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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'Tools::CheckinInfoDialog':



Class: CheckinInfoDialog (in Tools)



rev: 1.58 date: 2022/02/11 15:28:19
user: cg
file: Tools__CheckinInfoDialog.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool


used to be private in SourceCodeManagerUtilites.
moved to libtool because libbasic3 should not contain code inheriting from GUI classes.

[instance variables:]

[class variables:]


COPYRIGHT (c) 2005 eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  possibleReasons

o  reasonBugfix

o  reasonDebugCodeRemoved

o  reasonDocumentation

o  reasonFeature

o  reasonOther

o  reasonQuality

o  reasonRefactoring

o  reasonTuning

o  reasonUIEnhancement

o  reasonWorkaround

help specs
o  helpSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIHelpTool of ST/X.

interface specs
o  windowSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::CheckinInfoDialog andSelector:#windowSpec
     Tools::CheckinInfoDialog new openInterface:#windowSpec
     Tools::CheckinInfoDialog open

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer
self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla'

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer withQuickOption: withQuickOption
self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla'

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer withQuickOption: withQuickOption logHistory: logHistoryArg
self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla'
self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla' withQuickOption:true
self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla' withQuickOption:true logHistory:nil withConsistencyCheckOption:true

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer withQuickOption: withQuickOption logHistory: logHistoryArg withValidateConsistencyOption: withValidateConsistencyOption
self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla'

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer withQuickOption: withQuickOption logHistory: logHistoryArg withValidateConsistencyOption: withValidateConsistencyOption initialReason: defaultReason
self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla'

Instance protocol:

o  allowEmptyLogMessage

o  allowEmptyLogMessage: aBoolean

o  branchInfo: aString

o  checkinReason
returns one of: #(reasonBugfix reasonFeature reasonRefactoring reasonDocumentation reasonOther reasonWorkaround reasonDebugCodeRemoved)

o  checkinReason: aSymbolicReason

o  description

o  description: aString

o  isStable

o  isStable: aBoolean

o  logHistory: something

o  logMessage

o  logMessage: aString

o  quickCheckIn

o  quickCheckIn: aBoolean

o  repositoryInfo: aString

o  showChangesAction: aBlock
if non-nil, an additional 'Show Changes' button appears,
which evaluates this action

o  tag

o  tag: aStringOrNil

o  tagIt

o  validateConsistency

o  withQuickOption: aBoolean
self quickCheckInVisibleHolder value:aBoolean

o  withValidateConsistencyOption: aBoolean
self validateConsistencyVisibleHolder value:aBoolean

o  showChanges

o  branchInfoHolder

o  checkinReasonHolder

o  descriptionHolder

o  isStableHolder

o  logHistoryHeadLineSelectionHolder

o  logHistoryHeadLines

o  logMessageHolder

o  notMarkAsStableHolder

o  quickCheckInEnabledHolder

o  quickCheckInHolder

o  quickCheckInVisibleHolder

o  recentTagsList

o  rememberTagAsDefaultHolder

o  repositoryInfoHolder

o  showChangesButtonVisible

o  tagHolder
CVSSourceCodeManager recentTag ?

o  validateConsistencyEnabledHolder

o  validateConsistencyHolder

o  validateConsistencyVisibleHolder

o  warningMessageHolder

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer withQuickOption: withQuickOption isClassCheckin: isClassCheckin logHistory: logHistoryArg withValidateConsistencyOption: withValidateConsistencyOption

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer withQuickOption: withQuickOption isClassCheckin: isClassCheckin logHistory: logHistoryArg withValidateConsistencyOption: withValidateConsistencyOption initialReason: defaultReason
ask the user for a log-message to be attached to a commit.
Do not allow an empty input (i.e. ask again, until either canceled or a string was given)

Usage example(s):

     self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla'

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer withQuickOption: withQuickOption logHistory: logHistoryArg withValidateConsistencyOption: withValidateConsistencyOption

o  getCheckinInfoFor: infoString initialAnswer: initialAnswer withQuickOption: withQuickOption logHistory: logHistoryArg withValidateConsistencyOption: withValidateConsistencyOption initialReason: defaultReason
ask the user for a log-message to be attached to a commit.
Do not allow an empty input (i.e. ask again, until either canceled or a string was given)

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Mon, 10 Feb 2025 05:39:46 GMT