Class: ParseTreeRewriter
- Package:
- stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser
- Category:
- Refactory-ParseTree Matching
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/04/13 09:19:02
- user: cg
- file: ParseTreeRewriter.st directory: goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: parser
ParseTreeRewriter walks over and transforms its BRProgramNode (tree). If the tree is modified, then answer is set to true, and the modified tree can be retrieved by the #tree method.
Instance Variables:
tree <BRProgramNode> the parse tree we're transforming
replace: code with: newCode in: aParseTree
replace: code with: newCode in: aParseTree onInterval: anInterval
replaceStatements: code with: newCode in: aParseTree onInterval: anInterval
instance creation
classVariable: aVarName getter: getMethod setter: setMethod
A small hack to use ParseTreeSourceRewriter if all refactorings. should not harm...
Usage example(s):
ParseTreeRewriter new.
UserPreferences current at: #useParseTreeSourceRewriterForAllRewrites put: false.
UserPreferences current at: #useParseTreeSourceRewriterForAllRewrites put: true
removeTemporaryNamed: aName
rename: varName to: newVarName
rename: varName to: newVarName handler: aBlock
A rewriter to rename varName to newVarName, evaluating aBlock if there is a
temporary variable with the same name as newVarName.
aBlock may be a zero-arg block, or one accepting the matching node as arg.
This does not change temporary variables with varName.
replace: code with: newCode method: aBoolean
replaceLiteral: literal with: newLiteral
duplicate code.
valueHolderForVariable: aVarName holderMethod: aSelector
variable: aVarName getter: getMethod setter: setMethod
variable: aVarName getter: getMethod setter: setMethod receiver: aString
replaceLiteral: literal with: newLiteral inToken: literalToken
if literalToken's value is literal, replace it by newLiteral and return true.
otherwise, return false
executeTree: aParseTree
(comment from inherited method)
Save our current context, in case someone is performing another search inside a match.
Notice: kept for backward compatibility;
cannot forward this to executeTree:in: here, because not everyone (SmallLint and others)
are guaranteed to implement it (but instead redefine executeTree:).
executeTree: aParseTree in: optionalClassBeingProcessed
(comment from inherited method)
Save our current context, in case someone is performing another search inside a match.
Nothing to do here, to be polymorph with ParseTreeSourceRewriter
Nothing returned here, to be polymorph with ParseTreeSourceRewriter
buildMethodParseTreeRuleFor: aReplaceCondition
buildParseTreeRuleFor: aReplaceCondition
lookForMoreMatchesInContext: oldContext
replace: searchString with: replaceString
replace: searchString with: replaceString keepComments: keepComments
if keepComments is true, comments in the replaceString will be handled
replace: searchString with: replaceString thenDo: actionOnReplacedNode
replace: searchString with: replaceString when: aBlock
replace: searchString withValueFrom: replaceBlock
replace: searchString withValueFrom: replaceBlock when: conditionBlock
replaceArgument: searchString with: replaceString
replaceArgument: searchString with: replaceString when: aBlock
replaceArgument: searchString withValueFrom: replaceBlock
replaceArgument: searchString withValueFrom: replaceBlock when: conditionBlock
replaceLiteral: literal with: newLiteral
replaceMethod: searchString with: replaceString
replaceMethod: searchString with: replaceString when: aBlock
replaceMethod: searchString withValueFrom: replaceBlock
replaceMethod: searchString withValueFrom: replaceBlock when: conditionBlock
replaceTree: searchTree withTree: replaceTree
replaceTree: searchTree withTree: replaceTree when: aBlock
replaceVariable: variable with: newVariable
Transcript showCR:'replacing variable ',variable,' by ',newVariable.
visitArguments: aNodeCollection
(comment from inherited method)
returns aNodeCollection (actually: whatever its do: method returns)
(not sure if it must do so, or if it is sloppy programming)
visitor-double dispatching
acceptAssignmentNode: anAssignmentNode
acceptBlockNode: aBlockNode
acceptCascadeNode: aCascadeNode
acceptMessageNode: aMessageNode
acceptMethodNode: aMethodNode
acceptOptimizedNode: anOptimizedNode
acceptReturnNode: aReturnNode
acceptSequenceNode: aSequenceNode