Class: StringCollection
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- Collections-Text
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/11/23 09:53:41
- user: cg
- file: StringCollection.st directory: libbasic
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
StringCollection is a variable sized array of lines which are strings.
This class is temporary (a historic leftover) - it may change or
even vanish in the future. Use OrderedCollections or other standard
classes to represent collections of strings.
StringCollection used to be called Text, but this is a very bad name
- there is something totally different also named Text in ST-80 ...
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
instance creation
from: aString
return a new text object with lines taken from the argument, aString
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
fromArray: anArray
return a new text object with lines taken from the argument, an array
of strings
fromString: aString
return a new text object with lines taken from the argument, aString
new: size
return a new string collection with size empty lines
Usage example(s):
newWithCapacity: size
return a new empty string collection with size capacity
Usage example(s):
StringCollection newWithCapacity:10
newWithSize: size
return a new string collection with size empty lines
return myself as a string with embedded cr's,
AND with an additional <cr> at the end
Usage example(s):
#('This' 'is' 'some' 'text') asStringCollection asString
#('This' 22 'some' 'text') asStringCollection asString
return the receiver as a stringCollection - that's easy
return myself as a string with embedded cr's
BUT without an additional final CR
encodeFrom: oldEncoding into: newEncoding
encode each line
from: aString
setup my contents from the argument, aString.
Obsolete, as it conflicts with the from:index
message, as inherited from SeqCollection.
For a migration time, check which interface is wanted here,
and issue an obsoleteMessageWarning as required.
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
fromString: aString
setup my contents from the argument, aString.
aString should be delimited by newline or return characters
return a copy of myself where C-escapes are expanded in every line
copyEmpty: size
we have to redefine this, since 'self class new:size'
does allocate size nil lines (it does an implicit #grow: size).
In order to get #collect: working, we should not perform this implicit grow
copyEmptyAndGrow: size
performance optimization:
StringCollections are always grown to size after #new: (containing nil elements)
Usage example(s):
#('some' 'text' 'bla') asStringCollection copyEmptyAndGrow:20
copyToEndInto: aStream
copy all of myself into aStream. Compatibility with Stream.
Note: this is by purpose (expeco compatibility) different from
self asString copyToEndInto:aStream.
return a copy of the receiver with leading and trailing blank lines removed.
If there are no trailing blank lines, the original receiver is returned.
If all lines are blank, an empty string collection is returned.
Usage example(s):
3' asStringCollection withoutLeadingAndTrailingBlankLines
Usage example(s):
' asStringCollection withoutLeadingAndTrailingBlankLines
return a copy of the receiver with leading blank lines removed.
If there are no leading blank lines, the original receiver is returned.
If all lines are blank, an empty string collection is returned.
Usage example(s):
3' asStringCollection withoutLeadingBlankLines
Usage example(s):
3' asStringCollection withoutLeadingBlankLines
Usage example(s):
' asStringCollection withoutLeadingBlankLines
return a copy of the receiver with trailing blank lines removed.
If there are no trailing blank lines, the original receiver is returned.
If all lines are blank, an empty string collection is returned.
Usage example(s):
3' asStringCollection withoutTrailingBlankLines
Usage example(s):
' asStringCollection withoutTrailingBlankLines
Usage example(s):
' asStringCollection withoutTrailingBlankLines
Usage example(s):
' asStringCollection withoutTrailingBlankLines
collect: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the collection
and return a collection of the results.
Redefined, to change the result collection to an OrderedCollection if
not all elements are valid for a StringCollection (must be string or nil).
Usage example(s):
#('this' 'is' 'some' nil 'text') asStringCollection collect:[:i | i]
#('this' true 'some' nil 'text') asStringCollection collect:[:i | i ]
collect: collectBlock thenSelect: selectBlock
combination of collect followed by select;
redefined to avoid the creation of an intermediate (garbage) collection.
Redefined, to change the result collection to an OrderedCollection if
not all elements are valid for a StringCollection (must be string or nil).
Usage example(s):
#('this' 'is' 'some' nil 'text') asStringCollection collect:[:i | i] thenSelect:[:e| e notNil]
#('this' true 'some' nil 'text') asStringCollection collect:[:i | i ] thenSelect:[:e| e notNil]
select: selectBlock thenCollect: collectBlock
combination of select followed by collect;
redefined to avoid the creation of an intermediate (garbage) collection.
Redefined, to change the result collection to an OrderedCollection if
not all elements are valid for a StringCollection (must be string or nil).
Usage example(s):
#('this' 'is' 'some' nil 'text') asStringCollection select:[:e| e notNil] thenCollect:[:i | i]
#('this' true 'some' nil 'text') asStringCollection select:[:e| e notNil] thenCollect:[:i | i]
inspector2TabText ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
printing & storing
printOn: aStream
print myself on aStream with embedded cr's
return the receiver's printString
the encoding; ask my first line
return the number of lines of the receiver.
An alias for self size, for protocol compatibility with strings
the size of the string if I was converted
destructive removal of trailing blank lines
Usage example(s):
c'1\n2\n3' asStringCollection removeTrailingBlankLines => StringCollection('1' '2' '3')
c'\n2\n3' asStringCollection removeTrailingBlankLines => StringCollection('' '2' '3')
c'\n2\n3\n\n\n' asStringCollection removeTrailingBlankLines => StringCollection('' '2' '3')
c'\n\n' asStringCollection removeTrailingBlankLines => StringCollection()
destructive removal of trailing CRs in each line
Usage example(s):
c'1\r\n2\r\n3' asStringCollection => StringCollection(c'1\r' c'2\r' '3')
c'1\r\n2\r\n3' asStringCollection removeTrailingReturnsInEachLine => StringCollection('1' '2' '3')
indexOfLineStartingWith: aStringOrCharacter
return the index of the first line starting with the argument, aString
special converting
decodeFrom: encodingSymbol
given the receiver encoded as described by encodingSymbol,
convert it into internal ST/X (unicode) encoding and return a
corresponding StringCollection.
return a new stringCollection consisting of the receiver's lines,
where leading spaces are replaced by tabulator characters (assuming 8-col tabs).
Notice: lines which do not contain leading spaces, are copied by reference to the
new stringCollection (i.e. shared);
otherwise new strings is created.
Limitation: only the very first spaces are replaced
Usage example(s):
(' abcd ') asStringCollection withTabs
#(' abcd' ' def ') asStringCollection withTabs
return a new stringCollection consisting of the receiver's lines,
where tabs are replaced by space characters (assuming 8-col tabs).
Notice: lines which do not contain any tab, are copied by reference to the
new stringCollection (i.e. shared);
otherwise new strings is created.
Usage example(s):
tab := String with:Character tab.
('abcd', tab, 'tef', tab, 'tgh') asStringCollection withTabsExpanded
withTabsExpanded: n
return a new stringCollection consisting of the receiver's lines,
where tabs are replaced by space characters (assuming n-col tabs).
Notice: lines which do not contain any tab, are copied by reference to the
new stringCollection (i.e. shared);
otherwise new strings is created.
return true, if the receiver is some kind of stringCollection;
true is returned here - the method is redefined from Object.