Class: PNGReader
- Package:
- stx:libview2
- Category:
- Graphics-Images-Readers
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/11/24 09:04:21
- user: matilk
- file: PNGReader.st directory: libview2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libview2
This class provides methods for loading and saving PNG pictures.
It is currenty unfinished (some interlaced image formats are unsupported, for example: grayscale+alpha)
In the meantime, use a pngtoXXX converter for interlaced images, and read XXX.
writer can only store mask with depth24 images (for now).
writer only generates unfiltered non-interlaced data.
the EnforcedImageTypeQuery is asked for;
if #rgb is returned AND the image is rgba, then the alpha channel is ignored
and an rgb (Depth24Image) is returned instead.
Proprietary chunks can be extracted by defining a specialChunkHandler,
which is invoked (indexed by chunkType) with the chunk data when such a
chunk is encountered. This allows for private data to be extracted.
(labview does this, and expecco can do this)
Proprietary chunks can be written by setting the specialChunks collection
before writing.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1996 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
class initialization
install myself in the Image classes fileFormat table for the `.png' extension.
canRepresent: anImage
return true, if anImage can be represented in my file format.
Any image without mask is supported;
only depth24 images with mask are (currently).
file: filename hasSpecialChunk: chunkTag
true if there is a special chunk with chunkTag in filename
hasValidImageHeader: someHeaderBytes
return true, if someHeaderBytes
(which does not need to be the whole data, but large enough
to detect the header) contains a valid TIFF image header
isValidImageStream: inStream
return true, if inStream contains a PNG image.
Does not really validate - just looks at the header bytes
extractSpecialChunksOnly: aBoolean
if set to true, only special chunks will be processed via
corresponding specialChunkHandlers.
No image will be extracted.
The default is (of course) false.
(comment from inherited method)
return the image as represented by the values found in my
instvars; these have been typically set as a side effect of
the fromStream:-method, which reads images.
specialChunks: aDictionaryOfChunkTypesAndBlobs
Modified (format): / 27-10-2018 / 16:09:56 / Claus Gittinger
specialChunkHandlerAt: chunkType put: aHandlerBlock
define a handler action, which processes unknown chunks.
The handler block will be called with one or two arguments:
the binary data of the chunk, and optionally the reader itself
fromStream: aStream
read a stream containing a PNG image.
Leave the image description in instance variables
(i.e. to get the image, ask with #image).
if there is only one entry to care for...
Verbose := true.
for now - might be changed by setColorType.
handleText: text keyword: keyword
things like exif data etc.
setColorType: colorType
reading-private chunks
doPass: passNr
Certain interlace passes are skipped with certain small image dimensions;
Return true, if that pass is to be performed
processACTLChunkLen: len
APNG animation control
processBKGDChunkLen: len
background color chunk
processCHRMChunkLen: len
cHRM Primary chromaticities chunk - currently unhandled
processChunk: type len: len
---since the compressed data can span multiple
chunks, stitch them all together first. later,
if memory is an issue, we need to figure out how
to do this on the fly---
processDSIGChunkLen: len
digital signature; see
processEXEXChunkLen: len
this chunk contains an expecco sample network.
processEXIFChunkLen: len
Exchangeable Image File (Exif) Profile chunk.
processFCTLChunkLen: len
APNG frame control
processFDATChunkLen: len
APNG frame data
processGAMAChunkLen: len
currently ignored
processHISTChunkLen: len
currently ignored
processICCPChunkLen: len
currently ignored
processIDATChunkLen: len
processIHDRChunkLen: len
image header chunk
processITXTChunkLen: len
international (i.e.utf8) textual data.
processInterlacedDATA: len
adam7 interlace method
processNIVIChunkLen: len
this chunk contains a labView vi.
processNonInterlacedDATA: len
data n
processPHYSChunkLen: len
physical pixel chunk - currently unhandled
processPLTEChunkLen: len
read a color palette
processSBITChunkLen: len
currently ignored
processSPALChunkLen: len
currently ignored
processSRGBChunkLen: len
currently ignored
processTEXTChunkLen: len
textual data in iso8859 coding.
processTIMEChunkLen: len
currently ignored - not needed to display png images
processTRNSChunkLen: len
Modified (format): / 23-06-2020 / 17:46:15 / Stefan Vogel
processZTXTChunkLen: len
compressed text
reading-private filtering
filterAverage: count
Use the average of the pixel to the left and the pixel above as a predictor
filterHorizontal: count
use the pixel to the left as a predictor
filterNone: count
no filter - scanline is as is
filterPaeth: count
Select one of (the pixel to the left, the pixel above and the pixel to above left) to
predict the value of this pixel
filterScanline: filterType count: count
filterVertical: count
Use the pixel above as a predictor
paethPredictLeft: l above: a aboveLeft: al
Predicts the value of a pixel based on nearby pixels, based on Paeth (GG II, 1991)
reading-private pixel copy
copyPixels: y at: startX by: incX
Handle interlaced pixels of supported colorTypes
copyPixelsGray: y at: startX by: incX
Handle interlaced pixels of supported colorTypes.
copyPixelsGrayAlpha: y at: startX by: incX
Handle interlaced pixels of supported colorTypes.
copyPixelsIndexed: y at: startX by: incX
copyPixelsRGB: y at: startX by: incX
Handle interlaced pixels of supported colorTypes.
copyPixelsRGBA: y at: startX by: incX
Handle interlaced pixels of supported colorTypes.
save: imageArg onStream: aStream
save image in PNG-file-format onto aStream
Assume a new color entry for the masked pixels and assign these pixels to it.
writing-private chunks
sets colorType as side effect;
returns boolean if a mask is present
writeChunk: chunkTypeChars size: len with: aBlock
make it grayAlpha / rgbAlpha
for now - only support depth24 + mask
if there is an index for the masked pixels at the end of the color map
for all remaining palette entries without a set value, it is assumed to be 255
PNGReader save:(ToolbarIconLibrary systemBrowserIcon) onFile:'/tmp/icon.png'.
ImageEditor openOnFile:'/tmp/icon.png'
|img img2 outStream png|
img := ToolbarIconLibrary error32x32Icon.
outStream := WriteStream on:(ByteArray new:100).
PNGReader save:img onStream:outStream.
png := outStream contents.
img2 := PNGReader fromStream:(png readStream).
self assert:(img bits = img2 bits).
img inspect.
img2 inspect.
Sorry, that doesn't work yet:
outStream := '' readWriteStream.
PNGReader save:(ToolbarIconLibrary systemBrowserIcon) onStream:(Base64Coder on:outStream).