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Documentation of class 'TextStyle':



Class: TextStyle



rev: 1.10 date: 2017/08/24 16:03:34
user: cg
file: TextStyle.st directory: libcompat
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libcompat



ST-80 compatibility class.
This may be required when existing code has to be ported to ST/X;
however, it may not be complete and more protocol may be added in the future.
The code here was created when public domain code (Manchester) had to
be ported to ST/X and missing classes/methods were encountered, and code added
by reasoning 'what the original class could probably do there'.

This is currently not used by ST/X itself.

Class protocol:

o  default
Answer the system default text style.

o  defaultFont

o  named: familyName

instance creation
o  changeDefaultFontSizeBy: delta
TextStyle changeDefaultFontSizeBy: 1

o  fontArray: anArray
Answer an instance of me with fonts those in the argument, anArray.

o  initDefaultFontsAndStyle
This provides the system with 10 and 12-pt basal fonts.
Bold and italic versions will be automatically generated as needed

usage example(s):

TextStyle initDefaultFontsAndStyle.

o  new

Instance protocol:

Disk I/O
o  storeDataOn: aDataStream
Store myself on a DataStream. This is a low-level DataStream/ReferenceStream method. See also objectToStoreOnDataStream. Need this to share tabsArray and marginTabsArray. Fonts will take care of themselves.

o  veryDeepCopyWith: deepCopier
All inst vars are meant to be shared

o  = other

o  alignment
Answer the code for the current setting of the alignment.

o  alignment: anInteger
Set the current setting of the alignment to be anInteger:
0=left flush, 1=centered, 2=right flush, 3=justified.

o  baseline
Answer the distance from the top of the line to the bottom of most of the
characters (by convention, bottom of the letter 'A').

o  baseline: anInteger
Set the distance from the top of the line to the bottom of most of the

o  centered

o  defaultFont
Answer the first font in the font family.

o  firstIndent
Answer the horizontal indenting of the first line of a paragraph in the
style of the receiver.

o  firstIndent: anInteger
Set the horizontal indenting of the first line of a paragraph in the style
of the receiver to be the argument, anInteger.

o  fontNamed: fontName
TextStyle default fontNamed: 'TimesRoman10'

o  fontNames
TextStyle default fontNames

o  fontNamesAndSizes
TextStyle default fontNames

o  justified

o  leading
Leading (from typographers historical use of extra lead (type metal))
is the extra spacing above and beyond that needed just to accomodate
the various font heights in the set.

o  leading: yDelta

o  leftFlush

o  lineGrid
Answer the relative space between lines of a paragraph in the style of
the receiver.

o  lineGrid: anInteger
Set the relative space between lines of a paragraph in the style of the
receiver to be the argument, anInteger.

o  printOn: aStream

o  restIndent
Answer the indent for all but the first line of a paragraph in the style
of the receiver.

o  restIndent: anInteger
Set the indent for all but the first line of a paragraph in the style of the
receiver to be the argument, anInteger.

o  rightFlush

o  rightIndent
Answer the right margin indent for the lines of a paragraph in the style
of the receiver.

o  rightIndent: anInteger
Answer the right margin indent for the lines of a paragraph in the style
of the receiver to be the argument, anInteger.

fonts and font indexes
o  collectionFromFileNamed: fileName
Read the file. It is an TextStyle whose StrikeFonts are to be added to the system. (Written by fooling SmartRefStream, so it won't write a DiskProxy!) These fonts will be added to the master TextSytle for this font family.
To write out fonts:
| ff | ff _ ReferenceStream fileNamed: 'new fonts'.
TextConstants at: #forceFontWriting put: true.
ff nextPut: (TextConstants at: #AFontName).
'do not mix font families in the TextStyle written out'.
TextConstants at: #forceFontWriting put: false.
ff close.
To read: (TextStyle default collectionFromFileNamed: 'new fonts')
*** Do not remove this method ***

o  flushFonts
Clean out the fonts, an aid when snapshotting claims too many are
holding onto Display.

usage example(s):

TextStyle default flushFonts

o  fontIndexOfSize: desiredHeight
Returns an index in fontArray of the font with height <= desiredHeight

o  fontOfSize: aHeight
See fontIndexOfSize.
Returns the actual font. Leading not considered.

o  consolidate
If this style includes any fonts that are also in the default style,
then replace them with references to the default ones.

usage example(s):

	TextStyle allInstancesDo: [:s | s == TextStyle default ifFalse: [s consolidate]]

o  fontArray
Only for writing out fonts, etc. 8/16/96 tk

o  fontAt: index
This is private because no object outside TextStyle should depend on the
representation of the font family in fontArray.

o  fontAt: index put: font
Automatically grow the array. 8/20/96 tk

o  gridForFont: fontIndex withLead: leadInteger
Force whole style to suit one of its fonts. Assumes only one font referred
to by runs.

o  marginTabAt: marginIndex side: sideIndex
The marginTabsArray is an Array of tuples. The Array is indexed
according to the marginIndex, the 'nesting' level of the requestor.
sideIndex is 1 for left, 2 for right.

o  newFontArray: anArray
Currently there is no supporting protocol for changing these arrays. If an editor wishes to implement margin setting, then a copy of the default should be stored with these instance variables.
, Make size depend on first font.

usage example(s):

TextStyle allInstancesDo: [:ts | ts newFontArray: TextStyle default fontArray].

tabs and margins
o  clearIndents
Reset all the margin (index) settings to be 0.

o  leftMarginTabAt: marginIndex
Set the 'nesting' level of left margin indents of the paragraph in the
style of the receiver to be the argument, marginIndex.

o  nextTabXFrom: anX leftMargin: leftMargin rightMargin: rightMargin
Tab stops are distances from the left margin. Set the distance into the
argument, anX, normalized for the paragraph's left margin.

o  rightMarginTabAt: marginIndex
Set the 'nesting' level of right margin indents of the paragraph in the
style of the receiver to be marginIndex.

o  tabWidth
Answer the width of a tab.

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