Class: JavaScriptSyntaxHighlighter
- Package:
- stx:libjavascript
- Category:
- Languages-JavaScript-Compiling & Parsing
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/09/07 20:50:26
- user: stefan
- file: JavaScriptSyntaxHighlighter.st directory: libjavascript
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libjavascript
documentation to be added.
<a short class summary here, describing what instances represent>
<describing what my main role is>
<describing with whom and how I talk to>
<public api and main messages>
<a one-line examples on how to use - can also be in a separate example method>
<implementation points>
[instance variables:]
[class variables:]
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2005 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
api highlighting
formatClassDefinition: aString in: aClass elementsInto: elements
format (recolor) a class definition expression in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
formatFileContents: aString elementsInto: elementsCollection
format (recolor) a file's contents.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
Here, nothing is done ,just for protocol completeness
formatMethod: aMethodOrNil source: aString in: aClass using: preferencesOrNil elementsInto: elements
formatMethodSource: aString in: aClass using: preferencesOrNil
format (recolor) a method in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
format: aString with: aBlock in: aClass
format (recolor) a method in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
format: aString with: aBlock in: aClass using: preferencesOrNil
format (recolor) a method in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
formatClassDefinition: aString in: aClass
format (recolor) a class definition expression in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
formatExpression: aString in: aClass
format (recolor) an expression in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
Usage example(s):
formatExpression:'(1 + 2) max:5'
formatExpression: aString in: aClass elementsInto: elementsCollection
formatMethod: aString in: aClass
format (recolor) a method in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
formatMethod: aMethod source: aString in: aClass
formatMethod: aMethod source: aString in: aClass using: preferencesOrNil
format (recolor) a single method in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
formatMultiMethodSource: aString in: aClass using: preferencesOrNil
format (recolor) a sequence of methods in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
formatStatementList: aString in: aClass elementsInto: elements
format (recolor) a statement list in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
Usage example(s):
formatStatementList:'(1 + 2) max:5. 1 + 2'
elementsInto:(OrderedCollection new).
preferences: something
return the value of the instance variable 'sourceText' (automatically generated)
sourceText: something
set the value of the instance variable 'sourceText' (automatically generated)
api highlighting
format: aString with: aBlock in: aClass using: preferencesOrNil
format (recolor) a method in a given class.
Return the text containing font changes and color information.
formatMethod: aMethodOrNil source: aString in: aClass using: preferencesOrNil
the api used by the expecco code editor
formatMethodSource: aString in: aClass using: preferencesOrNil
the api used by the expecco code editor
error handling
parseError: aMessage position: position to: endPos
(comment from inherited method)
ParseError raiseRequestErrorString:aMessage
isUnknownGlobal: nameSym
syntax detection
markArgumentIdentifierFrom: pos1 to: pos2
(comment from inherited method)
intentionally left blank here
markClassVariableIdentifierFrom: pos1 to: pos2
markCommentFrom: pos1 to: pos2
markConstantFrom: pos1 to: pos2
Modified (format): / 04-06-2023 / 14:36:43 / exept MBP
markFieldNameFrom: pos1 to: pos2
(comment from inherited method)
intentionally left blank here
markFrom: pos1 to: pos2 withEmphasis: fontEmp color: clrIn
markFunctionNameFrom: pos1 to: pos2
(comment from inherited method)
intentionally left blank here
markGlobalClassIdentifierFrom: pos1 to: pos2
markGlobalIdentifierFrom: pos1 to: pos2
(comment from inherited method)
intentionally left blank here
markIdentifierFrom: pos1 to: pos2
(comment from inherited method)
intentionally left blank here
markInstVarIdentifierFrom: pos1 to: pos2
markKeyword: kw from: pos1 to: pos2
keywords get a special color
mark the current token as a keyword
markLocalIdentifierFrom: pos1 to: pos2
(comment from inherited method)
intentionally left blank here
markSelector: selectorString from: pos1 to: pos2 receiverNode: aReceiverNodeOrNil numArgs: numArgs
a local call
markSelfFrom: pos1 to: pos2
(comment from inherited method)
intentionally left blank here
markStringFrom: pos1 to: pos2
markSuperFrom: pos1 to: pos2
(comment from inherited method)
intentionally left blank here
markUnknownIdentifierFrom: pos1 to: pos2
Modified (format): / 14-02-2019 / 14:53:01 / Claus Gittinger
markVariable: v
support for syntaxColoring
markVariable: v from: pos to: endPos
support for syntaxColoring
postProcessTree: aParseTree forText: text
allows for additional checks to be done on the tree
(checking arguments to a call-node in expecco, for example)