Class: InlineObjectClassDescription (private in InlineObject
This class is only visible from within
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- Kernel-Classes
- Owner:
- InlineObject
inline objects are an experimental feature in ST/X
(and currently not used by the system).
Inline literal objects are created by the parsers/compilers with the following
<slotName1>: value .
<slotName2>: value .
where each value is a literal, separated by period from the next
i.e. similar to the brace-array construct { expr1 . expr2... }
For every inline object, an anonymous class is created,
providing getters and setters for the slots.
(if literal objects are immutable (which is the default),
no setters are generated)
You cannot add any semantic (i.e. methods) to inline objects -
they are only useful as containers with a nicer protocol
as compared to dictionaries or arrays.
All such created classes will be subclasses of me.
foo := #{
foo: 'foo value' .
bar: 'bar value' .
baz: 'and obviously: a baz value' .
foo bar.
foo baz.
foo inspect.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2009 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
setName: newName
because classes are shared, multiple uses may try to use different names.
I am anonymous anyway, so the name is only kept for the user's convenience
(i.e. to provide a nicer printString)
Only remember the very first one.
(maybe we should concatenate names instead).
Usage example(s):
|o1 o2|
o1 := InlineObject slotNames:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'bla') values:#(1 2 3 4).
o1 class setName:'myFoo'.
o2 := InlineObject slotNames:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'bla') values:#(1 2 3 4).
o2 class setName:'myFoo2'.
o1 inspect.
o2 inspect.
instance creation
values: slotValues
return a new inline object instance of myself,
given slot values (must be in my inst-slot order).
I must be the class of an existing concrete inline object,
not the (abstract) InlineObject class itself.
Usage example(s):
|proto protoClass|
proto := InlineObject slotNames:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz') values:#(1 2 3).
protoClass := proto class.
protoClass setName:'Foo'.
(protoClass values:#( 10 20 30 )) inspect.
although inline objects usually have no name, we return something
useful here - there are many places (inspectors) where
a classes name is asked for.
(comment from inherited method)
should be redefined in concrete subclass(es)
return libbasic, so the methods of my subclass-instances (i.e. the inline objects)
are not seen as extensions in the browser)