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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'MethodChange':



Class: MethodChange



rev: 1.100 date: 2023/05/29 15:46:58
user: cg
file: MethodChange.st directory: libbasic3
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic3


instances represent method-changes (as done in the browser). 
They are typically held in a ChangeSet.


COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  class: cls selector: sel source: src category: cat

o  className: clsName selector: sel source: src category: cat

Instance protocol:

o  category

o  category: aCategory

o  changeMethod

o  changeSelector
(comment from inherited method)
the selector, if it is a method change. Nil oherwise

o  class: cls selector: sel source: src category: cat
split the name

o  classIsJava
Returns true, if this change is for Java class (i.e., if it is for
Smalltalk method that extends Java class)

o  classIsJava: aBoolean
Sets whether this change is for Java class (i.e., if it is for
Smalltalk method that extends Java class)

o  className
(comment from inherited method)
Returns class name of the class as it was present in the original change.
For changes from a file with namespace override, this will be the
className *without* toplevel namespace, but with all owning classes
(if the change class is a private class).
For changes generated internally (by the browser), this will be the full name,
and the namespace override will be nil.

cg: this is all very confusing and needs some cleanup.
However it will be done, any change here needs checks in all users of this code.

o  className: clsName selector: sel source: src category: cat

o  className: clsName selector: sel source: src category: cat privacy: priv

o  delta
obsolete: please use deltaDetail

o  deltaDetail
Returns a delta to the current state as a ChangeDelta object

o  imageSource
return the source for the in-image version of the method

o  methodCategory

o  previousPackage

o  previousVersion
return the value of the instance variable 'previousVersion' (automatically generated)

o  previousVersion: something
set the value of the instance variable 'previousVersion' (automatically generated)

o  previousVersionSource
return the value of the instance variable 'previousVersion' (automatically generated)

o  privacy

o  selector

o  selector: aSymbol

o  apply
apply the change

o  undo
undo the change

o  isConflict
true if this change is different than what is already in the image
(i.e. it overwrites some existing code)

o  isForSameAs: changeB
return true, if the given change represents a change for the same
thingy as the receiver (i.e. same method, same definition etc.).

o  sameAs: changeB
return true, if the given change represents the same change as the receiver.

o  asNamedMethodChange

o  basicFileOutOn: aStream
self printClassNameOn:aStream.

printing & storing
o  printOn: aStream
append a user printed representation of the receiver to aStream.
The format is suitable for a human - not meant to be read back.

o  printWithoutClassNameOn: aStream

o  printWithoutOwningClassOn: aStream

o  sourceForMethod

o  isMethodChange
true if this is a method related change

o  isMethodChangeForCopyrightMethod
(comment from inherited method)
Return true if this is a change of #copyright method

o  isMethodChangeForExtensionsVersionMethod
true if this is a change for an extensionsVersion method

o  isMethodChangeForVersionMethod
true if this is a change for a version method

o  isMethodCodeChange
true if this is a method's code change (not package, category etc.)

o  acceptChangeVisitor: aVisitor

Private classes:


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