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Documentation of class 'TextCollector':



Class: TextCollector



rev: 1.212 date: 2024/03/27 16:55:01
user: alkurz
file: TextCollector.st directory: libwidg
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg


a view for editable text, which also understands some stream messages.
Instances of this view can take the place of a stream and display the 
received text.
Its main use in the system is the Transcript, but it can also be used for
things like trace-windows, errorLogs etc. 
(i.e. any view into which text is generated by stream-like messages)
It is also inherited by TerminalView, which especially uses the buffering and
delayed output features for higher performance output (compare to a Windows console).

If collecting is turned on, a textcollector will not immediately display 
entered text, but wait for some short time (timeDelay) and collect incoming 
data - finally updating the whole chunk in one piece. 
This helps slow display devices, which would otherwise scroll a lot. 
(on fast displays this is less of a problem).

The total number of lines kept is controlled by lineLimit, if more lines 
than this limit are added at the bottom, the textcollector will forget lines 
at the top. You can set linelimit to nil (i.e. no limit), but you may need a lot 
of memory then ...

You can force the buffered text to be flushed with #endEndtry.

[StyleSheet paramters (transcript only):]

    transcriptForegroundColor       defaults to textForegroundColor
    transcriptBackgroundColor'      defaults to textBackgroundColor.



COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

Signal constants
o  transcriptQuerySignal

class access
o  transcriptFilterQuery
TextCollector transcriptFilterQuery
answer:[:lineIn |
'xxx ',lineIn
Transcript showCR:('hello world' withColor:Color red).
Transcript showCR:('a' withColor:Color blue).
Transcript showCR:'b'.
Transcript showCR:'c'.

Transcript showCR:'hello world'.
Transcript showCR:'a'.
Transcript showCR:'b'.
Transcript showCR:'c'.
] on:TextCollector transcriptFilterQuery
do:[:ex |
ex proceedWith:[:lineIn | 'xxx',lineIn ]

TextCollector transcriptFilterQuery query

o  debugSendersOfMessagePattern

o  debugSendersOfMessagePattern: aGLOBMatchPattern
ever want to know, who sends a particular text-message to the transcript ?
Call this with a match string and get a halt, when a matching text is sent to the transcript

Usage example(s):

     self debugSendersOfMessagePattern:'no such*'
     self debugSendersOfMessagePattern:'remove*'
     self debugSendersOfMessagePattern:nil.
     self debugSendersOfMessagePattern:'*'.

o  timestampMessages
if true, all messages are shown with a timestamp in front

o  timestampMessages: aBoolean
if true, all messages are shown with a timestamp in front

Usage example(s):

     self timestampMessages:true
     self timestampMessages:false.

o  traceSendersOfMessagePattern

o  traceSendersOfMessagePattern: aGLOBMatchPattern
ever want to know, who sends a particular text-message to the transcript ?
Call this with a match string and get a trace, when a matching text is sent to the transcript

Usage example(s):

     self traceSendersOfMessagePattern:'removed unreached*'
     self traceSendersOfMessagePattern:nil.
     self traceSendersOfMessagePattern:'*'.

o  defaultCollectSize
the number of lines buffered for delayed update.
At most this number of lines to be shown are buffered (without redrawing),
before a redraw is done. Thus, if a lot of output is generated fast,
the redrawing is performed in chunks.
This has a significant effect on the performane,
as the view does not have to scroll and redraw for each
individual line, but does junp-scrolling instead.
See also defaultTimeDelay

o  defaultCollectSize: numberOfLines
the number of lines buffered for delayed update.
At most this number of lines to be shown are buffered (without redrawing),
before a redraw is done. Thus, if a lot of output is generated fast,
the redrawing is performed in chunks.
This has a significant effect on the performane,
as the view does not have to scroll and redraw for each
individual line, but does junp-scrolling instead.
See also defaultTimeDelay

o  defaultLineLimit
the number of lines remembered by default.
Only the last n lines are remembered and can be seen by scrolling.
Older lines are forgotten.
This limit can be changed by the userPreferences dialog

o  defaultLineLimit: numberOfLines
the number of lines remembered by default.
Only the last n lines are remembered and can be seen by scrolling.
Older lines are forgotten.
This limit can be changed by the userPreferences dialog

o  defaultTimeDelay
the time in seconds to wait & collect by default.
At most this number of seconds incoming text is buffered (without redrawing),
before a redraw is done. Thus, if a lot of output is generated fast,
the redrawing is performed in chunks.
This has a significant effect on the performane,
as the view does not have to scroll and redraw for each
individual line, but does junp-scrolling instead.
The value may be a float (eg. 0.5)
See also defaultCollectSize

o  defaultTimeDelay: seconds
the time in seconds to wait & collect by default.
At most this number of seconds incoming text is buffered (without redrawing),
before a redraw is done. Thus, if a lot of output is generated fast,
the redrawing is performed in chunks.
This has a significant effect on the performane,
as the view does not have to scroll and redraw for each
individual line, but does junp-scrolling instead.
The argument may be a float (eg. 0.5)
See also defaultCollectSize

o  defaultTranscriptSize
the number of cols/lines by which the Transcript should come up

instance creation
o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
to get language changes

o  newTranscript
create and open a new transcript.
This is a leftOver method from times were the Launcher & Transcript
were two different views. It is no longer recommended.

Usage example(s):

     TextCollector newTranscript.
     Transcript lineLimit:3000.

o  newTranscript: nameSymbol
create and open a new transcript, unless one already exists by that name.
The transcript is remembered in a global by that name.
This is a leftOver method from times were the Launcher & Transcript
were two different views. It is no longer recommended.

Usage example(s):

     TextCollector newTranscript:#T2.
     T2 showCR:'Hello world'.
     Smalltalk removeKey:#T2

Instance protocol:

o  deselect
(comment from inherited method)
remove the selection

o  autoRaise

o  autoRaise: something

o  collect: aBoolean
turn on/off collecting - if on, do not output immediately
but collect text and output en-bloque after some time delta

o  collectSize: numberOfLines
set the collect buffer size. If collect is enabled,
the receiver will force update of the view,
whenever that many lines have been collected
(or the updateTimeDelay interval has passed).
With collect turned off, an immediate update is performed.

o  destroyAction: aBlock
define the action to be performed when I get destroyed.
This is a special feature, to allow resetting Transcript to Stderr
when closed. (see TextCollectorclass>>newTranscript)

o  entryStream
returns something which is a stream, sending its input to me.
Typically, this will be an ActorStream

o  entryStream: aStream
changes the entryStream.
This is the stream which gets all of my lines via nextPut/nextPutLine/nextPutAll.
Can be changed to (temporarily) divert the output to some file
and/or to duplicate (send to multiple destinations) via a splitter or filterStream.
(see example in SplittingWriteStream)

o  lineLimit
return the number of text-lines I am supposed to hold when collecting.
Nil means: unlimited

Usage example(s):

     Transcript lineLimit:5000
     Transcript lineLimit

o  lineLimit: aNumber
define the number of text-lines I am supposed to hold

Usage example(s):

     Transcript lineLimit:5000

o  updateTimeDelay: seconds
if collect is enabled, the receiver will update its view,
after that time delay (i.e. it collects output during that period),
or when collectSize lines have been collected without update.
With collect turned off, an immediate update is performed.

initialization & release
o  destroy
destroy this view

o  initialize
we always use unicode internally

o  mapped
view became visible - show collected lines (if any)

o  reinitialize
reinit after a snapIn.
recreate access-semaphore; image could have been save (theoretically)
with the semaphore locked - in this case, we had a deadlock

o  release

menu - actions
o  doSetLineLimit
ask for a new line limit (= number of buffered & remembered lines)

o  isDivertingOutput
is the output currently being diverted to a file?

o  startDivertingOutput
ask for a filename to divert (i.e. send) the output to

o  startDivertingOutputTo: aFilename
divert (i.e. send) the output to the given logFile

o  stopDivertingOutput
no longer send the output to the logFile (see startDivertingOutput)

o  classDisplayString
(comment from inherited method)
used by walkbacks and inspectors;
same as self class displayString for smalltalk objects;
redefinable for proxy objects to not display the className of the proxy,
but the classname of the remote object (-> JavaObject)

o  checkLineLimit
this method checks if the text has become too large (> lineLimit)
and cuts off some lines at the top if so; it must be called whenever lines
have been added to the bottom

o  installDelayedUpdate
arrange for collecting input for some time,
and output all buffered strings at once after a while.
This makes output to the transcript much faster on systems
with poor scrolling performance (i.e. dumb vga cards ...).

o  senderTraceString
generate a sender trace string.

o  canDivertOutput

o  current
return the current (your screen's) transcript.
In multiDisplay applications, this need NOT be the main transcript,
as each display may have its own transcript.
But typically, this is the same as Transcript.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript current flash

o  isStream
if I am the Transcript, I am used as a stream.
See #displayOn:

Usage example(s):

        Transcript isStream

o  isTextCollector
true, iff this is a text collector emulating a stream

Usage example(s):

     Transcript isTextCollector

o  position
for compatibiliy with normal streams; return the column

o  showLineLimitInMenu

o  makeCursorVisible
must check again because of possible raise

o  scrollLock: aBoolean

o  scrollTo: anOrigin redraw: doRedraw
(comment from inherited method)
change origin to have newOrigin be visible at the top-left.
The argument defines the integer device coordinates of the new top-left

stream messages
o  addLine: lineIn
append a line to the outstanding lines buffer

o  binary: beBinaryBool
ExternalStream protocol compatibility

o  bufferSizeForBulkCopy

o  buffered: aBoolean
ignored here

o  cr
output a carriage return, finishing the current line

Usage example(s):

self ~~ Transcript ifTrue:['xc' printCR].

o  display: someObject
dolphin compatibility.
and also sent by displayOn:

o  doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
this is funny: all message we do not understand, are passed
on to the stream which will send the characters via nextPut:
This way, we understand all Stream messages - great isn't it!

Usage example(s):

^ super doesNotUnderstand:aMessage

o  encoding

o  ensureCr
if the output position is not already at the beginning of a line,
output a carriage return

o  flush
write out all buffered data

o  format: formatSpec with: args
convenient formatted printing:
%1..%9 - positional parameters from args-collection
%(name) - named parameter from args-dictionary
%% - escape for %
%<cr> - cr (also tab, nl)

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
            format:'[%1] Hello %2 World - this is %3%' 
            with:{i . 'my' . 'nice'}

o  lineLength
to make a textCollector (somewhat) compatible with printer
streams, support the lineLength query

o  nextPut: something
append somethings printString to my displayed text.
Answer something.
This allows TextCollectors to be used Stream-wise

o  nextPutAll: something
append all of something to my displayed text.
This allows TextCollectors to be used Stream-wise

o  nextPutAll: count from: buffer startingAt: initialPosition
append count characters from buffer starting at initialPosition to my displayed text.
Answer the number of elements that were appended.
This allows TextCollectors to be used Stream-wise

o  printf: formatSpec
convenient C-style formatted printing.
For smalltalk specific formats,
see documentation in PrintfScanf >> format_printf

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
        Transcript printf:'Hello World\n'

o  printf: formatSpec arguments: args
convenient C-style formatted printing with an arbitrary number of arguments.
Same as printf:withAll:, for protocol completeness.
For smalltalk specific formats,
see documentation in PrintfScanf >> format_printf

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
            printf:'[%d] Hello %s World - this is %s\n' 
            with:{i . 'my' . 'nice'}

o  printf: formatSpec with: arg1
convenient C-style formatted printing with 1 argument.
For smalltalk specific formats,
see documentation in PrintfScanf >> format_printf

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
        Transcript printf:'[%d] Hello World\n' with:i

o  printf: formatSpec with: arg1 with: arg2
convenient C-style formatted printing with 2 arguments.
For smalltalk specific formats,
see documentation in PrintfScanf >> format_printf

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
            printf:'[%d] Hello World\n' with:i

o  printf: formatSpec with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3
convenient C-style formatted printing with 3 arguments.
For smalltalk specific formats,
see documentation in PrintfScanf >> format_printf

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
            printf:'[%d] Hello World\n' with:i

o  printf: formatSpec with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3 with: arg4
convenient C-style formatted printing.
For smalltalk specific formats,
see documentation in PrintfScanf >> format_printf

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
            printf:'[%d] Hello World\n' with:i

o  printf: formatSpec with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3 with: arg4 with: arg5
convenient C-style formatted printing.
For smalltalk specific formats,
see documentation in PrintfScanf >> format_printf

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
            printf:'[%d] Hello World\n' with:i

o  printf: formatSpec withAll: args
convenient C-style formatted printing with an arbitrary number of arguments.
For smalltalk specific formats,
see documentation in PrintfScanf >> format_printf

Usage example(s):

     1 to: 10 do:[:i |
            printf:'[%d] Hello %s World - this is %s\n' 
            with:{i . 'my' . 'nice'}

o  println
for those used to Java/Javascript, a compatibility message.
Most useful inside expecco

o  println: anObject
for those used to Java/Javascript, a compatibility message.
Most useful inside expecco

o  show: anObject
insert the argument aString at the current cursor position.
Ignores the currentEmphasis setting.

o  showCR: anObject
insert the argument aString at the current cursor position,
and advance to the next line.
This is the same as a #show: followed by a #cr.
Ignores the currentEmphasis setting.

o  space

o  tab
append a tab-character to the stream.
This is only allowed, if the receiver supports writing.

stream messages-emphasis
o  bgColor: aColorOrNil
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered with background color in aColorOrNil.
Does not affect show/showCR

o  bold
switch to bold
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered in a bold font.
Does not affect show/showCR

Usage example(s):

        nextPutAll:' world';
        nextPutLine:' again'

o  color: aColorOrNil
switch color
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered in aColorOrNil.
Does not affect show/showCR

Usage example(s):

        color:Color red;
        nextPutAll:' world';
        nextPutLine:' again'

o  emphasis: anEmphasisCollectionOrNil
change emphasis
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered with anEmphasisCollectionOrNil.
Does not affect show/showCR

Usage example(s):

        nextPutAll:'hello ';
        emphasis:#( bold underline );
        nextPutLine:' again'

o  italic
switch to italic
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered in an italic font.
Does not affect show/showCR

o  normal
switch back to normal
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered in the default font without color

o  notBold
switch to non-bold
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered in a non-bold font.
Does not affect show/showCR

o  notItalic
switch to non-italic
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered in a non-italic font.
Does not affect show/showCR

o  notReverse
switch back default colors

o  notUnderline
switch to non-underline
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered without underline.
Does not affect show/showCR

o  reverse
switch to reverse
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered with reversed colors.
Does not affect show/showCR

o  underline
switch to underline
followup characters sent with stream messages (nextPut/nextPutAll)
will be rendered with underline.
Does not affect show/showCR

transcript specials
o  assertEndEntry
assert there is no pending collected output

o  beTranscript
make the receiver be the systemTranscript; this one
is accessible via the global Transcript and gets relevant
system messages from various places.

o  beTranscript: name
make the receiver be the systemTranscript; this one
is accessible via the global Transcript and gets relevant
system messages from various places.

o  beginEntry
noop for now, ST80 compatibility

o  clear
Transcript clear

o  delayedEndEntry
flush collected output; displaying all that has been buffered so far

o  endEntry
flush collected output; displaying all that has been buffered so far

o  flash
make sure everything is visible, before flashing

o  flash: messageOrNil withColor: flashColor
make sure everything is visible, before flashing

Private classes:


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