Class: Renderer (private in ListModelView
This class is only visible from within
- Package:
- stx:libwidg2
- Category:
- Views-Lists
- Owner:
- ListModelView
prepared for ListItemRenderer
.... SelectionItemRenderer ...
allow the user to redefine the display operation and the dimesion queries
instance creation
forView: aView
raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)
change & update
called before the list changed, clear caches etc.
here nothing is done
sizeChanged: how
Called when size of the corresponding view has changed.
withinUpdateFromListDo: aBlock
handle an update from the list
display: anItem atX: xLeft y: yTop lineHeight: h
display the item on the view
display: anItem atX: xLeft y: yTop lineHeight: h isHighlightedAsSelected: isHighlightedAsSelected
display the item on the view
postRedrawX: damageX y: yStartOrYDamage w: damageWidth from: startOrNil to: stopOrNil
called after redraw of the items in range from start to stop is done;
if no items are damaged, start and stop is set to nil.
validateDrawableItemsFrom: start to: stop
called before drawing items from start to stop; if the method returns false
nothing will be drawn and a invalidate is pushed on the event queue.
By default, true is returned.
instance creation
forView: aView
called if the view is mapped; can be redefined by subclass
heightFor: anItem
returns the height of an item on the view
returns the maximum item width for drawing or nil
if unspecified (the default); used for cliping
widthFor: anItem
returns the width of an item on the view
widthOfWidestLineBetween: firstLine and: lastLine
returns the width of the longest line in pixels in a range; if the renderer
cannot compute the width, nil is returned (the default).