Class: Text
- Package:
- stx:libbasic2
- Category:
- Collections-Text
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/04/12 18:05:08
- user: stefan
- file: Text.st directory: libbasic2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2
Texts add emphasis information to a string.
Texts and strings should behave interchanchably to the outside
world, except that texts keep per-character emphasis information.
(strings return nil when asked for an element's emphasis).
Use #string, to get a text's underlying plain string without any emphasis
Currently, the following attributes are supported:
(#color -> aColor)
(#backgroundColor -> aColor)
(#underlineColor -> aColor)
(#strikeoutColor -> aColor)
Attributes may be combined (pass an array of above) as emphasis.
See examples.
This class is a hack and may need some massage.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1996 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
emphasis constants
emphasis helper
actionBlockFromEmphasis: emphasis
addEmphasis: e1 to: e2
merge two emphasis's into one
Usage example(s):
Text addEmphasis:#bold to:#bold
Text addEmphasis:#bold to:#italic
Text addEmphasis:#bold to:#(italic strikeout)
Text addEmphasis:#italic to:#(italic strikeout)
Text addEmphasis:#(italic strikeout) to:#bold
Text addEmphasis:#(italic strikeout) to:#italic
Text addEmphasis:#(italic strikeout) to:#(bold underline)
Text addEmphasis:(#color->Color red) to:#(bold underline)
emphasis: e1 includes: e2
return true, if e1 includes e2.
e2 should be a single emphasis.
Usage example(s):
Text emphasis:#bold includes:#bold
Text emphasis:#bold includes:#italic
Text emphasis:#(italic strikeout) includes:#bold
Text emphasis:#(italic strikeout) includes:#italic
Text emphasis:(#color->Color red) includes:#color
extractEmphasis: key from: e
if key is included in the emphasis, e then return the key.
Otherwise, if a n association with that key is included, return the value.
Otherwise, return nil.
Usage example(s):
Text extractEmphasis:#bold from:#bold
Text extractEmphasis:#bold from:#italic
Text extractEmphasis:#bold from:#(italic strikeout)
Text extractEmphasis:#bold from:#(italic bold)
Text extractEmphasis:#color from:(#color->Color red)
Text extractEmphasis:#color from:(#foo->Color red)
removeEmphasis: emToRemove from: empArg
remove an emphasis; if it was not in empArg, do nothing
Usage example(s):
Text removeEmphasis:#bold from:#bold
Text removeEmphasis:#bold from:#italic
Text removeEmphasis:#bold from:#(italic strikeout)
Text removeEmphasis:#bold from:#(italic bold strikeout)
Text removeEmphasis:#italic from:#(italic strikeout)
Text removeEmphasis:#(italic strikeout) from:#bold
Text removeEmphasis:#(italic strikeout) from:#italic
Text removeEmphasis:#(italic strikeout) from:#(bold underline)
Text removeEmphasis:#(italic strikeout bold) from:#(bold underline)
Text removeEmphasis:#(italic strikeout bold underline) from:#(bold underline)
Text removeEmphasis:(#color->Color red) from:#(bold underline)
Text removeEmphasis:(#color->Color red) from:(#color->Color red)
Text removeEmphasis:#color from:(#color->Color red)
Text removeEmphasis:#color from:(#backgroundColor->Color red)
Text removeEmphasis:#color from:(Array with:#bold with:#underline with:#color->Color red)
initialize the class
Usage example(s):
instance creation
fromString: aString
create a Text instance, for the characters in aString,
without emphasis.
Usage example(s):
create a new empty Text instance.
Redefined for string-protocol compatibility
Usage example(s):
new: size
create a new empty Text instance.
Redefined for string-protocol compatibility
string: aString
create a Text instance, for the characters in aString,
without emphasis.
Usage example(s):
string: aString color: aColor
create a Text instance, for the characters in aString,
which are colored as aColor (only the foregroundColor is affected).
This is a shortCut for creating an emphasis of (#color->aColor)
Usage example(s):
information:(Text string:'hello' color:(Color red))
string: aString emphasis: attribute
create a Text instance, for the characters in aString,
which are emphasized as described by attribute.
Usage example(s):
Text string:'hello' emphasis:#bold
information:(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#bold)
information:(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#italic)
information:(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#underline)
information:(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#strikeout)
string: aString emphasisCollection: attributeCollection
create a Text instance, for the characters in aString,
which are individually emphasized as described by attributeCollection.
Usage example(s):
emphasisCollection:#(#bold #bold #italic #italic #italic)
emphasisCollection:#(#bold #bold #italic #italic #(#underline italic)))
string: aString foregroundColor: fgColor backgroundColor: bgColor
create a Text instance, for the characters in aString,
which are colored in fgColor on bgColor.
This is a shortCut for creating an emphasis of
#( #color->fgColor) (#backgroundColor->bgColor)
Usage example(s):
information:(Text string:'hello'
foregroundColor:(Color red)
backgroundColor:(Color yellow))
string: aString runs: aRun
create a Text instance, for the characters in aString,
which are individually emphasized as described by attributeCollection.
uninitializedNew: size
for compatibility only
the type of stream used in writeStream
at: characterIndex
return the plain character at characterIndex
at: characterIndex put: aCharacter
change the character at characterIndex to be aCharacter.
The emphasis (if any) of that character remains unchanged.
byteAt: characterIndex
return the plain character at characterIndex
byteAt: characterIndex put: aCharacter
change the character at characterIndex to be aCharacter.
The emphasis (if any) of that character remains unchanged.
= aStringOrText
compare the receiver and the argument, ignoring emphasis
Usage example(s):
'hello' asText = 'hello'
'hello' asText = 'hello' asText
'hello' asText allBold = 'hello'
return a suitable hashcode (req'd since = is redefined)
return a Filename with pathname taken from the receiver
asHtmlDocumentForRequest: request ( an extension from the stx:goodies/webServer/comanche package )
(self runs values) with: (self runs runs) do:
return the receiver without any emphasis information
i.e. the underlying string.
'hello world' asUnicodeString asText asSingleByteString
asStringWithBitsPerCharacterAtLeast: numRequiredBitsPerCharacter
'hello world' allBold asStringWithBitsPerCharacterAtLeast:16
return a Text-object (string with emphasis) from myself.
I am already a text object.
, aStringOrText
concatenate the receiver's characters with the argument's characters,
and return string or text object containing those characters.
If either the receiver or the argument contains emphasis information,
a text object will be returned.
Otherwise, a string (i.e. without emphasis) is returned.
Usage example(s):
('hello' asText allBold) , ' world'
'hello' allBold,' world'
'hello' allBold,' world' allItalic
'hello' allBold,123,'world' allItalic
'hello' , (' world' asText allBold)
'hello' , ' world'
'hello',123,' world'
('hello' asText allBold) , (' world' asText allBold)
concatenateFromString: aString
return the concatenation of aString and myself.
This may be a Text (if I have emphasis) or a string (if not).
copyFrom: start to: stop
return the subcollection starting at index start, anInteger and ending
at stop, anInteger.
t := 'hello' emphasizeAllWith:#bold.
t inspect. t copy inspect.
t emphasisAllRemove:#bold.
displayOn: aGCOrView x: x0 y: yBase opaque: opaqueWanted
display the receiver on a GC.
This is one of the ugliest pieces of code...
actionForAll: aBlock
change the actionBlock of all characters.
Some widgets use this like a href if clicked onto the text.
Usage example(s):
transcript ignores this...
Transcript showCR:
((Text string:'hello - click on me') actionForAll:[Transcript flash])
Usage example(s):
labels also...
Label new
label: ((Text string:'hello - click on me') actionForAll:[Transcript flash]);
make all characters bold
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold
Transcript showCR: ('hello' allBold)
make all characters bold and overline
make all characters italic
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allItalic
Transcript showCR: ('hello' allItalic)
make all characters non-bold
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold allNonBold
make all characters overline
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR: ('hello' asText allOverline)
strikeOut all characters
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR: ('hello' allStrikedOut)
underline all characters
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:('hello' allUnderlined)
underwave all characters
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:('hello' asText allUnderwaved)
backgroundColorizeAllWith: aColor
change the bg-color of all characters
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:
((Text string:'hello') backgroundColorizeAllWith:(Color red))
Transcript showCR:
('hello' allBold backgroundColorizeAllWith:(Color red))
Transcript showCR:
('hello' asText backgroundColorizeAllWith:(Color red))
Transcript showCR:
('hello ' , ('red' allBold backgroundColorizeAllWith:(Color red)) , ' world')
changeColorEmphasis: aSymbol
change the color of all characters
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:
((('hello' asText colorizeAllWith:(Color red)), ' World' allBold) changeColorEmphasis:#lightened)
Transcript showCR:
(('hello' asText colorizeAllWith:(Color black)) changeColorEmphasis:#lightened)
colorizeAllWith: aColor
change the color of all characters
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:
((Text string:'hello') colorizeAllWith:(Color red))
Transcript showCR:
('hello' colorizeAllWith:(Color red))
Transcript showCR:
('hello' allBold colorizeAllWith:(Color red))
Transcript showCR:
('hello' asText colorizeAllWith:(Color red))
Transcript showCR:
('hello ' , ('red' allBold colorizeAllWith:(Color red)) , ' world')
colorizeAllWith: fgColor on: bgColor
change the color and bg-color of all characters
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:
((Text string:'hello') colorizeAllWith:(Color blue) on:(Color yellow))
return the emphasis
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold emphasis
'hello' emphasis
emphasis: emArray
(Text string:'hello') emphasis:#(italic bold italic bold bold)
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') emphasis:#(italic bold italic bold bold)
emphasisAllAdd: newEmphasis
add to the emphasis to all characters. return the receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold
Transcript show:((Text string:'hello') allBold
emphasisAllRemove: anEmphasis
remove the emphasis from all characters. return the receiver
Usage example(s):
((Text string:'hello') emphasizeAllWith:#(bold italic))
((Text string:'hello') emphasizeAllWith:(Array with:#color->Color red
((Text string:'hello') emphasizeAllWith:(Array with:#color->Color red
Transcript show:(((Text string:'hello') emphasizeAllWith:#(bold italic))
emphasisAt: characterIndex
return the emphasis at some index
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold emphasisAt:2
emphasisAt: characterIndex add: newEmphasis
add to the emphasis at some index. return the receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold emphasisAt:2 add:#italic
emphasisAt: characterIndex put: emphasis
change the emphasis at some index. return the receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold emphasisAt:2 put:#italic
emphasisAt: characterIndex remove: emphasisToRemove
remove from the emphasis at some index. return the receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello')
allBold emphasisAt:2 remove:#bold
(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#(bold italic))
emphasisAt:2 remove:#bold
return the emphasis
emphasisFrom: startIndex add: newEmphasis
add to the emphasis from the given startIndex to the end.
Return the (modified) receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello')
emphasisFrom:2 add:#bold
Transcript showCR:((Text string:'hello')
emphasisFrom:2 add:#bold)
emphasisFrom: start to: stop add: newEmphasis
add to the emphasis within some range.
Return the (modified) receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold
emphasisFrom:2 to:4 add:#italic
Transcript showCR:((Text string:'hello') allBold
emphasisFrom:2 to:4 add:#italic)
emphasisFrom: start to: stop remove: anEmphasis
remove from the emphasis within some range.
Return the (modified) receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold
emphasisFrom:2 to:4 remove:#bold
Transcript showCR:((Text string:'hello') allBold
emphasisFrom:2 to:4 remove:#bold)
emphasisTo: endIndex add: newEmphasis
add to the emphasis from 1 to the given endIndex.
Return the (modified) receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold
emphasisTo:3 add:#italic
Transcript showCR:((Text string:'hello')
emphasisTo:3 add:#italic)
emphasizeAllWith: newEmphasis
change the emphasis of all characters.
Return the (modified) receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello') allBold emphasizeAllWith:#italic
emphasizeFrom: start to: stop with: emphasis
change the emphasis of a range of characters.
Return the receiver
Usage example(s):
(Text string:'hello world')
emphasizeFrom:1 to:5 with:#bold;
emphasizeFrom:7 to:11 with:#italic
strikeout all characters
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:
('hello' asText strikeoutAll)
return a copy with color emphasis removed (fg and bg)
return a copy with bg-color emphasis removed
return my underlying plain string
withoutEmphasis: emphasisToRemove
return a copy with a particular emphasis removed
return a copy with fg-color emphasis removed
withEmphasisFrom: start to: stop do: aTwoArgBlock
enumerate characters and emphasis into aTwoArgBlock
inspector2TabText ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
inspectorExtraAttributes ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
extra (pseudo instvar) entries to be shown in an inspector.
printing & storing
displayOn: aGCOrStream
append a printed representation from which the receiver can be reconstructed
to aStream.
return a string used when displaying the receiver in a view.
printOn: aStream
print the receiver's characters (including emphasis) on aStream.
Notice, that some streams simply ignore the emphasis
storeOn: aStream
append a printed representation from which the receiver can be reconstructed
to aStream.
emphasisCollection: emphasisCollection
set the string and emphasis collection.
The emphasis collection contains per-character information.
setRuns: anArrayOrRunArray
setString: aString setRuns: anArrayOrRunArray
string: aString emphasis: emphasis
set the string and emphasis. The emphasis is applied to all characters.
Usage example(s):
t := Text new string:'hello' emphasis:#bold.
t emphasisAt:2.
string: aString emphasisCollection: emphasisCollection
set the string and emphasis collection.
The emphasis collection contains per-character information.
return the number of bits I (my underlying string) require for storage.
(i.e. is it a regular String or a TwoByteString)
emphasisAtX: pointX on: aGCOrView
return the emphasis at a given x-coordinate, or nil if there is none.
Does not care for multiline strings (i.e. only works for single line strings)
(comment from inherited method)
return the strings encoding, as a symbol.
Here, by default, we assume unicode-encoding.
Notice, that ISO-8859-1 is a true subset of unicode,
and that singleByteStrings are therefore both unicode AND
8859-1 encoded.
return true, if the receiver contains non-empty emphasis information
i.e. any non-normal (=emphasized) characters
hasEmphasis: emphasis
return true, if the receiver contains given emphasis
Usage example(s):
'Hello' asText allBold hasEmphasis: #bold.
'Hello' asText allBold allUnderlined hasEmphasis: #bold.
'Hello' asText allBold allUnderlined hasEmphasis: #italic.
('Hello' asText allBold allUnderlined , ' World' asText allItalic) hasEmphasis: #italic.
heightOn: aGC
return the number of device units, required on aGC's device
indexOf: aCharacter startingAt: index
search aCharacters index in the underlying string
return true, if the receiver is a plain string - without attributes;
false is returned here.
return true, if the receiver has access methods for bytes;
i.e. #at: and #at:put: accesses a byte and are equivalent to #byteAt: and byteAt:put:
and #replaceFrom:to: is equivalent to #replaceBytesFrom:to:.
false is returned here since #replaceBytesFrom:to: is not implemented in Text.
- the method is redefined from UninterpretedBytes.
return true if this is a Text object - always true here
occurrencesOf: aCharacter
count & return the number of occurrences of aCharacter in the
underlying string
return the number of characters in the underlying string
return the receiver without any emphasis information
i.e. the underlying string.
(comment from inherited method)
return the underlying strings bitsPerCharacter
(i.e. is it a regular String or a TwoByteString)
widthFrom: startIndex to: endIndex on: aGC
return the number of device units, required on aGC's device
widthOn: aGC
return the number of device units, required on aGC's device
replaceFrom: startArg to: stopArg with: aCollection startingAt: startIndex
replace a range of characters, from another string or text object.
The corresponding characters' emphasis information is also copied.
Return the receiver.
Usage example(s):
((Text string:'hello') allBold emphasisAt:2 put:#italic)
replaceFrom:1 to:3 with:'HEL' startingAt:1
((Text string:'hello') allBold emphasisAt:2 put:#italic)
replaceFrom:1 to:3 with:#($H $E $L) startingAt:1
In a textView:
|t v|
t := 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' asText.
t emphasizeFrom:(t findString:'quick')
count:5 with:#bold.
t emphasizeFrom:(t findString:'brown')
count:9 with:(Array with:#color->(Color name:'brown')
t emphasizeFrom:(t findString:'lazy')
count:4 with:(Array with:#color->(Color red)
t emphasizeFrom:(t findString:'dog')
count:3 with:#underline.
v := HVScrollableView for:EditTextView.
v contents:t.
v width:450.
v open.
|t v|
t := 'a',('1' emphasizeAllWith:#subscript),'x',('3' emphasizeAllWith:#superscript)
,'a',('2' emphasizeAllWith:#subscript),'x',('2' emphasizeAllWith:#superscript)
,'a',('3' emphasizeAllWith:#subscript),'x',('n' emphasizeAllWith:#superscript).
Dialog information:t.
plain string (for comparison):
Dialog information:'hello'
emphasized strings as dialog titles:
information:((Text string:'hello') allBold)
information:(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#italic)
information:(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#(underline))
information:(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#(underwave))
information:(Text string:'hello' emphasis:#(bold underline))
information:(Text string:'hello'
emphasis:(Array with:#bold
with:(#color->Color red)))
information:(Text string:'hello'
emphasis:(Array with:(#color->Color black)
with:(#underlineColor->Color red)))
information:(Text string:'hello'
emphasis:(Array with:#bold
with:(#color->Color red)
with:(#backgroundColor->Color yellow)))
information:(Text string:'hello' color:(Color red))