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Documentation of class 'GetOpt':



Class: GetOpt



rev: 1.10 date: 2023/08/01 10:34:24
user: stefan
file: GetOpt.st directory: libbasic
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic


GetOpt -- command line parser

Smalltalk version of Unix getopt(3)-like command line parser.
Crash course:

1) Create a GetOpt with 'GetOpt new'.
2) Tell it what options to expect with 'getOpt at: optChar put: optBlock'
   where optChar is a character (the option, duh) and optBlock is a
   unary block (for options without arguments) or a binary block for
   options with arguments.  (The first block parameter is always the
   option letter that was matched; the second, if present, is the
   argument to the option.)
3) Tell it what to do with option $? if you want to intercept unrecognised
4) Send it 'default: unaryBlock' to tell it what to do with non-option
5) Send it 'parse: aCollection' to parse the arguments in aCollection.

Note that '-x foo' and '-xfoo' are handled correctly for an option
'x' that expects an argument (in both cases the argument is 'foo').

For anyone who didn't understand the crash course, the following:

  | files searchPath outputPath verbose |
  files := OrderedCollection new.
  searchPath := OrderedCollection new.
  outputPath := nil.
  verbose := false.
  GetOpt new
      at: $I put: [ :opt :arg | searchPath add: arg ];
      at: $o put: [ :opt :arg | outputPath := arg ];
      at: $v put: [ :opt | verbose := true ];
      at: $? put: [ :opt | self error: 'illegal option: -' , opt asString ];
      default: [ :arg | files add: arg ];
      parse: Smalltalk arguments startingAt: 1.

will parse a compiler command line for include directories ('-I dir'
option, argument appended to 'searchPath'), an output filename
('-o filename' option, argument left in 'outputPath'), a verbosity
flag ('-v' option, setting 'verbose' to true), and zero or more input
filenames (anything else, appended to 'files').  
If you still don't understand then you shouldn't be here.


Copyright (c) 2005 Ian Piumarta All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS'. USE ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Last edited: 2006-02-03 11:13:33 by piumarta on margaux.local

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  new
self new

Instance protocol:

o  default: unaryBlock

o  onError: unaryBlock

error reporting
o  error: aMessage
(comment from inherited method)
Raise an error with error message aString.
The error is reported by raising the Error exception,
which is non-proceedable.
If no handler has been setup, a debugger is entered.

o  initializeDefaultBlock

o  parse: argumentCollection

o  parse: argumentCollection startingAt: offset

parsing - private
o  parseArgument: arg with: rest

o  parseOption: option with: rest
cg: changed to support non-single-character args (--foo)

o  applyOption: anOption to: unaryBlock

o  applyOption: anOption to: binaryBlock with: rest


    | commandLine commandLineArguments files searchPath outputPath verbose foo level |

    commandLine := '-I /foo/bar -level 1 --foo -o bla.x -v file1 file2 file3'.
    commandLineArguments := commandLine asCollectionOfWords.

    files := OrderedCollection new.
    searchPath := OrderedCollection new.
    outputPath := nil.
    verbose := foo := false.
    level := nil.
    GetOpt new
        at: $I put: [ :opt :arg | searchPath add: arg ];
        at: $o put: [ :opt :arg | outputPath := arg ];
        at: $v put: [ :opt | verbose := true ];
        at: '-foo' put: [ :opt | foo := true ];
        at: 'level' put: [ :opt :arg | level := arg ];
        at: $? put: [ :opt | self error: 'illegal option: -' , opt asString ];
        default: [ :arg | files add: arg ];
        parse: commandLineArguments startingAt: 1.

    Transcript show:'files: '; showCR:files.
    Transcript show:'searchPath: '; showCR:searchPath.
    Transcript show:'outputPath: '; showCR:outputPath.
    Transcript show:'verbose: '; showCR:verbose.
    Transcript show:'foo: '; showCR:foo.
    Transcript show:'level: '; showCR:level.
    | commandLine commandLineArguments debugOption helpOption |

    commandLine := '-h --debugPort 1234'.
    commandLineArguments := commandLine asCollectionOfWords.

    (GetOpt new)
            put:[:opt | debugOption := true];
            put:[:opt | helpOption := true];
            put:[:opt :arg | debugOption := true];
            put:[:arg | self halt];
        default:[:arg | self halt];
        onError:[:msg | self halt];

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