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Documentation of class 'Tools::NavigationState':



Class: NavigationState (in Tools)



rev: 1.71 date: 2019/06/26 21:34:48
user: cg
file: Tools__NavigationState.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool
Claus Gittinger


documentation to be added.

    <a short class summary here, describing what instances represent>

    <describing what my main role is>

    <describing with whom and how I talk to>

    <public api and main messages>
    <a one-line examples on how to use - can also be in a separate example method>

    <implementation points>

[instance variables:]

[class variables:]

Related information:

Class protocol:

o  initialize
Invoked at system start or when the class is dynamically loaded.

Instance protocol:

o  autoSearchAction

o  autoSearchAction: aBlock
define an autosearch action (for semantic searches)

o  autoSearchIgnoreCase
return true if the autoSearch is case-insensitive

o  autoSearchIgnoreCase: aBoolean
define the autoSearches case-insensitivenes

o  autoSearchIsMatch
return true if the autoSearch is a match search

o  autoSearchIsMatch: aBoolean
define the automatic search pattern matching behavior

o  autoSearchPattern
return the automatic search pattern.
The codeView will search for this automatically,
whenever the navigation is changing the shown method.

o  autoSearchPattern: aStringOrPattern
define the automatic search pattern.
The codeView will search for this automatically,
whenever the navigation is changing the shown method.

o  autoSearchPattern: aStringOrPattern ignoreCase: ignoreCaseBoolean match: isMatchBoolean
define the automatic search pattern.
The codeView will search for this automatically,
whenever the navigation is changing the shown method.

o  browserLabel
return the assigned state-label (to be shown in the tab).

o  browserLabel: aString
set the assigned state-label (to be shown in the tab).

o  canvas

o  canvas: something

o  canvasType
return the type of canvas

o  canvasType: aSpecSymbol
set the type of canvas

o  codeAspect
return the codeAspect; a symbol describing what is shown in the codeView

o  codeAspect: aSymbolOrNil
set the codeAspect; a symbol describing what is shown in the codeView

o  codePaneAndPluginView

o  codePaneAndPluginView: something

o  codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners

o  codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners: anArray

o  editorNoteBookCanvasHolder

o  editorNoteBookListHolder

o  environment

o  lastMethodShownInCodeView

o  lastMethodShownInCodeView: something

o  messagePaneView

o  messagePaneView: something

o  modified
check for modified code by asking the editTextView;
this one returns true if ever modified - even if
the modifications where undone in the editor
(i.e. not really modified).
Use #reallyModified if the contents should be compared
against the original contents

o  modified: aBoolean

o  noteBookView

o  noteBookView: something

o  realModifiedState

o  realModifiedState: aBoolean

o  realModifiedStateHolder

o  selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder

o  showMethodTemplate

o  showMethodTemplate: aBoolean

o  showingParseError

o  showingParseError: something

o  stringSearchToolView

o  stringSearchToolView: aStringSearchTool

o  tabContentView

o  tabContentView: something

o  worker

o  worker: aProcess

o  theSingleSelectedClass
if only one class is selected, return it.
Otherwise, return nil

o  theSingleSelectedMethod
if only one method is selected, return it.
Otherwise, return nil

o  applicationOfComponent: aComponentName

o  applicationOfComponent: aComponentName or: anotherComponentName

o  classCategoryListApplication

o  classHierarchyListApplication

o  classListApplication

o  inlineMessageApplication

o  metaToggleComponent

o  methodCategoryListApplication

o  methodListApplication

o  nameSpaceListApplication

o  projectListApplication

o  variableListApplication

o  versionDiffApplication

o  versionDiffApplication: anApplication

o  anySpecialEditorModified

o  codeView

o  doSaveInSpecialEditors

o  documentationView

o  getCodeView

o  inheritanceView

o  methodCategoryList: aView

o  methodList: aView

o  packageInfoButton

o  packageInfoButton: something

o  scrollableCodeView

o  setUpScrollableCodeView
codeView setClipboardText:(codeView contents). "/ for undo

o  specialEditorCanvasClassForResourceType: resourceTypeSymbol

o  specialEditorCanvasForResourceType: resourceTypeSymbol

o  bookmarkHolder
return/create the 'bookmarkHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  categoryList

o  categoryListGenerator

o  classDocumentationHolder

o  classHierarchyTopClass

o  classList

o  classListGenerator

o  classListPerNameSpaceGenerator

o  codeHolder

o  codeModifiedHolder

o  cursorColLabelHolder
self codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

o  cursorLineAndColumnLabelHolder

o  cursorLineLabelHolder
self codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

o  editModeAutoIndentHolder

o  editModeHolder

o  filterClassVars

o  hidePrivateClasses

o  infoLabelHolder

o  languageHolder

o  lintRuleListGenerator

o  messageHolder
return/create the 'messageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  messageHolder: aValueHolder
set the 'messageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  messageSpecHolder
return/create the 'messageSpecHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  messageSpecHolder: something
set the 'messageSpecHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  meta

o  metaToggleLabelHolder

o  methodInfo

o  methodList

o  modeLabelHolder

o  nameSpaceFilter

o  nameSpaceListGenerator

o  navigationHistory

o  noAllItem

o  organizerMode
return the organizerMode holder;
holding a symbol describing how things are organized
(#category, #hierarchy, #project or #namespace)

o  packageFilter

o  packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder

o  packageLabelHolder

o  pluginVisibleHolder

o  profilerStatistics

o  profilerStatistics: aValueHolder

o  progressHolder
return/create the 'progressHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  progressHolder: aValueHolder
set the 'progressHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  projectListGenerator

o  protocolListGenerator

o  selectedCategories
a value holder on the currently selected class categories

o  selectedClasses
a value holder on the currently selected classes

o  selectedLintRules
a value holder on the currently selected lint rules

o  selectedMethods
a value holder on the currently selected methods

o  selectedMethodsArrayAt: index

o  selectedNamespaces
a value holder on the currently selected namespaces

o  selectedProjects
a value holder on the currently selected projects

o  selectedProtocols
a value holder on the currently selected protocols

o  selectorListGenerator
a value holder on the current selector generator

o  selectorListGeneratorArray

o  selectorListGeneratorArrayAt: index

o  sortBy

o  theSingleSelectedBookmarkFromMethodOrClass

o  theSingleSelectedClassFromMethodHolder
computes the class from the current single selected method

o  theSingleSelectedClassHolder

o  theSingleSelectedLanguageFromMethodOrClass

o  theSingleSelectedMethodHolder

o  updateBookmarkHolder

o  updateLanguageHolder

o  variableFilter

o  metaToggle

o  notMetaToggle

o  addToHistory: class selector: selector
selector ifNil:[^self].

printing & storing
o  colorizeForModifiedBuffer: someString

o  nameString
a descriptive string of what this state shows

o  nameStringOrNil
a descriptive string of what this state shows

o  rawNameStringForCategory

o  rawNameStringForNameSpace

o  rawNameStringForProject

o  rawNameStringOrNil
a descriptive string of what this state shows; nil, if nothing is selected

o  rawNameStringOrNilWantShort: shortName
a descriptive string of what this state shows; nil, if nothing is selected

o  shortNameString
a descriptive string of what this state shows

o  isCategoryBrowser

o  isChainBrowser

o  isCheckOutputBrowser

o  isClassBrowser

o  isClassDocumentationBrowser

o  isClassExtensionBrowser

o  isFullBrowser

o  isFullClassSourceBrowser

o  isFullProtocolBrowser

o  isLintResultBrowser

o  isMethodBrowser

o  isMethodListBrowser

o  isNameSpaceBrowser

o  isNameSpaceFullBrowser

o  isProjectBrowser

o  isProjectFullBrowser
showing a single or multiple full projects
(but not a regular browser, in projects-mode.

o  isProtocolBrowser

o  isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser

o  isSingleCategoryBrowser

o  isSingleClassBrowser

o  isSingleFullProtocolBrowser

o  isSingleMethodBrowser

o  isSingleNamespaceBrowser

o  isSingleNamespaceFullBrowser

o  isSingleProjectBrowser

o  isSingleProjectFullBrowser

o  isSingleProtocolBrowser

o  isVersionDiffBrowser

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Wed, 24 Apr 2024 23:35:38 GMT