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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'HTML::Input':



Class: Input (in HTML)



rev: 1.36 date: 2018/04/26 10:30:21
user: cg
file: HTML__Input.st directory: goodies/webServer/htmlTree
module: stx stc-classLibrary: htmlTree

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  newCheckBoxNamed: aName value: aValue

o  newHiddenFieldNamed: aName value: aValue

o  newInputFieldNamed: aName value: aValue maxLength: maxLength size: aSize

o  newRadioButtonNamed: aName value: aValue

o  newSubmitButtonNamed: aName value: aValue

o  type: arg1 name: arg2 value: arg3

required protocol
o  tagName

Instance protocol:

o  accept
Return the accept of this input.

o  accept: anAccept
Set the accept of this input.

o  accessKey
Return the access-key-attribute of this input.

o  accesskey: aKey
Set the access-key of this input.

o  alternativ: anAlternativ
Set the alternate text for image of this input.

o  alternative
Return the alternate text for image of this input.

o  autocomplete: onOffString
if onOffSTring = 'off' give the browser an hint to not store input.
NOTE: this is not W3C standard!

o  beChecked
Set this input to be checked.

o  beEditable
Set this input to be editable(not readonly).

o  beEnabled
Set this input to be enabled.

o  beReadonly
Set this input to be readonly.

o  beUnchecked
Set this input to be unchecked.

o  checked: aBoolean

o  isChecked
Return if checked is set or not.

o  isDisabled
Return if disable is set or not.

o  isReadonly
Return if readonly-attribute is set or not.

o  maxLength
Return the maxlength of this input.

o  maxLength: aNumber
Set the maxlength of this input.

o  maxlength
Return the maxlength of this input.

o  maxlength: aNumber
Set the maxlength of this input.

o  onChange: aScript
Set the on-change-attribute of this element.

o  size
Return the size of this input.

o  size: aNumber
Set the size of this input.

o  source
Return the source of this input.

o  source: anURI
Set the source of this input.

o  src
Return the source of this input.

o  src: anURI
Set the source of this input.

o  tabindex
Return the tab-index-attribute of this input.

o  type
Return the type of this input.

o  type: aString
Set the type of this input.
text | password | checkbox | radio | submit | reset | file | hidden | image | button

o  type: typeString name: nameString value: valueString

o  usemap
Return the usemap of this input.

o  usemap: usemap
Set the source of this input.

o  value
Return the value of this input.

o  value: aValue
Set the value of this input.

o  canHaveChild: anElement in: aParser
(comment from inherited method)
return true, if anotherElement is allowed as my child

o  canHaveText
(comment from inherited method)
return true, if I allow text as child (i.f. PCDATA)

o  isVoidElement
(comment from inherited method)
A void element is an element whose content model
never allows it to have contents under any circumstances.
Void elements can have attributes.

o  mustBeClosed

o  acceptHTMLVisitor: aVisitor
visitor pattern: dispatch me to the visitor

o  isFormWidgetElement

o  isInlineElement

o  isInput

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Fri, 26 Apr 2024 06:58:23 GMT