Class: RandomGenerator
- Package:
- stx:libbasic2
- Category:
- Magnitude-Numbers-Random
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/05/24 15:41:59
- user: cg
- file: RandomGenerator.st directory: libbasic2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2
This is a Random number generator,
which uses either a OS random number generator or /dev/urandom,
or an ST/X internal random number generator.
this generator should NOT be used for cryptographic work
1) you are running on linux, solaris or osx,
2) you have a working /dev/urandom.
3) you can trust your /dev/urandom (I don't really know if any/all of them are good)
It is a facade one one of the other random generators,
and will choose (in decreasing priority) the first available generator from the following:
- OS random system call
- /dev/urandom
- rc4-based random (if present)
- regular (untrusted) random as fallback
[instance variables:]
[class variables:]
HasOSRandom true if the operatingSystem supports random numbers
RandFile (if HasOSRandom is false and non-nil) the FileStream (/dev/random),
we get random numbers from
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2007 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
adding entropy
addEntropy: entropyBytes
change & update
update: something with: aParameter from: changedObject
handle image restarts and flush any device resource handles
want to be informed when returning from snapshot
try to open a random device
instance creation
return a new random number generator.
Try to get system random numbers from OS (e.g. in LINUX)
or device urandom (e.g. in Linux, OSX).
If no system random numbers are available, fall back to
a cryptographic secure PRNG (like RC4Random, part of the extra libcrypt package).
As last resort fallback to the cryptographic insecure linear builtin PRNG
Usage example(s):
each time, we do a new, add some entropy to the SharedRandomGenerator
path to a file/device that is a source or random numbers
paths to look for OS sources of random numbers.
Can be configured at early startup to use something special
(i.e. a special hardware random device)
If never set, the defaults /dev/random, /dev/urandom are used
randomDevicePathes: aCollectionOfPathesOrNil
configurable paths to look for OS sources of random numbers.
(can be set during early startup in an rc-file).
If never set, the defaults /dev/random, /dev/urandom are used
basic reading
get the next random byte
Usage example(s):
RandomGenerator new nextByte
nextBytes: cnt
get the next cnt random bytes
Usage example(s):
RandomGenerator new nextBytes:4
return the max integral random number returned by nextInteger
Usage example(s):
RandomGenerator new maxInteger.
return the next random number in the range 0..1
Usage example(s):
r := RandomGenerator new.
Transcript showCR:r next.
Transcript showCR:r next.
Transcript showCR:r next.
Transcript showCR:r next.
return true or false by random
Usage example(s):
r := RandomGenerator new.
Transcript showCR:r nextBoolean.
Transcript showCR:r nextBoolean.
Transcript showCR:r nextBoolean.
Transcript showCR:r nextBoolean.
Usage example(s):
Distribution should approach 50/50:
|r bag|
r := RandomGenerator new.
bag := Bag new.
1000000 timesRepeat:[
bag add:(r nextBoolean).
Transcript showCR:bag contents
nextCharacters: count
get the next count printable characters.
We answer printable characters in the ascii range (codepoints 32 - 126)
Usage example(s):
RandomGenerator new nextCharacters:8
return the next integral random number,
in the range 0 .. 16r3FFFFFFF (32-bit)
or 0 .. 16r3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (64-bit).
Usage example(s):
r := RandomGenerator new.
Transcript showCR:r nextInteger.
Transcript showCR:r nextInteger.
Transcript showCR:r nextInteger.
Transcript showCR:r nextInteger.
nextLettersOrDigits: count
get the next count printable letters or digits [0-9A-Za-z].
Usage example(s):
RandomGenerator new nextLettersOrDigits:40
nextPut: something
change the random pool by feeding in something.
Something should be some unpredictable, random event.
Ignored here
nextPutAll: something
change the random pool by feeding in something.
Something should be some unpredictable, random event.
Ignored here