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Documentation of class 'TypeConverter':



Class: TypeConverter



rev: 1.81 date: 2018/09/14 15:06:30
user: stefan
file: TypeConverter.st directory: libview2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libview2
Claus Gittinger


a typeConverter can be used as an editFields model
(remember, that an editField expects a string in its model),
to convert the fields string value to some object and vice versa.
Its main use is when building interfaces with inputFields,
where the datum to be entered is a non-string and you
want to have the entered value be converted automatically.
(and vice versa, to convert the datum to a string).

No real new functionality is added here - all is inherited
from PluggableAdapter; however, some specialized instance creation
methods are added here.

    this class was implemented using protocol information
    from alpha testers - it may not be complete or compatible to
    the corresponding ST-80 class. 
    If you encounter any incompatibilities, please forward a note 
    describing the incompatibility verbal (i.e. no code) to the ST/X team.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  onDateValue: aValueHolder
create and return a typeConverter, which retrieves
a date via #value, and converts
a date-string to a date via #value:.
Useful as an editFields model, which operates on some
date value (or aspectAdaptor, which adapts to a numeric slot)

o  onNumberValue: aValueHolder
create and return a typeConverter, which retrieves
a value's string representation via #value, and converts
a number-string to a value via #value:.
Useful as an editFields model, which operates on some
numeric value (or aspectAdaptor, which adapts to a numeric slot)

o  onNumberValue: aValueHolder format: formatString
create and return a typeConverter, which retrieves
a values string representation via #value, and converts
a number-string to a value via #value:.
Useful as an editFields model, which operates on some
numeric value (or aspectAdaptor, which adapts to a numeric slot)

o  onNumberValue: aValueHolder leftPaddedTo: aSize with: aCharacter
create and return a typeConverter, which retrieves
a values string representation via #value, and converts
a number-string to a value via #value:.
Useful as an editFields model, which operates on some
numeric value (or aspectAdaptor, which adapts to a numeric slot)

o  onNumberValue: aValueHolder minValue: min maxValue: max
create and return a typeConverter, which retrieves
a values string representation via #value, and converts
a number-string to a value via #value:.
Useful as an editFields model, which operates on some
numeric value (or aspectAdaptor, which adapts to a numeric slot)

o  onNumberValue: aValueHolder postDecimalDigits: numPostDecimalDigits
create and return a typeConverter, which retrieves
a values string representation via #value, and converts
a number-string to a value via #value:.
Useful as an editFields model, which operates on some
numeric value (or aspectAdaptor, which adapts to a numeric slot)

o  onSymbolValue: aValueHolder
create and return a typeConverter, which retrieves
a symbol-values string representation via #value, and converts
a string to a symbol via #value:.
Useful as an editFields model, which operates on some
numeric value (or aspectAdaptor, which adapts to a numeric slot)

o  onTimeValue: aValueHolder
create and return a typeConverter, which retrieves
a time via #value, and converts
a time-string to a time via #value:.
Useful as an editFields model, which operates on some
date value (or aspectAdaptor, which adapts to a numeric slot)

o  possiblePrintConverterTypes
presented in the typeConverter UI-builder menu

Instance protocol:

o  subject
return the subject to be converted

o  value: newValue
convert and change

input testing
o  setNumberValue: value inModel: model fromInput: string
for invalid numbers, the model is set to nil.
By this, the dependents are forced to update their contents
(that is: a bad input string will lead to a cleared input field here).

standard converters-date & time
o  convertOldVWDateFormatSpecifierToNewSTXFormat: oldFormatSpec
private helper to convert an old (VW) format-Array
of the form:
'mm/dd/yyyy' (VW-backward compatibility)
'%m %d %y' (new ST/X format)

o  date
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date
and vice versa. Nil is converted to todays date-string,
likewise, an empty string is converted back to todays date.

setup the converter to convert from a string to a date formatted by printFormat
DD-MM-YYYY; see also Date>>printFormat:
This is a backward compatibility method for very old code to print european-style dates.
Please use dateWithFormat: which is much more flexible.

setup the converter to convert from a string to a date formatted by printFormat
MM/DD/YYYY; see also Date>>printFormat:
This is a backward compatibility method for very old code to print us-style dates.
Please use dateWithFormat: which is much more flexible.

o  dateOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date
and vice versa. Invalid dates are converted to nil; likewise,
a nil date is converted to an empty string.

o  dateOrNilWithFormat: aFormatString
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date
and vice versa. Invalid dates are converted to nil; likewise,
a nil date is converted to an empty string.
The format string must have one of the forms:
'mm/dd/yyyy' (for VW-backward compatibility)
'%m %d %y'

o  dateToText
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date
and vice versa. Nil is converted to todays date-string,
likewise, an empty string is converted back to todays date.

o  dateToTextFormattedBy: printFormat
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date formatted by printFormat
and vice versa. Nil is converted to todays date-string,
likewise, an empty string is converted back to todays date.
Uses the old, obsolete ST80 printFormat (see Date printFormat:)

o  dateWithFormat: aFormatString
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date
and vice versa. Invalid dates are converted to nil; likewise,
a nil date is converted to an empty string.
The format string must have one of the forms:
'mm/dd/yyyy' (for VW-backward compatibility)
'%m %d %y'

see Date addPrintBindingsTo:language: for a format description.

o  dateWithFormat: aFormatString orDefault: defaultValue
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date and vice versa.
Invalid dates are converted to nil;
likewise, a nil date is converted to an empty string.
The format string must have one of the forms:
'mm/dd/yyyy' (for VW-backward compatibility)
'%m %d %y'

see Date addPrintBindingsTo:language: for a format description.

o  dateWithFormat: aFormatString orDefault: defaultValue language: lang
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date and vice versa.
Invalid dates are converted to nil;
likewise, a nil date is converted to an empty string.
The format string must have one of the forms:
'mm/dd/yyyy' (for VW-backward compatibility)
'%m %d %y'

see Date addPrintBindingsTo:language: for a format description.

o  monthAndYear
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date
and vice versa. Invalid dates are converted to nil; likewise,
a nil date is converted to an empty string.
see Date addPrintBindingsTo:language: for a format description.

o  time

o  time12H
setup the converter to convert from a string to a time formatted by 12 hours
and vice versa.

o  time24H
setup the converter to convert from a string to a time formatted by 24 hours
and vice versa.

o  timeDuration
setup the converter to convert from a string to a timeduration and vice versa.

o  timeDurationOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a timeDuration and vice versa.

o  timeOfClass: timeClass withFormat: aFormatString orDefault: defaultValue
setup the converter to convert from a string to a time and vice versa.
TimeClass is the class that should be used (e.g. Time or Timestamp).
Invalid times are converted to defaultValue; likewise,
a nil time is converted to an empty string.

o  timeOfClass: timeClass withFormat: aFormatString orDefault: defaultValue language: langOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a time
and vice versa. TimeClass is the class that should be used (e.g. Time or Timestamp).
Invalid times are converted to defaultValue; likewise,
a nil time is converted to an empty string.

o  timeOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a time and vice versa.

o  timeStampOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a timeStamp and vice versa.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  timeToText
setup the converter to convert from a string to a time
and vice versa.

o  timeToTextFormattedBy: format
setup the converter to convert from a string to a time formatted by format
and vice versa.

o  timestamp
setup the converter to convert from a string to a timestamp and vice versa.

o  timestampOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a timestamp and vice versa.

o  year
setup the converter to convert from a string to a date
and vice versa. Invalid dates are converted to nil; likewise,
a nil date is converted to an empty string.
see Date addPrintBindingsTo:language: for a format description.

standard converters-misc
o  arrayLiteralOrStringOrSymbolOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to either a literal
Array, a String or a symbol and vice versa.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil;
nil values are converted to an empty string.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  arrayLiteralOrSymbolOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to either a literal
Array or a symbol and vice versa.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil;
nil values are converted to an empty string.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  fileSize
setup the converter to convert from a fileSize string to a number
and vice versa.
A fileSize can have a scale of 1000 (k or kB), 1024 (ki or kiB),
1000*1000 (m or mB), 1024*1024 (mi or miB), 1000*1000*1000 (g or gB), 1024*1024*1024 (gi or giB).

o  frequency
setup the converter to convert from a frequency string to a number
and vice versa.
A frequency can have a scale of 1000 (k or kHz),
1000*1000 (m or MHz), 1000*1000*1000 (g or GHz).

o  literal
setup the converter to convert from a string to a literal
and vice versa. Invalid symbols (i.e. empty) are converted to nil;
nil values are converted to an empty string.
true, false, Numbers are parsed

o  objectOrNilOfType: timeOrDateClass
common code for timeOrNil, dateOrNil and timeStampOrNil

o  smalltalkObject
setup the converter to convert from a string to any smalltalk object
and vice versa. The string used is the objects storeString.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  smalltalkObjectOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to any smalltalk object
and vice versa. The string used is the objects storeString.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  smalltalkObjectOrNilWithClass: classOfObject
setup the converter to convert from a string to a smalltalk object
and vice versa. The string used is the objects storeString.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  smalltalkObjectWithClass: classOfObject
setup the converter to convert from a string to a smalltalk object
and vice versa. The string used is the objects storeString.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  smalltalkPoint
setup the converter to convert from a string to a point object
and vice versa. The string used is the points storeString.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  symbolOrBooleanOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a symbol or boolean
and vice versa. Invalid symbols (i.e. empty) are converted to nil;
nil values are converted to an empty string.
In addition, the strings true/false convert to/from booleans.

o  symbolOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a symbol
and vice versa. Invalid symbols (i.e. empty) are converted to nil;
nil values are converted to an empty string.

o  symbolOrNumberOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a symbol or number
and vice versa. Invalid symbols (i.e. empty) are converted to nil;
nil values are converted to an empty string.

standard converters-numbers
o  hexadecimal
setup the converter to convert from a hexadecimal string to a number
and vice versa.

o  integer
setup the converter to convert from a string to an integer
and vice versa. Invalid integers are converted to nil.

o  integerCStyle
setup the converter to convert from a string to an integer
and vice versa. Supports CStyle 0x/0b and 0 prefixes
Invalid integers are converted to nil.

o  integerOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to an integer
and vice versa. Invalid numbers are converted to nil.

o  integerToHexTextMinValue: minVal maxValue: maxVal format: formatStringOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa, but clamping the number into the range.

o  integerToText
setup the converter to convert from a string to a integer
and vice versa.

o  integerToTextCStyle
setup the converter to convert from a string to a integer
and vice versa. SUpports C-style integers in the form 0x, 0b 0
and also Smalltalk radix integers

o  integerToTextMinValue: minVal maxValue: maxVal format: formatStringOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa, but clamping the number into the range.

o  integerToTextMinValue: minVal maxValue: maxVal radix: radix format: formatStringOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa, but clamping the number into the range.

o  integerWithThousandsSeparator

o  integerWithThousandsSeparator: sep
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number with thousands separator
and vice versa.

o  number
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa. Invalid numbers are converted to nil.

o  numberOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa. Invalid numbers are converted to nil.

o  numberOrNilToTextMinValue: minVal maxValue: maxVal
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number or nil
and vice versa, but clamping the number into the range.

o  numberOrNilToTextMinValue: minVal maxValue: maxVal format: formatStringOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number or nil
and vice versa, but clamping the number into the range.

o  numberOrPointOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number or point
and vice versa. Invalid numbers/points are converted to nil.

o  numberOrStringOrSymbolOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to either a numeric literal
or a symbol and vice versa.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil;
nil values are converted to an empty string.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  numberOrSymbolOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to either a numeric literal
or a symbol and vice versa.
Invalid strings (i.e. empty) are converted to nil;
nil values are converted to an empty string.
This is a very special converter (for the GUI builder)
- probably not belonging to here

o  numberToText
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa.

o  numberToText: numberOfPostDecimals
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa.

o  numberToTextFormattedBy: formatString
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa, using formatString.
The formatString is currently ignored when numbers are converted
from a string.

o  numberToTextLeftPaddedTo: aSize with: aCharacter
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa, using formatString.
The formatString is currently ignored when numbers are converted
from a string.

o  numberToTextMinValue: minVal maxValue: maxVal
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa, but clamping the number into the range.

o  numberToTextMinValue: minVal maxValue: maxVal format: formatStringOrNil
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa, but clamping the number into the range.

o  numberWithOptionalScale
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number
and vice versa. Invalid numbers are converted to nil.
The number may be followed by one of m (for million) or
k (for thousand). E.g.: '1m2k55'

o  numberWithOptionalScales: scaleDict
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number or nil
and vice versa; allow for scale characters (such as k for thousand).

E.g. '1m2k55'

o  numberWithOptionalScales: scaleDict andThousandsSeparator: sep
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number with thousands separator
and vice versa. Allow for scale characters (such as k for thousand)

o  numberWithThousandsSeparator
^ self numberWithThousandsSeparator:$'

o  numberWithThousandsSeparator: sep
setup the converter to convert from a string to a number with thousands separator
and vice versa.


convert a number to a string:
    |v t i|

    v := 1 asValue.

    t := HorizontalPanelView new.
    t extent:200@50.
    t horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.

    i := EditField in:t.
    i model:(TypeConverter onNumberValue:v).
    t open.

    (Delay forSeconds:3) wait.
    v value:2.
convert a number to a string with range:
    |v t i|

    v := 1 asValue.

    t := HorizontalPanelView new.
    t extent:200@50.
    t horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.

    i := EditField in:t.
    i model:(TypeConverter onNumberValue:v minValue:0 maxValue:100).
    t open.

    (Delay forSeconds:3) wait.
    v value:2.
convert a date to a string:
    |d v|

    v := nil asValue.

    d := DialogBox new.
    d addInputFieldOn:(TypeConverter onDateValue:v).
    d addOkButton.
    d open.
    d accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:v value
convert with thousands:
    |d v|

    v := 1234567 asValue.

    d := DialogBox new.
    d addInputFieldOn:((TypeConverter on:v) integerWithThousandsSeparator:$').
    d addOkButton.
    d open.
    d accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:v value
convert with scale character:
    |d v|

    v := 1234567 asValue.

    d := DialogBox new.
    d addInputFieldOn:((TypeConverter on:v) numberWithOptionalScale).
    d addOkButton.
    d open.
    d accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:v value
convert with scale character and thousands separator:
    |d v scaleDict|

    scaleDict := Dictionary new.
    scaleDict at:$t put:1000.
    scaleDict at:$k put:1000.
    scaleDict at:$m put:1000000.

    v := 1234567 asValue.

    d := DialogBox new.
    d addInputFieldOn:((TypeConverter on:v) 
    d addOkButton.
    d open.
    d accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:v value

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Wed, 01 May 2024 10:37:09 GMT