Class: HTMLDocumentView
- Package:
- stx:libhtml
- Category:
- System-Documentation
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/11/11 15:28:08
- user: stefan
- file: HTMLDocumentView.st directory: libhtml
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libhtml
displays HTML documents.
Can be used as a widget or
(using startup-protocol found in the class protocol) as a topView.
Please read the documentation in HTMLDocumentPainter for its limitations.
If you want to include an html-view in your UI application,
and want embedded anchor links which call back into your application,
use the following scheme:
1) set the htmlVIew's linkActionPerformer (in your postBuild:-method)
2) generate anchors of the form:
<A action='doIt: linkActionPerformer doSomething'>
or, alternatively, create anchors of the form:
<A action='doIt: self application doSomething'>
DO NOT add private protocol to this class or the superclass (as was done with quickFix)
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
return the browsers default window icon
('hardcopy' #menu_printPage )
helpFileFor: helpFilePath
given a relataive path in the helpFile hierarchy,
find the file's absolute path - first trying the current language,
if not found, try an english version
open a documentView on the ST/X top page.
Returns the htmlView.
Usage example(s):
openDocumentation: aFilename
open a full documentation view on the top documentation page.
Returns the htmlView.
The actual page displayed depends on the language setting;
i.e. it is 'doc/online/<language>/TOP.html'.
Usage example(s):
Usage example(s):
Language := #de.
self openFull
Usage example(s):
Language := #en.
self openFull
openFullOnDocumentationFile: relativePath
open a full documentation view on a file, given its relative
path in the documentation hierachy.
The actual page displayed depends on the language setting;
i.e. it is 'doc/online/<language>/relativePath'.
If the file is not found, a warnBox is shown and nil is returned;
otherwise, the htmlView is returned.
Usage example(s):
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'TOP.html'
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'programming/TOP.html'
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'tools/uipainter/TOP.html#ADDINGMENUBAR'
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'foobar'
Usage example(s):
Language := #de.
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'TOP.html'
Usage example(s):
Language := #en.
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'TOP.html'
openFullOnDocumentationFile: relativePath searchIn: pathesOrNil
open a full documentation view on a file, given its relative
path in the documentation hierachy.
UserPreferences >> useSmalltalkDocumentViewer controls if the
document is shown by the internal HTML viewer, or a real browser.
The actual page displayed depends on the language setting;
i.e. it is 'doc/online/<language>/relativePath'.
If the file is not found, a warnBox is shown and nil is returned;
otherwise, the htmlView is returned.
Usage example(s):
UserPreferences current useSmalltalkDocumentViewer:true.
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'programming/TOP.html'.
UserPreferences current useSmalltalkDocumentViewer:false.
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'programming/TOP.html'.
UserPreferences current useSmalltalkDocumentViewer:nil.
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'programming/TOP.html'
Usage example(s):
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'TOP.html'
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'programming/TOP.html'
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'tools/uipainter/TOP.html#ADDINGMENUBAR'
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'foobar'
Usage example(s):
Language := #de.
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'TOP.html'
Usage example(s):
Language := #en.
self openFullOnDocumentationFile:'TOP.html'
openFullOnFile: aDocumentName
open a full documentation view on a file, given its pathName.
Returns the htmlView.
Usage example(s):
self openFullOnFile:'../../doc/online/english/TOP.html'
self openFullOnFile:'http://localhost:8001/'
self openFullOnFile:nil
self openFullOnFile:'http://www.exept.de'
openFullOnFile: aDocumentName extent: extent title: title
open a full documentation view with extent and title,
on a file, given its pathName. Returns the htmlView.
Add a standard button panel.
openFullOnFile: aDocumentName extent: extent title: title uriDisplay: uriDisplay infoDisplay: infoDisplay
open a full documentation view with extent and title,
on a file, given its pathName. Returns the htmlView.
Add a standard button panel.
openFullOnFile: aDocumentName text: htmlText top: topDirectory extent: extent title: title buttonSpec: buttonSpec info: info
open a full documentation view with extent and title,
on a file, given its pathName. Returns the htmlView.
The buttonSpec argument specifies which buttons should be added to
the panel - for a help viewer, only a subset of the complete set
is usually passed.
openFullOnFile: aDocumentName text: htmlText top: topDirectory extent: extent title: title buttonSpec: buttonSpec uriDisplay: showUri infoDisplay: showInfo
open a full documentation view with extent and title,
on a file, given its pathName. Returns the htmlView.
The buttonSpec argument specifies which buttons should be added to
the panel - for a help viewer, only a subset of the complete set
is usually passed.
openFullOnHelpFile: relativePath
open a full documentationView as helpView (not all buttons are
present) on relativePath, which is the path relative to the
doc/online/help directory. If aRelativePath ends in '.html',
that filename is taken; otherwise, it is interpreted as a directory
name and a file named 'TOP.html' is tried there.
If the file does not exist, a warnBox is shown and nil is returned;
otherwise, the htmlView is returned.
Usage example(s):
self openFullOnHelpFile:'Launcher/compilerSettings.html'
Usage example(s):
Language := #de.
self openFullOnHelpFile:'Launcher/compilerSettings.html'
Usage example(s):
Language := #en.
self openFullOnHelpFile:'Launcher/compilerSettings.html'
openFullOnText: htmlText
open a full documentation view on some html-text.
Returns the htmlView.
Usage example(s):
chapter 1
sub chapter 1.1
chapter 2
sub chapter 2.1
sub chapter 2.2
sub chapter 2.3
openFullOnText: htmlText inDirectory: topDirectory
open a full documentation view on some html-text.
For file-HREFS, use aTopDirectory as starting point.
Returns the htmlView.
Usage example(s):
chapter 1
sub chapter 1.1
chapter 2
sub chapter 2.1
sub chapter 2.2
sub chapter 2.3
openFullOnText: htmlText top: topDirectory extent: extent title: title
open a full documentation view with extent and title,
on a file, given its pathName. Returns the htmlView.
Add a standard button panel.
openFullOnURL: anURL
open a full documentation view on an url, given its pathName.
Returns the htmlView.
Usage example(s):
self openFullOnURL:'http://www.exept.de'
self openFullOnURL:'http://localhost:8080/'
self openFullOnURL:'http://localhost:80/'
self openFullOnURL:'http://wvnvaxa.wvnet.edu/vmswww/bmp.html'
self openFullOnURL:'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/PNG/inline-alpha.html'
self openFullOnURL:'http://www.schaik.com/pngsuite/pngsuite_bas_png.html'
self openFullOnURL:'http://www.schaik.com/pngsuite/pngsuite_trn_png.html'
self openFullOnURL:'http://www.schaik.com/pngsuite/pngsuite.html'
openOn: aDocumentName
open a full sized documentationView on aDocumentName.
Return the htmlView.
Usage example(s):
self openOn:'../../doc/online/english/TOP.html'
self openOn:'http://pxd.me/dompdf/www/test/image_bmp.html'
openOnFile: aDocumentName
open a small documentationView on aDocumentName.
Return the htmlView.
Usage example(s):
self openOnFile:'../../doc/online/english/TOP.html'
openOnText: aString
open a small documentationView on some html-text.
Return the htmlView.
Usage example(s):
HTMLDocumentView openOnText:'Hello world'
HTMLDocumentView openFullOnText:'Hello world'
pathOfDocumentationFile: relativePath searchIn: pathesOrNil
given a relative path in the documentation hierachy
(i.e. xxx in 'stx/doc/online/english/xxx'),
return either the full path of a documentation file,
or nil if it does not exist.
The actual path depends on the language setting;
i.e. it is 'doc/online/<language>/relativePath'.
If the file is not found in the language, english is tried as fallback.
Usage example(s):
self pathOfDocumentationFile:'TOP.html' searchIn:nil
self pathOfDocumentationFile:'programming/TOP.html' searchIn:nil
self pathOfDocumentationFile:'tools/uipainter/TOP.html#ADDINGMENUBAR' searchIn:nil
self pathOfDocumentationFile:'foobar' searchIn:nil
Usage example(s):
Language := #de.
self pathOfDocumentationFile:'TOP.html' searchIn:nil
Usage example(s):
Language := #en.
self pathOfDocumentationFile:'TOP.html' searchIn:nil
new_openFullOnFile: aFilenameOrString anchor: localAnchor text: htmlText top: topDirectory extent: extent title: title buttonSpec: buttonSpec uriDisplay: showUri infoDisplay: showInfo
open a full documentation view with extent and title,
on a file, given its pathName. Returns the htmlView.
The buttonSpec argument specifies which buttons should be added to
the panel - for a help viewer, only a subset of the complete set
is usually passed.
old_openFullOnFile: aFilenameOrString anchor: localAnchor text: htmlText top: topDirectory extent: extent title: title buttonSpec: buttonSpec uriDisplay: showUri infoDisplay: showInfo
open a full documentation view with extent and title,
on a file, given its pathName. Returns the htmlView.
The buttonSpec argument specifies which buttons should be added to
the panel - for a help viewer, only a subset of the complete set
is usually passed.
openFullOnFile: aFilenameOrString anchor: localAnchor text: htmlText top: topDirectory extent: extent title: title buttonSpec: buttonSpec uriDisplay: showUri infoDisplay: showInfo
backward compatibility entry
yes, I rearrange the text depending on the width,
and therefore, it is a bad idea to hide/show scrollbars dynamically
helpDocumentPath: aPathNameString
allow change of the document which is displayed by the
views help button
linkButtonPanel: aView
return the scroll behavior, when I get a new text
via the model.
Possible returnValues are:
#keep / nil -> no change
#endOfText -> scroll to the end
#beginOfText -> scroll to the top
The default is #beginOfText.
This is useful for synchronized text+htmlText,
where new text comes from editing
scrollWhenUpdating: aSymbolOrNil
define how to scroll, when I get a new text
via the model.
Allowed arguments are:
#keep / nil -> no change
#endOfText -> scroll to the end
#beginOfText -> scroll to the top
The default is #beginOfText.
This is useful for synchronized text+htmlText,
where new text comes from editing
button actions
open a file browser on the html file.
But only iff the text being shown comes from a file
return the filename of the html file.
But only iff the text being shown comes from a file;
otherwise return nil
self sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
group add:(box addCheckBox:(resources string:'tiny font') on:nil) toggleView.
change & update
focus control
views which like to take the keyboard focus
when the pointer enters can do so by redefining this
to return true
initialization & release
(comment from inherited method)
unmap & destroy - make me invisible, destroy subviews then
make me unknown to the device
(comment from inherited method)
no - never use dithered colors for the background
(comment from inherited method)
realize - make visible;
realizing is done very late (after layout is fixed) to avoid
visible rearranging of windows on the screen
opening an HTML view on some document:
HTMLDocumentView openOn:'../../doc/online/english/TOP.html'
opening an HTML view on some document with initial local anchor:
HTMLDocumentView openOn:'../../doc/online/english/getstart/tut_3.html#REDEFINING_PRINT'
on a directory:
HTMLDocumentView openOn:'.'
setup an HTML view in some other view:
|top v document|
top := StandardSystemView extent:200@500.
v := HVScrollableView for:HTMLDocumentView miniScrollerH:true in:top.
v origin:0.0@ 0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
top openAndWaitUntilVisible.
v homeDocument:'../../doc/online/english/TOP.html'.
the same, with different contents:
|top v document|
top := StandardSystemView extent:200@500.
v := HVScrollableView for:HTMLDocumentView miniScrollerH:true in:top.
v origin:0.0@ 0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
top openAndWait.
v homeDocument:'test.html'.
how about something like this for your applications help:
|top panel list bottom htmlView|
top := StandardSystemView new.
top extent:(Display extent // 2).
panel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
list := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.25 in:panel.
list directory:'../../doc/online/english'.
list action:[:arg |
htmlView setTopDirectoryName:(list directory pathName).
htmlView showFileDocument:(list selectedPathname)
list matchBlock:[:name | '*.html' match:name].
bottom := View origin:0.0@0.25 corner:1.0@1.0 in:panel.
htmlView := HTMLDocumentView
top open
it is also possible, to stuff HTML source into the view:
<h1>chapter 1</h1>
<h2>sub chapter 1.1</h2>
<h1>chapter 2</h1>
<h2>sub chapter 2.1</h2>
<h2>sub chapter 2.2</h2>
<h2>sub chapter 2.3</h2>
and, the same in a subview:
|top panel list bottom htmlView|
top := StandardSystemView new.
top extent:(Display extent // 2).
panel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
list := ScrollableView for:FileSelectionList origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.25 in:panel.
list directory:'../../doc/online/english'.
list action:[:arg |
htmlView setTopDirectoryName:(list directory pathName).
htmlView showFileDocument:(list selectedPathname)
list matchBlock:[:name | '*.html' match:name].
bottom := View origin:0.0@0.25 corner:1.0@1.0 in:panel.
htmlView := HTMLDocumentView
<h1>chapter 1</h1>
<h2>sub chapter 1.1</h2>
<h1>chapter 2</h1>
<h2>sub chapter 2.1</h2>
<h2>sub chapter 2.2</h2>
<h2>sub chapter 2.3</h2>
top open
testing font changes:
aaa <b>bbb</b> ccc <i>ddd</i> eee <u>fff</u> ggg
| testing embedded images (in a line):
openFullOnText: '
000 111 222
aaa <b>bbb</b> ccc <img SRC=''/Users/exept/cg_work/stx/doc/online/icons/stx.gif''>ddd</i> eee <u>fff</u> ggg
<br>111 222 333
testing style:
openFullOnText: '
h1 {color:red;}
p {color:blue;}
<h1>A heading</h1>
<p>A paragraph.</p>