Class: HistoryLine (private in HistoryManager
This class is only visible from within
- Package:
- stx:libbasic3
- Category:
- System-Changes-History
- Owner:
- HistoryManager
The class HistoryLine is part of the HistoryManagerProjcet.
HistoryLine knows how to compose and parse comment lines which are
used to keep track of changes. These historyLines are added at the end of
a methods source code and to the special history classmethod.
HistoryLine and HistoryManager where generously provided by AEG for inclusion into the
ST/X class delivery.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by AEG Industry Automation
COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
convertStringToDate: aString
Usage example(s):
HistoryLine convertStringToDate:'18.10.1995' -> 18-10-1995
HistoryLine convertStringToDate:'18.10.95' -> 18-10-1995
HistoryLine convertStringToDate:'18.10.01' -> 18-10-2001
HistoryLine convertStringToDate:'2001-03-01' -> 01-03-2001
convertStringToTime: aString
was a kludge by Robert; not needed, as Time can convert both hh:mm and hh:mm:ss
Usage example(s):
HistoryLine convertStringToTime:'18:23:15'
HistoryLine convertStringToTime:'18:23:15 foo'
HistoryLine convertStringToTime:'18:23'
HistoryLine convertStringToTime:'18:23 foo'
filterHistoryLines: aCollectionOfHistoryLines
check the collection against multiple occurrence of the same user,
and remove all but the youngest (per user).
Answer the number of seconds between creation and
modifcation of a method within which the modification
line won't be added.
timeIsShortFrom: histLine1 to: histLine2
setup class variables
Usage example(s):
instance creation
fromString: aString
parses the argument, aString;
create & return a new Instance with the values
Usage example(s):
HistoryLine fromString: 'Modified: 01.12.93 / 18:32:30 / M.Noell'
HistoryLine fromString: 'Created: 01.12.93 / 18:32:30 / M.Noell'
fromString: aString at: position
parses the String and creates a new Instance with the values.
The positionvalue is normally used to remove the HistoryLines from the sourceCode.
Claus: return nil, if the string is not a valid historyString.
Usage example(s):
HistoryLine fromString: 'Modified: 21.12.93 / 18:32:30 / R.Sailer'
HistoryLine fromString: 'Created: 21.12.1993 / 18:32:30 / Felicitas Gabriele Felger'
HistoryLine fromString: 'Deleted: 21.12.93 / 18:32:30 / Astrid Weisseise'
HistoryLine fromString: 'Deleted: foo bar / 21.12.93 / 18:32:30 / Astrid Weisseise'
get a new history line.
Preinitialize it as a modified-Line for the current user
public - get a new created-Line for the current user
Usage example(s):
type: type what: what
private - for integration purposes only
return the date
date: something
set the date
return firstPositionInSourceCode
firstPositionInSourceCode: anInteger
set firstPositionInSourceCode
return lastPositionInSourceCode
lastPositionInSourceCode: anInteger
set lastPositionInSourceCode
return the time
time: something
set the time
return the type
type: something
set the type
return the user
user: something
set the user
return the what-changed info
what: someStringOrSelector
set the what-changed info
= aHistoryLine
compares two instances of HistoryLine
Usage example(s):
| h1 h2 |
h1 := HistoryLine for: OperatingSystem getLoginName.
h2 := h1 copy.
h1 = h2 ifTrue:[
InfoBox new title: 'users are equal'; show.
h2 := HistoryLine for: OperatingSystem getLoginName.
h1 = h2 ifFalse:[
InfoBox new title: 'users are not equal'; show.
return a hash key for the receiver
Usage example(s):
Check hashCode
|h1 h2 oc |
h1 := HistoryLine new hash.
h2 := HistoryLine new hash.
oc := OrderedCollection new.
oc add: h1.
oc add: h2.
using hash in a set:
| h1 h2 aSet oc |
h1 := HistoryLine new hash.
h2 := HistoryLine new hash.
oc := OrderedCollection new.
oc add: h1.
oc add: h2.
aSet := oc asSet.
sameDate: aHistoryLine
returns true if aUserName = user in preperation for a SortedCollection of HistoryLines
Usage example(s):
| h1 h2 |
h1 := HistoryLine new.
h2 := h1 copy.
(h1 sameDate: h2) ifTrue:[
InfoBox new title: 'Dates are equal'; show.
h2 := HistoryLine for: 'R.Sailer'.
h2 date: (Date day: 12 month: 6 year:1981).
(h1 sameDate: h2) ifFalse:[
InfoBox new title: 'users are not equal'; show.
sameType: aHistoryLine
returns true if the Type = type in preperation for a SortedCollection of HistoryLines
Usage example(s):
| h1 h2 |
h1 := HistoryLine new.
h2 := h1 copy.
(h1 sameType: h2) ifTrue:[
InfoBox new title: 'Types are equal'; show.
h2 := HistoryLine createdBy: 'R.Sailer'.
(h1 sameType: h2) ifFalse:[
InfoBox new title: 'Types are not equal'; show.
sameUser: aHistoryLine
returns true if aUserName = user in preperation for a SortedCollection of HistoryLines
Usage example(s):
| h1 h2 |
h1 := HistoryLine new.
h2 := h1 copy.
(h1 sameUser: h2) ifTrue:[
InfoBox new title: 'users are equal'; show.
h2 := HistoryLine for: 'R.Sailer'.
(h1 sameUser: h2) ifFalse:[
InfoBox new title: 'users are not equal'; show.
sameWhat: aHistoryLine
returns true if the what = type in preperation for a SortedCollection of HistoryLines
printing & storing
printOn: aStream
return a printed representation of a HistoryLine as a string
Usage example(s):
self new printOn:Transcript
returns true if the bodytext is CreatedString
Usage example(s):
HistoryLine new isModified
(HistoryLine for: 'R.Sailer') isCreated
(HistoryLine createdBy: 'R.Sailer') isCreated
HistoryLine deleted isModified
(HistoryLine deletedBy: 'M.Noell') isModified
returns true if the bodytext is DeletedString
Usage example(s):
HistoryLine deleted isDeleted
HistoryLine new isDeleted
returns true if the bodytext is ModifiedString
returns true if the bodytext is ModifiedString
Usage example(s):
HistoryLine new isModified
(HistoryLine for: 'R.Sailer') isModified
HistoryLine deleted isModified
(HistoryLine deletedBy: 'M.Noell') isModified
HistoryLine initialize.
HistoryLine new.
HistoryLine for: 'R.Sailer'. for integration purposes ONLY
HistoryLine deleted.