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Documentation of class 'UnixOperatingSystem::FileStatusInfo':



Class: FileStatusInfo (private in UnixOperatingSystem

This class is only visible from within UnixOperatingSystem.




Class protocol:

instance creation
o  type: t mode: m uid: u gid: g size: s id: i accessed: aT modified: mT statusChanged: sT sourcePath: sP targetPath: tP numLinks: nL

Instance protocol:

o  accessTime
return accessed

o  alternativeName
return the file's other name (DOS name on Windows).
Nil if there is no other name

o  creationTime

o  fileSize
return the file's size

o  gid
return gid

o  id
return id

o  linkTargetPath
for symbolic links only: return the path where the symbolic link points to.
This may be either an absolute or relative path relative to the base path.

o  mode
return mode

o  modificationTime
return modified

o  numLinks
return numLinks

o  path
for symbolic links only: return the path where the symbolic link points to.
This may be either an absolute or relative path relative to the base path.

o  sourcePath

o  statusChangeTime
lazy time conversion

o  type
return type

o  uid
return uid

o  fixedHeaderSize
return the fixedHeaderSize (VMS only; nil everywhere else)

o  recordAttributes
return the recordAttributes (VMS only; nil everywhere else)

o  recordFormat
return the recordFormat (VMS only; nil everywhere else)

o  recordFormatNumeric
return the recordFormat as numeric (VMS only; nil everywhere else)

o  recordSize
return the recordSize (VMS only; nil everywhere else)

backward compatibility
o  accessed

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  at: key
backward compatibility access: in previous releases, IdentityDictionaries
were used to hold my information. Allow access via key messages.
This method will vanish - use the proper access protocol.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  modified

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  statusChanged

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  targetPath
use linkTargetPath

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  sourcePath: lP

o  type: t mode: m uid: u gid: g size: s id: i accessed: aT modified: mT statusChanged: sT sourcePath: sP targetPath: tP numLinks: nL

o  isGroupExecutable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isGroupExecutable

o  isGroupReadable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isGroupReadable

o  isGroupWritable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isGroupWritable

o  isOwnerExecutable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isOwnerExecutable

o  isOwnerReadable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isOwnerReadable

o  isOwnerWritable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isOwnerWritable

o  isWorldExecutable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isWorldExecutable

o  isWorldReadable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isWorldReadable

o  isWorldWritable
'/etc/passwd' asFilename info isWorldWritable

o  isBlockSpecial

o  isCharacterSpecial

o  isDirectory

o  isFifo

o  isRegular

o  isSocket

o  isSpecialFile

o  isSymbolicLink

o  isUnknown

o  isValid
true if this info contains valid status info, or only the name.
Under UNIX, the fileStatuInfo as returned from readDir ONLY contains the name of the file,
whereas under Windows, it contains the full info (incl. fileSize, access rights etc.).
The reason is that under windows, the ReadNextEntry system call does this, whereas the
the corresponding unix readdir only returns the name.

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:29:53 GMT