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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'HTTPTentativeObjectService':



Class: HTTPTentativeObjectService



rev: 1.23 date: 2016/09/16 09:27:18
user: sr
file: HTTPTentativeObjectService.st directory: goodies/webServer
module: stx stc-classLibrary: webServer


Serves temporary objects. Typically images, which are generated on the fly.
The objects are flushed after a while.

Class protocol:

o  defaultTemporaryLinkExpirationTime
default temporary link expiration time in seconds

o  linkName
return the default path (with slash)

o  longTemporaryLinkBrowerCacheExpirationTime
temporary browerCache expiration time in seconds for things which expire never in the service

o  temporaryLinkExpirationTime
default temporary link expiration time in seconds

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  isThreadSafe

Instance protocol:

o  temporaryLinkExpirationTime
return the time (in seconds) which controls how long temporary links should be kept

o  temporaryLinkExpirationTime: something
set the time (in seconds) which controls how long temporary links should be kept

o  initialize

maintenance html presentation
o  specificChangeFromRequest: aRequest
extracts parameter from an html-maintenance post-request

o  specificInputFieldsForRequest: aRequest

o  settingSelectors
answer the selectors that are used to configure a service - i.e. those which are
saved in the webServer-settings file.

usage example(s):

     HTTPService new settingSelectors
     self new settingSelectors

o  shutdown
unregister myself from an HTTPServer (if I am registered as default)

o  startup
when registering with aServer, and no
tentativeObjectService has been registered as default until now,
register myself

request handling
o  process: aRequest
return the temporary object's value

o  imageInfoForFileName: aPath
get an image from temporary links or hard disc

temporary link-add/remove
o  clearTemporaryLinkIds
Clear all temp linkIds.

o  expireOldTemporaryLinksFor: now
expire old temporary links

o  graphicLinkIdFor: anImage
Return the linkId for a temporary graphic link.

o  graphicLinkIdFor: anImage expirationTimeDelta: anExpirationTimeDelta
Return the linkId for a temporary graphic link.

o  nextSequenceNumber
generate and return a unique sequence number
(used for temporary link-generation)

o  removeTemporaryLinkInfoForUrlPath: urlPath
remove the temporary link if it is available

o  temporaryLinkBaseName: aBaseNameOrNil for: anObject type: aType expirationTimeDelta: anExpirationTimeDelta
Return the linkId for a temporary object with a lifeTime of anExpirationTimeDelta
in seconds. Additional feature: if the passed anExpirationTimeDelta is the symbol #never,
that link will be kept for ever in the service. (but with a longBrowserCacheExpirationDelta in the browser).
aValue may be a block (or other #value-responding) thing;
its value is computed when a client asks for the link

o  temporaryLinkPathFor: anObject type: aType
Return the linkId for a temporary object.

o  temporaryLinkPathFor: anObject type: aType expirationTimeDelta: anExpirationTimeDelta
Return the linkId for a temporary object with a lifeTime of anExpirationTimeDelta
in seconds. Additional feature: if the passed anExpirationTimeDelta is the symbol #never,
that link will be kept for ever in the service. (but with a longBrowserCacheExpirationDelta in the browser).
aValue may be a block (or other #value-responding) thing;
its value is computed when a client asks for the link

temporary link-queries
o  hasExpiredForLinkObject: aLinkObject time: aTime
return true if exists and have a link for this path. Otherwise return false

o  hasExpiredForUrlPath: urlPath time: aTime
return false if urlPath is valid (exists and has not expired). Otherwise return true

o  hasTemporaryLinkForLinkObject: anLinkObject

o  hasTemporaryLinkForUrlPath: aPath

o  temporaryLinkInfoForLinkObject: aLinkObject
retrieve a temporary objects linkInfo - or nil

o  temporaryLinkInfoForUrlPath: relativeOrAbsoluteUrlPath
retrieve a temporary objects linkInfo - or nil

Private classes:


ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Wed, 24 Apr 2024 23:02:58 GMT