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Documentation of class 'SunRPC::MountClient':



Class: MountClient (in SunRPC)



rev: 1.23 date: 2022/10/17 09:57:37
user: stefan
file: SunRPC_MountClient.st directory: goodies/communication
module: stx stc-classLibrary: communication


interface to the mount daemon (mountd); see RFC1057 and examples.


COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  xdr

Instance protocol:

o  dump
return the mountd information (i.e. who has mounted what).

Usage example(s):

     (self toHost:'localhost') dumpToTranscript; close
     (self toHost:'exept') dumpToTranscript; close
     (self toHost:'funkfix') dumpToTranscript; close

     (self toHost:'joshua' protocol:#udp port:33333) dumpToTranscript; close

o  export
return the exported directory mountd information.

Usage example(s):

     (self toHost:'localhost') export; close
     (self toHost:'exept') export; close
     (self toHost:'funkfix') export; close

     (self toHost:'joshua' protocol:#udp port:33333) exportToTranscript; close

o  mount: dirPath
mount a directory - not yet operational from here
(need to access the mounted files via my own NFSClient, which is not yet ready)

Usage example(s):

     (self new programNumber:100005; host:'localhost') mount:'/foo'; close
     (self new programNumber:100005; host:'localhost') mount:'/'; close
     (self new programNumber:100005; host:'exept') mount:'/foo'; close
     (self new programNumber:100005; host:'exept') mount:'/home'; close
     (self new programNumber:100005; host:'exept') mount:'/'; close
     (self new programNumber:100005; protocol:#tcp; host:'alan')  mount:'/'; close
     (self new programNumber:100005; protocol:#tcp; host:'exept') export; close

     (self new programNumber:200005; protocol:#tcp; host:'alan')  mount:'/'; close
     (self new programNumber:200005; protocol:#tcp; host:'exept') export; close

     (self toHost:'joshua' protocol:#udp port:33333) mount:'C:'; close

o  dumpToTranscript
dump the mountd information (i.e. who has mounted what).
roughly equivalent to showmount unix command

Usage example(s):

     (self toHost:'localhost') dumpToTranscript; close
     (self toHost:'exeptn.bh.exept.de') dumpToTranscript; close
     (self toHost:'exeptn.bh.exept.de' protocol:#udp port:33333) dumpToTranscript; close

o  exportToTranscript
dump the exported directory mountd information.
roughly equivalent to exports unix command

Usage example(s):

     (self toHost:'localhost') export; close
     (self toHost:'exept') export; close
     (self toHost:'funkfix') export; close
     (self toHost:'joshua' protocol:#udp port:33333) exportToTranscript; close


connect test:

  mountClient := SunRPC::MountClient toHost:'localhost'.
  mountClient null.
connect test (use standard MOUNT program number; explicit protocol & port):

  mountClient := SunRPC::MountClient new.
  mountClient programNumber:100005; host:'exeptn' protocol:#udp port:20048.
  mountClient null; export.
connect test (acquires port via portMapper):

  mountClient := SunRPC::MountClient toHost:'exeptn' protocol:#udp port:nil.
  mountClient null.
dump local mounts:

  mountClient := SunRPC::MountClient toHost:'localhost'.
  mountClient dumpToTranscript.
dump mounts on some machine:

  mountClient := SunRPC::MountClient toHost:'alan' protocol:#udp port:33333.
  mountClient dumpToTranscript.
dump export list:

  mountClient := SunRPC::MountClient toHost:'localhost'.
  mountClient export.
use another (non default) port number:

  mountClient := SunRPC::MountClient toHost:'localhost' port:33333.
  mountClient dumpToTranscript.

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