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Documentation of class 'Tools::MethodRewriter':



Class: MethodRewriter (in Tools)



rev: 1.34 date: 2019/03/09 21:22:20
user: cg
file: Tools__MethodRewriter.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool

Class protocol:

example templates
o  templateReplaceAtIfAbsentByAtAifAbsentPut
automagically added to templates because my name starts with 'template'

o  templateReplaceErrorMayProceedByProceedableError
automagically added to templates because my name starts with 'template'

o  templateReplaceIfNilByIsNilIfTrue
automagically added to templates because my name starts with 'template'

o  templateReplaceIfNotNilByNotNilIfTrue
automagically added to templates because my name starts with 'template'

o  templateReplaceIsNilOrEmptyCollectionByIsEmptyOrNil
automagically added to templates because my name starts with 'template'

o  templateReplaceSelfHaltBySelfBreakPoint
automagically added to templates because my name starts with 'template'

o  templateReplaceSelfHaltBySelfError
automagically added to templates because my name starts with 'template'

o  templates
finds all methods here, which start with 'template'

usage example(s):

     self templates

help specs
o  helpSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIHelpTool of ST/X.

interface specs
o  classesSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::MethodRewriter andSelector:#classesSpec
     Tools::MethodRewriter new openInterface:#classesSpec

o  howToUseSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::MethodRewriter andSelector:#howToUseSpec
     Tools::MethodRewriter new openInterface:#howToUseSpec

o  rulesSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::MethodRewriter andSelector:#rulesSpec
     Tools::MethodRewriter new openInterface:#rulesSpec

o  searchAndReplaceSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::MethodRewriter andSelector:#searchAndReplaceSpec
     Tools::MethodRewriter new openInterface:#searchAndReplaceSpec

o  searchPatternHelpSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::MethodRewriter andSelector:#searchPatternHelpSpec
     Tools::MethodRewriter new openInterface:#searchPatternHelpSpec

o  templatesSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::MethodRewriter andSelector:#templatesSpec
     Tools::MethodRewriter new openInterface:#templatesSpec

o  windowSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::MethodRewriter andSelector:#windowSpec
     Tools::MethodRewriter new openInterface:#windowSpec
     Tools::MethodRewriter open

list specs
o  tabList
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the TabListEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     TabListEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector:#tabList

Instance protocol:

o  classes

o  classes: aCollectionOfClasses

o  info: aString

o  progress: anInteger

o  projects: aCollection

o  replacePattern

o  replacePattern: pattern

o  ruleTemplate

o  rules
construct a pseudo list from existing transformation rules

usage example(s):

     self new rules

o  searchPattern

o  searchPattern: pattern

o  selectedClasses

o  selectedRule

o  selectedRuleSpec

o  selectedTemplate

o  templates

o  addAllPackagesAction

o  addAllYourPackagesAction

o  addPackageAction

o  doRewrite: methodsMatching
collect in order to have only one change in the undo-list (instead of many)

o  doRewriteAction

o  doSearchAction

o  removeSeletedClassesAction

o  useAsRuleAction

o  useAsTemplateAction
ad hoc

o  actionInProgressHolder

o  adHocFindAndReplaceVisibleHolder

o  classesInfoTextHolder

o  howToUseRewriteToolURL

o  infoHolder

o  isMethodPatternHolder

o  progressHolder

o  ruleExecutionVisibleHolder

o  ruleNameHolder

o  ruleNameList

o  ruleSearchAndReplacePatternHolder

o  searchPatternHelpURL

o  selectedClassesHolder

o  selectedRuleIndex

o  selectedTabIndex

o  selectedTemplateIndex

o  tabList
Generated by the TabListEditor

o  templateNameList

o  templateReplacePatternHolder

o  templateReplacePatternIsEditable

o  templateSearchPatternHolder

o  templateSearchPatternIsEditable

change & update
o  classesChanged

o  selectedRuleIndexChanged
entries are:

o  selectedTemplateIndexChanged
entries are:

drag & drop
o  canDropClasses: dropContext
I accept classes, methods and packages

o  doDropClasses: dropContext
I accept classes, methods and packages

o  postBuildFindTextView: scrollableView

o  postBuildReplaceTextView: scrollableView

o  actionInProgress: aBoolean

o  doSearchPattern: pattern withResultDo: block
addMethod := [:aNode :answer | matchingMethods add:currentMethod ].

o  doSearchRule: rule withResultDo: block

o  methods

o  methods: aCollection
to explicitly set the set of methods to be processed

o  methodsForClasses

o  methodsMatchingPattern: searchPattern

o  methodsMatchingRule: rule
matches:searchPattern do:[:aNode :answer | matchingMethods add:mth ];

o  methodsToSearchOrAbortIfNone

o  showMethods: methods title: title
open a browser on matching methods

o  withMethods: givenMethods do: methodBlock

o  withMethods: methods do: methodBlock finallyDo: finallyBlock
self actionInProgress: false.

o  withMethodsDo: methodBlock finallyDo: finallyBlock

testing method
o  testXXX

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:07:55 GMT