
Be careful when debugging. You cannot see the context with #returnDoing:
in the debugger if aBlock raises a signal
Usage example(s):
5 // 0
] on:Error do:[:ex|
ex returnDoing:[self halt. 47*11].
returnWith: value
Continue after the handle:do: - the handle:do: returns value
printing & storing
return the description string of the signal/exception.
If a messageText has been set, that is returned,
appended or prepended to the classes description string.
MessageText can be a computed value or anything which converts to a string
Usage example(s):
(Error new messageText:'bla') description
(Error new messageText:' bla') description
(Error new messageText:'bla ') description
(Error new messageText:[Time now]) description
return the description string of the signal;
this is used in the debugger's title area
displayOn: aStream
show a printed representation of myself for debugging
printOn: aStream
(comment from inherited method)
append a user printed representation of the receiver to aStream.
The format is suitable for a human - not meant to be read back.
The default here is to output the receiver's class name.
BUT: this method is heavily redefined for objects which
can print prettier.
helper for all raiseRequest methods
call the action proper
- needed an extra method to have a raise-marked context around
i.e. do not inline this into #doRaise !
(see implementation of #reject and #proceed).
doCallHandler: aHandlerBlock
call the handler proper - if the handler falls through, return the handler's value
- an extra method is needed to have a raise-marked context around.
i.e. do not inline this into #doRaise !
(see implementation of #reject and #proceed).
- also redefinable (see CascadingNotification)
search through the context-calling chain for a handle-context
to the raising signal, a parent of it, or a SignalSet which includes
the raising signal.
If found, ask the receiver for the handler and evaluate
it with the receiver exception as argument.
If no handler is found, perform the default #action method.
ATTENTION: the code below depends on being called by #raise or
#raiseRequest for proper operation (it skips the sending context).
isAcceptedBy: aHandlerSignalOrExceptionClass
return true, if aHandlerSignal accepts the receiver.
Usage example(s):
MessageNotUnderstood new isAcceptedBy:Exception
MessageNotUnderstood isAcceptedBy:Exception
Exception accepts:MessageNotUnderstood
isHandledBy: anExceptionCreator
answer true, if the exception is handles by anExceptionCreator.
This is the inverse if GenericException>>#handles:
This method is immune to anExceptionCreator being nil.
actually raise a non-proceedable exception
raiseErrorString: aString
raise the signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText
raiseErrorString: aString in: aContext
raise the signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText
raiseIn: aContext
actually raise a non-proceedable exception
actually raise a proceedable exception.
raiseRequestErrorString: errorString
actually raise a proceedable exception.
raiseRequestErrorString: errorString in: aContext
actually raise a proceedable exception.
raiseRequestIn: aContext
actually raise a proceedable exception.
raiseRequestWith: aParameter
actually raise a proceedable exception.
raiseRequestWith: aParameter errorString: aString
raise the signal proceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText,
aParameter is passed as exception parameter.
raiseRequestWith: aParameter errorString: aString in: aContext
actually raise a proceedable exception.
raiseRequestWith: aParameter in: aContext
actually raise a proceedable exception.
actually raise an exception (whatever the proceedability is).
raiseSignalIn: aContext
actually raise an exception (whatever the proceedability is).
raiseWith: aParameter errorString: aString
raise the signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText,
aParameter is passed as exception parameter.
raiseWith: aParameter errorString: aString in: aContext
raise the signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText
raiseWith: aParameter in: aContext
raise the signal nonproceedable.
The argument, aString is used as messageText
reraise a previously caught exception (on the current context)
creator: aSignal
set the fields usable for inspection by the handler
- only to be sent from the signal when raising.
suspendedContext: sContext errorString: aString
set required fields
- only to be sent from the signal when raising
suspendedContext: aContext messageText: aString parameter: aParameter originator: anOriginator
suspendedContext: sContext parameter: aParameter
set required fields
- only to be sent from the signal when raising
suspendedContext: sContext parameter: aParameter errorString: aString
set required fields
- only to be sent from the signal when raising
suspendedContext: aContext parameter: aParameter originator: anOriginator
do not make this an extension method of the Bridge-package
true if this is a breakpoint or user-interrupt (CTRL-c)
(comment from inherited method)
answer true, if this is an Exception
redefined in all exceptions which are programmer's errors,
and which should probably not be ignored.
I.e. a global error handler should reject and let a debugger get control.
Examples on Exception-raising & handling are found in the doc/coding
section (CodingExamples).
The emergencyHandler stuff is very useful, to prevent endUser applications
from entering the debugger. See the examples in NoHandlerError.