Class: TagView (private in TagsBrowser
This class is only visible from within
- Package:
- stx:libtool
- Category:
- Interface-Tools-File-Tags
- Owner:
- Tools::TagsBrowser
returns my application, the TagsBrowser
application: theTagsBrowser
set my application, the TagsBrowser
filter: aString
font: aFont
(comment from inherited method)
set a new font
list: aList
creates and returns a new default list; by default, an instance of TagList
tagLineNr: lineNr
remember line nr for which a tag should be highlighted.
(will set my selection late, when the taglist is available
drawLabelAt: anIndex x: x y: y h: h
draw the label at position x/y without clearing the background
drawSelectionFrameAt: lnNr x: x w: w
draw the background and foreground of the selection frame
at a lineNr.
generating tags
generateTagsFor: aFile onTarget: aTarget finally: aBlock
generate tags for a file (optionally on a remote target)
return true, if a background job for generation has been started
stop the process which generates the tags
initialize & release
(comment from inherited method)
unmap & destroy - make me invisible, destroy subviews then
make me unknown to the device
(comment from inherited method)
setup default attributes/behavior
heightOfLineAt: aLineNr
returns the total height for a line at an index (including lineSpacing)
widthOfWidestLineBetween: firstLine and: lastLine
return the width in pixels of the widest line in a range.
- used to optimize scrolling, by limiting the scrolled area;
not for scrollbar or other width related stuff which should be exact.