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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'Tools::NewSystemBrowser':



Class: NewSystemBrowser (in Tools)



rev: 1.2916 date: 2024/04/09 12:34:39
user: stefan
file: Tools__NewSystemBrowser.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool


A new, much improved, system browser,
    multiple buffers
    multi-select in most selectionLists
    view-selection (by namespace, by project, by category ...)
    embedded repository diff
    more search operations
    code checker (not yet complete)
    some refactoryBrowser functionality
    completely built using GUI painter and reusable components.


COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  addToBookMarks: aClass selector: aSelectorOrNil

o  bookmarkForClass: aClass selector: aSelectorOrNil

o  bookmarks

o  classHistory

o  updateHistory: historyOrNil forClass: class selector: selector

o  synchronousUpdate
SynchronousUpdate := true
SynchronousUpdate := false

help specs
o  helpSpec

image specs
o  defaultIcon
(comment from inherited method)
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

o  defaultIcon1
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self defaultIcon1 inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#defaultIcon1
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  hideToolBarIcon

o  initializeClass20x20Icon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self initializeClass20x20Icon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#initializeClass20x20Icon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  initializeSharedPool20x20Icon

o  initializeSharedPool20x20Icon1
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

o  initializeSharedPool20x20Icon2
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self initializeSharedPool20x20Icon2 inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#initializeSharedPool20x20Icon2
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  showCategoriesIcon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self showCategoriesIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showCategoriesIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  showClassHierarchyIcon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self showClassHierarchyIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showClassHierarchyIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  showInheritedMethodsIcon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self showInheritedMethodsIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showInheritedMethodsIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  startNewSystemBrowserIcon

o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
Browser configuration;
(values can be changed from your private startup file)

o  loadRefactoryBrowser
try to load the refactoryBrowser package ...

o  postAutoload
try to load the refactoryBrowser package ...

Usage example(s):

     self postAutoload

     Transcript application removeUserTool:#newSystemBrowser

interface specs
o  browserPageSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#browserPageSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#browserPageSpec

o  chainBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#chainBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#chainBrowserSpec

o  classDocumentationBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classDocumentationBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#classDocumentationBrowserSpec

o  codePaneSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#codePaneSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#codePaneSpec

o  fullBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#fullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#fullBrowserSpec

o  fullClassSourceBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#fullClassSourceBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#fullClassSourceBrowserSpec

o  methodListBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodListBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#methodListBrowserSpec

o  multipleCategoryBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleCategoryBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleCategoryBrowserSpec

o  multipleClassBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassBrowserSpec

o  multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec

o  multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec

o  multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

o  multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec

o  multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec

o  multipleMethodBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleMethodBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleMethodBrowserSpec

o  multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

o  multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

o  multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

o  multipleProjectBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec

o  multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec

o  multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec

o  noteBookWindowSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#noteBookWindowSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#noteBookWindowSpec

o  pagedWindowSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#pagedWindowSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#pagedWindowSpec

o  protocolAndMethodListSpec_Both
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_Both
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_Both

o  protocolAndMethodListSpec_JustMethodList
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_JustMethodList
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_JustMethodList

o  searchSpec

o  searchSpec_classic
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchSpec_classic
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#searchSpec_classic

o  searchSpec_live
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchSpec_live
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#searchSpec_live

o  searchSpec_live_level0
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchSpec_live_level0
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#searchSpec_live_level0

o  selectorBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#selectorBrowserSpec

o  senderChainBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#senderChainBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#senderChainBrowserSpec

o  singleCategoryBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleCategoryBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleCategoryBrowserSpec

o  singleClassBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleClassBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleClassBrowserSpec

o  singleClassWithoutVariableListBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

o  singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec

o  singleMethodBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleMethodBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleMethodBrowserSpec

o  singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

o  singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

o  singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

o  singleProjectBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProjectBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProjectBrowserSpec

o  singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProjectFullBrowserSpec

o  singleProtocolBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec

o  smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec

o  visualProfilerSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#visualProfilerSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#visualProfilerSpec

o  windowSpec
^ self browserWindowSpec

interface specs-dialogs
o  repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec

menu specs
o  browseMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#browseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser browseMenu)) startUp

o  bufferBaseMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#bufferBaseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser bufferBaseMenu)) startUp

o  categoryCheckMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryCheckMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryCheckMenu)) startUp

o  categoryDebugMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  categoryMenu

o  categoryMenuDocumentationSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuDocumentationSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuDocumentationSlice)) startUp

o  categoryMenuFileOutAndRepositorySlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuFileOutAndRepositorySlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuFileOutAndRepositorySlice)) startUp

o  categoryMenuNewAndRenameSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuNewAndRenameSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuNewAndRenameSlice)) startUp

o  categoryMenuSpawnSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSpawnSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSpawnSlice)) startUp

o  categoryMenuWithFind
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuWithFind
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuWithFind)) startUp

o  categoryMenuWithoutFind
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuWithoutFind
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuWithoutFind)) startUp

o  categorySpecialMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categorySpecialMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categorySpecialMenu)) startUp

o  checkMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#checkMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser checkMenu)) startUp

o  checkinBuildSupportFileMenuForClass
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  checkinBuildSupportFileMenuForProject
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  classCheckMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classCheckMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classCheckMenu)) startUp

o  classClassVariablesMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classClassVariablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classClassVariablesMenu)) startUp

o  classDebugMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classDebugMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classDebugMenu)) startUp

o  classDocumentationMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classDocumentationMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classDocumentationMenu)) startUp

o  classGenerateMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classGenerateMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classGenerateMenu)) startUp

o  classGenerateMenuAccessMethodsSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classGenerateMenuAccessMethodsSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classGenerateMenuAccessMethodsSlice)) startUp

o  classGenerateMenuCommonInstMethodsSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classGenerateMenuCommonInstMethodsSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classGenerateMenuCommonInstMethodsSlice)) startUp

o  classHierarchyMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classHierarchyMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classHierarchyMenu)) startUp

o  classInstanceVariablesMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classInstanceVariablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classInstanceVariablesMenu)) startUp

o  classMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenu)) startUp

o  classNewGroovyClassSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewGroovyClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewGroovyClassSlice)) startUp

o  classNewHaskellClassSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewHaskellClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewHaskellClassSlice)) startUp

o  classNewJavaScriptClassSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewJavaScriptClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewJavaScriptClassSlice)) startUp

o  classNewLispClassSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewLispClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewLispClassSlice)) startUp

o  classNewPLSQLClassSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewPLSQLClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewPLSQLClassSlice)) startUp

o  classNewRubyClassSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewRubyClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewRubyClassSlice)) startUp

o  classNewSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewSlice)) startUp

o  classNewSmalltalkSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewSmalltalkSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewSmalltalkSlice)) startUp

o  classPoolVariablesMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classPoolVariablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classPoolVariablesMenu)) startUp

o  classSmallTeamMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classSmallTeamMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classSmallTeamMenu)) startUp

o  classSpecialMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classSpecialMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classSpecialMenu)) startUp

o  codeMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#codeMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser codeMenu)) startUp

o  compareBuildSupportFileMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#compareBuildSupportFileMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser compareBuildSupportFileMenu)) startUp

o  editModeInfoLabelMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#editModeInfoLabelMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser editModeInfoLabelMenu)) startUp

o  helpMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#helpMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser helpMenu)) startUp

o  inheritanceViewMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#inheritanceViewMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser inheritanceViewMenu)) startUp

o  lintMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#lintMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser lintMenu)) startUp

o  mainMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#mainMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser mainMenu)) startUp

o  methodDebugMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodDebugMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser methodDebugMenu)) startUp

o  methodListMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodListMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser methodListMenu)) startUp

o  methodRefactorMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodRefactorMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser methodRefactorMenu)) startUp

o  nameSpaceMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#nameSpaceMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser nameSpaceMenu)) startUp

o  projectCheckMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  projectDebugMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectDebugMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectDebugMenu)) startUp

o  projectMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenu)) startUp

o  protocolCheckMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolCheckMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser protocolCheckMenu)) startUp

o  protocolMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser protocolMenu)) startUp

o  refactoringMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#refactoringMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser refactoringMenu)) startUp

o  searchMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser searchMenu)) startUp

o  searchMenuInMethodList
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchMenuInMethodList
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser searchMenuInMethodList)) startUp

o  selectorCheckMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  selectorMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenu)) startUp

o  selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice)) startUp

o  selectorMenuCopyMoveRemoveSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuCopyMoveRemoveSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuCopyMoveRemoveSlice)) startUp

o  selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice)) startUp

o  selectorMenuMoveMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  selectorMenuSearchSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSearchSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSearchSlice)) startUp

o  selectorMenuSpawnSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSpawnSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSpawnSlice)) startUp

o  selectorSmallTeamMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorSmallTeamMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorSmallTeamMenu)) startUp

o  smellsMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#smellsMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser smellsMenu)) startUp

o  specialBrowseMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#specialBrowseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser specialBrowseMenu)) startUp

o  variablesMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#variablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser variablesMenu)) startUp

o  viewMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser viewMenu)) startUp

o  viewMenuCommonSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenuCommonSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser viewMenuCommonSlice)) startUp

o  viewMenuForChainBrowser
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenuForChainBrowser
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser viewMenuForChainBrowser)) startUp

o  viewMenuForMethodList
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenuForMethodList
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser viewMenuForMethodList)) startUp

menu specs-SCM-category
o  categoryMenuSCMCommon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMCommon
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMCommon)) startUp

o  categoryMenuSCMSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSlice)) startUp

o  categoryMenuSCMSliceAll
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSliceAll
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSliceAll)) startUp

o  categoryMenuSCMSlice_compact
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSlice_compact
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSlice_compact)) startUp

o  categoryMenuSCMSlice_inline
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSlice_inline
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSlice_inline)) startUp

o  categoryMenuSCMSlice_old
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

menu specs-SCM-class
o  classCVSMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classCVSMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classCVSMenu)) startUp

o  classDataBaseRepositoryMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classDataBaseRepositoryMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classDataBaseRepositoryMenu)) startUp

o  classFileBasedRepositoryMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classFileBasedRepositoryMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classFileBasedRepositoryMenu)) startUp

o  classGitMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classGitMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classGitMenu)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMCheckinBuildSupportFile
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  classMenuSCMCommon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMCommon
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMCommon)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMExtra_CVS
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMExtra_CVS
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMExtra_CVS)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMExtra_Git
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMExtra_Git
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMExtra_Git)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMExtra_Mercurial
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMExtra_Mercurial
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMExtra_Mercurial)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMExtra_SVN
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMExtra_SVN
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMExtra_SVN)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMSliceAll
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSliceAll
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSliceAll)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMSlice_compact
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_compact
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_compact)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMSlice_inline
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_inline
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_inline)) startUp

o  classMenuSCMSlice_old
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

o  classMercurialMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMercurialMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMercurialMenu)) startUp

o  classPerforceMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classPerforceMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classPerforceMenu)) startUp

o  classSCMMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classSCMMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classSCMMenu)) startUp

menu specs-SCM-project
o  projectCVSMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectCVSMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectCVSMenu)) startUp

o  projectGitMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectGitMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectGitMenu)) startUp

o  projectMenuSCMCheckinBuildSupportFile
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  projectMenuSCMCommon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMCommon
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMCommon)) startUp

o  projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFile
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFile
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFile)) startUp

o  projectMenuSCMExtra_CVS
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMExtra_CVS
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMExtra_CVS)) startUp

o  projectMenuSCMExtra_SVN
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMExtra_SVN
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMExtra_SVN)) startUp

o  projectMenuSCMSlice

o  projectMenuSCMSliceAll
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMSliceAll
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMSliceAll)) startUp

o  projectMenuSCMSlice_compact
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMSlice_compact
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMSlice_compact)) startUp

o  projectMenuSCMSlice_inline
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMSlice_inline
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMSlice_inline)) startUp

o  projectMenuSCMSlice_old
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

menu specs-SCM-selector
o  selectorMenuCVS
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuCVS
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuCVS)) startUp

o  selectorMenuSCMCommon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMCommon
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMCommon)) startUp

o  selectorMenuSCMSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSlice)) startUp

o  selectorMenuSCMSliceAll
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSliceAll
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSliceAll)) startUp

o  selectorMenuSCMSlice_compact
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSlice_compact
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSlice_compact)) startUp

o  selectorMenuSCMSlice_inline
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSlice_inline
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSlice_inline)) startUp

o  selectorMenuSCMSlice_old
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

menu specs-dialogs
o  classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu)) startUp

o  classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

o  classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu)) startUp

o  obsoleteContainersPopupMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#obsoleteContainersPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser obsoleteContainersPopupMenu)) startUp

menu specs-monticello
o  projectMonticelloMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMonticelloMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMonticelloMenu)) startUp

menu specs-popup
o  categoryPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the class-category-list view

o  classPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the regular class-list view

o  hierarchyPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the class-hierarchy-list view

o  nameSpacePopUpMenu

o  projectPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the project-list view

o  shiftedCodeViewPopUpMenu
return the Shift-popUpMenu for the code-view.
get here via codeViewMenu (holder in codeView)

o  tabMenuWithRemove
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#tabMenuWithRemove
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser tabMenuWithRemove)) startUp

o  tabMenuWithoutRemove
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#tabMenuWithoutRemove
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser tabMenuWithoutRemove)) startUp

o  variablesPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the variable-list view

menu specs-subversion
o  classSubversionMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classSubversionMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classSubversionMenu)) startUp

o  commonSubversionMenuSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#commonSubversionMenuSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser commonSubversionMenuSlice)) startUp

o  projectSubversionMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectSubversionMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectSubversionMenu)) startUp

menu specs-toolbar
o  toolBarMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#toolBarMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser toolBarMenu)) startUp

o  toolBarMenuLint
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#toolBarMenuLint
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser toolBarMenuLint)) startUp

o  hasSubversionSupport

o  browseClass: aClass
launch a single class browser.

Usage example(s):

     self browseClass:Array

o  browseClass: aClass selector: selector
launch a single class browser.

Usage example(s):

     self browseClass:Array selector:#at:

o  browseClasses: aCollectionOfClasses
launch a multi class browser.

Usage example(s):

     self browseClasses:(Array with:Array with:Number)

o  browseClasses: aCollectionOfClasses label: titleOrNil
launch a multi class browser.

Usage example(s):

     self browseClasses:(Array with:Array with:Number) label:'Some classes'

o  browseMethods: aListOfMethods title: title sort: doSort
launch a multi-method browser.

Usage example(s):

        browseMethods:(Array with:(OrderedCollection compiledMethodAt:#at:)
                             with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
        title:'some methods'

        browseMethods:(Array with:(OrderedCollection compiledMethodAt:#at:)
                             with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
        title:'some methods'

        browseMethods:(Array with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
                             with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:put:))
        title:'some methods'

o  browseProfilerStatistics: statistics
launch browser on profiler statistics

o  browseSingleClass: aClass
launch a single class browser.

Usage example(s):

     self browseSingleClass:Array

o  open
self open

o  openInClass: aClass selector: aSelector
launch a full browser, with aClass/aSelector initially selected.
Returns the browser

Usage example(s):

     self openInClass:Array selector:#at:

o  openInMethod: aMethod
launch a full browser, with aMethod initially selected.

Usage example(s):

     self openInMethod:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)

o  openOnClassesForWhich: filter label: aTitle
open a browser, showing all classes for which filter returns true.

Usage example(s):

     self openOnClassesForWhich:[:cls | true] label:'all of them...'

o  openOnClassesInChangeSet
open a browser, showing all classes in the changeSet.

Usage example(s):

     self openOnClassesInChangeSet

o  openOnMethodsInChangeSet
open a browser, showing all methods in the changeSet.

Usage example(s):

     self openOnMethodsInChangeSet

o  openOnPackage: aProjectDefinitionClassOrPackageID
open a browser, showing all classes in the given package.

Usage example(s):

     self openOnPackage:'stx:libbasic'
     self openOnPackage: (stx_libbasic)

o  openWithSelectedClasses: aCollectionOfClasses label: titleOrNil
launch a full browser with multiple classes initially selected.
(also selects the corresponding categories)

Usage example(s):

     self openWithSelectedClasses:(Array with:Array with:Number) label:'Some classes'

o  askForClassToSearch: doWhatByDefault single: singleClass msgTail: msgTail resources: resourcesOrNil filter: filterOrNil forBrowser: aBrowserOrNil thenDo: aBlock
utility common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
to search for a class in an existing browser.
If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened.
Moved from instance protocol for better reusability.

o  enterBoxTitle: title okText: okText label: label
convenient method: setup an enterBox

Instance protocol:

o  buffersDo: aBlock

o  environment

o  environment: env

o  isEmbeddedBrowser
allows the inspector to disable certain menu items (+ buffer)

o  isEmbeddedBrowser: aBoolean
allows the inspector to disable certain menu items (+ buffer)

o  bookmarkHolder

o  bookmarkListHolder

o  bufferNameList
the list of buffer-name-labels (model of the notebook)

o  classDocumentationHolder
the current buffers html-doc holder

o  classesProjectInfoHolder
the project-info label (used in the revisionDiffBrowser)

o  codeAspect
the current buffer's codeAspect;
a symbol describing what is shown, such as #method, #classDefinition, #comment etc.

o  codeAspect: newAspect
the current buffer's codeAspect;
a symbol describing what is shown, such as #method, #classDefinition, #comment etc.

o  codeHolder
the current buffers code holder

o  codeModifiedHolder
the current buffers codeModified holder;
That is the codeViews modified flag and should not be taken as a modified flag,
because the syntaxHighlighter clears this flag to be informed about user unput

o  codeReallyModified

o  cursorColLabelHolder
the current buffers cursorColumn Holder (info field)

o  cursorLineAndColumnLabelHolder
the current buffers cursor position holder (info field)

o  cursorLineLabelHolder
the current buffers cursorLineumn Holder (info field)

o  deadKeysEnabledHolder
the current buffer's line-end cursor mode

o  deadKeysEnabledInAllEditorsHolder
all editor's dead key mode mode

o  doEnableRefactoringSupport

o  doLoadRefactoringSupport

o  editModeAutoIndentHolder
the current buffer's autoIndent Holder (insert/overwrite/...)

o  editModeHolder
the current buffer's editMode Holder (insert/overwrite/...)

o  editModeST80CursorHolder
the current buffer's line-end cursor mode

o  environmentHolder
return/create the 'environmentHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  environmentHolder: aValueModel
set the 'environmentHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  filterClassVars

o  immediateUpdate

o  implementingClassListGenerator

o  infoLabelHolder
the current buffer's infoLabel (info field at the bottom)

o  messageHolder
the current buffers message (in message pane)

o  messageSpecHolder
the current buffers message (in message pane)

o  metaToggleLabelHolder

o  methodInfo

o  modeLabelHolder
the current buffers mode label Holder (insert/learn info field)

o  navigationState
the kludge below is required to allow

o  noAllItem

o  packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder
Current background color of package info bar

o  packageLabelHolder
the current buffers packageLabel (info field)

o  progressHolder
the current buffers message (in message pane)

o  searchedClassNameHolder

o  searchedClassNameOrSelectorHolder
the value in the top-right search field (search class/selector)

o  selectedBuffer

o  selectionChangeConditionFor: aSubApplication

o  selectionChangeConditionHolder

o  sortBy

o  suppressChangeSetUpdate

o  suppressChangeSetUpdate: aBoolean

o  selectedCategoriesAsEnvironment
Return a refactory environment on all classes in selected
class categories. May return nil if refactory browser is not

o  selectedClassesAsEnvironment
Return a refactory environment on all selected classes
May return nil if refactory browser is not available

o  selectedCodeComponentsAsEnvironment
Returns a non-empty environment for the current selection.
Depends on the current navigation state and context.
May return nil if refactory browser is not available.

o  selectedEnvironment
Returns a non-empty environment for the current selection.
Depends on the current navigation state and context.
May return nil if refactory browser is not available.

o  selectedLintRuleClassesAsEnvironment
Return a refactory environment on all classes reported by
selected rule checks. May return nil if refactory browser is not

o  selectedNamespacesAsEnvironment
Return a refactory environment on all classes in selected
namespaces. May return nil if refactory browser is not

o  selectedNonEmptyEnvironment
Returns a non-empty environment for the current selection.
Depends on the current navigation state and context.
May return nil if refactory browser is not available.

o  selectedNonEmptyEnvironmentFrom: environmentsOrSelectors
Returns first non-empty environment from given list. If none if them is
non empty, return an empty environment. May return nil if refactory browser is
not available.

o  selectedPackagesAsEnvironment
Return a refactory environment on all classes & methods in
selected packages . May return nil if refactory browser is
not available.

o  selectedProtocolsAsEnvironment
Return a refactory environment on all methods in selected
method protocols. May return nil if refactory browser is not

o  selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment
Return a refactory environment on all selected methods
May return nil if refactory browser is not available

o  metaToggle

o  notMetaToggle

o  anyRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  categoryMenu
to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer

o  classMenuForSmallLint
somehow I need this indirection; otherwise,
aspects are fetched too early (with no class selected),
and the CVS menus are all disabled

o  cvsRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  dataBaseRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  fileBasedRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  git2RepositoryMenusAreShown

o  gitRepositoryClassMenusAreShown

o  gitRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  hgRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  logLevelForAll

o  logLevelForClass

o  logLevelForClass: aSymbolOrNil

o  logLevelForProject

o  logLevelForProject: aSymbolOrNil
Modified (format): / 23-06-2023 / 08:35:39 / cg

o  mercurialRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  methodListPopUpMenu
to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer

o  nameSpaceMenu
to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer

o  perforceRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  protocolMenu
to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer

o  remoteMenusAreShown
is there any bridge connection to a remote system (VW)

o  selectorMenu
to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer

o  selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice

o  selectorPopUpMenu
to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer

o  svnRepositoryMenusAreShown

o  tabMenu: index
'patch' the menu items to pass the nr. of the current buffer as argument

o  variablesPopUpMenu
to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer

o  visitedClassesHistory

o  categoryList
the current buffers categoryList

o  categoryListGenerator
the current buffers categoryList generator

o  classHierarchyTopClass
the current buffers topClass holder (if showing a hierarchy)

o  classListGenerator
the current buffers classList generator

o  classListPerNameSpaceGenerator
the current buffers first classList generator (input to categoryList)

o  lintRuleListGenerator

o  meta

o  nameSpaceFilter

o  nameSpaceListGenerator

o  navigationHistory

o  packageFilter

o  profilerStatistics

o  projectListGenerator

o  protocolListGenerator

o  selectedCategories

o  selectedCategoriesValue

o  selectedClasses
bad name- it's a holder, baby

o  selectedClassesValue

o  selectedLintRuleClasses
I don't understand it - just a q&d hack to make the debugger go away

o  selectedLintRules
bad obfuscated design; this is called from the LintService to ask for a lintRule set

o  selectedMethods

o  selectedMethods1

o  selectedMethods2

o  selectedMethods3

o  selectedMethods4

o  selectedMethodsClasses

o  selectedMethodsValue
the set of selected methods;
there is currently a bug in some lists, in that they do not correctly
update this list, when breakpoints or wrappers are installed,
still holding on the original method, while the wrapped method is actually
in the class's methodDictionary.
This leads to problems, as the original has no valid selector within the
methodDictionary, and returns nil as selector.
We could workaround here or in method>>selector; we do it here to avoid any problems
which might result from that change in method (could break unwrapping etc.)

o  selectedNamespaces

o  selectedNamespacesValue

o  selectedProjects

o  selectedProjectsValue

o  selectedProtocols

o  selectedProtocolsValue

o  selectedVariables

o  selectorListGenerator

o  selectorListGenerator1
used for the sender-/implementor-chain's first methodlist

o  selectorListGenerator2
used for the sender-/implementor-chain's second methodlist

o  selectorListGenerator3
used for the sender-/implementor-chain's third methodlist

o  selectorListGenerator4
used for the sender-/implementor-chain's fourth methodlist

o  selectorListGenerator5
Used for all method's generator of ClassList.

o  variableFilter

o  categoryMenuVisible

o  classHierarchyMenuVisible

o  classInheritanceMenuItemVisible
^ self viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible

o  classMenuVisible

o  codeMenuVisible

o  isNotFullProtocolBrowser

o  methodListMenuVisible

o  nameSpaceMenuVisible

o  notShowingInheritedMethods

o  operationsMenuEnabled

o  operationsMenuVisible

o  organizerIsNotShowingCategories

o  organizerIsShowingCategories

o  organizerIsShowingClasses

o  organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsNotShowingCategories

o  organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsShowingCategories

o  organizerMode

o  organizerModeForMenu
need this, since the menu fetches the aspect only once during
creation - but that's the mode-holder of the first buffer,
and not the dynamic mode-holder of the current buffer

o  organizerProtocolAndMethodListSpecHolder

o  projectMenuVisible

o  protocolMenuVisible

o  searchMenuInMethodListVisible

o  searchMenuVisible

o  selectorMenuVisible

o  showNameFilterHolder
the selector/name filter

o  showingInheritedMethods

o  testRunnerVisibleHolder

o  variablesMenuVisible

o  viewMenuForMethodListVisible

o  viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible

o  viewMenuVisible
n isClassBrowser not

o  bookmarkBarVisibleHolder

o  browsletShowHideLabelHolder

o  codeInfoVisible

o  doAutoFormat

o  doImmediateExplaining

o  doImmediateSyntaxColoring

o  doSyntaxColoring

o  editorNoteBookCanvasHolder

o  editorNoteBookListHolder

o  emphasizeUnloadedClasses

o  emphasizeUnloadedClassesChanged
classListApp updateList.

o  groupVariablesByInheritance

o  hidePrivateClasses

o  hideUnloadedClasses

o  markApplicationsHolder

o  methodVisibilityHolder

o  packageDiagramMenuItemVisible

o  selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder

o  shortNamesInTabs

o  showAllClassesInNameSpaceOrganisation

o  showClassPackages
^ self navigationState showClassPackages

o  showClassVarsInVariableList

o  showCoverageInformation

o  showGlobalHistory

o  showImageResourceMethodsImages

o  showLocalHistory

o  showMethodComplexity

o  showMethodInheritance

o  showMethodTemplate

o  showMethodTypeIcon

o  showMultitabMode

o  showPlugin

(holder := builder bindingAt:#showPlugin) isNil ifTrue:[
holder := false asValue.
builder aspectAt:#showPlugin put: holder.
^ holder

o  showPlugin: aBoolean

o  showPseudoProtocols

o  showSpecialResourceEditors

o  showSyntheticMethods

o  showUnloadedClasses

o  sortByNameAndInheritance
now: I do not want that to be automatically forwarded to the prefs

o  sortVariablesByName

o  stringSearchToolVisibleHolder

o  toolBarVisibleHolder

o  useGlobalHistory

o  anyBreakOrTracePointsAreSet

o  anyBreakOrTracePointsAreSetHolder

o  canConvertToSiblings

o  canConvertToSiblingsHolder

o  canCreateExpeccoPatchHolder
can we create expecco patches?

o  canFileOutBinaryHolder

o  canFileOutSIFHolder

o  canFileOutXMLHolder

o  canGenerateAccessMethodsForAllHolder

o  canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder

o  canGenerateAspectMethod

o  canGenerateAspectMethodHolder

o  canGenerateMultiSetterInstanceCreationMethodHolder

o  canGenerateMultiSetterMethodHolder

o  canGenerateSetterInstanceCreationMethodHolder

o  canGoBackAspect
| aspect |

Usage example(s):

aspect := self objectAttributeAt: #canGoBackAspect.

Usage example(s):

self objectAttributeAt: #canGoBackAspect put: aspect].

o  canGoBackInGlobalHistoryAspect
| aspect |

o  canGoForwardAspect
| aspect |

Usage example(s):

aspect := self objectAttributeAt: #canGoForwardAspect.

Usage example(s):

self objectAttributeAt: #canGoForwardAspect put: aspect].

o  canInsertSuperclass

o  canInsertSuperclassHolder

o  changeSetContainsChangedClasses

o  changeSetContainsChangedClassesAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass
self codeAspect ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[

o  classWizardVisibleHolder
^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#classWizardVisibleHolder

o  currentClass
the current buffers single selected class;
nil if no selection or if multiple classes are selected

o  currentNamespace

o  currentProject
if there is a selected project, return that project;
Otherwise, if all selected classes are in the same project, return that;
otheriwse, return nil

o  globalCoverageRecordingIsDisabled

o  globalCoverageRecordingIsEnabled

o  hasAnyAutoLoadedClassSelected

o  hasAnyAutoLoadedClassSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyCategoryWithAnyAutoLoadedClassSelected

o  hasAnyCategoryWithAnyAutoLoadedClassSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyCategoryWithAnyUnLoadedClassSelected

o  hasAnyCategoryWithAnyUnLoadedClassSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich: aBlock

o  hasAnyClassWithCoverageInfoSelected

o  hasAnyClassWithCoverageInfoSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyExecutableClassMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyLoadedClassSelected

o  hasAnyLoadedClassSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich: aBlock

o  hasAnyNonIgnoredMethodSelected

o  hasAnyNonIgnoredMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyNonPrivateMethodSelected

o  hasAnyNonPrivateMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyNonProtectedMethodSelected

o  hasAnyNonProtectedMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyNonPublicMethodSelected

o  hasAnyNonPublicMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyPrivateClassSelected

o  hasAnyPrivateClassSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyTestCaseOrExecutableClassMethodOrStartableApplicationSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyTestCaseOrExecutableClassMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyTestCaseSelected

o  hasAnyTestCaseSelectedAndEmbeddedRunnerIsDisabled

o  hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder

o  hasAnyUnloadedClassSelected

o  hasAnyUnloadedClassSelectedHolder

o  hasApplicationClassSelected

o  hasApplicationClassSelectedHolder

o  hasApplicationDefinitionSelected

o  hasApplicationOrHTTPServiceClassSelectedHolder

o  hasApplicationProjectOrDefinitionSelected

o  hasAtMostOneClassesSelected

o  hasAtMostOneClassesSelectedHolder

o  hasBothMethodsWithBreakAndTraceSelected

o  hasCVSSourceCodeManager

o  hasCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasCategorySelected

o  hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManager

o  hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutCypressHolder

o  hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder

o  hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder

o  hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder

o  hasCategorySelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder

o  hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManager

o  hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasCategorySelectedHolder

o  hasChangedCategorySelectedHolder

o  hasChangedClasses

o  hasChangedClassesHolder

o  hasChangedMethods

o  hasChangedMethodsHolder

o  hasChanges

o  hasChangesHolder

o  hasClassAndNoVariableSelected

o  hasClassAndNoVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasClassAndSingleVariableSelected

o  hasClassAndSingleVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasClassAndVariableSelected

o  hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasClassMethodsOrMethodsNotReferringToSelfSelected

o  hasClassMethodsOrMethodsNotReferringToSelfSelectedHolder

o  hasClassMethodsSelected

o  hasClassMethodsSelectedHolder

o  hasClassNameSelectedInCodeView

o  hasClassOrMethodSelected

o  hasClassOrMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasClassSelected

o  hasClassSelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutBinaryHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndCanSendMailHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDown

o  hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDownHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsAndOOMPackageLoadedHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder

o  hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasClassSelectedHolder

o  hasClassSelectedHolderAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeAddedAsSubProject

o  hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeExcludedFromProject

o  hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeExcludedFromProjectHolder

o  hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeIncludedInProject

o  hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeIncludedInProjectHolder

o  hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeMadeAutoloadedInProject

o  hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeMadeAutoloadedInProjectHolder

o  hasClassVariableSelected
and:[ self showingClassVarsInVariableList ]

o  hasClassVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView
the following is too slow

o  hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList

o  hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder

o  hasClassVariableSelectedInVariableList

o  hasClassWithExtensionsSelected

o  hasClassWithExtensionsSelectedHolder

o  hasClassWithInstrumentedMethodsSelected

o  hasClassesSelectedAndDataBaseRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasClassesSelectedAndFileBasedRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasClassesSelectedAndGitRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasClassesSelectedAndMercurialRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasClassesSelectedAndPerforceRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExists

o  hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasClassesSelectedWhichAreSubclassOf: aBaseClass

o  hasClassesWithCommonSuperclassAndVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasClassesWithCommonSuperclassSelected

o  hasCurrentProject

o  hasCypress
Return true, if Cypress reader/writer is present

o  hasDataBaseRepositoryFor: package
use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator

o  hasDataBaseSourceCodeManagerSupport

o  hasEmptyNamespacesSelected
return true, if only empty namespaces are selected

o  hasEmptyNamespacesSelectedHolder
return true, if only empty namespaces are selected

o  hasEnumTypeClassSelected

o  hasEnumTypeClassSelectedHolder

o  hasExactlyTwoClassesSelected

o  hasExactlyTwoClassesSelectedHolder

o  hasExactlyTwoMethodsSelected

o  hasExactlyTwoMethodsSelectedHolder

o  hasExtensionMethodSelected

o  hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasFileBasedRepositoryFor: package
is there a subversion source repository for package?

o  hasFileBasedSourceCodeManagerSupport

o  hasFindHistoryClassesHolder

o  hasGitRepositoryFor: package
is there a git source repository for package?

o  hasGitSupport
is there support for the git source code manager?

o  hasGroovySupport
Return true, if Groovy support is loaded

o  hasIgnoredBreakpoints

o  hasInstanceMethodsSelected

o  hasInstanceMethodsSelectedHolder

o  hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView
the following is too slow

o  hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList

o  hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder

o  hasInstrumentedMethodSelected

o  hasInstrumentedMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasLiteralConstantSelectedInCodeView

o  hasLiteralConstantSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasLoadedClassSelected

o  hasLoadedClassSelectedHolder

o  hasLocalSelectorSelectedInCodeView

o  hasLocalVariableSelectedInCodeView

o  hasLocalVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasMercurialRepositoryFor: package
is there a mercurial (hg) source repository for package?

o  hasMercurialSupport
is there support for the mercurial (hg) source code manager?

o  hasMetaMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasMetaSelected

o  hasMetaSelectedAndClassSelectedHolder

o  hasMetaSelectedHolder

o  hasMethodSelected

o  hasMethodSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder

o  hasMethodSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder

o  hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasMethodSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsAndOOMPackageLoadedHolder

o  hasMethodSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder

o  hasMethodSelectedAndIsMethodListBrowser

o  hasMethodSelectedAndIsMethodListBrowserHolder

o  hasMethodSelectedAndProjectTagsDefined

o  hasMethodSelectedAndProjectTagsDefinedHolder

o  hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasMethodSelectedHolder
^ [ self hasMethodSelected ]

o  hasMethodWithBreakPointSelected
method breakpoint

o  hasMethodWithBreakPointSelectedHolder

o  hasMethodWithSelfSendSelected

o  hasMethodWithTracePointSelected

o  hasMethodWithTracePointSelectedHolder

o  hasMethodWithWrapSelected

o  hasMethodWithWrapSelectedHolder

o  hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelected

o  hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelectedHolder

o  hasMethodsInList

o  hasMonticelloSupport

o  hasMultipleClassesSelected

o  hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder

o  hasMultipleMethodsSelected

o  hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder

o  hasMultipleSelectorsSelected

o  hasMultipleSelectorsSelectedHolder

o  hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeView

o  hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasMultipleVariablesSelected

o  hasMultipleWordsSelectedInCodeView

o  hasNameSpaceSelected

o  hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManager

o  hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasNameSpaceSelectedHolder

o  hasNoClassSelected

o  hasNoMethodOrMixedWrapsSelectedHolder

o  hasNoProjectSelectedHolder

o  hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasNoVariableSelected

o  hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelected
Return true if some code is selected (class or sole methods), false
otherwise. Note that false is also returned if refactory browser
support is not available

o  hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelectedHolder

o  hasNonMetaMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasNonMetaSelected

o  hasNonMetaSelectedAndClassSelectedHolder

o  hasNonMetaSelectedHolder

o  hasNonPrivateClassSelected

o  hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasNonPrivateClassSelectedHolder

o  hasNonProjectDefinitionSelected

o  hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder

o  hasNonTestCaseClassMethodWithoutArgsSelected
self hasMetaSelected ifFalse:[^ false].

o  hasNonTestCaseClassMethodWithoutArgsSelectedHolder

o  hasNotMultipleClassesSelected

o  hasNotMultipleClassesSelectedHolder

o  hasNotMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasOOMPackageLoaded

o  hasOOMPackageLoadedAndSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder

o  hasOOMPackageLoadedHolder

o  hasOnlyMethodsSelectedForWhich: aBlock

o  hasOnlyMethodsWithBreakPointSelected

o  hasOnlyMethodsWithTracePointSelected

o  hasPackagableApplicationSelected

o  hasPackagableApplicationSelectedHolder

o  hasPerforceRepositoryFor: package
is there a perforce source repository for package?

o  hasPerforceSupport
is there support for the perforce source code manager?

o  hasProjectDefinitionOrClassWithExtensionsSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasProjectDefinitionSelected

o  hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder

o  hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder_and_isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder

o  hasProjectDefinitionWithAnyUnloadedClassSelected

o  hasProjectDefinitionWithAnyUnloadedClassSelectedHolder

o  hasProjectSelected

o  hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutCypressHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndGitRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsAndOOMPackageLoadedHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndMonticelloRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsHolder

o  hasProjectSelectedHolder

o  hasProtocolSelected

o  hasProtocolSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder

o  hasProtocolSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder

o  hasProtocolSelectedHolder

o  hasPseudoProjectChangedSelected

o  hasPseudoProjectChangedSelectedHolder

o  hasRBLintRuleClassSelected

o  hasRealExtensionMethodSelected

o  hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasRealProtocolSelected
true, if at least one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected

o  hasRealProtocolSelectedHolder

o  hasRecentlyDebuggedHistoryHolder

o  hasRedoableOperations
returns false if the class is not present

o  hasRenamableProjectSelected

o  hasRenamableProjectSelectedHolder

o  hasResourceMethodSelected

o  hasResourceMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasSCMSupportFor: aManagerClassName
is there support for the perforce source code manager?

o  hasSelectedClassWithSuperclassHolder

o  hasSelectionInCodeView
^ self codeView selectionAsString size > 0

o  hasSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSelectionInCodeViewHolder

o  hasSelectorSelectedInCodeView

o  hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder

o  hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder_and_isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder

o  hasSingleCategorySelected

o  hasSingleCategorySelectedHolder

o  hasSingleClassAndClassVariableSelected

o  hasSingleClassAndClassVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSingleClassAndSingleClassVariableSelected

o  hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelected

o  hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleClassAndVariableSelected

o  hasSingleClassAndVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSingleClassAndVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleClassOrMethodSelected

o  hasSingleClassOrMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleClassSelected

o  hasSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasSingleClassSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleClassWithNoHelpSpecSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleExtensionMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleLoadedClassSelected

o  hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndMultipleVariablesSelected

o  hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndMultipleVariablesSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndSingleVariableSelected

o  hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndSingleVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndVariableSelected

o  hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleLoadedClassWithCommentSelected

o  hasSingleLoadedClassWithCommentSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleLoadedNonJavascriptClassSelected

o  hasSingleLoadedNonJavascriptClassSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleLoadedNonMetaClassSelected

o  hasSingleLoadedNonMetaClassSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelected

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCodeModifiedHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeView

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameter

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameter

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleMethodSelectedWhichIsRedefinedInAnySubclass

o  hasSingleMethodWithBytecodeSelected

o  hasSingleMethodWithBytecodeSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleNameSpaceSelected

o  hasSingleNonPrivateClassSelected

o  hasSingleNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasSingleNonPrivateClassSelectedHolder

o  hasSinglePrivateClassSelected

o  hasSinglePrivateClassSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected

o  hasSingleProjectSelected

o  hasSingleProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder

o  hasSingleProjectSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleProtocolSelected
true if exactly one method protocol item is selected (could be *all*)

o  hasSingleProtocolSelectedHolder
holding true, if exactly one method protocol item is selected (could be *all*)

o  hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleRealProtocolSelected
true, if one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected

o  hasSingleRealProtocolSelectedHolder
holding true, if one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected

o  hasSingleResourceMethodSelected

o  hasSingleResourceMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleVariableSelected

o  hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder

o  hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList

o  hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder

o  hasSingleWordSelectedInCodeView
first, see if more than a line is selected ...

o  hasSourceCodeManager

o  hasSourceCodeManagerHolder

o  hasStandaloneStartupClassSelected

o  hasStartableApplicationSelected

o  hasStartableApplicationSelectedHolder

o  hasSubversionRepositoryFor: package
is there a subversion source repository for package?

o  hasSubversionSupport

o  hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeView

o  hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasTestCaseClassesSelected

o  hasTestCaseClassesSelectedHolder
^ [ self hasTestCaseClassesSelected ]

o  hasTestCaseMethodsSelected

o  hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelected

o  hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasUndefinedUppercaseIdentifierSelectedInCodeView

o  hasUndefinedUppercaseIdentifierSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasUndoableOperations
returns false if the class is not present

o  hasUnloadedProjectSelected

o  hasUnloadedProjectSelectedHolder

o  hasUpdateMethodSelected

o  hasUpdateMethodSelectedHolder

o  hasUppercaseIdentifierSelectedInCodeView

o  hasUppercaseIdentifierSelectedInCodeViewHolder

o  hasVariableSelected

o  hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList

o  hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder

o  hasVariablesFromSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder

o  hasVisitedClasses

o  hasVisitedClassesHolder

o  hasWebApplicationClassSelected

o  initializedInstanceMethodsNotImplemented
Check if the new/new: or initialize method is not implemented yet

o  instrumentingCompilerExists
true, if instrumenting is possible
(now, always true, because InstrumentingCompiler is now in the libcomp package)

o  isAnyOtherMetaclassPresent

o  isExpeccoPresent

o  isHaskellModulePresent

o  isJavaScriptMetaclassPresent

o  isLintResultBrowserHolder

o  isLintResultBrowserHolder_and_isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder

o  isLispEnvironmentPresent

o  isLispMetaclassPresent

o  isMethodListBrowser

o  isMethodListBrowserHolder

o  isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder

o  isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder

o  isPlsqlMetaclassPresent

o  isRubyMetaclassPresent

o  javaScriptMetaclassPresent

o  methodHasPreviousVersion

o  methodHasPreviousVersionHolder

o  methodIsShadowed

o  methodIsShadowedHolder

o  methodIsSubclassResponsibility

o  methodIsTestAndNotImplementedInSuperclass

o  methodNotImplementedInClass

o  methodNotImplementedInSuperclass

o  methodRedefinesSuperclassVersion

o  methodRedefinesSuperclassVersionHolder

o  methodRefersToSelfOrInstanceVariable: aMethod

o  selectedClassNameInCodeViewOrNil

o  shiftNotPressedHolder

o  shiftPressedHolder

o  singleSelectedMethodIsSubclassResponsibility

o  smallTeamAvailable

o  smallTeamConnected
and:[ SmallTeam serverRunning ]

o  useSearchBarInBrowser

binding access
o  menuFor: key
Sent by the builder to ask for an application provided
holder for a menu. The argument, `key`, comes from an UI-spec
for a widgets #menu property.
Here, a corresponding message is sent to myself,
which ought to be defined in the application subclass.
Alternatively, a subclass may redefine this method, to provide
holders from a Dictionary or whatever.
Typically, a menu or a menu-holding valueHolder is returned there.

change & update
o  categorySelectionChanged
category selection changed by user interaction

o  classReselected
prevent the methodCategory from autoselecting

o  classSelectionChanged
class selection changed by user interaction

o  clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol
prevent the methodCategory from autoselecting the last selected protocol

o  delayedCheckReallyModified

o  delayedClassSelectionChange
clear those, so that the class definition is shown

o  delayedExplainSelection
re-enqueue at the end to delay until all user input has been handled

o  delayedLabelUpdate

o  delayedMethodTrapChanged

o  delayedMethodTrapChanged: methodTrapChangeInfo
would not send an update notification

o  delayedMethodsSelectionChanged
if showing history or log,

o  delayedProtocolSelectionChanged

o  delayedUpdateCode

o  delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch: withAutoSearch

o  delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch: withAutoSearch checkModified: checkModified
the central method to update what is shownin the codeview.
Determines what is currently selected in the navigationstate, and
generates either the source of a selected method, or a class definition template
or some synthetic comment giving a hint (usually for newcomers)

o  delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch: withAutoSearch scrollToTop: scrollToTop

o  delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch: withAutoSearch scrollToTop: scrollToTop checkModified: checkModified
the central method to update what is shown in the codeview.
Determines what is currently selected in the navigationstate, and
generates either the source of a selected method, or a class definition template
or some synthetic comment giving a hint (usually for newcomers)

o  delayedVariableSelectionChanged

o  enqueueDelayedCheckReallyModified

o  enqueueDelayedClassSelectionChange

o  enqueueDelayedLabelUpdate

o  enqueueDelayedMethodTrapChanged

o  enqueueDelayedMethodTrapChanged: aMethod

o  enqueueDelayedMethodsSelectionChanged

o  enqueueDelayedProtocolSelectionChanged

o  enqueueDelayedStartSyntaxHighlightProcess

o  enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel

o  enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabelWithCheckIfModified

o  enqueueDelayedUpdateCode

o  enqueueDelayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch
^ self delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch:true.

o  enqueueDelayedUpdateCodeWithoutAutoSearch
^ self delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch:false.

o  enqueueDelayedUpdateExecuteMethodVisibility

o  enqueueDelayedUpdateInitSharedPoolVisibility

o  enqueueDelayedUpdatePackageInfo

o  enqueueDelayedUpdateTestRunnerVisibility

o  enqueueDelayedVariableSelectionChanged

o  enqueueMessage: selector for: someone arguments: argList
Transcript show:'enqueue '; showCR:selector.

o  environmentChanged
My environment has changed. Update cached environment value.
Subclasses may need to override and invalidate it's contents.

o  methodsSelectionChanged

o  methodsSelectionChanged1

o  methodsSelectionChanged2

o  methodsSelectionChanged3

o  methodsSelectionChanged4

o  methodsSelectionChangedAt: index
in the chain-browsers, a selection in one of the 4 columns has changed

o  nameSpaceSelectionChanged
namespace selection changed by user interaction

o  projectSelectionChanged
project selection changed by user interaction

o  projectSelectionChangedForFilter
project selection changed by user interaction (here: used as filter)

o  protocolSelectionChanged
if showing history or log,

o  selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexChanged
kludge: still showing old code, but a change should be on its

o  selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexChanged2

o  update: something with: aParameter from: changedObject
(navigationState notNil

o  updateBookmarkHolder

o  updateBufferLabel
update the current buffer's label (in the tab-list)

o  updateCategorySelectionForChangedClassSelection
category-selection feedBack:

o  updateCodeInfoAndStringSearchToolVisibility

o  updateExecuteMethodVisibility

o  updateInfoForChangedClassSelection
get some info about the currently selected class.
And show it in the info line at the bottom

o  updateInitSharedPoolVisibility

o  updateLaunchApplicationVisibility

o  updateLintEnablement
Enables/disables lint button in toolbar depending on current selection

o  updateMetaToggleForClassSelection
selection anySatisfy at least on java class

o  updateNavigationHistory

o  updatePackageApplicationVisibility

o  updatePackageInfo

o  updatePluginVisibility
stringSearchToolVisible := self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value.
codeInfoVisible := false.

cFrame := self noteBookView.
cFrame isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

cFrame notNil ifTrue:[
(stringSearchToolVisible not and:[codeInfoVisible not]) ifTrue:[
cBottomOffset := 0.
sTopOffset := 0.
sBottomOffset := 0.
(stringSearchToolVisible not and:[codeInfoVisible]) ifTrue:[
cBottomOffset := -25.
sTopOffset := 0.
sBottomOffset := 0.
(stringSearchToolVisible and:[codeInfoVisible not]) ifTrue:[
cBottomOffset := -25.
sTopOffset := -24.
sBottomOffset := 0.
(stringSearchToolVisible and:[codeInfoVisible]) ifTrue:[
cBottomOffset := -50.
sTopOffset := -49.
sBottomOffset := -25.
cFrame layout notNil ifTrue:[
cFrame layout bottomOffset:cBottomOffset.
cFrame container notNil ifTrue:[
cFrame containerChangedSize.
sFrame := self stringSearchToolView.

sFrame notNil ifTrue:[
sFrame layout notNil ifTrue:[
sTopOffset notNil ifTrue:[sFrame layout topOffset:sTopOffset].
sBottomOffset notNil ifTrue:[sFrame layout bottomOffset:sBottomOffset].
sFrame container notNil ifTrue:[
sFrame containerChangedSize.

o  updateProtocolSelectionForChangedMethodSelection
protocol-selection feedBack:

o  updateTestRunnerVisibility

o  updateTextEditorBehavior

o  updateToolBarButtonEnablement

o  variableSelectionChanged
variable selection changed by user interaction

o  versionDiffViewerCreated: aView
kludge callBack, invoked when versionDiffBrowser is created.
Remember it for later setting of its parameter (when class is selected)

drag & drop
o  canDropContext: aDropContext

o  canDropObjects: aCollectionOfDropObjects in: aWidget
(comment from inherited method)
drop manager asked if a drop is possible
- should be redefined by apps which can do it, to return true

o  keyInCategoryListView: key rawKey: rawKey
filter keyboard events for some function key.
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  keyInClassHierarchyListView: key rawKey: rawKey
filter keyboard events for some function key.
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  keyInClassListView: key rawKey: rawKey
filter keyboard events for some function key.
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  keyInCodeView: key rawKey: rawKey
filter keyboard events for Find key (unless typed into the codeView).
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  keyInMethodCategoryListView: key rawKey: rawKey
filter keyboard events for some function key.
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  keyInMethodListView: key rawKey: rawKey
filter keyboard events for some function key.
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  keyInProjectListView: key rawKey: rawKey
filter keyboard events for some function key.
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  keyInVariableListView: key rawKey: rawKey
filter keyboard events for some function key.
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  processEvent: anEvent
filter keyboard events for Find key (unless typed into the codeView).
Return true, if I have eaten the event

help specs
o  helpTextFor: aWidget at: aPoint
provide a special tooltip in the infoLabel at the bottom:
ask the widget for its info contents.
This is a more detailed description of the current selected piece
of code or the current selected method

o  helpTextForKey: aKey
if there is any method change in the changeSet,

o  addToFindHistory: class selector: selector

o  addToHistory: class

o  addToHistory: class selector: selector

o  addToRecentlyClosedHistory: class selector: selector

o  closeHistory

o  findHistory

o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
nothing done here;
but can be redefined in concrete applications

menu actions-browse
o  browseClassesReferringToAnyPool: poolsArg in: doWhat
open a dialog asking for a poolname; search for classes importing that pool.

o  browseImplementorsOf
launch an enterBox for selector to search for

o  browseImplementorsOfAny
search for implementors of any of the selected methods

o  browseImplementorsOfAnySentBySelected
search for implementors of any of the selected methods

o  browseInheritanceOf
launch an enterBox for selector to search for

o  browseMenuAllSubclassesOf
add a new buffer on all subclasses of an entered class

o  browseMenuApplicationClasses
add a new buffer on all application classes

o  browseMenuAutoloadedClasses
add a new buffer on all classes that have been autoloaded

o  browseMenuClassExtensions
open a new browser on all methods extending a class
(i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)

o  browseMenuClassExtensionsBuffer
add a new buffer on all methods extending a class
(i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)

o  browseMenuClassExtensionsFor: aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil in: aCollectionOfClasses label: labelOrNil openAs: openHow
open a browser / add a new buffer on all methods extending a class
(i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)

o  browseMenuClassExtensionsOpenAs: openHow
open a browser / add a new buffer on all methods extending a class
(i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)

o  browseMenuClassesDefiningVariable
open a dialog asking for a variable; search for classes defining
such a variable.

o  browseMenuClassesForWhich: aFilter label: label
add a new buffer on all classes for which aFilter returns true

o  browseMenuClassesInAllChangeSets
add a new buffer on all classes in the all changeSets
(i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)

o  browseMenuClassesInAllChangeSetsOpenAs: openHow
add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in all changeSets
(i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)

o  browseMenuClassesInChangeSets: aSetOfChangeSets label: title openAs: openHow
add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in the given changeSets
(i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)

o  browseMenuClassesInCurrentChangeSet
add a new buffer on all classes in the current changeSet
(i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)

o  browseMenuClassesInCurrentChangeSetOpenAs: openHow
add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in the changeSet
(i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)

o  browseMenuClassesOfRecentlyOpenedApplications
add a new buffer on all classes for which an application has been opened recently

o  browseMenuClassesOfRecentlyOpenedApplications: openHow
add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes for which an app has been opened recently

o  browseMenuClassesReferringToPool
open a dialog asking for a poolname; search for classes importing that pool.

o  browseMenuClassesWithDocumentationToBeAdded
searches for classes with either no documentation method,
or where the documentation method includes the string 'documentation to be added'

o  browseMenuClassesWithFilter: aFilterBlock label: aLabelString

o  browseMenuClassesWithFilter: aFilterBlock label: aLabelString in: openHow

o  browseMenuClassesWithInstVarNameMatching
open a dialog asking for a string; search for classes having
a variable whose name contains the string fragment or the entered pattern matches the var name.

o  browseMenuClassesWithInstrumentation

o  browseMenuClassesWithInvalidCopyright
by this definition, an invalid copyright is one without year following the copyright string,
or one, where the copyright date does not correspond to the source-code-repository's initial version date
(because due to CVS being public, that is also its publishing date).

o  browseMenuClassesWithNameMatching
open a dialog asking for a string; search for classes having
such a string fragment in their name or the entered pattern matches the name.

o  browseMenuClassesWithShadowedMethods
open a new browser on all package conflicts (methods shadowing existing one's from
another package)

o  browseMenuClassesWithShadowedMethodsOpenAs: openHow
open a browser / add a new buffer on all methods which shadow an
existing method from another package

o  browseMenuClassesWithStringInCommentOrDocumentation
open a dialog asking for a string; search for classes having
such a string fragment in their comment/documentation.

o  browseMenuClassesWithUserFilter
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuClassesWithoutCVSRepositoryContainer

o  browseMenuClassesWithoutCopyright

o  browseMenuClassesWithoutDocumentation

o  browseMenuClassesWithoutExamples

o  browseMenuClassesWithoutRepositoryContainerFor: aSourceCodeManager

o  browseMenuClassesWithoutSVNRepositoryContainer

o  browseMenuClone
temporary: allow old browser to be used

o  browseMenuDeprecatedMethods

o  browseMenuHTTPServiceClasses
add a new buffer on all web service classes

o  browseMenuImplementorsOf

o  browseMenuImplementorsOfAny

o  browseMenuImplementorsOfAnySentBySelected

o  browseMenuInheritanceOf

o  browseMenuMethodsInChangeSets: aSetOfChangeSets openAs: openHow
add a new buffer on all methods in all given changeSets
(i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)

o  browseMenuMethodsInCurrentChangeSet
add a new buffer on all methods in the changeSet
(i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)

o  browseMenuMethodsInCurrentChangeSetIn: openHow
add a new buffer on all methods in the changeSet
(i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)

o  browseMenuMethodsWithAnnotation
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithAnnotationForWhich: aBlock withTextEntry: withTextEntry title: title
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithCode
launch an enterBox for code to search for

o  browseMenuMethodsWithExceptionHandlers
launch an enterBox for area to search for

o  browseMenuMethodsWithExceptionRaisers
launch an enterBox for area to search for

o  browseMenuMethodsWithExternalFunctionCalls

o  browseMenuMethodsWithHelpSpec
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithImageSpec
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithInstrumentation

o  browseMenuMethodsWithLeftoverDebugCode

o  browseMenuMethodsWithMenuSpec
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithPrimitiveCode

o  browseMenuMethodsWithPrimitiveCodeByUser
ask for a user name; find all primitive methods which where last
edited by that user

o  browseMenuMethodsWithResource
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithString
launch an enterBox for string to search for

o  browseMenuMethodsWithStringInHelpSpec
launch an enterBox for string to search for

o  browseMenuMethodsWithStringInMenuSpec
launch an enterBox for string to search for

o  browseMenuMethodsWithStringLiteral
launch an enterBox for code to search for

o  browseMenuMethodsWithTableSpec
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithTodoAnnotation
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithUglyCodingStyle

o  browseMenuMethodsWithUserFilter
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithWindowSpec
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuMethodsWithWrap
add a new buffer on all wrapped methods
(i.e. that have a break, trace or watchPoint)

o  browseMenuMethodsWithoutComment
launch an enterBox for area to search in

o  browseMenuOpenInClass
open new

o  browseMenuOverwrittenMethods: openHow
browses extension methods which override a previously existing method from another package

o  browseMenuRecentChanges
launch a changeSet browser

o  browseMenuReferencesToGlobal
launch an enterBox for global to search for

o  browseMenuReferencesToSymbol
launch an enterBox for symbol to search for

o  browseMenuSharedPoolClasses
add a new buffer on all shared pools

o  browseMenuSpawnFullClassSource
open a browser showing full classes (file-like)

o  browseMenuSpawnFullClassSourceInBuffer
add a buffer showing full classes (file-like)

o  browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffs

o  browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffsIn: where

o  browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffsInBuffer

o  browseMenuTestCaseClasses
add a new buffer on all testcases

o  browseMenuUnassignedMethods: openHow

o  browseMenuWritesToGlobal
launch an enterBox for global to search for writers

o  browseMethodsForWhich: checkBlock in: openHow label: aString

o  browseMethodsWithString
launch an enterBox for string to search for

o  browseResponseToIt

o  browseSendersOf
launch an enterBox for selector to search for

o  browseSendersOfAll
browse methods which send all of the selected selectors

o  browseSendersOfAny

o  browseSendersUsingReturnValueOf
launch an enterBox for selector to search for

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithPoolVariableReferences
search for classes importing the selectred pool(s)

o  classMenuSpawnPoolVariableReferences
search for classes importing the selected pool(s)

o  defaultSearchArea
return a useful default search area

o  findClassesForWhich: aBlock

o  findClassesWithoutClassMethod: selector

o  pickViewAndBrowseApplicationClass
let user click on a view, then browse its appliction class

o  pickViewAndBrowseWidgetClass
let user click on a view, then browse its class

o  spawnClassDocumentationBrowserIn: where
browse documentation;
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer

o  spawnClassExtensionBrowserFor: classes in: where
browse extensions on selected classes;
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the projects

o  spawnClassExtensionBrowserForSearch: searchBlock label: labelOrNil in: where
browse extensions on a searchBlock;
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the projects

o  spawnFullClassSourceBrowserIn: where
browse full classes (file-like);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer

o  viewMenuSelectAllClasses

menu actions-buffers
o  bufferMenuCreateBuffer
add a new buffer

o  bufferMenuExtractBuffer: nr
extract the numbered buffer into a separate browser

o  bufferMenuRemoveAllButBuffer: bNrToLeaveOpen
remove all other than the numbered buffer

o  bufferMenuRemoveBuffer: nr
remove the numbered buffer

o  bufferMenuRemoveCurrentBuffer
remove the current buffer

o  bufferSelectionChanged
switch buffers

o  createBuffer
create/add a new buffer (i.e. tab with its own browser)

o  createBufferForCurrentClassOrSelectionInCodeView
no text selected in codeview, select currently selected class and method

o  createBufferWithSpec: aSpec
create/add a new buffer (i.e. tab with its own browser) with a particular spec

o  createBufferWithSpec: aSpec setupFromCurrentState: doSetup
create/add a new buffer (i.e. tab with its own browser) with a particular spec.
If doSetup is true, navigate to the current state's entity there

o  destroyTab: tabIndex
destroy a buffer (i.e. tab)

o  spawnFullBrowserInClass: aClass selector: selector in: openHow
brwsr createBuffer.

menu actions-category
o  categoryMenuCleanUpChangeSet
remove all changes for the selected category-class(es) from the changeSet

o  categoryMenuCleanUpChangeSetForUnchanged
remove all changes for unchanged (against the head) from the changeSet

o  categoryMenuFileOutAs
fileOut selected categories - standard format

o  categoryMenuFileOutAsWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut selected categories - file format as specified by the argument:
nil - standard format
#xml - XML standard format
#sif - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
#binary - ST/X binary format

o  categoryMenuFileOutCypressAs
automatically generated by UIEditor ...

o  categoryMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
fileOut selected categories as individual files - binary format

o  categoryMenuFileOutEachIn
fileOut selected categories as individual files - st-source format

o  categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut selected categories as individual files

o  categoryMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
fileOut selected categories as individual files - sif format

o  categoryMenuFileOutEachVSEIn
fileOut selected categories as individual files - visual smalltalk enterprise format

o  categoryMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
fileOut selected categories as individual files - xml format

o  categoryMenuFileOutSIFAs
fileOut selected categories - sif format

o  categoryMenuFileOutVSEAs
fileOut selected categories - visual smalltalk enterprise format

o  categoryMenuFileOutXMLAs
fileOut selected categories - xml format

o  categoryMenuLoad
load autoloaded classes in the selected categories.
Invoked on doubleClick on a class or via the menu

o  categoryMenuNewCategory
self immediateUpdate value:true.

o  categoryMenuRecompile

o  categoryMenuRecompileInstrumented

o  categoryMenuRemove
removing an empty category

o  categoryMenuRename
must be loaded ...

o  categoryMenuRewrite

o  categoryMenuSmalllintCheck: what
perform all checks on the selected class(es).

o  categoryMenuSpawnBrowser
open a browser showing the selected categories only

o  categoryMenuSpawnBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected categories only

o  categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoriesBrowser
open a new browser showing all classes in macthing categories

o  categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoriesBuffer
add a buffer showing all classes in macthing categories

o  categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoryIn: openHow
add a buffer/ open a new browser showing all classes in matching categories

o  categoryMenuUnload
load autoloaded classes in the selected categories.
Invoked on doubleClick on a class or via the menu

o  categoryMenuUpdate

o  fileNameDialogForFileOut: tite default: defaultFileName

o  fileNameDialogForFileOut: title default: defaultFileName withCancelAll: cancelAllActionOrNil
this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets

o  fileOutEachClassIn: aCollectionOfClasses in: aDirectory withFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut a bunch of classes as individual files into some directory

o  spawnCategoryBrowserFor: categories in: where
browse selected category(ies);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the categories
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the categories

o  spawnCategoryBrowserIn: where
browse selected category(ies);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the categories
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the categories

menu actions-category repository
o  categoryMenuCheckInEach
check all classes of all selected categories into the default source repository

o  categoryMenuCheckInEachUsingManager: aSourceCodeManagerOrNil
check all classes of all selected categories into the source repository

o  categoryMenuCheckOut
check-out all classes in the selected category from the source repository.
Individually ask for class revisions.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  categoryMenuCheckOutNewest
check-out the newest version of all classes in the selected category
from the source repository.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  categoryMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager: aSourceCodeManagerOrNilForDefault
check-out the newest version of all classes in the selected category
from the source repository.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  categoryMenuCheckOutUsingManager: aSOurceCodeManagerOrNil
check-out all classes in the selected category from the source repository.
Individually ask for class revisions.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  categoryMenuRepositoryHistory
sorry, but this seems to be hardwired for CVS

o  categoryMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManager: aSourceCodeManager

menu actions-checks-lint
o  loadSmalllint
Tools::NewSystemBrowser basicNew loadSmallLint

o  runLint
Run previously selected rules or default rules on
currently selected code (depends on navigation state)

o  setupSmalllintBrowser: browser byRuleFor: result
configure a just created smallLint browser

o  smalllintRulesOrDefault
Return last run rules or default ruleset if no checks have been run so far

o  smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder
Return a holder on last run rules
or on default ruleset if no checks have been run so far

o  smalllintRun
Run previously selected rules or default rules on
the currently selected code (depends on navigation state).
i.e. creates either a selectorEnvironment or a classEnvironment,
depending on the browser's navigation state

o  smalllintRun: ruleSetOrNil onEnvironment: rbEnvironment
Run given SmallLint rules on given browser environment.
If `ruleSetOrNil` is nil then ask for the set of rules.
As a side effect, remembers run rules so next time user
does 'Run Again', these rules we be run.

o  smalllintRunOnEnvironment: aBrowserEnvironment
Run previously selected rules or default rules on given environment

o  smalllintRunRule: anRBLintRule onEnvironment: aBrowserEnvironment
Internal helper: Actually run the given rule on given environment.
This is called from a background worker - see smallLintRun:onEnvironment:

o  smalllintRunSelectedOnEnvironment: aBrowserEnvironment
Ask user for rules and run them on given environment

o  spawnSmalllintBrowserByRuleFor: result in: where label: labelOrNil

menu actions-checks-old
o  classMenuCheck
perform a bunch of checks on the selected class(es).
This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
not the new SmallLint tool.

o  classMenuCheck: whichCheck
perform an individual check on the selected class(es).
This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
not the new SmallLint tool.

o  classMenuCheckAll
perform all checks on the selected class(es).
This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
not the new SmallLint tool.

o  classMenuCheckEach: aCollectionOfCheckSymbols
perform a bunch of checks on the selected class(es).
This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
not the new SmallLint tool.

o  classMenuCheckErrors
perform error-checks on the selected class(es).
This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
not the new SmallLint tool.

o  classMenuCheckIndividual
allow individual checks to be selected and perform those on the selected class(es).
This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
not the new SmallLint tool.

o  classMenuCheckStyle
perform style-checks on the selected class(es).
This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
not the new SmallLint tool.

o  classMenuCheckWarnings
perform warning-checks on the selected class(es).
This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
not the new SmallLint tool.

menu actions-class
o  addClassesToRemoveForClass: aClass to: classesToRemove removingSubclasses: removingSubclasses withCancel: withCancel

o  addClassesToRemoveForClass: aClass to: classesToRemove removingSubclasses: removingSubclasses withCancel: withCancel withConfirm: withConfirm
already in list

o  askForGlobalCoverageRecording

o  askForSuperclassToGenerateTestMethod: selector
provide a reasonable default in the pull-down-list

o  browseClassPackagesResourceDirectoryOf: aClass
open a filebrowser in the class package's resource directory

o  browseClassesPackageDirectoryOf: aClassOrMeta
open a filebrowser in the classes package directory

o  browsePackageDirectoryOfPackage: aPackage
open a filebrowser in the given package's directory

o  checkCompilabilityOf: aClass errorsOnly: errorsOnly notify: warningCollector reportFailedMethodsInto: aBlock
check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
(meant for a human to read)

o  checkCompilabilityOf: aClass withExtensions: withExtensions errorsOnly: errorsOnly notify: warningCollector reportFailedMethodsInto: aBlock
check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
(meant for a human to read)

o  checkCompilabilityOf: aClass withExtensions: withExtensions errorsOnly: errorsOnly outputTo: outStream
check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
(meant for a human to read).
Returns a collection of failed methods (for browsing)

o  checkCompilabilityOfAll: aCollectionOfClasses withExtensions: withExtensions errorsOnly: errorsOnly
check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
(meant for a human to read)

o  checkCompilabilityOfAll: aCollectionOfClasses withExtensions: withExtensions errorsOnly: errorsOnly outputTo: outStream
check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
(meant for a human to read)
Returns a collection of failed methods (for browsing)

o  checkCompilabilityOfMethod: aMethod errorsOnly: errorsOnly notify: warningCollector reportFailedMethodsInto: aBlock
check compilability of a single method;
let compiler report via warningCollector, and report here via aBlock,
which is to be called with method as first arg, and problem-text as second
(meant for a human to read)

o  classCheckMenuSmalllintCheck: what
perform all checks on the selected class(es).

o  classClassDefinitionTemplateFor: aClass in: cat asNamespace: isNameSpace private: isPrivate
common helper for newClass and newSubclass
- show a template to define a subclass of aClass in category cat.
Also, set acceptaction to install the class.

o  classClassDefinitionTemplateFor: aClass in: cat asNamespace: isNameSpace private: isPrivate metaClassUsed: metaClassUsedOrNil
common helper for newClass and newSubclass
- show a template to define a subclass of aClass in category cat.
Also, set the accept-action to install the class.

o  classListMenuAddClassToList
for classLists only: allow adding another class to the shown list

o  classListMenuRemoveClassesFromList
for classLists only: allow removing class(es) from the shown list

o  classMenuBrowseClassPackagesResourceDirectory
open a filebrowser in the class package's resource directory

o  classMenuBrowseClassesPackageDirectory
open a filebrowser in the classes package directory

o  classMenuBrowseMethodsPackageDirectory
open a filebrowser in the method's package directory
(for extension methods)

o  classMenuChangeAspect: aspect
show a classes comment/hierarchy/definition/... <aspect>

o  classMenuCheckCompilability
check compilability of selected classes (kludge - for me)

o  classMenuChildrenToSiblings
meta: self isMeta

o  classMenuCleanUpChangeSet
remove all changes for the selected class(es) from the changeSet

o  classMenuComment
show a classes comment.
changes the aspect to automatically show the comment when another class is selected.

o  classMenuCompareTwoSelectedClasses
open a diff-textView comparing the selected class
against some other class (useful when refactoring subclasses).

o  classMenuCompareWithClass
open a diff-textView comparing the selected class
against some other class (useful when refactoring subclasses).

o  classMenuCompileLazyMethods
compile selected classes' lazy methods (kludge - for me)

o  classMenuCompileWithSTC
compile the current class to machine code via the stc compiler.
Then load the resulting object file.
This is not supported on all machines.

o  classMenuCopyAs
create a copy of the selected class.

o  classMenuCopyClassNamesToClipboard

o  classMenuCopySourceToClipboard

o  classMenuDefinition
show a classes definition;
changes the aspect to automatically show the definition when another class is selected.

o  classMenuDoUserProvidedAction
ask for a block and evaluate it for all selected classes

o  classMenuDocumentation
show classes documentation (i.e. open doc-View on it)

o  classMenuEditResourceFiles
fetch the class' package resource file for editing

o  classMenuExcludeFromProject
self excludeClasses:toExcludeForThis fromProject:projectDefinition using:generator

o  classMenuFileOutAs
fileOut selected classes - standard format

o  classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut selected classes - file format as specified by the argument:
nil - standard format
#xml - XML standard format
#sif - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
#binary - ST/X binary format

o  classMenuFileOutBinaryAs
fileOut selected classes - binary file format

o  classMenuFileOutBuildSupportFiles

o  classMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
fileOut selected classes as individual files - binary format

o  classMenuFileOutEachIn
fileOut selected classes as individual files - st-source format

o  classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut selected classes as individual files

o  classMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
fileOut selected classes as individual files - sif format

o  classMenuFileOutEachVSEIn
fileOut selected classes as individual files - visual smalltalk enterprise format

o  classMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
fileOut selected classes as individual files - xml format

o  classMenuFileOutIn
fileOut selected classes - standard format

o  classMenuFileOutInWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut selected classes - file format as specified by the argument:
nil - standard format
#xml - XML standard format
#sif - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
#binary - ST/X binary format

o  classMenuFileOutSIFAs
fileOut selected classes - smalltalk interchange file format

o  classMenuFileOutVSEAs
fileOut selected classes - visual smalltalk enterprise file format

o  classMenuFileOutXMLAs
fileOut selected classes - XML file format

o  classMenuGenerateAcceptVisitor
create a visitor acceptor method

o  classMenuGenerateAccessMethods
create access methods for instvars.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolder
create access methods for instvars as ValueHolder.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolderWithChange
create access methods for instvars as ValueHolder.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange
create access methods for instvars.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange: aBoolean asValueHolder: asValueHolder readersOnly: readersOnly writersOnly: writersOnly
create access methods for instvars.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange: aBoolean asValueHolder: asValueHolder readersOnly: readersOnly writersOnly: writersOnly lazyInitialization: lazyInitialization
create access methods for instvars.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithLazyInitialization
create access methods for instvars with lazy initialization in getters.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateApplicationCode
create application code methods

o  classMenuGenerateApplicationCodeFor: cls using: generator
create application code methods

o  classMenuGenerateApplicationCodeForClasses: classes
create application code methods

o  classMenuGenerateClassInitializationCode
create #initialize method on the class side

o  classMenuGenerateClassTypeTestMethods
create isXXX test- methods here and in subclasses

o  classMenuGenerateClassTypeTestMethodsForThisClass
create isXXX test- methods here and in a superclass

o  classMenuGenerateCopyrightMethod
create copyright methods

o  classMenuGenerateDocumentationMethodFromComment
create documentation method from comment

o  classMenuGenerateDocumentationStubs
create documentation methods

o  classMenuGenerateEnumTypeCode
create an enumeration type

o  classMenuGenerateGetterMethods
create getter methods for instvars.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateGetterMethodsForPrivateClasses
create a multi setter method for selected instvars.

o  classMenuGenerateInitializationMethod
create initialize method

o  classMenuGenerateInitializeMethod
create the initialize method

o  classMenuGenerateInitializedInstanceCreationMethods
create new and initialize methods

o  classMenuGenerateIsAbstractMethod
create #isAbstract method

o  classMenuGenerateIsObsoleteMethod
create #isObsolete method

o  classMenuGenerateMultiSetterInstanceCreationMethod
create a multi setter instance creation method for selected instvars.

o  classMenuGenerateMultiSetterMethod
create a multi setter method for selected instvars.

o  classMenuGenerateParametrizedInstanceCreationMethods
create for: instance creation and initialize methods

o  classMenuGeneratePoolInitializationCode
create a Pool initialization template method

o  classMenuGenerateProjectDefinitions

o  classMenuGenerateRedefinedInstanceCreationMethods
create redefined new methods

o  classMenuGenerateRequiredProtocol
create required protocol (all inherited subclassResponsibility methods)

o  classMenuGenerateSetterMethods
create setter methods for instvars.
If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
otherwise for that selected instvar.

o  classMenuGenerateSingletonPatternInstanceCreationMethods
create instance creation methods for singleton

o  classMenuGenerateStandardPrintOnMethod

o  classMenuGenerateUpdateMethod
create a standard update method template

o  classMenuGenerateVisitorMethods
create visitor and visited methods

o  classMenuGenerateVisitorMethods2
create visitor and visited methods

o  classMenuHierarchy
show a classes hierarchy.
changes the aspect to automatically show the hierarchy when another class is selected.

o  classMenuIncludeInProject
self includeClasses:toIncludeForThis inProject:projectDefinition usingCompiler:generator

o  classMenuInitialize
reinit selected classes (kludge - for me)

o  classMenuInitializeWithAllSubclasses
reinit selected classes and all their subclasses (kludge - for me)

o  classMenuInsertNewSuperclass
initiate the well known refactoring

o  classMenuInspectClass
open an inspector on the class (useful to look at class instvars)

o  classMenuInspectDerivedInstances
open an inspector on all derived instances of the selected class(es)

o  classMenuInspectInstances
open an inspector on all instances of the selected class(es)

o  classMenuInspectNewInstance
open an inspector on a new instance of the selected class(es)

o  classMenuInspectReferencesToInstances
open an inspector on all objects which contain a reference to
an instance of the selected class(es)

o  classMenuInspectSubclasses
open an inspector on all subclasses. Useful to look at classInstvars

o  classMenuLoad
load selected classes

o  classMenuLoadProject
load all classes from the selected project definitions

o  classMenuLoadSources
fetches the source for all methods and keeps them in the method as string
(i.e. replacing the file+position reference by a real in-image string).
Needed when you want to overwrite the source file, to which the source-reference points to

o  classMenuMailTo
fileOut selected classes (chunk format) and eMail to someone

o  classMenuMakeAutoloadedInProject
self makeClassesAutoloaded:toMakeAutoloadedForThis inProject:projectDefinition using:generator

o  classMenuMakePrivateIn
make the selected class(es) private in another class.

o  classMenuMakePublic
change a class from private to public;
check if a public class with the same name exists,
before doing this.

o  classMenuMakePublicIn
change a class from private to public;
check if a public class with the same name exists, before doing this.

o  classMenuMetrics
show the classes' metrics summary.
Requires the OOM (an exept internal package) to be loaded

o  classMenuMoveToCategory

o  classMenuMoveToNamespace
change the package-id of the selected classes.
Will eventually update the Project-object

o  classMenuMoveToProject
change the package-id of the selected classes.
Will eventually update the Project-object

o  classMenuNewApplication
create a class-definition prototype for an application

o  classMenuNewClass
create a class-definition template in codeview

o  classMenuNewClass: metaClassUsedOrNil
create a class-definition template in codeview

o  classMenuNewConsoleApplication
create a class-definition prototype for a console application

o  classMenuNewDialog
create a class-definition prototype for a dialog

o  classMenuNewError
create a class-definition prototype for an error class

o  classMenuNewHaskellModule

o  classMenuNewJavaScriptClass
create a class-definition template in codeview

o  classMenuNewLispClass
create a class-definition template in codeview

o  classMenuNewLispNamespace
create a class-definition template in codeview

o  classMenuNewNotification
create a class-definition prototype for an exception class

o  classMenuNewPLSQLObjectType

o  classMenuNewPrivateClass
create a class-definition prototype for a dialog

o  classMenuNewSharedPool
create a class-definition prototype for a shared pool

o  classMenuNewSmalltalkClass
create a class-definition template in codeview

o  classMenuNewStandaloneStartupClass
create a class-definition prototype for a standalone startup class

o  classMenuNewSubclass
create a class-definition template in codeview

o  classMenuNewTestCase
create a class-definition prototype for a testCase

o  classMenuNewWebApplication
create a class-definition prototype for a web page

o  classMenuNewWebService
create a class-definition prototype for a web application

o  classMenuNewWidgetClass
create a class-definition prototype for a widget

o  classMenuOpenClassCreationWizard

o  classMenuOpenResourceFileEditor
open a resource file editor on the package's resources

o  classMenuOpenTestRunner
open a test runner on the selected class (you can also double click on a testCase class)

o  classMenuOpenTestRunnerOn: aClass
open a test runner on aClass (you can also double click on a testCase class)

o  classMenuOwnershipGraph
show a classes ownership graph/trend.
changes the aspect to automatically show the ownership graph when another class is selected.

o  classMenuPerforceSubmit

o  classMenuPrimitiveCode: aspect
show the classes primitiveFunction in the codeView.
Also, set accept action to change it.

o  classMenuPrimitiveDefinitions
show the classes primitiveDefinition in the codeView.
Also, set accept action to change it.

o  classMenuPrimitiveFunctions
show the classes primitiveFunction in the codeView.
Also, set accept action to change it.

o  classMenuPrimitiveVariables
show the classes primitiveVariable in the codeView.
Also, set accept action to change it.

o  classMenuPrintOut

o  classMenuPrintOutFullProtocol

o  classMenuPrintOutProtocol

o  classMenuRecompile
recompile selected classes (to turn off instrumentation, for example)

o  classMenuRecompileAll
recompile selected classes incl. all subclasses (to turn off instrumentation, for example)

o  classMenuRecompileInstrumented

o  classMenuRegenerateProjectContentsDefinitions

o  classMenuReload
reload selected classes

o  classMenuRemove
remove the selected classes (and all of its subclasses)

o  classMenuRemoveAndPullUpSubclasses: pullUpSubclasses
remove the selected classes.
If pullUpSubclasses is true, the classes subclasses are pulled up;
otherwise, these are removed.

o  classMenuRename
rename the selected class

o  classMenuRepositorySummary
show a classes repository summary info.
changes the aspect to automatically show the summary info when another class is selected.

o  classMenuRewrite

o  classMenuSaveDocumentationAs
write classes documentation to a file

o  classMenuSaveRemove
remove the selected classes and pull up their subclasses

o  classMenuShowEntriesInChangeSet
show all changes for the selected class(es) in the changeSet

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithAllSubclasses
open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithAllSuperclasses
open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassOrSubclassReferences
add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes or any of its subclasses

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassProjects
add a new buffer showing the selected classes' projects

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassReferences
add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassesCoveredByTestcase

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithCommonSuperclass
open a new browser showing the selected classes' common superclass

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithDirectSubclasses
open a new browser showing the selected classes with its direct subclasses

o  classMenuSpawnBufferWithProjectReferences
add a new buffer showing preoject references to the selected project definitions

o  classMenuSpawnClass
open a new browser showing the selected classes only

o  classMenuSpawnClassBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected classes only

o  classMenuSpawnClassOrSubclassReferences
open a new browser showing references to the selected classes or any of its subclass

o  classMenuSpawnClassProjects
open a new browser showing the selected classes' projects

o  classMenuSpawnClassProjectsBuffer
spawn a page showing the selected classes' projects

o  classMenuSpawnClassReferences
open a new browser showing references to the selected classes

o  classMenuSpawnClassesBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected classes only

o  classMenuSpawnFullBrowserIn: where
add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected classes

o  classMenuSpawnFullClassBrowser
add a new browser showing the selected classes only

o  classMenuSpawnFullClassBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected classes only

o  classMenuSpawnProjectReferences
open a new browser showing preoject references to the selected project definitions

o  classMenuSpawnWithAllSubclasses
open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses

o  classMenuSpawnWithAllSuperclasses
open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses

o  classMenuSpawnWithClassesCoveredByTestcase

o  classMenuSpawnWithCommonSuperclass
open a new browser showing the selected classes' common superclass

o  classMenuUpdate

o  classMenuUpdateProjectContentsDefinitions

o  classTemplateFor: aSuperClass in: categoryString asNamespace: asNameSpace private: isPrivateWanted metaClassUsed: metaClassUsedOrNilArg
return a class definition template - be smart in what is offered initially

o  debugMenuRecompileMethodsInstrumented

o  doCompareClass: class1 withClass: class2
open a diff-textView comparing the two classes (useful when refactoring).

Usage example(s):

     self new doCompareClass:Array withClass:ByteArray

o  doCopyClass: aClass as: newClassName privateIn: ownerOrNil

o  doCopyClass: aClass as: newClassName privateIn: ownerOrNil ignore: setOfClassesToIgnore
category: or privateIn:

o  doMoveMethodsOfClass: aClass fromProject: oldProject toProject: newProject

o  doRemoveClass: aClass

o  executeSelectedClassMethod
run the selected method

o  fileOutClass: aClass askForFile: doAsk withCancelAll: withCancelAll
fileOut a class.

o  fileOutClass: aClass askForFile: doAsk withCancelAll: withCancelAll format: formatSymbolOrNil sourceMode: sourceMode
fileOut a class.

o  fileOutClasses: aBunchOfClasses withFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut some classes as individual files; ask for directory

o  generateUndoableChange: nameOfOperation overClasses: classes via: aBlock
helper for code generators; collect changes generated by enumerating
classes with a generator into a user-provided block.
If classes is nil, the block is called once with a nil class argument.

o  generateUndoableChange: nameOfOperation overSelectedClassesVia: aBlock
helper for code generators

o  generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedClasses: nameOfOperation via: aBlock
helper for code generators

o  generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedMethods: nameOfOperation via: aBlock
helper for code generators

o  initializeSelectedPool

o  javaClassTemplateFor: superclass in: category private: isPrivate

o  launchSelectedApplication

o  moveClasses: classes toCategory: newCategory
change the class-category of the given classes

o  moveClasses: classesArg toProject: newProject
change the packageID of the given classes
(and optionally the packageID of any methods (if they are from different packages)

o  moveSelectedClassesToCategory: newCategory
change the class-category of the selected classes

o  moveSelectedClassesToProject: newProject
change the packageID of the selected classes
(and optionally the packageID of any methods (if they are from different packages)

o  openClassDocumentationFor: aClass
show a classes documentation (i.e. open doc-View on it)

o  packageSelectedApplication
either projectDefiniton or
a subclass of standaloneStartup is selected

o  printOutClass: aClass withSelector: aSelector

o  printOutClassesWithSelector: aSelector

o  recompileClass: aClass
recompile a class (to turn off instrumentation, for example)

o  recompileClassWithInstrumentation: aClass

o  recompileClassWithInstrumentation: aClass askForGlobalCoverage: doAsk
ignores methods which have been annotated as #noCoverage

o  recompileMethodWithInstrumentation: aMethod
ignores methods which have been annotated as #noCoverage

o  removeClasses: classesToRemove pullUpSubclasses: pullUpSubclasses
remove the selected classes (and all of its subclasses) without confirmation

o  saveClassDocumentationFor: aClass
save a classes documentation to a file

o  saveClassDocumentationFor: aClass as: aFileName
save a class's documentation to a file

o  spawnBrowserOnClass: cls

o  spawnClassBrowserFor: classes in: where
browse selected class(es);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

o  spawnClassBrowserFor: classes in: where select: doSelect
browse selected class(es);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

o  spawnClassBrowserFor: classes label: titleOrNil in: where
browse selected class(es);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

o  spawnClassBrowserFor: classes label: labelOrNil in: where select: doSelectIn
browse selected class(es);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

o  spawnClassBrowserForSearch: searchBlock sortBy: sortByWhat in: openHow label: lbl
browse some class(es);
openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
openHow is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

and sortByWhat is:
or #class

o  spawnClassBrowserForSearch: searchBlock spec: spec sortBy: sortByWhat in: openHow label: lbl
browse some class(es);
openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
openHow is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

and sortByWhat is:
or #class

o  spawnClassBrowserForSearch: searchBlock spec: spec sortBy: sortByWhat in: openHow label: lbl autoSelectIfOne: doAutoSelectIfOne
browse some class(es);
openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
openHow is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

and sortByWhat is:
or #class

o  spawnClassBrowserForSearch: searchBlock spec: spec sortBy: sortByWhat in: openHow label: lbl autoSelectIfOne: doAutoSelectIfOne callBack: callBack
browse some class(es);
openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
openHow is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

and sortByWhat is:
or #class

o  spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor: aCollectionOfClasses in: openHow
add a buffer/open a new browser showing references to selected classes and their subclasses

o  spawnClassProjectsBrowserFor: aCollectionOfClasses in: openHow
add a buffer / open a new browser showing the selected classes projects

o  spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor: aCollectionOfClasses in: openHow
add a buffer/open a new browser showing references to selected classes

o  spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor: aCollectionOfClasses label: lbl in: openHow
add a buffer/open a new browser showing references to selected classes

o  spawnMultipleClassBrowserFor: classes sortBy: sortHow in: where
browse selected class(es);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

o  spawnSingleClassBrowserFor: classes in: where
browse selected class(es) in a single class (classlist) browser
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

o  spawnSingleClassBrowserFor: class label: titleOrNil in: where
browse selected class(es) in a single class (classlist) browser
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

o  spawnSingleClassBrowserFor: class label: labelOrNil in: where select: doSelectIn
browse selected class(es);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the class
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the class

o  spawnWith: which subclassesIn: how
open a new browser showing the selected classes with either
all subclasses (which == #all) or direct subclasses (which == #direct)

o  spawnWithAllSubclassesIn: how
open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses

o  spawnWithAllSuperclassesIn: how
open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses

o  spawnWithClassesCoveredByTestcaseIn: how
open a new browser showing the classes which are covered
by the selected testcase classes

o  spawnWithCommonSuperclassIn: how
open a new browser showing the selected classes' common superclass

o  spawnWithCommonSuperclassOf: classes in: how
open a new browser showing the classes' common superclass

menu actions-class hierarchy
o  classHierarchyMenuSelectWithAllSubclasses

o  classHierarchyMenuSelectWithSubclasses

o  classHierarchyMenuSelectWithSuperclasses

o  classHierarchyMenuUpdate

o  selectedClassHierarchyClasses

menu actions-class packaging
o  excludeClasses: toExclude fromProject: aDefinitionClass using: generator
marked as obsolete by exept MBP at 22-11-2023

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  includeClassInProject: aClass usingManager: compiler
marked as obsolete by exept MBP at 22-11-2023

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  includeClasses: toInclude inProject: aDefinitionClass using: compiler
marked as obsolete by exept MBP at 22-11-2023

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  includeClasses: toInclude inProject: aDefinitionClass usingCompiler: compiler
marked as obsolete by exept MBP at 22-11-2023

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  makeClassesAutoloaded: toMakeAutoloaded inProject: aDefinitionClass using: generator
marked as obsolete by exept MBP at 22-11-2023

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

menu actions-class repository
o  allKnownTagsInClasses: aCollectionOfClasses
returns symbolic tags which are present in any given classes (or-set)

o  askForRepositoryVersionOf: aClass withSourceDo: aTwoArgBlock
helper for comapre class against version and compare method against version.
Ask for a version in the repository, fetch it and call ablock with
the source and revision info string as arguments.
Returns false, if no source could be fetched, true if the block was called

o  askForRepositoryVersionUsingManager: managerOrNil withExtensions: withExtensions thenWithCurrentVersionDo: aFiveArgBlock
helper for compare and patch file generation;
ask for version, get it, then call aBlock with
currentClass, source1, versionNr1, sourceCurrent, currentVersionNr

o  askForRepositoryVersionUsingManager: managerOrNil withExtensions: withExtensions title: action thenWithCurrentVersionDo: aFiveArgBlock
helper for compare and patch file generation;
ask for version, get it, then call aBlock with
currentClass, source1, versionNr1, sourceCurrent, currentVersionNr

o  askForTagForClasses: classesToFetchExistingTagsFrom usingManager: aManager

o  checkInClasses: aCollectionOfClasses withInfo: logInfoOrNil withCheck: doCheck
check a bunch of classes into the source repository.
If logInfoOrNil isNil, ask for one.

o  checkInClasses: aCollectionOfClasses withInfo: logInfoOrNil withCheck: doCheck usingManager: aManagerOrNil
check a bunch of classes into the source repository.
If logInfoOrNil isNil, ask for one.

o  checkOutClass: aClass askForRevision: askForRevision
check-out a single class from the source repository.
Offer a chance to either merge-in a version, or overload the current version.
If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
otherwise ask for the revision.

o  checkOutClass: aClass askForRevision: askForRevision usingManager: managerOrNil
check-out a single class from the source repository.
Offer a chance to either merge-in a version, or overload the current version.
If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
otherwise ask for the revision.

o  checkOutClasses: classes askForRevision: askForRevision
check-out a bunch of classes from the source repository.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.
If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
otherwise ask for the revision.

o  checkOutClasses: classes askForRevision: askForRevision usingManager: aManagerOrNilForDefault
check-out a bunch of classes from the source repository.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.
If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
otherwise ask for the revision.

o  classMenuBrowseAllVersionsInRepository
open a diff-textView showing all versions in the repository.

o  classMenuCheckIn
check a class into the source repository (with checks)

o  classMenuCheckIn: doCheck
check a class into the source repository.
If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

o  classMenuCheckIn: doCheck classes: classesSelected
check a class into the source repository.
If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

o  classMenuCheckIn: doCheck classes: classesSelected usingManager: aManagerOrNil
check a class into the source repository.
If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

o  classMenuCheckIn: doCheck usingManager: aManagerOrNil
check a class into the source repository.
If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

o  classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses
check in all changed classes into the source repository (with checks)

o  classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses: doCheck
check all changed classes into the source repository.
If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

o  classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses: doCheck usingManager: aManagerOrNil
check all changed classes into the source repository.
If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

o  classMenuCheckInAllChangedClassesUsingManager: aManagerOrNil
check in all changed classes into the source repository (with checks)

o  classMenuCheckInAllChangedClassesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
check in all changed classes into the source repository (with checks)

o  classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFiles

o  classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManager: aManagerOrNil

o  classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  classMenuCheckInExtensions
check a classes extensions into the source repository

o  classMenuCheckInExtensions: doCheck
check a classes extensions into the source repository.
If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

o  classMenuCheckInExtensionsFor: aProjectID
check some of a classes extensions into the source repository.

o  classMenuCheckInExtensionsFor: aProjectID usingManager: manager
check some of a classes extensions into the source repository.

o  classMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManager: managerOrNil
check a classes extensions into the source repository.

o  classMenuCheckInGeneratedBuildSupportFile: buildFilename usingManager: sourceCodeManagerClass

o  classMenuCheckInP4
check a class into the source repository (with checks)

o  classMenuCheckInUsingManager: aManagerOrNil
check a class into the source repository (with checks)

o  classMenuCheckInUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
check a class into the source repository (with checks)

o  classMenuCheckOut
check-out selected class(es) from the source repository.
Individually ask for class revisions.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  classMenuCheckOutNewest
check-out the newest version of the selected class(es) from the source repository.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager: manager
check-out the newest version of the selected class(es) from the source repository.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
check-out the newest version of the selected class(es) from the source repository.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  classMenuCheckOutUsingManager: manager
check-out selected class(es) from the source repository.
Individually ask for class revisions.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  classMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
check-out selected class(es) from the source repository.
Individually ask for class revisions.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the newest version found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: aManagerOrNil
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the newest version found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the newest version found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepository
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the base version found in the repository.
That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the base version found in the repository.
That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the base version found in the repository.
That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepository
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the base version found in the repository.
That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the stable version found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the stable version found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareAgainstVersionInRepository: rev usingManager: manager
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with a version found in the repository.
That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one.

o  classMenuCompareClassExtensionsWithRepository
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) extensions of the selected class
with the some extensions version found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepository
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) extensions version
with the some extensions version found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepositoryUsingManager: manager
compare against the newest version in the repository

o  classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersions
open a diff-textView comparing two versions found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManager: manager
open a diff-textView comparing two versions found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
open a diff-textView comparing two versions found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareWithFile
compare the class against a version in a file

o  classMenuCompareWithRepository
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the some version found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManager: manager
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the some version found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the some version found in the repository.

o  classMenuCompareWithSmallTeamVersionOnHost: hostName
compare the class against a version on another SmallTeam host

o  classMenuCreateExpeccoPatchFileAgainstVersionFromRepository

o  classMenuCreatePatchFileAgainstVersionFromRepository

o  classMenuCreatePatchFileAgainstVersionFromRepositoryUsingManager: managerOrNil performer: aMethodSelectorOrNil

o  classMenuEditVersionInRepository
open a changelist on a version in the repository.
Allow for changes to be made to this list, and the code be checked in as
a branch.

o  classMenuEditVersionInRepositoryUsingManager: aManager

o  classMenuQuickCheckIn
check a class into the source repository (without checks)

o  classMenuQuickCheckInUsingManager: argument

o  classMenuRevisionLog
show a classes revision log

o  classMenuRevisionLog: shortOrNot
show a classes revision log

o  classMenuRevisionLog: shortOrNot usingManager: manager
show a classes revision log

o  classMenuRevisionLogUsingManager: manager
show a classes revision log

o  classMenuRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
show a classes revision log

o  classMenuSetTag

o  classMenuSetTagUsingManager: aManager

o  classMenuShortRevisionLog
show a short (last 20 entries) classes repository log

o  classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManager: manager
show a short (last 20 entries) classes repository log

o  classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
show a short (last 20 entries) classes repository log

o  classMenuTagExtensionsFor: package usingManager: mgr

o  commonTagsInClasses: aCollectionOfClasses
returns symbolic tags which are preent in all given classes (and-set)

o  compareAgainstNewestInRepository: aClass
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the newest version found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

o  compareAgainstNewestInRepository: aClass usingManager: aManagerOrNil
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the newest version found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

o  createPatchFileFor: aStream nameComponent: patchNameComponent
write the patch source in aStream to a file based on nameComponent

o  doCompareClassesWithRepository: collectionOfClasses

o  doCompareClassesWithRepository: collectionOfClasses usingManager: aManagerOrNil
eachClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.

o  generateDiffSetForClasses: collectionOfClasses newest: newest

o  getClassSourceFor: aClass revision: revision
ask aClass's sourceCodeManager to retrieve a (possibly older or newer) version's source code

o  getClassSourceFor: aClass revision: revision usingManager: manager
ask aClass's sourceCodeManager to retrieve a (possibly older or newer) version's source code

o  nextPatchNumberIn: aDirectory
compute the next consecutive patch number in a directory.
Answer a String.

o  patchSourceFor: diffSet checkingForVersionBefore: thisRevString
for now, this works only for a diffSet containing only a single class

o  repositoryHistoryForProjects: projectListOrNil
sorry, but this seems to be hardwired for CVS

o  repositoryHistoryForProjects: projectListOrNil usingManager: manager
sorry, but this seems to be hardwired for CVS

o  showRepositoryLogOf: aClass
show a classes repository log - append to codeView.
CAVEAT: that is almost the same code as found in SystemBrowser;
move to SourceCodeManagerUtilities

o  showRepositoryLogOf: aClass short: shortOrNot
show a classes repository log - append to codeView.

o  showRepositoryLogOf: aClass short: shortOrNot beforeLogDo: aBlock
show a classes repository log - append to codeView.
CAVEAT: that is almost the same code as found in SystemBrowser;
move to SourceCodeManagerUtilities.

o  showRepositoryLogOf: aClass short: shortOrNot usingManager: managerOrNil beforeLogDo: aBlock
show a classes repository log - append to codeView.
CAVEAT: that is almost the same code as found in SystemBrowser;
move to SourceCodeManagerUtilities.

o  sourceCodeManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  sourceStreamForRepositorySourceOfClass: aClass
ask for a classes revision and return a stream on this revisions source; nil on error

o  sourceStreamForRepositorySourceOfClass: aClass usingManager: aManagerOrNil
ask for a classes revision and return a stream on this revisions source; nil on error

menu actions-code
o  codeMenuAddClassVariable: newName inClass: aClass asValueHolder: asValueHolder
add a class variable

o  codeMenuAddInstanceVariable: newName inClass: aClass
add an instance variable

o  codeMenuAddInstanceVariable: newName inClass: aClass asValueHolder: asValueHolder
add an instance variable

o  codeMenuAddParameter
how many senders are there ?

o  codeMenuConvertToValueHolder
replace all accesses to selected instvar by value-get/set method sends;
add aspects if not yet present.

o  codeMenuConvertToValueHolder: aString
replace all accesses to selected instvar by value-get/set method sends;
add aspects if not yet present.

o  codeMenuDeclareSelectionAsClassVariable
add a class variable

o  codeMenuEliminateConstant
a new refactoring:
given a literal constant as current text selection,
ask for either a class or inst variable name,
or the name of a class or instance getter-method
define it, assign it a value (in the initialize method)
and change the code to refer to that variable/getter instead.
Use this to refactor private magic constants.

Most of the code below should go into the RB-package as a new refactoring class, once
it is debugged and stable.

o  codeMenuExtractMethod

o  codeMenuExtractMethodToComponent

o  codeMenuExtractSelectionToTemporary

o  codeMenuFormat
format (prettyPrint) the selected method(s) and accept

o  codeMenuGotoClass

o  codeMenuInlineAllSelfSends

o  codeMenuInlineMessage
refactoring model name:('inline %1 into %2' bindWith:inlinedSelector with:selector).

o  codeMenuInlineParameter
inline the parameter which is selected in the codeView

o  codeMenuInlineParameter: parameterName
inline the parameter named parameterName

o  codeMenuMakeAbstractClassVariable: aString
replace all accesses to selected classvar by setter/getter method sends;
add accessors if not yet present.

o  codeMenuMakeAbstractInstanceVariable: aString
replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
add accessors if not yet present.

o  codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
add accessors if not yet present.

o  codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable
make selected local variable an instance variable.

o  codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable: aString
make selected local an instvar.

o  codeMenuMoveVariableToInnerScope
move a temporary/local variable to the innermost possible scope

o  codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable
replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
add accessors if not yet present.

o  codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable: aString
replace all indirect setter/getter references selected instvar by direct accesses,
then remove the setter/getter methods

o  codeMenuPullUpClassVariable
pull a class variable up to its superclasses

o  codeMenuPullUpClassVariable: oldName inClass: aClass
pull a class variable up to its superclass

o  codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable
pull an instance variable up to its superclasses

o  codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable: varName inClass: aClass
pull an instance variable up to its superclass

o  codeMenuPullUpVariable
pull a variable up to its superclasses

o  codeMenuPushDownClassVariable
push a class variable down to its subclasses

o  codeMenuPushDownClassVariable: oldName inClass: aClass
push a class variable down to its subclasses

o  codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable
push an instance variable down to its subclasses

o  codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable: varName inClass: aClass
push an instance variable down to its subclasses

o  codeMenuPushDownVariable
push a variable down to its subclasses

o  codeMenuRemoveClassVariable: oldName inClass: aClass
remove a class variable

o  codeMenuRemoveInstanceVariable: oldName inClass: aClass
remove an instance variable

o  codeMenuRemoveParameter
remove the parameter which is selected in the codeView

o  codeMenuRemoveParameter: parameterName
remove the parameter named parameterName

o  codeMenuRenameClassVariable
rename a class variable

o  codeMenuRenameClassVariable: oldName inClass: aClass
rename a class variable

o  codeMenuRenameInstanceVariable
rename an instance variable

o  codeMenuRenameInstanceVariable: oldName inClass: aClass
rename an instance variable

o  codeMenuRenameTemporary
rename a temporary variable

o  codeMenuShowCoverage

o  codeMenuSmellsLikeCodeDuplication
add a 'this method has a smell' annotation

o  findNode
find the parseNode from the text selection

o  findNodeForInterval: interval

o  findNodeForInterval: interval allowErrors: allowErrors

o  findNodeIn: tree forInterval: interval

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  findSendersOf: selector andConfirmRefactoring: refactoring

o  findSendersOf: selector in: aSetOfClasses andConfirmRefactoring: refactoring
how many senders are there ?

o  formatCode
format (prettyPrint) the selected method's code.
Does not accept, so caller can decide

o  handlingRefactoringErrorDo: aBlock
param is either a collection of classes, or methods;

o  operationsMenuRedo

o  operationsMenuUndo

o  operationsMenuUndo: aChange

o  performRefactoring: refactoringArg
workaround a bug in jan's fixes

o  selectedClassVariableOrNil
return the selected class variable from either the variableList or
the codeView. Return nil, if nothing is selected, or the selection is not
a class variable.

o  selectedInstanceVariableOrNil
return the selected instance variable from either the variableList or
the codeView. Return nil, if nothing is selected, or the selection is not
an instance variable.

o  selectedInterval

o  setUndoCount

o  synchronousUpdate

o  withCurrentClassDo: aOneArgBlock

o  withCurrentMethodsClassAndSelectorDo: aTwoArgBlock

menu actions-debug
o  categoryMenuClearCoverageInfo
clear coverage information for classes in selected categories

o  chooseProcess
let the user choose a process for trace/break point setting.
Return the process or nil if cancelled

o  chooseProcess: titleOrNil
let the user choose a process for trace/break point setting.
Return the process or nil if cancelled

o  classMenuClearCoverageInfo
clear coverage information for selected classes

o  commonTraceHelperWith: traceSelector with: argumentOrNil clear: doClearAnyPreviousWrap
install a break/trace or countPoint for the current method(s),
by sending traceSelector to myself.
If doClearAnyPreviousWrap is true, a previous break/trace on that method is
removed first.
(it is as yet untested, if trace/break stacking works, as
technicall, it may work, but the UI must handle wrapped-wrappedMethods gracefully..)

o  commonTraceHelperWith: traceSelector with: argument1OrNil with: argument2OrNil clear: doClearAnyPreviousWrap
install a break/trace or countPoint for the current method(s),
by sending traceSelector to myself.
If doClearAnyPreviousWrap is true, a previous break/trace on that method is
removed first.
(it is as yet untested, if trace/break stacking works, as
technicall, it may work, but the UI must handle wrapped-wrappedMethods gracefully..)

o  debugMenuBreakPoint
set a breakpoint on the selected method(s)

o  debugMenuBreakPointAfter
set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
the method has been invoked some number of times.

o  debugMenuBreakPointFor
set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
the receiver is an instance or subInstance of some class

o  debugMenuBreakPointIf
set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
some conditionBlock evaluates to true.

o  debugMenuBreakPointIn
set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
executed by some particular process.

o  debugMenuBreakPointWhenReturning
set a breakpoint on the current method(s),
which trigger(s) if the method is about to return.

o  debugMenuClearCoverageInfo
clear all coverage information

o  debugMenuDisableGlobalCoverageRecording

o  debugMenuEnableGlobalCoverageRecording

o  debugMenuOpenCallGraphForClasses
open an OOM CallGraph view on the selected class(es)

o  debugMenuOpenCallGraphForClasses: classes
open an OOM CallGraph view on the selected class(es)

o  debugMenuOpenCallGraphForMethods: methods
open an OOM CallGraph view on the selected class(es)

o  debugMenuOpenCallGraphForProjects
open an OOM CallGraph view on the selected project(s) classes

o  debugMenuRemoveAllBreakpoints
remove all breakpoints in the system

o  debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
remove any break/trace on the selected method(s)

o  debugMenuRunLintRuleOn
apply the selected rule(s) on a chosen set of package classes

o  debugMenuStartCounting
set a countpoint on the current method

o  debugMenuStartCountingByReceiverClass
set a countpoint for memory usage on the current method

o  debugMenuStartMemoryUsage
set a countpoint for memory usage on the current method

o  debugMenuStartMessageTally
set a MessageTally on the current method

o  debugMenuStartTiming
set a timing on the current method

o  debugMenuStopCounting
show the number of invocations & remove a countpoint on the current method

o  debugMenuStopIgnoringBreakpoints
no longer ignore breakpoints

o  debugMenuStopMemoryUsage
stop counting of memory usage for this method

o  debugMenuStopTiming
stop timing the current method

o  debugMenuTrace
set a tracepoint on the selected method(s).
enter/leave of the method will be logged on stderr

o  debugMenuTraceChangeUpdate
set a change-update tracepoint on the selected method(s).
Like a regular trace, but knows about the observer pattern

o  debugMenuTraceFull
set a full-tracepoint on the selected method(s)

o  debugMenuTraceFullIn
set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
executed by some particular process.

o  debugMenuTraceSender
set a sender-tracepoint on the selected method(s)

o  debugMenuTracelog
Arrange for a trace logging - enter/leave of the method will be logged using
current Logger

o  debugMenuTracelogChangeUpdate

o  debugMenuTracelogFullWalkback

o  debugMenuTracelogSender

o  runTestCases
run selected testcases (not opening a debugger on error)

o  runTestCasesForCoverage
run selected testcases for coverage tests;
First, compile all affected testee-classes with instrumentation,
then run the tests, then open a browser on the tested classes.

o  runTestCasesWithDebug
run selected testcases (opening a debugger on error)

o  runTestCasesWithDebug: withDebug
run selected testcases

o  runTestCasesWithDebug: withDebug protocols: protocolsOrNil
run selected testcases

o  selectedNonAbstractTestCaseClassesDo: aBlock
run selected testcases for coverage tests;
First, compile all affected testee-classes with instrumentation,
then run the tests, then open a browser on the tested classes.

menu actions-help
o  openClassDocumentation

o  openDocumentation
Called when <F1> is pressed

o  openIconReferenceDocumentation

o  openKeywordIndexDocumentation

o  openMethodFinder
open the methodFinder (ported from squeak)

o  openRefactoringDocumentation

o  openSTXDocumentation

menu actions-inheritance
o  inheritanceMenuNavigateToClass

o  inheritanceMenuUpdate

menu actions-methodList
o  methodListMenuBrowseClassPackagesResourceDirectory
add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected method class packages' resource folder

o  methodListMenuBrowseClassesPackageDirectory
add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected method classes' package folder

o  methodListMenuCopyList
copy the method list to the clipBoard

o  methodListMenuCopyListOfClasses
copy the list of classes to the clipBoard

o  methodListMenuFileOutAllAs
fileOut all methods from the list - standard format

o  methodListMenuFileOutAllAsWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut all methods from the list - file format as specified by the argument:
nil - standard format
#xml - XML standard format
#sif - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
#binary - ST/X binary format

o  methodListMenuFileOutAllSIFAs
fileOut all methods from the list - sif format

o  methodListMenuFileOutAllXMLAs
fileOut all methods from the list - xml format

o  methodListMenuSpawnBufferWithClassOrSubclassReferences
add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes or any of its subclasses

o  methodListMenuSpawnBufferWithClassReferences
add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes

o  methodListMenuSpawnBufferWithCommonSuperclass
add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods' common superclass

o  methodListMenuSpawnClassOrSubclassReferences
open a new browser showing references to the selected classes or any of its subclass

o  methodListMenuSpawnClassReferences
open a new browser showing references to the selected classes

o  methodListMenuSpawnClasses
add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes

o  methodListMenuSpawnClasses: where
add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected method's classes

o  methodListMenuSpawnClassesBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected method's classes

o  methodListMenuSpawnCommonSuperclass
add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods' common superclass

o  methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowser
add a buffer showing the selected method's classes

o  methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected method's classes

o  methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserForClasses: classes methods: methods in: where
add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods classes

o  methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserIn: where
add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods classes

menu actions-methodList repository
o  methodListMenuCheckInClass
check the selected methods class(es) into the source repository.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  methodListMenuCheckInClassUsingManager: manager
check the selected methods class(es) into the source repository.

o  methodListMenuCheckInClassUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
check the selected methods class(es) into the source repository.

menu actions-namespace
o  nameSpaceMenuNew

o  nameSpaceMenuRemove
remove the selected namespace(s)

o  nameSpaceMenuRename

o  nameSpaceMenuSpawn
open a browser showing the selected namespaces only

o  nameSpaceMenuSpawnBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected namespaces only

o  nameSpaceMenuUpdate

o  spawnNamespaceBrowserFor: namespaces in: where
browse selected namespace(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the namespaces
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the namespaces

menu actions-namespace repository
o  nameSpaceMenuCheckOut
check-out all classes in the selected nameSpace from the source repository.
Individually ask for class revisions.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

menu actions-other
o  editModeInsert

o  editModeInsertAndSelect

o  editModeOverwrite

o  openSettingsDialog

o  openSettingsDialogAndSelect: settingsClassToSelectOrNil
see initializeSettingsList for how the following is expanded...

o  openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement

o  toggleLearnMode

menu actions-project
o  generatePatchSetForClasses: classes
ask for two tags, generate a patchSet to bring a baseSystem (tag1) to the
level of the tag2 version

o  generatePatchSetForClasses: classes from: baseVersionTag to: patchVersionTag
given two tags, generate a patchSet to bring a baseSystem (tag1) to the
level of the tag2 version

o  generateProjectDefinitionsIn: classes
update all definitions (contents + version stuff)

o  mailClasses: classes subject: subject
fileOut classes (chunk format) and eMail to someone

o  openRepositoryConsistencyDialogForObsoleteContainers: obsoleteContainers classesWithRepositoryMismatches: classesWithRepositoryMismatches classesWithMissingContainer: classesWithMissingContainer classesWhichHaveBeenModified: classesWhichHaveBeenModified classesWithNewerVersionInRepository: classesWithNewerVersionInRepository needExtensionsContainer: needExtensionsContainer hasExtensionContainer: hasExtensionContainer
check out that module ...

o  projectDefinitionClassesForSelectedProjects

o  projectDefinitionDialogFor: aProjectIDOrNil
OperatingSystem getLoginName

o  projectMenuBitmapFiles

o  projectMenuBitmapFilesUsingManager: aManager

o  projectMenuBrowsePackageDirectory
open a filebrowser in the package directory

o  projectMenuBuild

o  projectMenuBuildExeOnly

o  projectMenuBuildExeOnly: exeOnly

o  projectMenuBuildWithApplicationPackager

o  projectMenuCheckOntoBranchUsingManager: manager
strip off the 'branch_' prefix

o  projectMenuCheckOntoBranchUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuCheckOut
check-out all classes in the selected project from the source repository.
Individually ask for class revisions.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  projectMenuCheckOutExtensions

o  projectMenuCheckOutNewest
check-out the newest version from the source repository of
all classes in the selected project.
Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
or merge-in the repository version.

o  projectMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager: manager
If manager is CVSSourceCodeManager, call the old method

o  projectMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuCheckOutUsingManager: manager
If manager is CVSSourceCodeManager, call the old method

o  projectMenuCheckOutUsingManager: manager askForRevision: askForRevision

o  projectMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuCheckPackageIntegrity
Runs ProjectChecker on selected packages

o  projectMenuCheckRepositoryConsistency
check for container consistency in the source repository.
That is: for every class in the project there must be a container (unstored classes),
and for every container there must be a class (obsolete containers).
Display this information as required..

o  projectMenuCheckRepositoryConsistencyUsingManager: aManager
check for container consistency in the source repository.
That is: for every class in the project there must be a container (unstored classes),
and for every container there must be a class (obsolete containers).
Display this information as required..

o  projectMenuCleanUpChangeSet
remove all changes for the selected project(s) from the changeSet

o  projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
against the newest version found in the repository.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
against the newest version found in the repository.

o  projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
against the newest version found in the repository.

o  projectMenuCompareAgainstRepository
Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
against some older version found in the repository.

o  projectMenuCompareAgainstRepositoryUsingManager: aManager
Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
against some older version found in the repository.

o  projectMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepository
Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
against the stable version found in the repository.

o  projectMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManager: aManager
Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
against the stable version found in the repository.

o  projectMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersions
Comparing two repository versions of the project(s).

o  projectMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManager: aSourceCodeManager
Comparing two repository versions of the project(s).

o  projectMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
Comparing two repository versions of the project(s).

o  projectMenuDocumentation
save class documentation for each of the package's classes to a directory

o  projectMenuDocumentationForJavaScript
save class documentation for each of the package's classes to a directory

o  projectMenuDocumentationUsing: generator
save class documentation for each of the package's classes to a directory

o  projectMenuFileOutAs
fileOut selected projects - st-source format

o  projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
methodsToFileOut fileNameForExtensions

o  projectMenuFileOutBuildSupportFiles

o  projectMenuFileOutBuildSupportFilesForProject: packageIDSymbol
take care for files like 'autopackage/default.apspec'

o  projectMenuFileOutCypressAs

o  projectMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
fileOut selected projects as individual files - binary format

o  projectMenuFileOutEachIn
fileOut selected projects as individual files - st-source format

o  projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil

o  projectMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
fileOut selected projects as individual files - sif format

o  projectMenuFileOutEachVSEIn
fileOut selected projects as individual files - visual smalltalk enterprise format

o  projectMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
fileOut selected projects as individual files - xml format

o  projectMenuFileOutExtensionsIn
fileOut selected project extensions - st-source format

o  projectMenuFileOutExtensionsIn: dirName withFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil

o  projectMenuFileOutExtensionsInWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil

o  projectMenuFileOutSIFAs
fileOut selected projects - sif format

o  projectMenuFileOutVSEAs
fileOut selected projects - visual smalltalk enterprise format

o  projectMenuFileOutVSEFormatAs

o  projectMenuFileOutVSEPackageFormatAs
fileOut selected projects - visual smalltalk enterprise format

o  projectMenuFileOutXMLAs
fileOut selected projects - xml format

o  projectMenuFindClassesNotTaggedAs: aSymbolicTag
find classes which have a version different from aSymbolicTag.

o  projectMenuFindNotStableClasses
find classes which have a version different from the stable one.

o  projectMenuFindNotTaggedClasses
find classes which have a version different from the stable one.

o  projectMenuGenerateBuildSupportFiles

o  projectMenuGenerateBuildSupportFilesForProject: packageID

o  projectMenuGenerateBuildSupportFilesForProject: packageID definition: defClass

o  projectMenuGeneratePatchSet
ask for two tags, generate a patchSet to bring a baseSystem (tag1) to the
level of the tag2 version

o  projectMenuGenerateProjectDefinitions

o  projectMenuImport
import packages - but do not load classes

o  projectMenuImport: doLoadClasses usingManager: managerOrNil
see if such a module/package exists in the repository

o  projectMenuImportAndLoadClasses
import packages AND load classes

o  projectMenuImportAndLoadClassesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
import packages AND load classes

o  projectMenuImportUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
import packages - but do not load classes

o  projectMenuLoad
use the >>much better<< Launcher-load-package dialog

o  projectMenuMailTo
fileOut selected classes (chunk format) and eMail to someone

o  projectMenuMakeCurrentProject
create it

o  projectMenuMetricsSummary

o  projectMenuMoveUnassignedMethodsToClassProject
m package:classPackage

o  projectMenuNew
change changeClassName:appClassName asSymbol.

o  projectMenuOpenResourceFileEditor

o  projectMenuProperties

o  projectMenuRecompile
do not forget extensions

o  projectMenuRecompileInstrumented

o  projectMenuRegenerateProjectContentsDefinitions

o  projectMenuRemove

o  projectMenuRemoveProject: projectToRemove
remove a project - removes all classes and extensions for that project

o  projectMenuRename

o  projectMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManager: manager

o  projectMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuResources

o  projectMenuResourcesUsingManager: aManager

o  projectMenuRewrite

o  projectMenuSetTag: tag usingManager: aManager
tag the project(s) class file's (but not the build support files)

o  projectMenuSetTagUsingManager: aManager
tag the project(s) class file's (but not the build support files).
(asks for tag)

o  projectMenuSetTagUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
tag the project(s) class file's (but nt the build support files).
(asks for tag)

o  projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile: whichFile
intermediate - this will be removed later

o  projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile: whichFile usingManager: manager

o  projectMenuSmalllintCheck: what
perform all checks on the selected project's class(es).

o  projectMenuSpawn
open a browser showing the selected projects only

o  projectMenuSpawnAllPrerequisitesBrowser
add a browser showing projects which are prerequisite to the selected project(s)

o  projectMenuSpawnAllPrerequisitesBuffer
add a buffer showing projects which are prerequisite to the selected project(s)

o  projectMenuSpawnBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected projects only

o  projectMenuSpawnExtensionsBrowser
open a browser showing the selected projects extensions only

o  projectMenuSpawnExtensionsBuffer
add a buffer showing the selected projects extensions only

o  projectMenuSpawnPreRequirerBrowser
open a browser showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite

o  projectMenuSpawnPreRequirerBuffer
add a buffer showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite

o  projectMenuSpawnReferencesBrowser
open a browser showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite or subProject

o  projectMenuSpawnReferencesBuffer
add a buffer showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite or subProject

o  projectMenuStartBranchUsingManager: aManager
start a new branch.
First, set a baseTag (<branchName>_0) on the current (as yet not checked in original files);
then, check the modified classes onto that branch (giving it <branchName>_1 as tag);
then, set the branchName as tag for those (this tag will be shifted along the branch)

o  projectMenuStartBranchUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuUpdate

o  projectMenuUpdateProjectContentsDefinitions

o  projectMenuWithAllClassesLoadedDo: aBlock
helper for gen-abbrev and gen-loadAll

o  projectPackageDependencyBrowser
find methods in a particular release of a set of pacakges
called by a set of packages from a particular release in another set of packages.
Answers the question of which release of the base st/x is required to execute
a particular release of a product (such as expecco).
Releases are specified by their tag.

o  saveProjectClassDocumentationIn: aDirectory using: docGenerator
save class documentation for each of the package's classes to a directory

o  selectedProjectsDo: aBlock

o  spawnProjectAllPrerequisitesFor: someProjects in: how
open a browser/buffer showing projects which are prerequisite of the selected project(s)

o  spawnProjectBrowserFor: projects in: where
browse selected project(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the projects

o  spawnProjectBrowserFor: projects label: labelOrNil in: where
browse selected project(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the projects

o  spawnProjectBrowserFor: projects label: labelOrNil in: where sort: sortItems
browse selected project(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the projects

o  spawnProjectExtensionBrowserFor: projects in: where
browse selected project(s) extensions;
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the projects

o  spawnProjectPreRequirerBrowserFor: someProjects in: how
open a browser/buffer showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite

o  spawnProjectReferencesBrowserFor: collectionOfPackageIds in: openHow
add a buffer / open a new browser showing references to the given packageIDs
from other projects (i.e. prerequisites, subprojects etc.)

o  updateProjectContentsDefinitionsIn: classes regenerate: doRegenerate
Class packageQuerySignal

o  validateProjectDefinition: defClass

menu actions-project repository
o  classMenuCheckinGeneratedBuildFile: buildFilename usingManager: sourceCodeManagerClass

o  projectMenuCheckInAll
use ...Using:manager variant

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManager: manager onBranch: branchNameOrNil

o  projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFiles
use ...Using:manager variant

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject: packageID
use ...Using:manager variant

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject: packageID definition: defClass usingManager: mgr

o  projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject: packageID usingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuCheckInClasses
use ...Using:manager variant

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  projectMenuCheckInClassesUsingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInClassesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuCheckInExtensions
use ...Using:manager variant

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  projectMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuCheckInProject: packageToCheckIn classes: doClasses extensions: doExtensions buildSupport: doBuild

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  projectMenuCheckInProject: packageToCheckIn classes: doClasses extensions: doExtensions buildSupport: doBuild askForMethodsInOtherPackages: askForMethodsInOtherPackages
classes ...

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  projectMenuCheckInProject: packageToCheckIn classes: doClasses extensions: doExtensions buildSupport: doBuild askForMethodsInOtherPackages: askForMethodsInOtherPackages usingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInProject: packageToCheckIn classes: doClasses extensions: doExtensions buildSupport: doBuild askForMethodsInOtherPackages: askForMethodsInOtherPackages usingManager: manager onBranch: branchNameOrNil

o  projectMenuCheckInProject: packageToCheckIn classes: doClasses extensions: doExtensions buildSupport: doBuild usingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInProject: packageToCheckIn classes: doClasses extensions: doExtensions buildSupport: doBuild usingManager: manager onBranch: branchNameOrNil

o  projectMenuCheckInWinRCSupportFilesForProject: packageID definition: defClass usingManager: mgr

o  projectMenuCheckInWinRCSupportFilesForProject: packageID usingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInWinRCSupportFilesUsingManager: manager

o  projectMenuCheckInWinRCSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuCheckinGeneratedBuildFile: buildFilename usingManager: sourceCodeManagerClass

o  projectMenuGenerateBuildFile: whichFile usingManager: manager thenDo: a4ArgBlockCalledWithFileAsStringFileNamePackageAndClass
common for compare and checkin

o  projectMenuSetTagOfBuildSupportFiles: tag usingManager: aManager
for all build-support files of the selected project(s),
set the symbolic tag to tag

o  projectMenuSetTagOfBuildSupportFilesUsingManager: aManager
for all build-support files of the selected project(s),
tag the file (asks for tag)

o  projectMenuSetTagOfBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

menu actions-project-monticello
o  projectMenuMonticelloBrowseRepositories

menu actions-protocol
o  doMoveSelectedProtocolsToProject: newProject
change the package-id of all methods in the selected protocols.
Will eventually update the Project-object

o  doRemoveProtocolAndSelect: nilOrNextOrPrevious
confirm removal of the selected protocols.
The argument is meant to control the bahavior of the protocolList;
however, it is not yet implemented

o  methodListMenuUpdate

o  printOutProtocolsWithSelector: aSelector

o  protocolCheckMenuSmalllintCheck: what
perform all checks on the selected class(es).

o  protocolMenuCopyToClass
copy all methods in the selected protocols to some other class.

o  protocolMenuFileOutAs
fileOut all methods in the selected methodcategory of
the current class

o  protocolMenuGenerateCommonProtocols
these are needed so often; let the browser do it for me

o  protocolMenuGenerateDocumentationMethod
these are needed so often; let the browser do it for me

o  protocolMenuMoveOrCopy: doWhat
move or copy the selected protocols methods to some other class - typically a sister class

o  protocolMenuMoveToClass
move all methods in the selected protocols to some other class.

o  protocolMenuMoveToProject
change the package-id of all methods in the selected protocols.
Will eventually update the Project-object

o  protocolMenuNew
allMethodCategories := Set new.

o  protocolMenuPrintOut

o  protocolMenuRemove
confirm removal of the selected protocols

o  protocolMenuRemoveAndSelectNext
confirm removal of the selected protocols

o  protocolMenuRemoveAndSelectPrevious
confirm removal of the selected protocols

o  protocolMenuRename
launch an enterBox to rename current method category

o  protocolMenuSpawn
open a new browser showing the selected category only

o  protocolMenuSpawnBuffer
add a new buffer showing the selected category only

o  protocolMenuSpawnFullCategory
open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in that category

o  protocolMenuSpawnFullCategoryBuffer
add a new buffer showing all methods (from all classes) in that category

o  protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryBrowser
open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in macthing categories

o  protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryBuffer
add a buffer showing all methods (from all classes) in macthing categories

o  protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryIn: openHow
add a buffer/ open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in matching categories

o  protocolMenuUpdate

o  spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor: protocols in: where
browse selected protocols;
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

o  spawnProtocolBrowserFor: classes and: protocols in: where
browse selected protocols;
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the classes

menu actions-remote systems
o  classMenuCompareWithRemote: aBridge
compare the code here with the code in a remote system (VW)
This is done via the bridge

menu actions-repository subversion
o  commonMenuSubversionOpenSettings

menu actions-repository subversion-class
o  classMenuSubversionShowRevisionLog

menu actions-searching
o  askForClassToSearch: doWhatByDefault single: singleClass msgTail: msgTail resources: resourcesOrNil thenDo: aBlock
common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
to search for a class in this browser.
doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil.
If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened.

o  askForClassToSearch: doWhatByDefault single: singleClass msgTail: msgTail thenDo: aBlock
common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
to search for a class in this browser.
doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil.
If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened.

o  findClass: classNameArg single: singleClass in: doWhat
^ self warn:('No such class: ' , className).

o  findResponseTo: selector

o  findResponseTo: selector from: searchClassOrNil in: whereWanted
search for the implementaion

o  findResponseTo: selector in: whereWanted
find the response to selector (i.e. when sent to self)
and - dependeing on whereWanted - open a new browser or add a buffer on those methods

o  searchMenuAddToBookmarks
bookmark the currently selected method/selector

o  searchMenuFindClass
do not open new

o  searchMenuFindClass: doWhatByDefault
common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
to search for a class in this browser.
doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil

o  searchMenuFindClass: doWhatByDefault single: singleClass
common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
to search for a class in this browser.
doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil.
If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened.

o  searchMenuFindImplementationOf
marked as obsolete by mobile at 07-11-2023

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  searchMenuFindResponseTo

o  searchMenuRemoveFromBookmarks
remove the currently selected method/selector

o  selectResponseTo: selector

menu actions-selector
o  askForClassToMoveOrCopy: doWhat
provide a reasonable default in the pull-down-list

o  copyMethods: methods toClass: newClass
copy some methods to some other class - typically a sister class

o  doCompareMethod: m1 against: m2 label: labelOrNil
compare two methods

o  doMoveSelectedMethodsToProject: newProject

o  doRemoveMethodsConfirmed: methodsToRemove
confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
then remove them

o  doRemoveMethodsConfirmed: methodsToRemove select: nilOrNextOrPrevious
confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
then remove them.
The second argument is meant to control the behavior of the methodList

o  doRemoveMethodsConfirmed: methodsToRemove select: nilOrNextOrPrevious isSafeRemove: isSafeRemove
confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
then remove them.
The second argument is meant to control the behavior of the methodList

o  doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed: methods
remove selected methods without asking questions

o  doRemoveSelectedMethodsUnconfirmed
remove selected methods without asking questions

o  fileOutMethods: aCollectionOfMethods format: formatSymbolOrNil fileNameTemplate: nameOrNil boxTitle: boxTitleOrNil
fileOut a bunch of methods;
used both from fileOutMethod-list and fileOut-selected methods.

o  fileOutMethods: aCollectionOfMethods format: formatSymbolOrNil toFile: aFilename withPackage: withPackage
fileOut a bunch of methods;
used both from fileOutMethod-list and fileOut-selected methods.

o  methodTemplate
return a method definition template string or nil

o  methodsPreviousVersionCode
return the method's previous version's code

o  methodsPreviousVersions
return a collection of the selected methods previous versions

o  methodsShadowedMethod
return the method's shadowed method, or nil.
The shadowed method is the original method from its original package,
which was overloaded by another package

o  moveMethods: methods toClass: newClass
move some methods to some other class - typically a sister class

o  moveMethods: methods toProject: newProject
if it was an extension before, the old package needs an update (for its extension list)

o  moveMethods: methods toProtocol: newCategory
move some methods to some other category

o  moveMethodsWithForwarding: methods toClass: newClass
move some methods to some other class

o  moveOrCopyMethods: methods toClass: newClass moveOrCopy: doWhat
move or copy some methods to some other class - typically a sister or parent class

o  renameMethod: oldSelector in: aClass
ask if so many methods should be rewritten; give chance to cancel

o  selectVariableForMoveMethod
| mthd mClass parseTree nameList ignoreList |

o  selectorCheckMenuSmalllintCheck: what
perform all checks on the selected class(es).

o  selectorMenuAddParameter

o  selectorMenuBackToPrevious
show the method's previous version in the codeView (to be accepted)

o  selectorMenuBrowsePreviousVersions
show old versions

o  selectorMenuChangePrivacyTo: privacySymbol

o  selectorMenuCleanUpChangeSet
remove all changes for the selected method(s) from the changeSet

o  selectorMenuCleanUpChangeSetForClass
remove all changes for the selected method(s) class(es) and metaclasses from the changeSet

o  selectorMenuCompareTwoSelectedMethods
compare the two selected methods

o  selectorMenuCompareWithInherited
compare the selected method against the inherited

o  selectorMenuCompareWithMethod
compare the codeViews contents against the methods actual code

o  selectorMenuCompareWithPreviousVersion
compare the codeViews contents against the methods previous version

o  selectorMenuCompareWithShadowedMethod
compare the codeView's contents against the method's shadowed version
(that is the original, overloaded method from the method's original package)

o  selectorMenuCompareWithSmallTeamVersionOnHost: hostName
compare the codeViews contents against a SmallTeam version

o  selectorMenuCompileWithSTC
compile the current method to machine code via the stc compiler.
This is not supported on all machines.

o  selectorMenuCopy
copy the selected methods to some other class - typically a sister class

o  selectorMenuCopyMessageRepresentation
copy the selectes methods whoString to the clipboard

o  selectorMenuDecompile
show selected methods bytecode

o  selectorMenuEdit

o  selectorMenuFileOutAs
fileOut selected methods from the list - standard format

o  selectorMenuFileOutAsWithFormat: aFormatSymbolOrNil
fileOut selected methods from the list - file format as specified by the argument:
nil - standard format
#xml - XML standard format
#sif - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
#binary - ST/X binary format

o  selectorMenuFileOutSIFAs
fileOut selected methods from the list - sif format

o  selectorMenuFileOutToClipboard
fileOut selected methods from the list - standard format

o  selectorMenuFileOutXMLAs
fileOut selected methods from the list - xml format

o  selectorMenuGenerateAspectMethod
generate an aspect method using the common bindings (i.e. not an instvar)

o  selectorMenuGenerateCorrespondingInstanceCreationInClass
generate a subclassResponsibility method in the methods superclass

o  selectorMenuGenerateFalseReturnInSuperclass
generate a ^false method in the method's superclass

o  selectorMenuGenerateForwardingMethodForInstances
generate a forwarding method on the instance side

o  selectorMenuGenerateRedefinitionInSubclass
generate a ^ super xxx in a subclass

o  selectorMenuGenerateSubclassResponsibilityHere
generate a subclassResponsibility method (for the selected string)
in the current class

o  selectorMenuGenerateSubclassResponsibilityInSuperclass
generate a subclassResponsibility method in the methods superclass

o  selectorMenuGenerateTemplateInAllSubclasses
generate a template in all subclasses (recursive) for each subclassResponsibility method

o  selectorMenuGenerateTemplateInClassesEnumeratedWith: aSubclassEnumeratingSelector
generate a template in some subclass for each subclassResponsibility method

o  selectorMenuGenerateTemplateInSubclasses
generate a template in every subclass for each subclassResponsibility method

o  selectorMenuInlineParameter

o  selectorMenuInlineSelfSends

o  selectorMenuInspect
open an inspector on the single selected method

o  selectorMenuLoadSmallTeamVersionFromHost: hostName
load a smallTeam version

o  selectorMenuMakeClassMethod
move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa

o  selectorMenuMakeClassMethodWithForwarding
move the selected methods from inst to their class side
and generate a forwarding method on the instance side

o  selectorMenuMakeClassOrInstanceMethod
move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa

o  selectorMenuMakeClassOrInstanceMethodWithForwarder: withForwarder
move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa

o  selectorMenuMakeIgnored
make selected methods ignored

o  selectorMenuMakeInstanceMethod
move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa

o  selectorMenuMakePrivate
make selected methods private

o  selectorMenuMakeProtected
make selected methods protected

o  selectorMenuMakePublic
make selected methods public

o  selectorMenuMarkAs: tag
used by markAsObsolete and markAs menu functions;
add a <resource: xxx> annotation to the selected method(s)

o  selectorMenuMarkAsObsolete
mark the selected method(s) as obsolete.
This has no semantic efect on the execution,
but the code-completer will not offer them,
and lint will highlight them with a warning.

o  selectorMenuMarkAsUnderConstruction
mark the selected method(s) as under construction (i.e. todo).
This has no semantic effect on the execution,
but it will be highlighted by the browser.

o  selectorMenuMoveOrCopy: doWhat
move or copy the selected methods to some other class - typically a sister or parent class

o  selectorMenuMoveToClass
move the selected methods to some other class - typically a superclass

o  selectorMenuMoveToClassProject
change the package-id of the selected methods to the classes package-id.

o  selectorMenuMoveToClassWithForwarding
move the selected methods to some other class - typically a superclass

o  selectorMenuMoveToProject
change the package-id of the selected methods.
Will eventually update the Project-object

o  selectorMenuMoveToProtocol
move selected methods to some other category

o  selectorMenuNewHelpSpec
open a helpSpec editor for a new helpSpec method

o  selectorMenuNewImageSpec
open a bitmap painter for a new image-spec method

o  selectorMenuNewMenuSpec
open a Menu painter for a new menu-spec method

o  selectorMenuNewMethod
show a template for a new method for an unknown language

o  selectorMenuNewMethod: language
show a template for a new method for a given language

o  selectorMenuNewSpecMethodWithType: specTypeSymbol
open a painter for a new specTypeSymbol-spec method.
specTypeSymbol is one of #image, #canvas, #tableColumns, #menu or #help

o  selectorMenuNewTableColumnSpec
open a GUI painter for a new tableColumn-spec method

o  selectorMenuNewWindowSpec
open a GUI painter for a new window-spec method

o  selectorMenuPrintOut
print out the current method(s)

o  selectorMenuProcess
process methods

o  selectorMenuPushDownMethod
push method(s) into subclass(s)

o  selectorMenuPushMethod: upOrDown
push method(s) into subclass(s) or up into superclas

o  selectorMenuPushUpMethod
push method(s) into superclass

o  selectorMenuRecompile
recompile the selected methods (for Debug only)

o  selectorMenuRegenerateResourceMethod
load the resource (UISpec) from the method,
and regenerate the code

o  selectorMenuRemove
confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
then remove them.

o  selectorMenuRemoveAndSelectNext
confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
then remove them and select the one after the last selected.

o  selectorMenuRemoveAndSelectPrevious
confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
then remove them and select the one before the first selected.

o  selectorMenuRemoveFromSubclasses
confirm removal of the selected method's redefinitions in all subclasses
then remove them.

o  selectorMenuRemoveParameter

o  selectorMenuRename
rename a method (and rewrite all of its callers)

o  selectorMenuRewrite

o  selectorMenuSaveRemove
check for senders (and windowSpec/menuSpec refs) to method's selector,
then confirm removal of the selected methods

o  selectorMenuSelectMethodsWithString
select all methods containing a particular string

o  selectorMenuShowGeneratedSTCCode
compile the current method via the stc compiler,
and show the generated C-code

o  selectorMenuSpawnExtensionsProject
open a new browser showing the selected extension methods' project(s)

o  selectorMenuSpawnExtensionsProjectBuffer
open a new browser showing the selected extension methods' project(s)

o  selectorMenuSpawnImplementors
open a new browser showing implementations of the selected method

o  selectorMenuSpawnImplementorsBuffer
add a new buffer showing implementations of the selected method

o  selectorMenuSpawnInheritance
open a new browser showing inheritance of the selected method(s)

o  selectorMenuSpawnInheritanceBuffer
add a buffer showing inheritance of the selected method(s)

o  selectorMenuSpawnMethod
open a new browser showing the selected methods only

o  selectorMenuSpawnMethodBuffer
add a new buffer showing the selected methods only

o  selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensions
open a new browser showing all extension methods for the
selected methods project(s)

o  selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensionsBuffer
add a new buffer showing all extension methods for the
selected methods project(s)

o  selectorMenuSpawnSenders
open a new browser showing senders of the selected method

o  selectorMenuSpawnSendersBuffer
add a new buffer showing senders of the selected methods selector

o  spawnBrowserOnAllImplementorsOf: aSelector
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods implementations only

o  spawnBrowserOnAllSendersOf: aSelector
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only

o  spawnCallersBrowser
browse callers of the selected method(s)

o  spawnCallersBrowserFor: aMethodCollection in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected method's callers

o  spawnCallersBuffer
browse callers of the selected method(s)

o  spawnCallersIn: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected method's callers

o  spawnImplementorChainBrowser
browse implementations chain

o  spawnImplementorChainBuffer
browse implementations chain

o  spawnImplementorChainIn: openHow
browse implementation chain;
openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
openHow is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

o  spawnLocalImplementorsBuffer
add a new buffer showing implementations of the selected method

o  spawnLocalSendersBuffer
add a new buffer showing local senders of the selected methods selector

o  spawnMethodBrowserFor: methods in: where label: labelOrNil
browse selected method(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

o  spawnMethodBrowserFor: methods in: where label: labelOrNil perClassInfo: perClassInfoOrNil perMethodInfo: perMethodInfoOrNil sortBy: sortHow
browse selected method(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

o  spawnMethodBrowserFor: methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock in: where label: labelOrNil perClassInfo: perClassInfoHolder perMethodInfo: perMethodInfoHolder sortBy: sortHow select: doSelect
browse selected method(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

o  spawnMethodBrowserFor: methods in: where label: labelOrNil perMethodInfo: infoDictionaryOrNil sortBy: sortHow
browse selected method(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

o  spawnMethodBrowserFor: methods in: where label: labelOrNil perMethodInfo: infoDictionaryOrNil sortBy: sortHow select: doSelect
browse selected method(s);
where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
where is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

o  spawnMethodBrowserForSearch: searchBlock sortBy: sortByWhat in: openHow label: lbl
browse selected method(s);
openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
openHow is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

and sortByWhat is:
or #class

o  spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor: aSelectorCollection in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only

o  spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor: aSelectorCollection match: doMatch in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods

o  spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor: aSelectorCollection match: doMatch in: openHow classes: classes label: labelPrefix
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only

o  spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor: aSelectorCollection in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods inheritance only

o  spawnMethodLocalImplementorsBrowserFor: aSelectorCollection in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only

o  spawnMethodLocalSendersBrowserFor: aSelectorCollection in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods local senders

o  spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor: aSelectorCollection in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only

o  spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor: aSelectorCollection in: openHow classes: setOfClasses label: labelPrefix
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders from setOfClasses

o  spawnMethodStringSearchBrowserFor: aStringCollection in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only

o  spawnMethodStringSearchBrowserFor: aStringCollection match: doMatch in: openHow classes: classes label: labelPrefix
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only

o  spawnProjectExtensionsBrowserFor: aMethodCollection in: openHow
open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only

o  spawnSenderChainBrowser
browse selected methods sender chain

o  spawnSenderChainBuffer
browse selected methods sender chain

o  spawnSenderChainIn: openHow
browse selected methods sender chain;
openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
openHow is: #newBuffer - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

menu actions-selector repository
o  doCompareMethodsWithRepository: methods usingManager: manager
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) versions
with the newest versions found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

o  selectorMenuBrowseRepositoryVersionsUsingManager: manager
browse versions of a single method

o  selectorMenuBrowseRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  selectorMenuCheckInProjectExtensions

o  selectorMenuCheckInProjectExtensionsUsingManager: aManager

o  selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
with the newest version found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

o  selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  selectorMenuCompareClassAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version of the class(es)
with the newest version found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

o  selectorMenuCompareClassAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version of the class(es)
with the newest version found in the repository.
That is the most recent version.

menu actions-variables
o  browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle: browserTitle boxTitle: boxTitle variables: varType access: accessType all: browseAll
show an enterbox for instVar/classVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring/modifying to that var

o  browseVarRefsToAny: varNameList classes: classesIn variables: varType access: accessType all: browseAll title: browserTitle in: openHow
Open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring/modifying to any var in varNames.
accessType is one of #readOrWrite, #read or #write.

o  findClassesOfVariable: aVariableName accessWith: aSelector in: collectionOfClasses
this method returns the classes, in which a variable is defined (or seen);
needs either #instVarNames, #classInstVarNames, #classVarNames or #poolVarNames as aSelector.

o  instVarNamesOfAllSelectedClasses

o  showingClassVarsInVariableList
true if classVars are shown; false if classInstVars are shown

o  variablesMenuAdd
add a new variable.

o  variablesMenuAdd: asClassVariableBoolean
add a new variable.

o  variablesMenuAdd: asClassVariableBoolean asValueHolder: asValueHolder
add new variable(s).

o  variablesMenuAddClassVariable
add a new variable.

o  variablesMenuAddInstanceVariable
add a new variable.

o  variablesMenuAddValueHolder
add a new variable.

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarMods
show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarReads
show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarRefs
show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarMods
show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarReads
show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarRefs
show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarMods
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarMods
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods writing that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarReads
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarRefs
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarReads
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarRefs
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllPoolVarMods
show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllPoolVarReads
show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseAllPoolVarRefs
show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarMods
show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarReads
show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarRefs
show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseClassVarMods
show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseClassVarReads
show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseClassVarRefs
show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseInstVarMods
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseInstVarReads
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowseInstVarRefs
show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuBrowsePoolVarMods
show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var

o  variablesMenuBrowsePoolVarReads
show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var

o  variablesMenuBrowsePoolVarRefs
show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var

o  variablesMenuClear
clear the selected (class) variable(s).

o  variablesMenuCopySelectedName
copy selected variable name(s) to clipboard

o  variablesMenuFindVariable

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethods
create access methods for selected instvars.

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsFor: names withChange: withChange asValueHolder: asValueHolder readersOnly: readersOnly writersOnly: writersOnly lazyInitialization: lazyInitialization
common helper to create access methods.

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForAll

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolder
create access methods for selected instvars as valueHolders.

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolderWithChange
create access methods for selected instvars as valueHolders with change notification.

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange
create access methods with change notification for selected instvars.

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange: withChange asValueHolder: asValueHolder readersOnly: readersOnly writersOnly: writersOnly
common helper to create access methods.

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange: withChange asValueHolder: asValueHolder readersOnly: readersOnly writersOnly: writersOnly lazyInitialization: lazyInitialization
common helper to create access methods.

o  variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithLazyInitialization
create access methods for selected instvars with lazy ini.

o  variablesMenuGenerateCollectionAccessMethods

o  variablesMenuGenerateCollectionAccessMethodsFor: names withChange: withChange
common helper to create access methods.

o  variablesMenuGenerateGetterMethods
create access methods for selected instvars.

o  variablesMenuGenerateGetterMethodsForAll

o  variablesMenuGenerateMultiSetterInstanceCreationMethod
create a multi setter instance creation method for selected instvars.

o  variablesMenuGenerateMultiSetterMethod
create a multi setter method for selected instvars.

o  variablesMenuGenerateSetterInstanceCreationMethod
create a multi setter instance creation method for selected instvars.

o  variablesMenuGenerateSetterMethods
create setter methods for selected instvars.

o  variablesMenuGenerateSetterMethodsForAll

o  variablesMenuInspect
inspect the selected variable(s).

o  variablesMenuPullUp
pull selected variable into superclass.

o  variablesMenuPushDown
push selected variable into subclass.

o  variablesMenuRemove
remove selected variable(s).

o  variablesMenuRemoveClassVariable
remove selected class variable.

o  variablesMenuRemoveInstanceVariable
remove selected instance variable.

o  variablesMenuRename
rename selected variable.

o  variablesMenuRenameClassVariable
rename selected variable.

o  variablesMenuRenameInstanceVariable
rename selected variable.

o  variablesMenuTypeBrowe
browse typical types of a variable

o  variablesMenuTypeInfo
show typical usage of a variable

o  variablesMenuTypeInfoHelper
common code for show typical usage of a variable, inspect or browse it

o  variablesMenuTypeInfoOrBrowseTypes: doBrowseTypes
show typical usage of a variable

o  variablesRemoveWithConfirmation
remove selected variable(s).

o  withSelectedVariableDo: aBlock
pull/push/variable manipulation common code for a single selected variable

o  withSelectedVariablesDo: aBlock
pull/push/variable manipulation common code for possibly multiple selected variables

o  goBack

o  goBackInGlobalHistory

o  goForward

menus extensions
o  menuExtendersFor: key do: block
Evaluates a block for each selector that extends particular menu.
Extender methods have to be annotated by <menuextension: key> annotation
and must take one argument (an instance of Menu that the menu extension

o  boockmarksMenu
BookMarks size > 0 ifTrue:[

o  browseClassExtensionsMenu

o  browseClassExtensionsMenuUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerNameOrNil

o  browseClassExtensionsMenuUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerNameOrNil operation: actionWithPackageAndMgr

o  bufferMenu
m addItem:((MenuItem label:(resources string:'Other Browsers')) submenuChannel:#otherBrowsersMenu).

o  categoryMenuWithFind
insert the sourcecode manager name

o  changedClassesMenu
returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
to the last few changed classes

o  changedMenu
returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
to the last few changes (from the changeSet)

o  changedMenuForFilter: aChangeFilter itemClass: itemClassBlock itemSelector: itemSelectorBlock label: labelBlock browseActionOfLastItem: browseActionOfLastItemOrNil
returns a popup menu to navigate to the last few changes (from the changeSet)

o  changedMethodsMenu
returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
to the last few method changes (from the changeSet)

o  classMenu
insert the sourcecode manager name

o  classOperationsMenu
ask the class for its own special menu.
This allows for special classes (such as Enumeration or Pools) to add their own menu ops

o  classOtherClassNewSlice
m addSeparator.

o  classRemoteMenu

o  classSCMMenu
add more functionality to the codeViews text-editor-menu.
Get here via the menuHolder-plug in codeView.

o  codeViewMenu
add more functionality to the codeView's text-editor-menu.
Get here via the menuHolder-plug in codeView.

o  compareClassWithSmallTeamVersionMenu

o  compareMethodWithSmallTeamVersionMenu

o  compareWithSmallTeamVersionMenu

o  editModeInfoLabelMenu

o  findHistoryMenu

o  followImplementorMessagesMenu

o  globalReferencesMenu
a menu allowing to browse the referenced globals (typically: classes) of the
selected method(s)

o  goBackInGlobalHistoryMenu

o  goBackMenu

o  goBackMenuFor: aHistory

o  goForwardInGlobalHistoryMenu

o  goForwardMenu

o  goForwardMenuFor: aHistory

o  historyMenuItemLabelFor: aHistoryEntry

o  implementedMessagesMenu

o  loadMethodFromSmallTeamHostMenu

o  markAsProjectTagMenu
return a menu for tagging methods (for example, to add <resource: #EXPECCO_API>).
Project-specific tags are offered by the method's package.

o  menuForHistoryItems: items

o  messagesMenuFor: actionSelector withCurrentSelector: withCurrentSelector withSenderChain: withSenderChain withImplementorChain: withImplementorChain withLocalSenders: withLocalSenders withLocalImplementors: withLocalImplementors withCallersOfThisMethod: withCallersOfThisMethod withMethodsCalledByThisMethod: withMethodsCalledByThisMethod selfSendsOnly: selfSendsOnly

o  messagesMenuFor: actionSelector withCurrentSelector: withCurrentSelector withSenderChain: withSenderChain withImplementorChain: withImplementorChain withLocalSenders: withLocalSenders withLocalImplementors: withLocalImplementors withCallersOfThisMethod: withCallersOfThisMethod withMethodsCalledByThisMethod: withMethodsCalledByThisMethod withCallersUsingReturnedValue: withCallersUsingReturnedValue selfSendsOnly: selfSendsOnly
common helper for the dynamic senders & implementors (2nd-level) menus in the methodList

o  messagesMenuFor: actionSelector withSenderChain: withSenderChain withImplementorChain: withImplementorChain

o  messagesMenuFor: actionSelector withSenderChain: withSenderChain withImplementorChain: withImplementorChain selfSendsOnly: selfSendsOnly

o  messagesMenuFor: actionSelector withSenderChain: withSenderChain withImplementorChain: withImplementorChain withLocalSenders: withLocalSenders withLocalImplementors: withLocalImplementors selfSendsOnly: selfSendsOnly

o  messagesMenuFor: actionSelector withSenderChain: withSenderChain withImplementorChain: withImplementorChain withLocalSenders: withLocalSenders withLocalImplementors: withLocalImplementors withCallersOfThisMethod: withCallersOfThisMethod withMethodsCalledByThisMethod: withMethodsCalledByThisMethod selfSendsOnly: selfSendsOnly

o  operationsMenu

o  otherBrowsersMenu
a menu showing other browsers, and allowing them to be reactivated

o  projectMenu

o  recentlyClosedMenu
a menu showing entries for recently closed page's locations, and allowing them to be reopened

o  recentlyDebuggedHistoryMenu

o  selectedClassesHierarchyMenu

o  selectorMenuNewSlice
new method menu; provides options for different programming languages

o  sentMessagesMenu
(self window sensor ctrlDown)

o  sentMessagesResponseMenu

o  tagClassExtensionsMenu

o  tagClassExtensionsMenuUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerNameOrNil

o  toolBarMenu
cg: question: why are the submenuchannels setup here,

o  variablesMenu

o  visitedClassesMenu

o  categoryMenuSCMCommon

o  categoryMenuSCMFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
insert the sourcecode manager name

o  categoryMenuSCMSlice
as packages typically consist of many classes,

o  categoryMenuSCMSlice_old

o  classGitMenu

o  classMenuSCMCheckinBuildSupportFileForManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  classMenuSCMExtraFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  classMenuSCMExtraForManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  classMenuSCMFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
insert the sourcecode manager name

o  classMenuSCMSlice

o  commonMenuSCMSliceNamed: sliceName computeManagerWith: managersBlock
Common helper for SCM menu creation. managersBlock
is one arg block that should fill a set of managers
(passes as arg) for currently selected thingies
(classes, projects, ...)

o  projectMenuSCMCheckinBuildSupportFileForManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFileFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
|manager menu |

o  projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFileForManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuSCMExtraFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  projectMenuSCMFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
insert the sourcecode manager name

o  projectMenuSCMSlice

o  scmMenuForManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName selector: selector

o  selectorMenuSCMExtraFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName

o  selectorMenuSCMFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
insert the sourcecode manager name

o  selectorMenuSCMSlice

o  smalllintCheckMenuForCategory

o  smalllintCheckMenuForClass

o  smalllintCheckMenuForEnvironment: rbenvironment

o  smalllintCheckMenuForPackage

o  smalllintCheckMenuForProtocol

o  smalllintCheckMenuForSelector

o  smalllintCheckMenuForToolbar

o  categoryPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the class-category-list view

o  classPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the regular class-list view

o  hierarchyPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the class-hierarchy-list view

o  projectPopUpMenu
return the popUpMenu for the project-list view

o  commonSubversionBranchMenu
icon: branch icon;

o  askForClassNameMatching: matchStringArg
open a dialog to ask for a class name

o  delayedSwitchToCategory: aCategory

o  delayedSwitchToProtocol: aCategory

o  initialOrganizerMode
self halt.

o  selectCategories: aCollectionOfCategories
switch to some categories (by the program)

o  selectCategory: aCategory

o  selectClass: aClass
switch to a class (by the program)

o  selectClasses: aCollectionOfClasses
switch to some classes (by the program)

o  selectMethod: aMethod

o  selectMethods: aCollectionOfMethods
switch to some methods (by the program)

o  selectNamespace: aNamespaceOrName

o  selectNamespaces: aCollectionOfNamespaces

o  selectProject: aProject

o  selectProjects: aCollectionOfProjects

o  selectProtocol: aProtocol

o  selectProtocols: aCollectionOfProtocols

o  selectProtocolsMatching: aMatchPattern

o  setupNavigationStateFrom: anotherNavigationState
setup my navigationState from another navigationState

o  sortBy: what
change the sort-order (some methodLists only)

o  switchToAnyMethod: aSelectorString
find all implementors of aSelectorString, and present a list
to choose from. When an entry is selected, switch to that class/selector.
This allows for quickly moving around in the system.

o  switchToBookmarkEntry: entry
invoked when switching to a method from the bookmark history

o  switchToClass: aClass

o  switchToClass: aClass selector: aSelector

o  switchToClass: aClass selector: aSelector updateHistory: updateHistory
switch to some class (by the program)

o  switchToClassNameMatching: aMatchString

o  switchToClassNameOrSelectorMatching: aMatchString
if className >> selectors was entered, go there

o  switchToClassNamed: aString
if currently in meta-mode,

o  switchToFindHistoryEntry: entry
invoked when switching back to a method from the find history

o  switchToHistoryEntry: entry
invoked when switching to a class from the visited history

o  switchToMethod: aMethod
care for method being in another package

o  switchToSearchItemMatching: aMatchString
called the value in the top-right search field (search class/selector) changed

o  switchToSelector: aSelector
care for method being in another package

o  extractBuffer: nr
extract the buffer into a new browser window

o  removeBuffer: nr
the buffer before that one

o  removeCurrentBuffer

o  anySpecialEditorModified

o  canAcceptCode
code can be accepted if the current navigationState can do so.
(that is if either a method is selected, or a classDefinition is shown)

o  canAcceptCodeIn: aNavigationState
code can be accepted, if either a method is selected,
or a classDefinition is shown

o  canCompareCode
code can be compared, if a method is selected

o  canCompareCodeIn: aNavigationState
code can be compared, if a method is selected

o  canFileOutBinary

o  canFileOutSIF

o  canFileOutVSE

o  canFileOutXML

o  canLoadRefactoringSupport

o  canMakePublicClass
can make public, if selected and any selected class is private

o  canRemoveNameSpace
ns can be only be removed, if empty

o  canRemoveNameSpaceHolder
ns can be only be removed, if empty

o  canRenameNameSpace

o  canRenameNameSpaceHolder

o  canUseRefactoringParser

o  canUseRefactoringSupport
for now:
We cannot use refactoring support for non-smalltalk classes

o  canUseRefactoringSupportAndHasClassSelected

o  hasOnlySmalltalkClassesSelected

o  javaMode
^ currentnamespace == JAVA

o  parseTreeSearcherAvailable
rb-stuff not available ?

private-code update
o  autoSearch: aString
for compatibility with old browser

o  autoSearch: aString ignoreCase: ignoreCase
for compatibility with old browser

o  autoSearchCodePattern: codePattern

o  autoSearchCodePatterns: codePatterns

o  autoSearchPattern

o  autoSearchPattern: aString

o  autoSearchPattern: aString ignoreCase: doIgnoreCase

o  autoSearchPattern: aString ignoreCase: doIgnoreCaseBoolean match: doMatchBoolean

o  autoSearchSelector: aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase: doIgnoreCase doMatch: doMatch

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  autoSearchVariable: aVariable

o  autoSearchVariables: aCollectionOfVariables

o  autoSearchVariables: aCollectionOfVariables readers: doReaders writers: doWriters

o  classDefinitionStringFor: aClass

o  commentOrDocumentationStringFromClass: aClass
the class's documentation-method's comment, or nil

o  searchForCodePattern: codePattern direction: direction startLine: startLine startCol: startCol ifFound: foundBlock ifNotFound: notFoundBlock
used as autosearchAction, if showing the result of a code-pattern search.
Does a language-aware search.

o  searchForCodePatterns: codePatterns direction: direction startLine: startLine startCol: startCol ifFound: foundBlock ifNotFound: notFoundBlock
used as autosearchAction, if showing the result of a code-pattern search.
Does a language-aware search.

o  searchForSelector: aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors direction: direction startLine: startLine startCol: startCol ignoreCase: ignoreCase doMatch: doMatch ifFound: foundBlock ifNotFound: notFoundBlock
used as autosearchAction, if showing the result of a senders-search.
Does a language-aware search.

o  searchForVariable: aVariableNameOrCollectionOfVariableNames direction: direction startLine: startLine startCol: startCol readers: searchReaders writers: searchWriters ifFound: foundBlock ifNotFound: notFoundBlock
used as autosearchAction, if showing the result of a variable-search.
Does a language-aware search.

o  searchUsingSearcher: searcher direction: direction startLine: startLine startCol: startCol ifFound: foundBlock ifNotFound: notFoundBlock
common helper, used by autosearchAction.
Does a language-aware search.

o  setSearchSelector: aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase: doIgnoreCase doMatch: doMatch
setup the codeView so it auto-searches for a message send

o  setupToSearchVariables: aCollectionOfVariables readers: doReaders writers: doWriters asAutoSearch: asAutoSearch
setup the search action to search for a variable or setof variables

o  showClassAspect: codeAspect forClass: aClass
self codeAspect: #classDefinition.

o  showClassComment: aClass
show the classes comment.
This is NOT the string extracted from the documentation method,
but the old-style (ST80-style) comment.
ST/X does not use those, as the eat up memory (they are in-image strings),
whereas the documentation method's comment is only in the sourcefile, and
loaded on demand.
Thus, the ST80 comment will only be shown for classes which have been loaded from
ST80/Squeak source code.

o  showClassDefinition: aClass
JV@2012-07-05: Some class definitions could be quite big, such as Java classes.
Don't format the code here, do it in background instead...

o  showClassDocumentation
updates the generated HTML documentation

o  showClassHierarchy: aClass

o  showClassOwnershipGraph: aClass
date := Timestamp readFrom:(eachRevision at:#date).

o  showClassPrimitive: aspect class: aClass

o  showClassPrimitiveDefinitions: aClass

o  showClassPrimitiveVariables: aClass

o  showClassRepositorySummary: aClass
shows summary info from the repository:
current version,
newest in repository,
original checkin date (i.e. age),
tags on the current version
maybe more in the future

o  showClassVarInfoFor: var in: aClass value: val

o  showCode: aString
Do not scroll to the top if the code is already displayed!"

o  showCode: codeString scrollToTop: doScrollToTop
a reselect without accepting before ...

o  showFullClassDefinition: aClass

o  showFullClassSource
show full classes source - set accept action for fileIn

o  showMethodsCode: mthd
Transcript showCR:navigationState lastMethodShownInCodeView;

o  showMethodsCode: mthd scrollToTop: doScrollToTop
if there are no sources, there is a hint to the user.
consisting only of a comment (see #sourceOfMethod) which cannot be parsed as a method

o  showNothing

o  showVersionDiff
show version differences against repository

o  sourceCodeManagerOfClass: aClass

o  sourceOfMethod: mthd

o  updateClassIsUpToDateFor: aClass revision: revision using: aSourceCodeManager
start a background job to fetch the newest revision nr,
and change the packageLabel if a newer version is in the repository

o  updatePackageInfoBarIfSourceCodeManagersDoesNotMatchForClass: aClass
Show a warning in package info bar if configured source code manager
does not match the source code manager for source access

o  updatePackageInfoForClass: aClass
packageLabel := 'Base: ' , (aClass package ? '?').

o  updatePackageInfoForMethod: aMethod
update the info-label to show the selected method's version info

o  askForDirectoryToFileOut: title default: defaultDirOrNil
this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets

o  askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle: title browserLabel: label searchWith: aSelectorOrBlock searchArea: whereDefault
convenient helper method: setup an enterBox for method browsing without text-entry.
SearchArea may be one of (among others):

o  askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle: title browserLabel: label searchWith: aSelectorOrBlock searchArea: whereDefault allowFind: allowFind allowBuffer: allowBuffer allowBrowser: allowBrowser
convenient helper method: setup an enterBox for method browsing without text-entry.
SearchArea may be one of (among others):

o  askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle: title browserLabel: labelHolderOrBlock searchWith: aSelectorOrBlock searchWhat: searchWhat searchArea: whereDefault withCaseIgnore: withCaseIgnore setSearchPattern: setSearchPatternAction
convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
SearchArea may be one of (among others):

o  askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle: title browserLabel: labelHolderOrBlock searchWith: aSelectorOrBlock searchWhat: searchWhat searchArea: whereDefault withCaseIgnore: withCaseIgnore withTextEntry: withTextEntry withMatch: withMatch withMethodList: withMethodList setSearchPattern: setSearchPatternAction
convenient common helper method for searches:
setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
SearchArea may be one of (among others):

aSelectorOrBlock is either a search selector (to be sent to SystemBrowser, such as findMethods:...)
or a block, or a pair containing class- and methodlist search selectors.

searchWhat is a symbol such as #selector, #code etc.

o  askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle: title browserLabel: labelHolderOrBlock searchWith: searchWithSpec searchWhat: searchWhat searchArea: whereDefault withCaseIgnore: withCaseIgnore withTextEntry: withTextEntry withMatch: withMatch withMethodList: withMethodList setSearchPattern: setSearchPatternAction initialText: aString
convenient common helper method for searches:
setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
SearchArea may be one of

aSelectorOrBlock is either a search selector (to be sent to SystemBrowser,
such as findMethods:in:... or findStringLiteral:in:...)
or a block, or a pair containing class- and methodlist search selectors.

searchWhat is a symbol such as #selector, #code etc.

o  askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle: title browserLabel: labelHolderOrBlock searchWith: aSelectorOrBlock searchWhat: searchWhat searchArea: whereDefault withCaseIgnore: withCaseIgnore withTextEntry: withTextEntry withMethodList: withMethodList setSearchPattern: setSearchPatternAction
convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
SearchArea may be one of

o  askForMethodCategory: question title: boxTitle okLabel: okLabel list: someCategories initialAnswer: initialText
convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category

o  askForMethodCategory: question title: boxTitle okLabel: okLabel list: someCategories recentList: recentListOrNil initialAnswer: initialText
convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category

o  askForMethodCategoryForAcceptInClass: cls selector: selectorOrNil
convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category

o  askForNameSpace: title title: boxTitle initialText: initialTextOrNil
Ask for the new namespaces name

o  askForProject: title
helper for move-class-to-project and move-method-to-ptoject;
Ask for the new project (package-id)

o  askForProject: title initialText: initialTextOrNil
helper for move-class-to-project and move-method-to-ptoject;
Ask for the new project (package-id)

o  askForProject: title initialText: initialTextOrNil moreSuggestions: moreSuggestions
helper for move-class-to-project and move-method-to-ptoject;
Ask for the new project (package-id)

o  askForSelector: title allowBuffer: allowBuffer allowBrowser: allowBrowser thenDo: aBlock
helper for find-implementation;
Ask for the selector

o  askIfModified
if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
otherwise, return true

o  askIfModified: question
if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
otherwise, return true

o  askIfModified: question default: default
if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
otherwise, return true

o  askIfModified: question default: default in: aNavigationState
if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
otherwise, return true

o  askIfModified: question default: default withAccept: acceptOffered withCompare: compareOffered
if codeView was not modified, return true.
If it was, return the answer from asking question, which can be
true - go on
false - cancel
#compare - open a diff-viewer on the code vs. its original
#accept - accept, then proceed
If compareOffered is true, offer the compare option.
If acceptOffered is true, offer the accept option.
Used to confirm selectionChange, closing or buffer removal when code
was modified.
question is the message to ask, or nil for a standard message.

o  askIfModified: question default: default withAccept: acceptOffered withCompare: compareOffered in: aNavigationState
if codeView was not modified, return true.
If it was, return the answer from asking question, which can be
true - go on
false - cancel
If compareOffered is true, offer the compare option.
If acceptOffered is true, offer the accept option.
Used to confirm selectionChange, closing or buffer removal when code was modified.
Question is the message to ask, or nil for a standard message.

o  askIfModified: question in: aNavigationState
if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
otherwise, return true

o  enterBoxForClassWithCodeSelectionTitle: title withList: listOrNil okText: okText
convenient method: setup an enterBox with initial text taken
from the codeviews selection.

o  enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle: title okText: okText
convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeview

o  enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle: title withList: listOrNil okText: okText
convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeview

o  enterBoxForVariableSearch: title

o  enterBoxForVariableSearch: title list: listOrNil

o  enterBoxTitle: title okText: okText label: label
convenient method: setup enterBox (especially do the resource stuff)

o  enterBoxTitle: title withList: aListOrNil okText: okText
convenient method: setup enterBox

o  listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle: title isSelector: isSelector okText: okText
convenient method: setup a listBox with text from codeview

o  listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle: title okText: okText
convenient method: setup a listBox with text from codeview

o  listBoxTitle: title okText: okText list: aList
convenient method: setup a listBox & return it

o  searchMenuFindClassToAdd

o  selectSubclassesOf: aClass

o  anySelectedClass
return any (the first) selected class - nil if there is none

o  anySelectedMethod
return any (the first) selected method - nil if there is none

o  classIfValidNonMetaClassName: aClassName

o  classes: aCollectionOfClasses nonMetaDo: aBlock ifUnloaded: unloadedBlock ifPrivate: privateBlock
evaluate aBlock for all selected classes;
pass the non-metaclass as arg

o  classesToSearchForVariable
return the set of selected classes or the classes of the selected methods

o  codePaneAndPluginView
the current buffers codePaneAndPluginView

o  codeView
the current buffers codeView

o  fileSuffixForClass: aClassOrNil format: formatSymbolOrNil

o  fileSuffixForFormat: formatSymbolOrNil

o  findClassNamed: aClassName
search through namespaces for aClassName.

o  findClassNamedInNameSpace: aClassName
search through current namespaces for aClassName.
Return the class or nil, if not found.

o  globalNameToSearchFor
look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for globals

o  listOfAllNamespaces
return a list of all namespaces

o  listOfNamespaces
return a list of considered namespaces

o  newBrowserOrBufferDependingOn: openHowWanted label: labelOrNil forSpec: spec setupWith: aBlock
I am embedded - always open as new window

o  noteBookView
the current buffers noteBookView

o  reallyModified: aNavigationState
check for modified code by comparing the source against
the codeView's contents.
That's the true modified value (in case user undid his changes,
and the displayed text is actually original

o  rememberLastProjectMoveTo: aProject

o  selectedCategoryClasses
return a collection containing all classes affected by the category selection

o  selectedCategoryClassesDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for each class in any selected class category

o  selectedClassVariableInCodeView

o  selectedClassVariableInCodeViewOrNil

o  selectedClassesDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for each selected class.

o  selectedClassesInCategories: aCollectionOfCategories
return a collection containing all classes in aCollectionOfCategories,
caring for nameSpace and packageFilters

o  selectedClassesInCategories: aCollectionOfCategories orAll: allCategories
return a collection containing all classes in aCollectionOfCategories,
caring for nameSpace and packageFilters

o  selectedClassesInNamespaces: namespaces orAll: allNamespaces
return a collection containing all classes in aCollectionOfNamespaces,
caring for packageFilters

o  selectedClassesNonMetaDo: aBlock ifUnloaded: unloadedBlock ifPrivate: privateBlock
evaluate aBlock for all selected classes;
pass the non-metaclass as arg.
For unloaded classes, evaluate unloadedBlock;
for private classes, evaluate privateBlock.

o  selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for each selected class, while showing a busy cursor.

o  selectedCodeComponents
Add more...

o  selectedCodeComponentsUsing: selectors

o  selectedInstanceVariableInCodeView

o  selectedInstanceVariableInCodeViewOrNil

o  selectedLocalMethodClasses
returns a set of all local classes (for all selected methods)

o  selectedMethodsDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for each selected method.

o  selectedNamespaceClasses
return a collection containing all classes affected by the namespace selection

o  selectedNonMetaclasses

o  selectedNonMetaclassesDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for each selected class.

o  selectedProjectClasses
return a collection containing all classes affected by the project selection

o  selectedProtocolMethods

o  selectedProtocolMethodsDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for each selected protocols methods.
(each class-protocol combination)

o  selectedProtocolsDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for each selected protocol.
(class-protocol combination)

o  selectedSelectorInCodeViewOrNil
look in codeView for a selector

o  selectedSelectors

o  selectedTemporaryVariableInCodeViewOrNil

o  selectedTemporaryVariablesInCodeViewOrNil

o  selectedVariableInCodeViewOrNil

o  selectionInCodeView

o  selectorToSearchFor
look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for selectors

o  sendFileViaEmail: aFile subject: subject

o  showAllNamespaces
showing all or topLevel namespaces only ?

o  stringSearchToolView
the current buffers stringSearchToolView

o  stringToSearchFor
look in codeView for a search-string when searching for strings

o  theSingleSelectedCategory
the current buffers single selected class category;
nil if no selection or if multiple categories are selected

o  theSingleSelectedClass
the current buffers single selected class;
nil if no selection or if multiple classes are selected

o  theSingleSelectedLintRuleHolder

o  theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil

o  theSingleSelectedMethod
the current buffers single selected method;
nil if no selection or if multiple methods are selected

o  theSingleSelectedMethodName
the current buffers single selected method name;
nil if no selection or if multiple methods are selected

o  theSingleSelectedNamespace
the current buffers single selected namespace;
nil if no selection or if multiple namespaces are selected

o  theSingleSelectedProject
the current buffers single selected project;
nil if no selection or if multiple projects are selected

o  theSingleSelectedProtocol
return the selected method protocol, but only if exactly one is selected.
Otherwise, return nil.

o  theSingleSelectedSelector
the current buffers single selected selector;
nil if no selection or if multiple selectors are selected

o  theSingleSelectedVariable
return the selected variable, but only if exactly one is selected.
Otherwise, return nil.

o  view: view belongsToSubApplication: anAppOrNil

o  categoryListApp

o  classHierarchyListApp

o  classListApp

o  inlineMessageApp

o  methodCategoryList: aView

o  methodCategoryListApp

o  methodList: aView

o  methodListApp

o  nameSpaceListApp

o  projectListApp

o  variableList2App

o  variableListApp

o  lastSearchPatterns

o  rememberLocationInHistory

o  rememberSearchPattern: aString

o  asyncShowMethodInfo

o  busyLabel: what
set the title for some warning

o  busyLabel: what with: someArgument
set the title for some warning

o  classCategoryInfo

o  classInheritanceInfo
get some info about the inheritance of the currently selected class.
To be shown in the info line at the bottom

o  clearInfo

o  currentBufferLabel

o  currentWindowLabel

o  defaultLabel
return the defaultLabel

o  delayedUpdateBufferLabel

o  delayedUpdateBufferLabelWithCheckIfModified

o  displayedClassNameOf: aClass
depending on the current nameSpace, either show a classes
fullname or its name without the namespace prefix (if it's in the current)

o  explain: selection inCode: code

o  explainInCode: code short: short withTimeout: withTimeout
explain the selection or, if there is none, the node under the cursor

o  explanationForCode: code short: short
explain the selection or, if there is none, the node under the cursor

o  getClassInfo
get some info about the currently selected class.
To be shown in the info line at the bottom

o  getClassInheritanceInfoForClass: aClass
get some info about the inheritance of aClass.
To be shown in the info line at the bottom

o  getMethodInfo
get something about the current method
to be shown in the info line at the bottom

o  getMethodInfoForMethod: aMethod
get some info about aMethod
to be shown in the info line at the bottom

o  nameListEntryForALL

o  normalLabel
set the normal (inactive) window- and icon labels

o  replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: manager in: menu
Must once again after resolve because of slices!!!

o  showActivity: someMessage
some activityNotification to be forwarded to the user;
show it in the windows title area here
(invoked, for example, by the CVSManager showing some activity).

o  showExplanation: explanation short: short
explain-msg arrived

o  showInfo: msg
if it's a multiline message, only the first line is shown

Usage example(s):

     WindowGroup activeApplication showInfo: 'Hello'
     WindowGroup activeApplication showInfo: ('Hello\World\Bla' withCRs) asStringCollection
     WindowGroup activeApplication showInfo: #('Hello' 'World' 'Bla')

o  showMethodInfo
show something about the current method
in the info line at the bottom

o  withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo: aBlock

o  withSearchCursorDo: aBlock

o  searchCompletionBlock
Returns a class/selector name completion block that
is used by the search field in browser's toolbar

Usage example(s):

Following code allows me (JV) to experiment with different
     completion blocks as I'm not happy with the standard one
     (now in searchCompletionBlock_Standard)

Usage example(s):

    UserPreferences current removeKey: #searchCompletionBlock.
    UserPreferences current at: #searchCompletionBlock put: #New.
    UserPreferences current at: #searchCompletionBlock put: #Standard.

    Tools::NewSystemBrowser basicNew searchCompletionBlock

o  searchCompletionBlock_New
This returns a class/selector name completion block that uses
JV's private search

o  searchCompletionBlock_Standard
This returns a class/selector name completion block that uses
standard DoWhatIMeanSupport

o  searchCompletionNew: patternString
JV's private search

o  searchCompletionStandard: partialName
This does a class/selector name completion using
standard DoWhatIMeanSupport

private-semantic checks
o  checkAcceptedMethod: aMethod inClass: aClass
do some semantic checks on the just accepted method:
does new method redefine an inherited method, which does the same ?

o  checkForEmptyMethodComment: aMethod inClass: aClass
firstComment isEndOfLineComment ifFalse:[

o  checkIfSameSemanticsRedefinedWith: methodHere inClass: aClass
check if methodHere (the just accepted or to be removed method)
redefines an inherited method, which does the same?
Returns an info-message string (if so) or nil if not.

o  checkIfSuperSendIsProbablyMissingIn: methodHere inClass: aClass
is there a chance, that the just accepted method should invoke the
redefined, inherited super method ?

o  method: mthd selector: sel inClass: cls matchesParseTreeMatcher: aMatcher

o  methodHasUglyCodingStyle: mthd selector: sel inClass: cls
nil if ok, a string with a description of the uglyness if not.
More has to come here...

private-syntax coloring
o  startSyntaxHighlightProcess
start a background process, which does the syntax coloring.
When it finishes, it pushes a user event to show the new text in the codeView.
(This is done as an event to synchronize the coloring with modifications
done to the text - the colored text will discarded, if there were
any new modifications in the meanwhile)

o  stopSyntaxHighlightProcess
stop any syntax coloring background process.

o  syntaxHighlightedCode: newCode
the background synhighlighter has generated new colored text,
with highlighted syntax.
If there have been no modifications in the meantime, install it.

o  syntaxHighlightedCodeFor: oldText method: mthd

o  syntaxHighlighterForClass: cls
When a new class of different language is about to be
created, the language is set (see #classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:in:asNamespace:private:metaClassUsed:)
but the selected class/method is the old (i.e., of different
language than currently accepting one. So here, favour the
value of languageHolder as that one is the right one.
Otherwise, not-yet-accepted definition for different language\
won't be properly highlighted!!!

o  syntaxHighlighterForMethod: mthd

o  syntaxHighlighterForMethod: mthd inEditor: anEditorOrNil
When a new class of different language is about to be
created, the language is set (see #classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:in:asNamespace:private:metaClassUsed:)
but the selected class/method is the old (i.e., of different
language than currently accepting one. So here, favour the
value of languageHolder as that one is the right one.
Otherwise, not-yet-accepted definition for different language\
won't be properly highlighted!!!

o  browserCanvas
return a holder on the current canvas

o  browserCanvasHolder

o  browserCanvasType

o  browserCanvasType: aSpecSymbol

o  browserCanvasTypeForPage

o  browserCanvasTypeHolder

o  browserPageCanvas
return a holder on the current canvas

o  bufferLabel: aString

o  commonPostOpen
self window sensor addEventListener:self.

o  hideToolBarButtonCreated: aButton
aButton passiveLevel:1.

o  newCanvasWithSpec: aSpec
create a new canvas and build componenents from aSpec.
Invoked when a new buffer is added

o  postBuildAsSubcanvasWith: aBuilder
(comment from inherited method)
this is sent after an interface is built from a spec as subcanvas,
and the appModel is the same as the topWindow's application
(i.e. I am an embedded app).
Can be redefined in subclasses for additional setup after
the subcanvas' view has been built, but not yet opened.

o  postBuildCodePaneAndPluginView: aView

o  postBuildCodeView: codeView
this is not more called. see #postBuildFixup instead

o  postBuildEditModeInfoLabel: aLabel

o  postBuildEditorNoteBook: editorNoteBook
self codeInfoVisible value ifFalse:[

o  postBuildFixup
newNavigationState setUpScrollableCodeView.

o  postBuildMessagePane: messagePaneView

o  postBuildPackageInfoButton: aButton

o  postBuildSpecialEditor: specialEditorSubcanvas

o  postBuildStringSearchTool: aStringSearchTool

o  postBuildTabContentView: tabContentView

o  postBuildWith: aBuilder
no need to fixup here - I am always installed as subcanvas

o  searchFieldCreated: anInputField

o  searchFieldPanelCreated: aPanel

o  windowLabel: aString

special editors
o  specialEditorCanvasForMethod: aMethod

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForCanvasEditor: editorCanvas class: aClassOrNil method: aMethod

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForDocumentationOf: aClass

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForHTMLDocumentationOf: aClass

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForInheritanceOf: aClass
classTreeView := ClassTreeGraphView new.

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForLint

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForRewrite

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForSource

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForTestRuns

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForTypes

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForUML

o  updateCodeEditorVisibilityForWelcomePage

o  updateDiffViewerVisibilityFor: source1 and: source2

o  updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility
update the visibility of the special editors in the codeEditor area,
as appropriate to what is shown currently

o  updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibilityForClass: aClassOrNil method: aMethod
update the visibility of the special editors in the codeEditor area,
as appropriate to what is shown currently

startup & release
o  closeRequest
asks for permission before closing

o  release
self class classHistory removeDependent:self.

string search tool
o  hideSearchBar

o  searchBackwardWithSearchBar

o  searchBackwardWithSearchBarWith: aString

o  searchBarActionBlock
invoked by the codeView's search/searchnext/searchPrev functions

o  searchForwardWithSearchBar

o  searchForwardWithSearchBarWith: aString
Modified (comment): / 17-08-2011 / 15:08:29 / cg

o  setFocusToSearchBar

o  setInitialSearchString: aString

o  showSearchBar

o  showSearchBarWith: aString

user actions
o  backToLastClass
navigate backward to the last class in the history

o  bookmarkBarVisibilityChanged

o  classCategoryDoubleClicked
double click on a category: add a buffer on that category

o  classDoubleClicked
double click on a class:
if unloaded : load it
if browserStartable : start the application
if it's a testcase : run it

o  codeCompletion
I found this code 3 times (CodeView2, NewSystemBrowser and DebugView) - smell?

o  codeCompletionForMessage: node inClass: cls
class not known

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  codeInfoVisibilityChanged
|visible cFrame bottomOffset|

o  codeModified
invoked when the user edits the text shown in the codeView

o  doNotShowInheritedMethods

o  forwardToNextClass
navigate forward to the next class in the history

o  hideBookmarkBar

o  hideToolbar

o  informUserAboutPackage: package configuredManager: cnfManager sourceManager: srcManager
Opens a dialog informing user that configured source
code manager does not match the source code manager
for source access

o  methodDoubleClicked

o  methodDoubleClicked1

o  methodDoubleClicked2

o  methodDoubleClicked3

o  methodDoubleClicked4

o  methodDoubleClicked: aMethod

o  methodDoubleClickedAt: index

o  nameSpaceDoubleClicked
double click on a nameSpace:
add a buffer browsing that namespace

o  projectDoubleClicked
double click on a project:
add a buffer browsing that project

o  protocolDoubleClicked
double click on a protocol:
open a full-protocol browser

o  showInheritedMethods

o  startApplication: clsArg
double-click on a class to exec; or launch button.
Return true if successful

o  stringSearchToolVisibilityChanged

o  switchToCategoryView

o  switchToClassHierarchyView

o  toolBarOrBookmarkBarVisibilityChanged
cg: the following is wrong - looks ugly in windows style!

o  toolBarVisibilityChanged
|visible toolBar noteBook topOffset|

o  variableDoubleClicked
double click on a variable:
add a buffer showing all references to this variable

user actions-accepting
o  acceptActionForJavaClass
an action to do on accept and explain

o  acceptMethod: codeArg inClass: cls language: languageOrNil check: doCheck
accept a new method.

Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)

o  askForInitialApplicationCodeFor: aNewClass
self switchToClass:mcls selector:#documentation.

o  checkCodeQuality: code

o  classToAcceptMethodIn
ask for class in which to accept

o  doAcceptClassAspect: aspect get: getSelector set: setSelector code: theCode
accept comment or primitiveDefs/vars/funs (in the codeView).

o  doAcceptClassComment: theCode
accept a classComment (in the codeView).

o  doAcceptClassDefinition: theCode fullClass: thisIsAFullClassesCode usingCompiler: aCompilerClass
tell the codeView what to do on accept.
Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled).
Ouch: this shares a lot of duplicate code with setAcceptActionForClass;
please refacor

o  doAcceptClassDefinition: theCode usingCompiler: aCompilerClass
tell the codeView what to do on accept.
Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)

o  doAcceptClassPrimitive: theCode
accept primitive-definitions/functions or variables (in the codeView).

o  doAcceptCodeIn: aNavigationState
accept changed code in aNavigationState

o  doAcceptFullClassDefinition: theCode usingCompiler: aCompilerClass
tell the codeView what to do on accept.
Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)

o  doAcceptFullJavaClassDefinition: theCode
tell the codeView what to do on accept.
Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)

o  doAcceptGroovyClassDefinition: theCode

o  doAcceptJavaClassDefinition: theCode
Called upon accepting Java Class definition
Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)

o  doAcceptMethod: theCode language: languageOrNil
accept a new/modified method using given language

o  doSaveInSpecialEditors
accept changes in special editor

o  enforceCodeStyle

o  enforceComment

o  nameOfMethodFromCode: someCode in: aClass

o  openDiffViewForText: theCode againstSourceOfMethod: aMethod

o  protocolToAcceptMethod: selector class: aClass
Unbound / Missing method?

o  selectorAndNameOfMethodFromCode: someCode in: aClass

o  selectorOfMethodFromCode: someCode in: aClass
a quick parse for the selector - is done BEFORE we actually compile something,
to be able to get the existing method's category (q: is that really needed - can change
the category afterwards, if the compiled method is installed late)

o  selectorOfMethodFromCode: someCode in: aClass language: language

o  setAcceptAction: aBlockOrNil
tell the codeView what to do on accept

o  setAcceptActionForBridgedPythonClass
tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain

o  setAcceptActionForClass
tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain

o  setAcceptActionForClassComment
tell the codeView what to do on accept, when a class comment is being shown

o  setAcceptActionForJavaClass
tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain

o  setAcceptActionForJavaClassComment
tell the codeView what to do on accept

o  setAcceptActionForMetaClassUsed: metaClassUsedOrNil
tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain

o  setAcceptActionForMethod
means class's own language

o  setAcceptActionForMethodUsingLanguage: languageOrNil
tell the codeView what to do on accept

o  setAcceptActionForNothing
tell the codeView what to do on accept

o  setAcceptActionForProjectComment
tell the codeView what to do on accept, when a project comment is being shown

o  setDoitActionForClass
tell the codeView what to do on doIt

o  setNoAcceptAction
tell the codeView what accept is not allowed

user actions-class
o  classLoad
load an autoloaded class.
Invoked on doubleClick on a class or via the menu

o  classMenuUnload
unload an autsoloaded class

o  classReload
reload an autoloaded class

o  loadClasses: aCollectionOfClasses
load a collection of autoloaded classes.
Invoked on doubleClick on an unloaded class or via the menu

o  unloadClasses: aCollectionOfClasses
unload an autoloaded classes in aCollectionOfClasses

user actions-comparing
o  doCompareIn: aNavigationState
compare the codeViews contents in a buffer against its original

user actions-helpers
o  showMessage: aString

Usage example(s):

        WindowGroup activeApplication showMessage: 'Hello'

o  showMessage: message while: block
used for long-during operations: show a progressbar and a message in the top pane,
while executing block

o  showMessage: message while: block inBackground: inBackgroundBoolean
used for long-running lint operations: show a progressbar and a message in the top pane,
optionally execute block in another (background-) thread

o  showMessage: message whileExecutingBackgroundAction: block
used for long-running lint operations: show a progressbar and a message in the top pane,
execute block in another (background-) thread

o  showMessageWhileTest
WindowGroup activeApplication showMessageWhileTest

user actions-profiler
o  spawnProfilerStatistics: statistics in: where

Private classes:



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