Class: MenuView
- Package:
- stx:libwidg
- Category:
- Views-Menus
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/04/09 12:19:21
- user: stefan
- file: MenuView.st directory: libwidg
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg
this is a very old class which was written well before many improved
successors and tools were added. A lot of stuff you find here is kept for backward
MenuView is going to be obsoleted - use Menu & MenuItem,
and display them in a MenuPanel for new applications.
a menu view used for both pull-down-menus and pop-up-menus (and also,
for nonModal menus, such as the OldLaunchers click-menu).
the action to be performed can be defined either as:
1) action:aBlockWithOneArg
which defines a block to be called with the line number (1..n)
of the selected line.
2) selectors:selectorArray [args: argArray] [receiver:anObject]
which defines the messages to be sent to the model or
receiver. Giving an explicit receiver overrides the model.
It is also possible to define both actionBlock and selectorArray.
The wellknown popups are created by wrapping a MenuView into an instance of
PopUpMenu (read the description of popupmenu).
menu entries starting with '\c' are check-entries.
menu entries starting with '\b' are checkBox-entries.
menu entries starting with '\t' are thumbUp/Down-entries.
menu entries conisting of '-' alone, are separating lines.
menu entries conisting of '=' alone, are double separating lines.
StyleSheet defaults:
menuFont font to use for menus
menuViewBackground view background (should be same as menuBackgroundColor)
menuForegroundColor foreground color
menuBackgroundColor background color
menuShadowColor shadow color for 3D effects
menuLightColor lightColor for 3D effects
menuHilightForegroundColor hilighted items foregroundColor
menuHilightBackgroundColor hilighted items backgroundColor
menuHilightFrameColor frame arounf hilighted items (or nil, if none)
defaults to selectionHilightFrameColor
menuHilightLevel 3D level of selected items
menuHilightStyle #openwin or nil (special kludge)
menuSeparatingLineLevel 3D level of sep. lines
menuSeparatingLineInset left/right inset of sep. lines
menuDisabledForegroundColor foreground color of disabled items
menuCheckColor color to use for check marks
menuFont font to use
other values and some defaults are inherited via SelectionInListViews
styles (i.e. look for selectionForegroundColor ...)
this is a very old inhabitant of the matrix, which looks ugly by todays standards.
It is no longer really maintained but left in for the few users in the system.
Please use MenuPanel and MenuItems instead.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
showAcceleratorKeys: aBoolean
extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables
Usage example(s):
instance creation
forMenu: aTopMenu
create and return a new menuView, which will be contained in
aTopMenus superView
labels: labels
create and return a new MenuView. The parent view,
selectors and receiver should be set later.
labels: labels selector: aSelector args: argArray receiver: anObject for: aTopMenu
create and return a new MenuView
- receiverObject gets message aSelector with argument from
argArray for ALL entries
labels: labels selector: aSelector args: argArray receiver: anObject in: aTopMenu
create and return a new MenuView
- receiverObject gets message aSelector with argument from
argArray for all entries
labels: labels selectors: selArray
create and return a new MenuView. The parent veiw
and receiver should be set later.
labels: labels selectors: selArray accelerators: shorties
create and return a new MenuView. The parent veiw
and receiver should be set later.
labels: labels selectors: selArray accelerators: shorties args: argArray receiver: anObject
create and return a new MenuView. The parent view
should be set later.
labels: labels selectors: selArray accelerators: shorties args: argArray receiver: anObject for: aTopMenu
create and return a new MenuView for a topMenu
labels: labels selectors: selArray accelerators: shorties args: argArray receiver: anObject in: aView
create and return a new MenuView in aView
- receiverObject gets message from selectorArray with argument
from argArray
labels: labels selectors: selArray accelerators: shorties receiver: anObject
create and return a new MenuView. The parent view
should be set later.
labels: labels selectors: selArray args: argArray
create and return a new MenuView. The parent view
should be set later.
labels: labels selectors: selArray args: argArray receiver: anObject
create and return a new MenuView. The parent view
should be set later.
labels: labels selectors: selArray args: argArray receiver: anObject for: aTopMenu
create and return a new MenuView for a topMenu
labels: labels selectors: selArray args: argArray receiver: anObject in: aView
create and return a new MenuView in aView
- receiverObject gets message from selectorArray with argument
from argArray
labels: labels selectors: selArray receiver: anObject
create and return a new MenuView. The parent view
should be set later.
labels: labels selectors: selArray receiver: anObject for: aTopMenu
labels: labels selectors: selArray receiver: anObject in: aView
create and return a new MenuView in aView
- receiverObject gets message from selectorArray without argument
(comment from inherited method)
return the action block to be performed on select.
With useIndex==true, the block gets the selectionIndex as arg,
otherwise, it gets the selectionValue.
disable: indexOrNameOrSelector
disable an entry
disable all entries
disableAll: collectionOfIndicesOrNames
disable an collection of entries
enable: indexOrNameOrSelector
enable an entry
enableAll: collectionOfIndicesOrNames
enable an collection of entries
hideOnRelease: aBoolean
isEnabled: indexOrNameOrSelector
return true, if the item at anIndexOrName is enabled
setEnable: indexOrNameOrSelector to: aBoolean
enable/disable an entry
shortKeys ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
acceleratorAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return an individual shortKey
acceleratorAt: indexOrNameOrSelector put: aKey
set an individual accelerator
accelerators: collectionOfShortKeys
set the accelerator keys collection.
You should pass translated symbolic keys - the menu will automatically
show the untranslated original key sequences.
actionAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return an individual action
actionAt: indexOrNameOrSelector put: aBlock
set an individual action
actions: aCollectionOfActionBlocks
set all actions
addItemList: list after: itemNameOrSelectorOrIndex
Modified (format): / 28-05-2019 / 10:50:58 / Claus Gittinger
addItemList: list resources: resources after: itemNameOrSelectorOrIndex
addItemList: list resources: resources before: itemNameOrSelectorOrIndex
addLabel: aLabel selector: aSelector
add another label/selector pair at the end
addLabel: aLabel selector: aSelector action: aBlock
add another label/selector pair at the end
addLabel: aLabel selector: aSelector after: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
insert another label/selector pair at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
To be independent of the entries label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
Usage example(s):
|v1 v2 v3 v4|
v1 := CodeView new open.
v2 := CodeView new open.
v2 middleButtonMenu:
(v2 editMenu addLabel:'new entry' selector:#foo after:#pasteSelection; yourself).
v3 := CodeView new open.
v3 middleButtonMenu:
(v3 editMenu addLabel:'new entry' selector:#foo after:#others; yourself).
v4 := CodeView new open.
v4 middleButtonMenu:
(v4 editMenu addLabel:'new entry' selector:#foo after:1; yourself).
addLabel: aLabel selector: aSelector arg: anArg
add another label/selector/argument trio.
addLabel: aLabel selector: aSelector before: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
insert another label/selector pair at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
To be independent of the entries label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors
add more labels and selectors at the END
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors accelerators: shorties
add more labels and selectors at the END
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors accelerators: shorties after: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
insert more labels/selectors at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
If such an item is not found, insert the new items at the END.
To be independent of the entries label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors accelerators: shorties before: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
Modified (format): / 28-05-2019 / 10:51:48 / Claus Gittinger
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors accelerators: shorties resources: resources after: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
insert more labels/selectors at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
If such an item is not found, insert the new items at the END.
To be independent of the entries label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors accelerators: shorties resources: resources before: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
insert more labels/selectors at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
If such an item is not found, insert the new items at the beginning.
To be independent of the entry's label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
Usage example(s):
|v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 m|
v1 := CodeView new open.
v1 contents:'original menu'.
v2 := CodeView new open.
v2 contents:'before copy'.
m := v2 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(foo bar)
accelerators:#(Copy Cut Paste).
v2 middleButtonMenu:m.
v3 := CodeView new open.
v3 contents:'before again '.
m := v3 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(foo bar)
v3 middleButtonMenu:m.
v4 := CodeView new open.
v4 contents:'at beginning '.
m := v4 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2' '-')
selectors:#(foo bar nil)
v4 middleButtonMenu:m.
v5 := CodeView new open.
v5 contents:'at end '.
m := v5 editMenu.
addLabels:#('-' 'new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(nil foo bar).
v5 middleButtonMenu:m.
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors after: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
insert more labels/selectors at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
If such an item is not found, insert the new items at the END.
To be independent of the entries label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors before: aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber
insert more labels/selectors at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
If such an item is not found, insert the new items at the beginning.
To be independent of the entries label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
Usage example(s):
|v1 v2 v3 v4 m|
v1 := CodeView new open.
v2 := CodeView new open.
m := v2 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(foo bar)
v2 middleButtonMenu:m.
v3 := CodeView new open.
m := v3 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(foo bar)
v3 middleButtonMenu:m.
v4 := CodeView new open.
m := v4 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(foo bar)
v4 middleButtonMenu:m.
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors resources: resources
add more labels and selectors at the END
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors resources: resources accelerators: shorties
add more labels and selectors at the END
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors resources: resources after: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
insert more labels/selectors at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
If such an item is not found, insert the new items at the END.
To be independent of the entries label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
addLabels: moreLabels selectors: moreSelectors resources: resources before: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
insert more labels/selectors at some place.
Being very friendly here, allowing label-string, selector or numeric
index for the argument aLabelOrSelectorOrNumber.
If such an item is not found, insert the new items at the beginning.
To be independent of the entries label, we recommend you use the selector
as index; in systems which translate strings for national variants,
this makes your code easier to maintain.
Usage example(s):
|v1 v2 v3 v4 m|
v1 := CodeView new open.
v2 := CodeView new open.
m := v2 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(foo bar)
v2 middleButtonMenu:m.
v3 := CodeView new open.
m := v3 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(foo bar)
v3 middleButtonMenu:m.
v4 := CodeView new open.
m := v4 editMenu.
addLabels:#('new entry1' 'new entry2')
selectors:#(foo bar)
v4 middleButtonMenu:m.
add a separating line at the END
addSeparatingLineAfter: aLabelOrSelectorOrIndex
add a separating line after an item
add a separating line at the END.
compatibility with Menu
return the argument array
args: anArray
set the argument array
argsAt: indexOrNameOrSelector put: something
set an individual argument (to be passed with selector or action block)
return an array filled with the check-mark flags.
Non check-menu items have a nil entry in this array.
checkFlags: aCollectionOfBooleansOrNils
checkToggleAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return a check-toggles boolean state.
If the item is not a check-item, return nil.
checkToggleAt: indexOrNameOrSelector put: aBoolean
set/clear a check-toggle
return true, if I have items
indexOf: indexOrNameOrSelector
return the index of the label named:aName or
the index in the selector list if it's a symbol.
If indexOrName is not a valid item, return 0.
for menuPanel compatibility: return a list of menu items.
That is mimicri (mostly for the STXGuiBrowser, I guess)
labelAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return an individual label
labelAt: indexOrNameOrSelector put: aString
change the label at index to be aString
return the menu-labels
labels: text
set the labels to the argument, text
labels: text selectors: selArray accelerators: shorties args: argArray receiver: anObject
set all relevant stuff
labels: text selectors: selArray args: argArray receiver: anObject
set all relevant stuff
menuPerformer: someone
set the menuPerformer of the message.
This also sets the menuPerformer in all subMenus.
return the receiver of the message
receiver: anObject
set the receiver of the message.
This also sets the receiver in all subMenus.
remove: indexOrName
remove the label at index
selectorAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return an individual selector
selectorAt: indexOrNameOrSelector put: aSelector
set an individual selector
return the selector array
selectors: anArray
set the selector array
font: aFont
adjust size for new font.
CAVEAT: with the addition of Text objects,
this method is going to be obsoleted by a textStyle
method, which allows specific control over
normalFont/boldFont/italicFont parameters.
return the popup-masterview I am contained in.
masterView: aPopUpView
set the popup-masterview I am contained in.
selection: index
set the selection
setSelection: index
(comment from inherited method)
select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil;
scroll to make the selected line visible.
*** No model and/or actionBlock notification is done here.
sizeFixed: aBoolean
(comment from inherited method)
set/clear the fix-size attribute, if supported by concrete subclasses.
Views which want to resize themselfes as appropriate to their contents
should cease to do so and take their current size if sizeFixed is set to
true. Currently, only supported by Labels.
This does NOT prevent the window manager from resizing the view,
instead it tell the view to NOT resize ITSELF.
Added here to provide a common protocol for all views.
ret the menu I am contained in
- need this to hide main menus when a submenu performed its action
superMenu: aMenu
set the menu I am contained in
- need this to hide main menus when a submenu performed its action
validateSelection: index
not really selectable, but a separating line
subMenuAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return a submenu, or nil
subMenuAt: indexOrNameOrSelector put: aPopUpMenu
define a submenu
return the currently visible submenu - or nil if there is none
disabled scrolling
drawAccelerator: aSymbolicKey inVisibleLine: visLineNr with: fg and: bg
draw the accelerator at the right.
drawCheckLine: line inVisibleLine: visLineNr with: fg and: bg
draw an on/off-mark (or the space for it).
Supported checkmark types:
\c simple mark; space if off
\b box mark
\t thumbsUp/thumbsDown mark
drawVisibleLine: visLineNr with: fg and: bg
a normal entry
drawVisibleLineSelected: visLineNr with: fg and: bg
redraw a single line as selected.
event handling
buttonMotion: state x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
mouse-move while button was pressed - handle selection changes
buttonPress: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
clicked into the selection ?
buttonRelease: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
stop any autoscroll
keyPress: aKey x: x y: y
Return, space or the (virtual) MenuSelect
key trigger a selected entry.
pointerLeave: state
self setSelectionForX:-1 y:-1. "force deselect"
initialization & release
(comment from inherited method)
I cache font parameters here - they are used so often ...
have to destroy the submenus manually here,
since they are no real subviews of myself
fetch device colors, to avoid reallocation at redraw time
(comment from inherited method)
will be sent by create - can be redefined by subclasses to enable
view events
setup viewStyle specifics
stupid - have to redo this ...
when recreated after a snapin or a migration, resize myself, in case
font dimensions have changed on the display
this is called right after snapIn;
a kind of kludge - reset cursor (in case the save was
done with myself being shown and active)
isCheckItem: line
return true if \c, \b or \t is contained in the line arg.
Care for '\\'.
isGraphicItem: line
redefine in subclasses to return false,
if no graphicLines are wanted (codeCompletionView does this)
labelWithoutDoubleAmpersands: label
ST-80 style model notification
resize myself to my preferred size
OBSOLETE - use resize
resize myself to my preferred size
selectionChangedFrom: oldSelection
(comment from inherited method)
selection has changed. Call actionblock and/or send changeMessage if defined
setSelectionForX: x y: y now: now
select whatever is under x/y coordinate - if there is
a subMenu, show it
compute & return my preferredExtent from labels width's
compute the width req'd for the shortKey
shortKeyPrefixFor: aModifier
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
redrawFromVisibleLine: start to: stop
redraw a line range - redefined to care for special entries.
redrawVisibleLine: visLineNr
redefined from normal list-line drawing, to handle special
lines. These are:
lines consisting of '-' only: draw a horizontal separating line
lines consisting of '=' only: draw double separating line
empty line : leave blank
there may be more in the future.
redrawVisibleLine: visLine col: col
redefined to always draw a full line - for openwin handling
redrawVisibleLine: visLine from: startCol
redefined to always draw a full line - for openwin handling
redrawVisibleLine: visLine from: startCol to: endCol
redefined to always draw a full line - for openwin handling
isValidSelection: aNumber
return true, if aNumber is ok for a selection lineNo
unmap the view - the view stays created (but invisible), and can be remapped again later.
submenu notifications
hide the currently shown subMenu (if any)
take over pointer control from a submenu
submenu is about to perform a menu-action - show wait cursor here as well
submenu has finished its menu-action - show normal cursor again
showSubmenu: index
show subMenu at index
submenu has performed some action - have to deselect here
See real examples in PopUpMenu & PullDownMenu
Notice: normally, menuviews are wrapped into either a popup-
menu or pulldown-menu.
But they can also be used stand-alone as in the following examples:
m := MenuView
m open
m := MenuView
args:#(1 2 3)
m open