Smalltalk/X WebserverDocumentation of class 'PhoneticStringUtilities::Caverphone2StringComparator': | ||
Class: Caverphone2StringComparator (private in PhoneticStringUtilitiesThis class is only visible from within PhoneticStringUtilities.Inheritance:Object | +--PhoneticStringUtilities::PhoneticStringComparator | +--PhoneticStringUtilities::SingleResultPhoneticStringComparator | +--PhoneticStringUtilities::Caverphone2StringComparator
Description:Caverphone (2) Algorithm: see Caverphone 2.0 is being made available for free use for the benefit of anyone who has a use for it, with the proviso that the Caversham Project at the University of Otago should be acknowledged as the original source (which is hereby done ;-). • Start with a Surname or Firstname • Convert to lowercase This coding system is case sensitive, implementations should acknowledge that a is not the same as A • Remove anything not A-Z The main intention of this is to remove spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes. example: o'brian becomes obrian • If the name starts with cough make it cou2f 2 is being used as a temporary placeholder to indicate a consonant which we are no longer interested in. • If the name starts with rough make it rou2f • If the name starts with tough make it tou2f • If the name starts with enough make it enou2f • If the name starts with gn make it 2n • If the name ends with mb make it m2 • replace cq with 2q • replace ci with si • replace ce with se • replace cy with sy • replace tch with 2ch • replace c with k • replace q with k • replace x with k • replace v with f • replace dg with 2g • replace tio with sio • replace tia with sia • replace d with t • replace ph with fh • replace b with p • replace sh with s2 • replace z with s • replace and initial vowel with an A • replace all other vowels with a 3 3 is a temporary placeholder marking a vowel • replace 3gh3 with 3kh3 Exceptions are dealt with before the general case. gh between vowels is an except of the more general gh rule. • replace gh with 22 • replace g with k • replace groups of the letter s with a S Continuous strings of s are replace by a single S • replace groups of the letter t with a T • replace groups of the letter p with a P • replace groups of the letter k with a K • replace groups of the letter f with a F • replace groups of the letter m with a M • replace groups of the letter n with a N • replace w3 with W3 • replace wy with Wy • replace wh3 with Wh3 • replace why with Why • replace w with 2 • replace and initial h with an A • replace all other occurrences of h with a 2 • replace r3 with R3 • replace ry with Ry • replace r with 2 • replace l3 with L3 • replace ly with Ly • replace l with 2 • replace j with y • replace y3 with Y3 • replace y with 2 • remove all 2s • remove all 3s • put six (v1) / ten (v2) 1s on the end • take the first six characters as the code (caverphone 1); / take the first ten characters as the code (caverphone 2); self new encode:'david' -> 'TFT1111111' self new encode:'whittle' -> 'WTA1111111' self new encode:'Stevenson' -> 'STFNSN1111' self new encode:'Peter' -> 'PTA1111111' self new encode:'washington' -> 'WSNKTN1111' self new encode:'lee' -> 'LA11111111' self new encode:'Gutierrez' -> 'KTRS111111' self new encode:'Pfister' -> 'PFSTA11111' self new encode:'Jackson' -> 'YKSN111111' self new encode:'Tymczak' -> 'TMKSK11111' self new encode:'add' -> 'AT11111111' self new encode:'aid' -> 'AT11111111' self new encode:'at' -> 'AT11111111' self new encode:'art' -> 'AT11111111' self new encode:'earth' -> 'AT11111111' self new encode:'head' -> 'AT11111111' self new encode:'old' -> 'AT11111111' self new encode:'ready' -> 'RTA1111111' self new encode:'rather' -> 'RTA1111111' self new encode:'able' -> 'APA1111111' self new encode:'appear' -> 'APA1111111' self new encode:'Deedee' -> 'TTA1111111' Instance protocol:api
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