Class: HTTPInterface
- Package:
- stx:goodies/communication
- Category:
- Net-Communication-HTTP-Client
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/04/22 17:42:11
- user: stefan
- file: HTTPInterface.st directory: goodies/communication
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: communication
An HTTP interface (i.e. a client) which is able to fetch documents using
HTTP GET, HEAD and POST commands.
- can use HTTP 0.9, HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1 (default)
HTTP 1.1 is defined in RFC2068.
- keeps track of open socket connections and can keep busy connections open.
- long contents (with configurable size limit) are stored into a temporary file
and the fileName is provided instead of the contents.
This is useful if huge files are to be transferred.
- define a proxy by answering to HTTPProxyQuery with an instance of HTTPProxySettings.
(or use the withProxy:do: entry)
I cannot guarantee that all HTTP 1.1 features are correctly implemented (as usual).
However, it seems to work for our applications.
[class variables:]
USEREL0_9 - if true, HTTP 0.9 protocol is used
USEREL1_0 - if true, HTTP 1.0 protocol is used
if both are false, HTTP 1.1 is used.
Logging - if true, protocol info is sent to Transcript
TransferInformationSignal - raised to pass transfer information; param is ASCII text telling
caller what is currently been done (connecting etc.)
Can be used by GUI to show connection state.
TransferProgressNotificationSignal - raised to pass transfer information; param is percentage of xferred data
Can be used by GUI to show progress info.
UnsupportedOperationNotificationSignal - HTTP server does not support operation
ContentTypeInformationSignal - content-type of document as about to be xferred.
WrongContentTypeNotificationSignal - content of document is not as specified in allowedMimeTypes arg.
If proceeded, the document is xferred as usual.
TransferTimeoutNotificationSignal - xfer timeout
ShortTransferNotificationSignal - short document
CookieStoreRequestSignal - HTTP server wants to install a cookie
DefaultTransferTimeout - various defaults
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
Signal constants
logging: aBoolean
enable/disable logging
Usage example(s):
self logging:true
self logging:false
return the default connect timeout
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout
HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout:120
HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout:30
defaultConnectTimeout: seconds
set the default connect timeout
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout
HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout:120
HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout:30
return the default transfer timeout;
that is the max. time from request to data xmission start
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout
HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout:120
HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout:30
defaultTransferTimeout: seconds
set the default transfer timeout;
that is the max. time from request to data xmission start
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout
HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout:120
HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout:30
if a files size is smaller than the value returned by this method, then a bytearray-buffer
is used for the data; otherwise, the data is stored in a temporary file and
the dataFile is passed in the response object.
return the max. number of kept connections
maxNumberOfKeptConnections: numKept
set the max. number of kept connections
Usage example(s):
self maxNumberOfKeptConnections
self maxNumberOfKeptConnections:3
self maxNumberOfKeptConnections:1
close and flush all kept alive connections
for now, simulate a Mozilla;
Usage example(s):
instance creation
connectTo: anUrlorUrlString
create an instance to myself and connect it to anUrlorUrlString
connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil
create an instance to myself and connect it to portNr on hostName.
If portNr is nil, the default http port will be used.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'www.exept.de' port:nil.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/').
h destroy.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'www.exept.de' port:33333. 'should not exist'.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/') .
h destroy.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'bla.nowhere' port:nil.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/') .
h destroy.
connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil useSSL: useSSL
create an instance to myself and connect it to portNr on hostName.
If portNr is nil, the default http port will be used.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'www.exept.de' port:nil.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/').
h destroy.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'www.exept.de' port:33333. 'should not exist'.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/') .
h destroy.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'bla.nowhere' port:nil.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/') .
h destroy.
connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil useSSL: sslRequested sslVersion: sslVersionOrNil sslSuite: aSSLCipherSuiteOrNil
create an instance to myself and connect it to portNr on hostName.
If portNr is nil, the default http port will be used.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'www.exept.de' port:nil.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/').
h destroy.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'www.exept.de' port:33333. 'should not exist'.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/') .
h destroy.
Usage example(s):
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'bla.nowhere' port:nil.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/') .
h destroy.
connectToHost: host port: port viaProxy: httpProxySettings
connect a socket via a proxy.
Answer the connected socket.
THis is not HTTP specific. You can use this socket to connect to any service through a tunnel.
(Although it has to be allowed by the proxy - e.g. in Apache:'AllowCONNECT 443 5222'
Usage example(s):
proxySettings := HTTPProxySettings useHost:'exeptn' port:8088 user:'proxyuser' password:'password'.
self connectToHost:'xmpp.exept.de' port:5222 viaProxy:proxySettings
proxySettings := HTTPProxySettings useHost:'exeptn' port:8088.
self connectToHost:'xmpp.exept.de' port:5222 viaProxy:proxySettings
(comment from inherited method)
return an instance of myself without indexed variables
private helpers
composeUrlFrom: urlOrPathArgOrNil host: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil
create an URL from the arguments.
host and port args (if not nil) take precedence over the parameters
passed in urlOrPathArgOrNil
Usage example(s):
self composeUrlFrom:'http://exept.de/path1/path2' host:nil port:nil.
self composeUrlFrom:'http://exept.de/path1/path2' host:nil port:443.
self composeUrlFrom:'http://ignored.de/path1/path2' host:'exept.de' port:443.
self composeUrlFrom:'path1/path2' host:'exept.de' port:443.
extractCharSetEncodingFromContentType: arg
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
extractMimeTypeFromContentType: arg
generateFieldDataFrom: nameValueAssociations
generates an url parameter string of the form &key1=value1&key2=value2
from the given dictionary
logInfo: msg
Logging := false
Logging := true
logVerboseInfo: msg
Verbose := false
Verbose := true
multiPartBoundaryPost: url filename: aFilename fileNameFieldName: aFilenameFieldName contents: contents otherValues: aValueDict
a post request with field values in a smalltalk-friendly form
numericReturnCodeForSymbol: aSymbolicHttpReturnCode
given a symbolic error code, return the corresponding HTTP code
Usage example(s):
self numericReturnCodeForSymbol:#'NOT_FOUND' -> 404
self symbolForReturnCode:404 -> #'NOT_FOUND'
processRedirects: countOrNil for: anUrl with: fetchBlock
evaluate fetchBlock with anUrl, if error, raise it.
If moved, get the moved document;
answer the response.
if countOrNil is nil, a default max redirect chain length of 10 is followed
putAcceptString: aStringOrCollection for: what on: aStream
self putAcceptString:nil for:'Accept-Encoding' on:Transcript
self putAcceptString:'gzip' for:'Accept-Encoding' on:Transcript
self putAcceptString:#('gzip') for:'Accept-Encoding' on:Transcript
self putAcceptString:#('gzip' 'tar' 'bzip') for:'Accept-Encoding' on:Transcript
request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd
Modified (format): / 08-02-2019 / 15:16:56 / Claus Gittinger
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
symbolForReturnCode: aNumericHttpReturnCode
transferRateStringFor: bytesTransferedPerSecond
request API
delete: url
a delete request. Usually only useful against a Rest service.
returns a response object
Usage example(s):
delete: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword
a delete request. Usually only useful against a Rest service.
returns a response object
head: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes
get a documents head (i.e. without body) url from host.
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
accept:#('image/gif' 'image/xbm' 'text/html')
head: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil
get a documents head (i.e. without body) url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface head:'/' fromHost:'www.exept.de'
port:nil accept:#('*') fromDocument:'/'
userName:nil password:nil cookies:nil
HTTPInterface get:'/' fromHost:'www.exept.de'
port:nil accept:#('*') fromDocument:'/'
userName:nil password:nil cookies:nil
put: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword with: data contentType: mimeTypeOfData
a put request with data;
returns a response object
Usage example(s):
put:'http://someURL' with:'someData' contentType:'text/plain'.
put:'http://someURL' with:'someData' contentType:nil.
put: url with: data contentType: mimeTypeOfData
a put request with data;
returns a response object
Usage example(s):
put:'http://someURL' with:'someData' contentType:'text/plain'.
put:'http://someURL' with:'someData' contentType:nil.
request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil proxy: proxySettingsOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil proxy: proxySettingsOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
withProxy: proxySettingsOrNil do: aBlock
utility function:
perform the request through the proxy defined in proxySettingsOrNil
Usage example(s):
self withProxy:(HTTPProxySettings useHost:'fooBar' port:1234) do:[ HTTPInterface get:'https://www.exept.de' ]
self withProxy:nil do:[ HTTPInterface get:'https://www.exept.de' ]
withProxy: proxySettingsOrNil useSsl: useSsl do: aBlock
utility function:
perform the request through the proxy defined in proxySettingsOrNil
if useSsl is set to true, forces url method https if method is http
Usage example(s):
withProxy:(HTTPProxySettings useHost:'fooBar' port:1234)
HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de'
HTTPInterface get:'http://expeccoalm.exept.de'
request API - GET
get: url
get url;
returns a response-object
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'
get: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes
get url, accepting types in acceptedMimeTypes.
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
accept:#('image/gif' 'image/xbm' 'text/html')
get: url additionalHeaderLines: additionalHeaderLines
get url;
returns a response-object
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'
get: url destinationFile: destinationFilename
get url;
returns a response-object.
Data is stored in destinationFile
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'
get: url destinationFile: destinationFilename maxCountFollowedMoved: maxCountFollowed
get url;
returns a response-object.
Data is stored in destinationFile.
Follow maxCountFollowed redirects (or the default, if nil)
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'
get: url fromDocument: referrer
get url with referrer;
returns a response-object
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'
get: path fromHost: host
get path from host.
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
get: path fromHost: host port: portNr
get path from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
get: path fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL
get path from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
get: path fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
get a document from host.
A moved response is followed maxCountFollowed times (to prevent endless repetitions)
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
get: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd
get url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface get:'/' fromHost:'porty'
port:nil fromDocument:'http://murks'
get: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil
get url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface get:'/' fromHost:'porty'
port:nil fromDocument:'http://murks'
get: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
get url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
If the response is a moved-file response, follow the indirection, but at most maxCountFollowed times.
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
maxCountFollowMoved:3) data
get: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
get url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
If the response is a moved-file response, follow the indirection, but at most maxCountFollowed times.
Returns a response-object.
get: path fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil fromDocument: documentURL
get path from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
get: path fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil fromDocument: documentURL maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
get a document from host.
A moved response is followed maxCountFollowed times (to prevent endless repetitions)
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
get: path fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
get a document from host.
A moved response is followed maxCountFollowed times (to prevent endless repetitions)
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
get: url port: portNr
get url;
returns a response-object
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'
get: url userName: user password: password
get url;
Returns a response-object.
Usage example(s):
get: url with: data
a get request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;).
returns a response-object
get: url withFields: nameValueAssociations
a get request with field values.
returns a response-object
getFile: url
a get request,
returning the data if present, or else raising an error.
Usage example(s):
self getFile:'http://www.exept.de/'
self getFile:'http://www.google.com/'
self getFile:'http://webservices.daehosting.com/services/isbnservice.wso?WSDL'
getFile: url maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowMoved
a get request,
returning the data if present, or else raising an error.
Follow maxCountFollowed redirects (or the default, if nil)
getFile: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword
a get request,
returning the data if present, or else raising an error.
getFile: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
a get request,
returning the data if present, or else raising an error.
Follow maxCountFollowed redirects (or the default, if nil)
getStreamFor: url
a get request,
returning a stream on the data if present, or else raising an error.
Usage example(s):
self getStreamFor:'http://www.exept.de/'
self getStreamFor:'http://www.google.com/'
self getStreamFor:'http://webservices.daehosting.com/services/isbnservice.wso?WSDL'
request API - POST
multiPartBoundaryPost: url fromHost: host port: port userName: userName password: password attributes: aValueDict
a post request with field values in a smalltalk-friendly form;
returns a response object.
If aValueDict contains (#'+++UseTmpFile+++' -> true), do not write the value,
but use a temporary file for the data to be sent. Use this for large data.
post: path host: host port: port with: data
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object
Usage example(s):
post: path host: host port: port withFields: nameValueAssociations
returns a response object
Usage example(s):
withFields:(Dictionary new at:'foo' put:'1'; at:'bar' put:'2'; yourself)
post: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword with: data
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object
post: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword with: data contentType: aType
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object
post: url with: data
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object
Usage example(s):
post:'http://se.finance.yahoo.com/m5?a=1&s=USD&t=EUR' with:'foo=1&bar=2'
post: url with: data contentType: mimeType
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object
Usage example(s):
post:'http://se.finance.yahoo.com/m5?a=1&s=USD&t=EUR' with:'foo=1&bar=2'
post: url withFields: nameValueAssociations
returns a response object
Usage example(s):
withFields:(Dictionary new at:'foo' put:'1'; at:'bar' put:'2'; yourself)
request API - basic
request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil additionalHeaderLines: additionalHeaderLines
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.
request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil proxy: proxySettingsOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil additionalHeaderLines: additionalHeaderLinesOrNil
establish the HTTP connection
validateAStringOnW3Org: aString
do not remove, application runs asynchronous"
Usage example(s):
self validateAStringOnW3Org:''
acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:40:49 / Claus Gittinger
acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsStringOrNil acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesStringOrNil
acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsString
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:39:52 / Claus Gittinger
acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsString acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesStringOrNil
acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:40:12 / Claus Gittinger
acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:40:58 / Claus Gittinger
additionalHeaderLines: aStringCollection
hook to add additional stuff to the header
authenticationData: aString
bindTo: anIpSocketAddress
use anIpSocketAddress as originating IP address
clientCertificateChain: anArray
Modified (format): / 31-07-2020 / 14:41:22 / Stefan Vogel
the connectionTimeout in seconds
connectTimeout: anInteger
set the connectionTimeout in seconds
contentType: contentTypeString
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:41:43 / Claus Gittinger
contents: stringOrByteArrayOrNil
contents: stringOrByteArrayOrNil contentType: contentTypeString
cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil
the cookies to send
destinationFile: aFilename
if given, received data will be stored there, instead of being returned
as string/byteAray. use this for big file transfers
host: hostArg port: portArg
keepConnection: aBoolean
if aBoolean is false, the connection will be closed
after request is finished.
If aBoolean is true, the server determines if the connection
is kept in a connection cache.
maxContentsLengthForDirectData: anInteger
if given, that is the maximum size of received data to be returned directly as
ByteArray/String. If the received document is larger, it will be stored into a
tempfile and that file's name is found in the dataFile slot of the response data.
If left undefined, a default value (currently 4Mb) is used as a maximum
password: passwordStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:38:52 / Claus Gittinger
proxySettings: proxySettingsOrNil
Modified (format): / 08-03-2022 / 10:46:02 / cg
Notice the misspelling - due to the fact that the misspelling made it into the HTTP standard.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer
referer: aString
Notice the misspelling - due to the fact that the misspelling made it into the HTTP standard.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer
Notice the misspelling below - due to the fact that the misspelling made it into the HTTP standard.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer
referrer: aString
Notice the misspelling below - due to the fact that the misspelling made it into the HTTP standard.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer
request: aRequestString
scramble: aBoolean
if true, the very first header line will be x-<rnd>,
where <rnd> is a random string of random length.
This should make plain-text attacks on https requests
less feasable as otherwise, they all begin with (the predictable)
get <url> HTTP/1.1<CRNL>
And with the scramble string, there are only 2 characters to predict,
and it will not be known, where the other header strings are found.
However, it is not clear, if all servers like an x- line before the get in
the header; therefore, the default for scrambling is false.
socket: aSocket
sslSuite: aSSLCipherSuiteOrNil
Modified (format): / 03-08-2023 / 11:44:42 / Stefan_Vogel
the ssl version used (i.e. SSL::SSLProtocolVersion tls12).
If left undefined, the current default version is used
sslVersion: anSSLProtocolVersionOrNil
set the ssl version (i.e. SSL::SSLProtocolVersion tls12).
If left undefined, the current default version is used
suppressUnicode: aBoolean
the transferTimeout in seconds
transferTimeout: seconds
set the transferTimeout in seconds
userAgent: aString
userName: userNameStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:39:06 / Claus Gittinger
userName: userNameStringOrNil password: passwordStringOrNil
answer true, if certificates are validated
validateCertificates: aBoolean
if aBoolean == true, raise an error if certificate validation fails
establish the connection, use the parameters stored in
my instance variables.
Try to use a cached socket if one exists to host/port vis schema.
Usage example(s):
cleanup old closed kept connections
Usage example(s):
there is an old socket for this connection.
Close it if no longer needed.
Usage example(s):
we are going to re-use the connection, so it is no longer available
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:(Time millisecondsToRun:[
h := HTTPInterface new
connectTo:'exept.de' port:nil
sslVersion: SSL::SSLProtocolVersion tls11
sslSuite:SSL::TlsRsaWithAes256CbcSha new.
reply := h requestGET:'/'.
h close.
reply inspect.
connectTo: anUrl
get the parameters to connect from anURL and do the connect.
If host and port is explicitely set, they have precedence over
the values from anUrl.
connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil
h := HTTPInterface new connectTo:'exept.de' port:nil.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/').
h close.
connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil useSSL: sslRequested
|h reply|
h := HTTPInterface new connectTo:'www.google.de' port:nil useSSL:true.
reply := h requestGET:'/'.
h close.
reply inspect.
connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil useSSL: sslRequested sslVersion: sslProtocolVersionOrNil sslSuite: aSSLCipherSuiteOrNil
Transcript showCR:(Time millisecondsToRun:[
h := HTTPInterface new
connectTo:'exept.de' port:nil
sslVersion: SSL::SSLProtocolVersion tls11
sslSuite:SSL::TlsRsaWithAes256CbcSha new.
reply := h requestGET:'/'.
h close.
reply inspect.
only relevant, when useSSL is set to true
logInfo: arg
marked as obsolete by Stefan Vogel at 31-Mai-2023
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
logVerboseInfo: arg
marked as obsolete by Stefan Vogel at 31-Mai-2023
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
connectViaProxy: httpProxySettings
establish a proxy connection to proxyHost:proxyPort.
Answer the connected socket.
establishSocketToHost: connectHost port: connectPort
Establish the basic socket connection.
Resolve the hostname on IPv4 and IPv6 and use the first successfull connection.
Answer the newly connected socket or raise an error.
socketHandlingAfterRequestWithResponse: responseArg
cache the connection/socket for future requests.
Whether we do caching, depends on the returned HTTP response
^ 16384
requestDELETE: args url: urlArg
perform an HTTP DELETE-request
requestGET: urlArg
HTTPInterface new requestGET:'http://www.exept.de'
requestGET: urlArg handlingRedirects: countOrNil
process a GET request, follow redirects up to countOrNil times.
If countOrNil is nil, use a default.
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface new requestGET:'https://www.exept.de' handlingRedirects:nil
requestGET: urlArg with: newContentsOrNil
optionally pass contents (as urlParameters)
Usage example(s):
HTTPInterface new requestGET:'https://www.exept.de'
requestGET: urlArg withFields: keyValueAssociations
optionally pass contents (as urlParameters)
requestHEAD: urlArg
HTTPInterface new requestHEAD:'https://www.exept.de'
requestPOST: args url: urlArg
requestPOST: args url: urlArg maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
requestPUT: args url: urlArg
requests - basic & helpers
authenticationStringForUser: user password: passwd
s := Base64Coder encode:('ca' , ':' , 'ca').
^ (Base64Coder decode:s) asString
basicDoRequest: getOrPostOrWhat withData: postData
Send a request and expect a response.
Returns nil or a response.
PostData is the data to be sent with PUT or POST requests.
It may be nil, a ByteArray, a String or a Stream.
The retrieved data is provided as:
- destinationFile's contents, if a destinationFile was given
- direct data (in response data), if the retrieved data is not too big
- a temporary dataFile, for large files.
doRequest: getOrPostOrWhat
the central request functionality is here;
generates the text fot the HTTP request,
and tells basicDoRequest ro perform the transaction.
Finally, I care for the connection (i.e. keep/close etc.)
extractTransferParametersFromInfo: info
@Commented by Stefan_Vogel at: 2022-09-20 11:02 Reason:
self class logInfo:'received: ',line.
post a rangeGet ...
request: getOrPostOrDeleteOrWhateverUppercaseHTTPCommand url: urlArg
Place an request for urlArg to the server.
Note: the schema/host/port part of the url must not be changed
after the connection setup.
If not yet connected, establish a connection
via schema (HTTP(S)) to host:port as specified in urlArg.
Do not raise exceptions, answer HTTPResponses instead.
requests - obsolete backward compatibility
request: getOrPost url: urlArg acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsArg acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesArg acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsArg acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesArg additionalHeaderLines: additionalHeaderLinesArg contentType: contentTypeArg contents: contentsArg from: currentURL
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
request: getOrPost url: urlArg acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsArg acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesArg acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsArg acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesArg additionalHeaderLines: additionalHeaderLinesArg contentType: contentTypeArg contents: contentsArg from: refererArg userName: userNameArg password: passwordArg
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
request: getOrPost url: urlArg acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsArg acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesArg acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsArg acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesArg from: refererArg
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
request: getOrPost url: urlArg acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsArg acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesArg acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsArg acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesArg from: refererArg userName: userNameArg password: passwordArg
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
requestGET: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes
Get url.
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
requestGET: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes from: currentURL
Get url. If currentUrl is not nil, this is the referer
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
requestGET: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes from: currentURL userName: user password: passwd
Get url. If currentUrl is not nil, this is the referer
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
requestGET: urlArg from: refererString
Get url. If referer is not nil, this is the referer.
Notice the wrong spelling of referer, which made it into the W3C standard;
written this way to make searching easier.
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
simple fetch (preferred):
|rply document|
rply := HTTPInterface get:'http://www.google.de/'.
rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
document := rply data inspect.
HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
|rply document|
rply := HTTPInterface get:'https://www.howsmyssl.com/'.
rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
document := rply data asString.
HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
simple fetch (preferred):
via https (requires the SSL support package to be loaded):
|rply document|
rply := HTTPInterface get:'https://download.exept.de'.
rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
document := rply data asString.
HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
old interface:
|rply document|
rply := HTTPInterface get:'/' fromHost:'www.exept.de' port:443.
rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
document := rply data asString.
HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
|h reply|
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'https://www.exept.de:443'.
(h requestGET:'/') inspect.
h closeSocket.
write data to a temp file:
|h reply|
h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'https://www.exept.de'.
h maxContentsLengthForDirectData:0.
reply := h requestGET:'/'.
reply inspect.
reply dataStream inspect.
h closeSocket.
via a proxy:
|rply document|
withProxy:(HTTPProxySettings useHost:'exeptn.bh.exept.de' port:8088 user:'proxyuser' password:'password')
rply := HTTPInterface get:'https://www.exept.de/'.
rply isErrorResponse ifTrue:[
rply inspect.
] ifFalse:[
document := rply data.
HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
request a webSocket:
|rply webSocket|
rply := HTTPInterface get:'ws://'.
rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
webSocket := rply socket.
webSocket inspect.
Use a client certificate:
|key cert http rply document|
key := Pkcs8Key fromPemStream:'/etc/letsencrypt/live/exept.de-0001/privkey.pem' asFilename readStream.
cert := X509Certificate fromPemStream:'/etc/letsencrypt/live/exept.de-0001/cert.pem' asFilename readStream.
cert := X509Certificate fromPemStream:'/etc/letsencrypt/live/exept.de-0001/fullchain.pem' asFilename readStream.
http := HTTPInterface new
connectTo:'https://expeccoalm-example.exept.de/' asURL.
rply := http requestGet:'/'.
rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
document := rply data asString.
| Use a client certificate:
|key cert http rply document|
key := Pkcs8Key fromPemStream:'/etc/letsencrypt/live/exept.de-0001/privkey.pem' asFilename readStream.
cert := X509Certificate new
subjectNameString:'C=DE, O=Exept Software AG, CN=Test';
issuerNameString:'C=DE, O=Exept Software AG, CN=Test-CA';
startValidity:Timestamp now;
endValidity:(Date today + 365) asTimestamp;
key:(RSASecretCryptKey generateKeyLength:2048 publicExponent:65537 rng:RandomGenerator new);
http := HTTPInterface new
connectTo:'https://expeccoalm-example.exept.de/' asURL.
rply := http requestGet:'/'.
rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
document := rply data asString.