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Documentation of class 'SortedSet':



Class: SortedSet



rev: 1.8 date: 2023/12/21 15:07:43
user: stefan
file: SortedSet.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


I am a subclass of Set whose elements are ordered in a
similar fashion to SortedCollection.
That is, I have both Set behavior (only keeping a single instance of
an element) but I also remember the sort order.

I have one additional instance variable:

order <SortedCollection>        Sorted collection of values reflecting the order 
                                in the set. 

    a tree may be a better choice, 
    as although the set shows O(1) behavior when adding,
    the sortedCollection does not (especially as inserting is expensive). 
    A balanced tree would show O(lg n) behavior.

    access by index:                O(1)
    insertion:                      O(n) 
    removal:          -             O(n) 
    searching:                      O(1)
    min/max:                        O(1)


COPYRIGHT (c) 2012 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  sortBlock: aBlock
return a new sortedSet, whe the sort order is defined by aBlock.
This must be a two-argument block which returns true if its arg1 has to come before
its arg2 in the collection.

Instance protocol:

o  max

s := SortedSet new.
s add:15; add:3; add:-1; addAll:#(99 13 -5 101 -77).
s min.
s max.

o  min

s := SortedSet new.
s add:15; add:3; add:-1; addAll:#(99 13 -5 101 -77).
s min.
s max.

o  sortBlock

adding & removing
o  addFirst: anObject
blocked; only the sort order determines the order

o  addLast: anObject
blocked; only the sort order determines the order

o  initializeOrder: anInteger

o  setSortBlock: aBlock

o  newSpeciesForAdding
used when doing collect operations.
Redefinable for collections which do not know their size in advance

Usage example(s):

        (SortedSet withAll:#(1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6)) newSpeciesForAdding.

        SortedSet withAll:#(1 2 3 4) select:[:e | e odd]   
        ((1 to:10) as:SortedSet) select:[:e | e even]     

o  newSpeciesForCollecting
used when doing collect operations.
Redefinable for collections which do not know their size in advance

Usage example(s):

        (SortedSet withAll:#(1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6)) newSpeciesForCollecting.
        SortedSet withAll:#(1 2 3 4) collect:[:e | e * 2]   
        ((1 to:10) as:SortedSet) collect:[:e | (e / 2) asFloat]     



        s := SortedSet new.
        s add:'one'.
        s add:'two'.
        s add:'one'.
        s add:'two'.
        s add:'four'.
        s add:'three'.
        s size.         
        s do:[:each | Transcript showCR:each].         

        s := SortedSet new.
        s add:'one'.
        s add:'two'.
        s add:'one'.
        s add:'two'.
        s add:'three'.
        s remove:'one'.
        s size.         
        s do:[:each | Transcript showCR:each].         

        s := SortedSet new.
        s add:'one'.
        s add:'two'.
        s add:'three'.
        s add:'one'.
        s add:'two'.
        s add:'three'.
        s size.         
        Transcript showCR:s.         
        s removeFirst.
        Transcript showCR:s.         
        s removeFirst.
        Transcript showCR:s.         
        s removeFirst.
        Transcript showCR:s.         

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