Class: GraphColumnView
- Package:
- stx:libwidg2
- Category:
- Views-Graphs
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/06/26 17:50:43
- user: cg
- file: GraphColumnView.st directory: libwidg2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg2
- Author:
- Claus Atzkern
The class describes the common interface supported by the 2D or 3D GraphColumnView.
This Viewclasses provide a lot of functionality for showing and manipulating graphs
described through to a GraphColumn description. Each change in a graph description
immediately take affect in the garph view.
extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables
Usage example(s):
redefined by subclass: should return the default middle button menu
plugIn spec
Return a description of exported aspects;
these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
(if this app is embedded in a subCanvas).
returns the list of column descriptions
columns: aList
set the list of columns descriptions
graph: aSingleGraph
returns the logical index X of the first visible row; this number is used for
accessing Y values from the GraphColumn description. On default, the value
is set to 1.
graphOriginX: aNumber
set the logical index X of the first visible row; this number is used for
accessing Y values from the GraphColumn description. On default, the value
is set to 1.
Changing the number, a scroll left or right is triggered.
returns the selector how to access the X value of an instance into
the reference list. If the selector is nil (default), the entry is
assumed to be the X value.
referenceSelector: aSelector
set the selector how to access the X value of an instance into the
reference list. If the selector is nil (default), the entry is
assumed to be the X value.
returns list of references
references: aListOfReferences
change the list of references
returns true, if the graphOriginX automatically is updated by
any scroll action. The default is set to false.
scrollUpdatesOriginX: aBool
set to true if the graphOriginX automatically should be updated by any
scroll action. Otherwise a scroll has no influnce to the current
The default is set to false.
returns true, if the middleButton menu is set to the default menu
provided by the graph.
showDefaultMenu: aBool
enable or disable the default menu provided by the graph
accessing dimensions
get the number of horizontal steps ( X )
windowSize: aValue
set the number of horizontal steps ( X )
returns current y-zoom factor
zoomY: aValue
set the current y-zoom factor; if the argument is nil,
the y-zoom is set to 1.
accessing look
returns the current background color of the graph
backgroundColor: aColor
set the background color of the graph
returns the default foreground color used to draw graphs which
has no foreground color specified.
foregroundColor: aColor
set the default foreground color used to draw graphs which
has no foreground color specified.
returns the foreground color of the grid
gridColor: aColor
set the foreground color of the grid
returns the foreground color used to draw the references
referenceColor: aColor
set the foreground color used to draw the references
returns true if the grid is enabled
showGrid: aBool
set the visibility state of the grid
returns the visibility state of the references
showReferences: aBool
set the visibility state of the references
accessing mvc
returns the valueHolder, which keeps the current graphOriginX (see: #graphOriginX:)
graphOriginXHolder: aHolder
set the valueHolder, which keeps the current graphOriginX (see: #graphOriginX:)
returns the valueHolder, which keeps the list of column descriptions (see: #column:)
listHolder: aHolder
set the valueHolder, which keeps the list of column descriptions (see: #column:)
model: aModel
set the valueHolder which holds the selection and maybe the list of columns
returns the valueHolder, which keeps the list of references (see: #references:)
referenceHolder: aHolder
set the valueHolder, which keeps the list of references (see: #references:)
returns the valueHolder, which keeps the windowSize (see: #windowSize:)
windowSizeHolder: aHolder
set the valueHolder, which keeps the windowSize (see: #windowSize:)
returns the valueHolder, which keeps the zoom Y factor (see: #zoomY:)
zoomYHolder: aHolder
set the valueHolder, which keeps the zoom Y factor (see: #zoomY:)
add & remove columns
add: aColumn
insert a column at end; returns the inserted column
add: aColumn afterIndex: anIndex
add a new column after an index; returns the inserted column
add: aColumn beforeIndex: anIndex
add a column before an index; returns the inserted column
addAll: aCollection beforeIndex: anIndex
add a collection of columns before an index
addFirst: aColumn
insert a column at start; returns the inserted column
remove all columns
remove first column; returns the removed column
removeIndex: anIndex
remove column at an index; returns the removed column
remove last column; the removed column is returned
add & remove references
referenceAdd: aReference
add a reference to end of list
referenceAdd: aReference beforeIndex: anIndex
add a reference before an index
referenceAddAll: aCollection beforeIndex: anIndex
add a collection of references before an index
referenceRemove: aReference
remove a reference
remove all references
referenceRemoveIndex: anIndex
remove the reference at an index
change & update
update: what with: aPara from: chgObj
catch and handle a change notification of any object
floatFrom: aValue onError: aBlock
converts something to a float, on error the result of the block is returned
unsignedIntegerFrom: aValue onError: aBlock
converts something to an unsigned integer, on error the result of the block is returned
set color on device
remove dependencies
setup default values
menu & submenus
returns the default middle button menu provided by the graph
doZoomY: aValue
triggered by the default menu to change the current zoom Y factor;
on change, the corresponding model (zoomYHolder) is updated.
returns the submenu to configure the zoom Y factor
called to set the graph to invalidate
called to recompute drawable objects and to set the
graph to invalidate
updateColumns: what with: oldValue from: aColumn
called if the list of columns changed
#size the size of the columns
#color: color changed
or a specific column:( aColumn notNil )
#insert: insert a new column
#remove: remove a column
or a specific attribute derived from the
changed column.
updateGrid: what
called if the grid changed
#color the color of the grid changed
#state the visibility state of the grid changed
updateOriginX: aDeltaX
graph origin X changed; scroll n steps left (aDeltaX < 0) or right (aDeltaX > 0)
updateReferences: what atRelX: aRelX
called when the list of references changed.
#remove: the reference at the relative X index is removed
#insert: a reference is inserted at the relative X index
#size the list of references changed
#state visibility state changed
#color the foreground color changed
returns a list of visible lines (never nil)
returns a list of visible reference line indices or an empty
collection (nothing defined or disabled).
visibleReference: aReference do: aOneArgBlock
evaluate the block with the relative visible X value; if the reference line
is not visible, nothing will happen
scroll left half window size
scroll right half window size
scroll: nIndices
scroll left or right n x-steps. a positive value scrolls to the right
a negative value to the left.
scrollLeft: nIndices
scroll n indices left
scrollRight: nIndices
scroll n indices right
scroll left window size
scroll right window size