Class: ParseNodeVisitor
- Package:
- stx:libcomp
- Category:
- System-Compiler-Support
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/12/12 21:52:48
- user: cg
- file: ParseNodeVisitor.st directory: libcomp
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libcomp
a whitebox expandable abstract parsenode visitor.
Subclasses should redefine those acceptXXX methods, in which they are interested.
pluggable setup
actionForNodeClass: aNodeClass put: aBlock
setup so that for nodes of type aNodeClass, aBlock is invoked.
If the block returns true, subnodes (eg. right side of assignments, etc.)
will be enumerated as well.
Otherwise, no subnodes are visited.
visit: anObject
visitAssignmentNode: anObject
visitBinaryNode: anObject
visitBlockNode: anObject
visitCascadeNode: anObject
visitConstantNode: anObject
visitECompletionConstantNode: anObject
dispatched back from the visited eCompletionConstantNode-object (visitor pattern)
visitMessageNode: anObject
visitObject: anObject
dispatched back from the visited objects (visitor pattern)
visitParseErrorNode: anObject
visitPrimitiveNode: anObject
visitReturnNode: anObject
visitSelfNode: anObject
to be redefined in subclasses
visitStatementNode: anObject
visitSuperNode: anObject
to be redefined in subclasses
visitUnaryNode: anObject
visitVariableNode: anObject
to be redefined in subclasses
visiting - javaScript
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
catch to prevent stupid error reports from Explainer in end-user app (expecco)