Class: Interval
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- Collections-Sequenceable
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/05/15 22:26:11
- user: cg
- file: Interval.st directory: libbasic
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
Intervals represent a collection (or range) of numeric or character values specified by
a startValue, an endValue and a step.
The interesting thing is that the elements are computed, not stored.
However, protocol-wise, intervals behave like any other (read-only) sequenceable collection.
For example, the interval (1 to:5) containes the elements (1 2 3 4 5) and
(1 to:6 by:2) contains (1 3 5).
The step may be negative, to count backward:
(5 to:1 by:-1) contains (5 4 3 2 1), and (6 to:1 by:-2) contains (6 4 2).
(10 to: 20)
(10 to: 20) asArray
(20 to:10 by:-2)
(20 to:10 by:-2) asArray
($a to:$z)
($a to:$z) asString
($a to:$z),($A to:$Z)
(($a to:$z),($A to:$Z)) asString
(($a to:$z),'bla')
('bla',($a to:$z))
((Character value:16r100) to:(Character value:16r120))
((Character value:16r100) to:(Character value:16r120)) asString
(1 to:10) do:[:i | Transcript showCR:i]
notice, that this is semantically equivalent to:
1 to:10 do:[:i | Transcript showCR:i]
however, the second is preferred, since loops using to:do: are
much faster and do not create temporary garbage objects.
Therefore, Intervals are generally NOT used for this kind of loops.
(1 to:10) asArray
(1 to:10 by:2) asOrderedCollection
fetch by index: O(1)
store by index: -
adding: -
removing: -
includes: O(1)
min/max: O(1)
size: O(1)
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
decodeFromLiteralArray: anArray
create & return a new instance from information encoded in anArray.
Re-redefined, since the implementation in SequencableCollection creates instances with an initial
size, which is not allowed for intervals.
instance creation
from: start to: stop
return a new interval with elements from start to stop by 1
from: start to: stop by: step
return a new interval with elements from start to stop by step
at: index
return (i.e. compute) the index'th element
return the first element of the collection
alias for #step; for ST-80 compatibility
return the last element of the collection
return the first number of the range
start: aNumber
set the first number of the range
return the step increment of the range.
Please use #increment for ST-80 compatibility.
step: aNumber
set the step increment of the range
return the end number of the range
stop: aNumber
set the end number of the range
bulk operations
sum up all elements.
Usage example(s):
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) sum
(1 to:10) asArray sum
(2 to:10) sum
(2 to:10) asArray sum
(5 to:10) sum
(5 to:10) asArray sum
= anInterval
(comment from inherited method)
return true if the receiver and aCollection represent collections
with equal contents, and if they are of the same species.
do not redefine: must generate same hash as SeqColl.
fromLiteralArrayEncoding: encoding
read my values from an encoding.
The encoding is supposed to be either of the form:
(#Interval start stop step)
This is the reverse operation to #literalArrayEncoding.
Usage example(s):
Interval new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:((1 to:10) literalArrayEncoding)
Interval new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:((1 to:10 by:2) literalArrayEncoding)
Interval decodeFromLiteralArray:((1 to:10 by:2) literalArrayEncoding)
encode myself as an array literal, from which a copy of the receiver
can be reconstructed with #decodeAsLiteralArray.
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) literalArrayEncoding
(1 to:10 by:2) literalArrayEncoding
from: startIndex
return a new collection representing the receiver's elements starting at startIndex.
Usage example(s):
(1 to:100) from:2
(1 to:20 by:2) from:2
(1 to:20 by:2) asArray from:2
((1 to:20 by:2) from:2) asArray
to: endIndex
return a new collection representing the receiver's elements upTo and including endIndex.
Usage example(s):
(1 to:100) to:50
(1 to:100 by:2) to:50
collect: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the collection
and return a collection of the results.
Redefined since the inherited method (SeqColl) accesses the receiver via at:,
which is slow for intervals
Usage example(s):
(1 to:20 by:2) collect:[:i | i*i]
do: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the receiver-interval.
Redefined since SeqColl accesses the receiver with at:, which is slow for intervals.
Usage example(s):
1e7 to:1e7+1 by:0.25 do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v]
1.0 to:2.0 by:0.25 do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v]
2.0 to:1.0 by:-0.25 do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v]
$a to:$z do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v]
reverseDo: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the receiver-interval in
reverse order.
Redefined since SeqColl accesses the receiver with at:, which is slow for intervals.
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) do:[:el | Transcript showCR:el ].
(1 to:10) reverseDo:[:el | Transcript showCR:el ].
select: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the collection
and return a collection of all elements for which the block returns true.
Redefined since SeqColl accesses the receiver with at:, which is slow for intervals.
Usage example(s):
(1 to:20) select:[:i | i even]
inspectorValueStringInListFor: anInspector ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
returns a string to be shown in the inspector's list
printing & storing
displayOn: aGCOrStream
what a kludge - Dolphin and Squeak mean: printOn: a stream;
printOn: aStream
append a printed representation to aStream
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) printOn:Transcript
(1 to:10 by:2) printOn:Transcript
(1 to:10) printString
storeOn: aStream
store a representation which can reconstruct the receiver to aStream
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) storeOn:Transcript
(1 to:10 by:2) storeOn:Transcript
setFrom: startInteger to: stopInteger by: stepInteger
set start, stop and step components
return the type of collection to be returned by collect, select etc.
includes: anElement
return true if anElement is in the interval (Numeric compare using =)
Usage example(s):
(1 to:15) includes:0
(1 to:15) includes:16
(1 to:15) includes:1
(1 to:15) includes:15
(1 to:15) includes:5
(1 to:15) includes:14
(1 to:15) includes:4
(1 to:15) includes:4.0
(1 to:15) includes:4.4
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:0
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:16
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:1
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:15
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:5
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:4
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:13
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:14
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:4.0
(1 to:15 by:3) includes:4.4
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:11
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:10
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:9
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:8
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:7
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:4
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:0
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:-1
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:-2
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:-8
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:-9
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:-10
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:-11
(10 to:-10 by:-3) includes:-2.4
(-10 to:-20 by:-2) includes:-16
(-10 to:-20 by:-2) includes:-20
(-10 to:-20 by:-2) includes:-23
(-10 to:-20 by:-2) includes:-24
return true, if the receiver is empty
Usage example(s):
self assert:(1 to:1) isEmpty not
self assert:(1 to:0) isEmpty
self assert:(0 to:1) isEmpty not
self assert:(1 to:1 by:-1) isEmpty not
self assert:(1 to:0 by:-1) isEmpty not
self assert:(0 to:1 by:-1) isEmpty
return the maximum value in the receiver collection,
redefined, since this can be easily computed.
Raises an error, if the receiver is empty.
Usage example(s):
(0 to:15) max
(0 to:15 by:2) max
(0 to:15 by:8) max
(15 to:0) max -> error
(15 to:0 by:4) max -> error
(-1 to:-15 by:-1) max
(-1 to:-15 by:-4) max
(-1 to:15 by:-1) max -> error
return the minimum value in the receiver collection,
redefined, since this can be easily computed.
Raises an error, if the receiver is empty.
Usage example(s):
(0 to:15) min
(0 to:15 by:2) min
(0 to:15 by:8) min
(15 to:0) min -> error
(15 to:0 by:4) min -> error
(-1 to:-15 by:-1) min
(-1 to:-15 by:-4) min
(-1 to:15 by:-1) min -> error
return the minimum and maximum values in the receiver collection
as a two element array.
Raises an error, if the receiver is empty.
Usage example(s):
(0 to:15) minMax
(0 to:15 by:2) minMax
(0 to:15 by:8) minMax
(15 to:0) minMax -> error
(15 to:0 by:4) minMax -> error
(-1 to:-15 by:-1) minMax
(-1 to:-15 by:-4) minMax
(-1 to:15 by:-1) minMax -> error
return the number of elements in the collection
set operations
intersect: aCollection
return a new interval containing all elements of the receiver,
which are also contained in the argument collection
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) intersect:(4 to:20)
(1 to:10) intersect:(11 to:20)
(1 to:10) intersect:(10 to:20)
(4 to:20) intersect:(1 to:10)
(4 to:20) intersect:(1 to:10 by:2)
sorting & reordering
return a copy with elements in reverse order
Usage example(s):
this can be tricky, if stepping from start does not reach stop exactly.
So what is the reverse of: (2 to:5 by: 2) ?
I think, that the correct semantic is to behave transparent to the type
of collection and generate the same elements as another collection would.
In other words, the same as (1 to:5 by: 2) asOrderedCollection reversed
would. That means, we get: #(4 2).
This also means, that (2 to:5 by: 2) reversed reversed does not return the
original, but another interval which generates the same elements ! (2 to:4 by: 2)
Usage example(s):
(1 to:4) reversed asOrderedCollection
(1 to:4) reversed reversed asOrderedCollection
(1 to:4) asOrderedCollection reversed
(1 to:4) asOrderedCollection reversed reversed
(2 to:5 by: 2) asOrderedCollection
(2 to:5 by: 2) asOrderedCollection reversed
(2 to:5 by: 2) asOrderedCollection reversed reversed
(2 to:5 by: 2) reversed asOrderedCollection
(2 to:5 by: 2) reversed reversed asOrderedCollection
(1 to:2 by: 0.3) asOrderedCollection
(1 to:2 by: 0.3) asOrderedCollection reversed
(1 to:2 by: 0.3) asOrderedCollection reversed reversed
(1 to:2 by: 0.3) reversed asOrderedCollection
(1 to:2 by: 0.3) reversed reversed asOrderedCollection
acceptVisitor: aVisitor with: aParameter
dispatch for visitor pattern; send #visitInterval:with: to aVisitor.
this is special. Some encoders want to encode this as a sequenceable collection,
some want to encode a less expensive representation