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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'RBMessageNode':



Class: RBMessageNode



rev: 1.60 date: 2023/09/07 21:49:21
user: stefan
file: RBMessageNode.st directory: goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser
module: stx stc-classLibrary: parser


BRMessageNode is an AST node that represents a message send.

Instance Variables:
	arguments       <SequenceableCollection of: BRValueNode>        our argument nodes
	receiver        <BRValueNode>   the receiver's node
	selector        <Symbol | nil>  the selector we're sending (cached)
	selectorParts   <SequenceableCollection of: BRValueToken>       the tokens for each keyword

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  receiver: aValueNode selector: aSymbol

o  receiver: aValueNode selector: aSymbol arguments: valueNodes

o  receiver: aValueNode selectorParts: keywordTokens arguments: valueNodes

Instance protocol:

o  allMessageNodes

o  arg1

o  arg1: aNode

o  arg2

o  arg3

o  arg: n

o  argumentCount

o  arguments

o  arguments: argCollection

o  children

o  leftMostReceiver

o  precedence

o  receiver

o  receiver: aValueNode

o  selector
notice: the selector is no longer always made a symbol,
and the selector instVar is lazy.
This was done to allow parsing huge amounts of code without automatically
creating symbols

o  selector: aSelector
self assert:(selector isNil or:[selector partsIfSelector asArray = keywords]).

o  selectorString

o  sentMessages
warning: returns a string collection because we avoid creating symbols when parsing

o  startWithoutParentheses

o  stopWithoutParentheses

o  = anObject
(comment from inherited method)
return true if the receiver and the arg have the same structure.
This method is partially open coded (inlined) by the compiler(s)
identical objects are always considered equal.
redefining it may not work as expected.

o  equalTo: anObject withMapping: aDictionary
return true, if I am equal to another node, with a given variable name mapping.
Side effect: update the mapping dictionary as required to reflect a matching mapping (if possible)

o  equalTo: anObject withSelectorMapping: aDictionary
return true, if I am equal to another node, with a given selector name mapping.
Side effect: update the mapping dictionary as required to reflect a matching mapping (if possible)

o  hash
(comment from inherited method)
return an Integer useful as a hash key for the receiver.
This hash should return same values for objects with same
contents (i.e. use this to hash on structure)

o  semanticallyEqualTo: aNode withMapping: aDictionary
return true, if I am semantically equal to another node, with a given variable name mapping.
Semantical equalTo: is defined slightly less strict, than equalTo:.
Both check the parsetree, ignoring formatting and comments.
However, in some situations, semanticallyEqualTo: detects the same intention,
(which is mostly heuristic and builtin knowledge).
For example:
foo isNil ifTrue:e1 ifFalse:e2
is semantcallyEqualTo:
foo notNil ifTrue:e2 ifFalse:e1
and also to:
foo isNil ifFalse:e2 ifTrue:e1
The fallback implemented here is to ask for the regular equality.
Side effect: update the mapping dictionary as required to reflect a matching mapping (if possible)

o  semanticallyEqualToNegated: expr2 withMapping: mappingDict
return true,

o  postCopy

o  allMessageNodesDo: aBlock

o  allNonPatternMessageNodesDo: aBlock

o  variableNodesDo: aBlock
evaluate a Block for all variable nodes

initialization & release
o  receiver: aValueNode selectorParts: keywordTokens arguments: valueNodes

libtool3 support
o  highlightInCodeView: aCodeView

o  leftClickMenuInCodeView: aCodeView

o  middleClickMenuInCodeView: aCodeView

o  rightClickMenuInCodeView: aCodeView

o  copyInContext: aDictionary

o  match: aNode inContext: aDictionary
Modified (format): / 19-11-2016 / 16:01:23 / cg

o  buildSelector
concatenate the selector parts, and intern as a symbol

o  buildSelectorString
concatenate the selector parts, but do not intern

o  selectorParts

o  selectorParts: tokenCollection

o  bestNodeFor: anInterval

o  firstLineNumber

o  isReferringToAnExceptionInContext: aSearchDictionary
true iff:
(node contains a ref to a global variable or node is a class variable)
and the variable refers to an Exception class (but not a Notification)

o  lastLineNumber
^ lineNumber.

o  replaceNode: aNode withNode: anotherNode
If we're inside a cascade node and are changing the receiver, change all the receiver's

o  isBinary

o  isCascaded

o  isFirstCascaded

o  isKeyword

o  isKeywordMessage

o  isLoop

o  isMessage

o  isMessageWithSelector: aStringOrSymbol

o  isUnary

o  lastIsReturn

o  testLoop1
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop1) parseTree lastIsLoop )
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop2) parseTree lastIsLoop )
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop3) parseTree lastIsLoop )

o  testLoop2
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop1) parseTree lastIsLoop )
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop2) parseTree lastIsLoop )
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop3) parseTree lastIsLoop )

o  testLoop3
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop1) parseTree lastIsLoop )
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop2) parseTree lastIsLoop )
self assert:( (RBMessageNode compiledMethodAt:#testLoop3) parseTree lastIsLoop )

o  acceptVisitor: aProgramNodeVisitor

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 23 Feb 2025 11:34:03 GMT