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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'TwoByteSymbol':



Class: TwoByteSymbol



rev: 1.8 date: 2021/01/20 12:57:03
user: cg
file: TwoByteSymbol.st directory: libcompat
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libcompat


This is a dummy stub - only present to provide a superclass for
some VW Public Domain code (which subclasses or adds extensions to TwoByteSymbol).

ST/X does not support (by purpose) general unicode symbols.
    A while ago, I have been shocked by getting a Smalltalk program which was
    written in another (national) language. All method, class and argument names where
    completely unreadable to me. And I could not really understand, what the program was doing.
    I still occasionally receive individual methods with local variables and comments
    in another language, and it is very hard at times to understand it.

    The above were using latin1 characters, so just imagine the additional confusion,
    if the program was written using non latin characters.
    So this artificial 'limitation' forces people to at least use words which are readable to
    everyone. I now even request programs to be written in english, using english coments and
    english variable names. As every programmer from the far east understands english, but not vice versa,
    this should make communication easier.

    It has nothing to do with 'western cultural imperialism', as some might think, 
    but is purely practical: it should support the comprehensability of programs among
    a worldwide community.

    Notice: general Unicode IS supported in Strings and Character literals. 
    So this affects only program code - not user interfaces.


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