Class: RBFormatter
- Package:
- stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser
- Category:
- Refactory-Parser
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/11/23 11:05:54
- user: cg
- file: RBFormatter.st directory: goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: parser
return the blockArgumentsOnNewLine flag; if on, block arguments
are on a new line.
defaults to true in original formatter; false in ST/X
blockArgumentsOnNewLine: aBoolean
set/clear the blockArgumentsOnNewLine flag; if on, block arguments
are on a new line.
defaults to true in original formatter; false in ST/X
return the cStyleBlocks flag; if on, blocks are formatted
the c-style (k&r style); if off, they are formatted the lisp-style.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
cStyleBlocks: aBoolean
set/clear the cStyleBlocks flag; if on, blocks are formatted
the c-style (k&r style); if off, they are formatted the lisp-style.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
return the emptyLineAfterMethodComment flag; if on, an empty line
is inserted after the method's initial comment.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
emptyLineAfterMethodComment: aBoolean
set/clear the emptyLineAfterMethodComment flag; if on, an empty line
is inserted after the method's initial comment.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
return the emptyLineAfterTemporaries flag; if on, an empty line
is inserted after the locals declaration part.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
emptyLineAfterTemporaries: aBoolean
set/clear the emptyLineAfterTemporaries flag; if on, an empty line
is inserted after the locals declaration part.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
return the maxLengthForSingleLineBlocks setting;
blocks with code longer than this are broken into multiple lines.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
maxLengthForSingleLineBlocks: anInteger
set the maxLengthForSingleLineBlocks value;
blocks with code longer than this are broken into multiple lines.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
return the periodAfterLastStatementPolicy flag;
this can be one of #keep, #add or #remove
periodAfterLastStatementPolicy: aSymbol
set the periodAfterLastStatementPolicy flag;
this can be one of #keep, #add or #remove
return the spaceAfterBlockStart flag; if on, a space character
is inserted after a [ token.
spaceAfterBlockStart: aBoolean
set/clear the spaceAfterBlockStart flag; if on, a space character
is inserted after a [ token.
return the spaceAfterKeywordSelector flag; if on, a space character
is inserted after a : in a keyword message (to separate the arg).
defaults to true in original formatter; false in ST/X
spaceAfterKeywordSelector: aBoolean
set/clear the spaceAfterKeywordSelector flag; if on, a space character
is inserted after a : in a keyword message (to separate the arg).
defaults to true in original formatter; false in ST/X
return the spaceAfterReturn flag; if on, a space character
is inserted after a ^ token.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
spaceAfterReturnToken: aBoolean
set/clear the spaceAfterReturn flag; if on, a space character
is inserted after a ^ token.
defaults to false in original formatter; true in ST/X
return the spaceAroundTemporariesr flag; if on, a space character
is inserted before the first and after the last local variable
in the locals declaration part (i.e. as in | foo bar |)
defaults to true in original formatter; false in ST/X
spaceAroundTemporaries: aBoolean
set/clear the spaceAroundTemporariesr flag; if on, a space character
is inserted before the first and after the last local variable
in the locals declaration part (i.e. as in | foo bar |)
defaults to true in original formatter; false in ST/X
return the spaceBeforeBlockEnd flag; if on, a space character
is inserted before a ] token.
spaceBeforeBlockEnd: aBoolean
set/clear the spaceBeforeBlockEnd flag; if on, a space character
is inserted before a ] token.
the indent; defaults to 8 in original formatter;
4 in ST/X
tabIndent: newIndent
set the indent; defaults to 8 in original formatter;
4 in ST/X
format: aMethodSource
ignore any error
Usage example(s):
RBFormatter format:'foo ^ self'
self initialize
BR original settings
ST/X settings
format: aNode
rewriteOldAssignments: aBoolean
if true (which is the default), old style assignments '_'
are formatted as ':='.
There is only one use of turning this off: when the original
source is to be preserve (i.e. when generating code for an old ST,
or showing a searchString's original pattern)
suppressAfterComment: something
suppressBeforeComment: something
additions - ST/X
for: aValue do: doBlock separatedBy: separatorBlock
This is implemented here since IBM Smalltalk doesn't implement a do:separatedBy: method
indent: anInteger while: aBlock
indentWhile: aBlock
lineStart: aPosition
needsParenthesisFor: aNode
if original code had parentheses - generate them again
cr-tab - but only if not already at beginning
precedenceOf: parentSelector greaterThan: childSelector
Put parentheses around things that are preceived to have 'lower' precedence. For example, 'a + b * c'
-> '(a + b) * c' but 'a * b + c' -> 'a * b + c'
formatArrayNodeExpressions: statements
formatArrayNodeExpressions: statements singleLine: singleLine
or:[ PeriodAfterLastStatementPolicy == #keep
and:[ aSequenceNode lastHasPeriod]]
formatLiteral: aLiteralNode
to preserve the original radix...
formatLiteralArray: aLiteralNode
needSpace := false.
formatLiteralValue: aValue
formatMessage: aMessageNode cascade: cascadeBoolean
formatMessage: aMessageNode cascade: cascadeBoolean newLine: newLine
(aMessageNode arguments size > 0
and:[(self startMessageSendOnNewLine: aMessageNode)]) ifTrue:[
howMuchIndent := 0.
formatMessageSelector: selectorParts withArguments: formattedArgs multiline: multiLine
formatMethodPatternFor: aMethodNode
formatPragma: aPragmaNode
formatStatementsFor: aSequenceNode
self formatStatementComments:(stat commentsAfter) for:stat.
formatSymbol: aSymbol
Format the symbol, if it's not a selector then we must put quotes around it. The and: case below,
handles the VisualWorks problem of not accepting two bars as a symbol.
formatTagFor: aMethodNode
formatTemporariesFor: aSequenceNode
newLinesFor: aString startingAt: anIndex
formatArgumentComments: comments for: aNode
formatBlockCommentFor: aNode
formatComments: comments for: aNode spaceAfter: spaceafter
formatComments: comments for: aNode spaceBefore: spaceBefore spaceAfter: spaceafter
crs := self newLinesFor: source startingAt: eachComment first.
(crs - 1 max: 0) timesRepeat: [codeStream cr].
crs == 0 ifTrue: [self addTab] ifFalse: [self indent].
formatMethodComment: aComment for: aNode indentBefore: indentBefore
formatMethodComment: aComment for: aNode indentBefore: indentBefore indentAfter: indentAfter
source isNil ifTrue: [^self].
formatMethodCommentFor: aNode indentBefore: aBoolean
formatMethodComments: comments for: aNode indentBefore: indentBefore
source := aNode source.
formatMethodCommentsAfter: comments for: aNode
special case for comment-only methods: leave as is
formatMethodCommentsAfterRightBar: comments for: aNode
formatStatementCommentFor: aNode
formatStatementComments: comments for: aNode
formatStatementCommentsBefore: comments for: aNode
formatTemporaryComments: comments for: aNode
startMessageSendOnNewLine: aMessageNode
visitNode: aNode
formatCommentsAfter: comments for: aNode
formatCommentsBefore: comments for: aNode
formatMethodCommentsBefore: comments for: aNode
formatSequenceCommentsBefore: comments for: aNode
visitor-double dispatching
acceptArrayNode: anArrayNode
try as single line first
acceptAssignmentNode: anAssignmentNode
oldStyle ifTrue:[' _ '] ifFalse:[' := ']).
acceptBlockNode: aBlockNode
I am the receiver of a message (i.e. typically a control structure)
acceptBlockNodeCStyle: aBlockNode
acceptCascadeNode: aCascadeNode
acceptLiteralNode: aLiteralNode
acceptMessageNode: aMessageNode
pre-generate the code for the receiver into a string.
acceptMethodNode: aMethodNode
self formatMethodCommentFor: aMethodNode indentBefore: true.
acceptOptimizedNode: anOptimizedNode
acceptPragmaNode: aLiteralNode
acceptReturnNode: aReturnNode
acceptSTXPrimitiveCCodeNode: aPrimitiveNode
acceptSTXPrimitiveValueCCodeNode: aPrimitiveNode
acceptSequenceNode: aSequenceNode
self formatMethodCommentFor: aSequenceNode indentBefore: false.
acceptVariableNode: aVariableNode
formatBlockArguments: aBlockNode
whichArgIsToBeFormattedKRLikeIn: selector
for CStyle (kernigham-ritchie style) formatting of blocks arguments.
Return the arg-index or nil or #both