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Documentation of class 'UnixOperatingSystem::SocketHandle':



Class: SocketHandle (private in UnixOperatingSystem

This class is only visible from within UnixOperatingSystem.




Class protocol:

o  protocolCodeOf: aNameOrNumber
convert a symbol to a numeric protocol code

Usage example(s):

     self protocolCodeOf:#tcp
     self protocolCodeOf:#udp
     self protocolCodeOf:#raw

o  protocolSymbolOf: anInteger
convert a numeric protocol code to a symbol

Usage example(s):

     self protocolSymbolOf:(self protocolCodeOf:#tcp)
     self protocolSymbolOf:(self protocolCodeOf:#udp)
     self protocolSymbolOf:(self protocolCodeOf:#icmp)

o  reinitialize
clear the protocol cache, when the system has been restarted

o  getAddressInfo: hostName serviceName: serviceName domain: domainArg type: typeArg protocol: protoArg flags: flags
answer an Array of socket addresses for serviceName on hostName.
A nil hostName will return the loopback address(es) e.g. localhost.
Domain, type, protocol may be nil or specify a hint for the socket
addresses to be returned.
The sorting function used within getaddrinfo() is defined in RFC 3484;
in linux the order can be
tweaked for a particular system by editing /etc/gai.conf

Usage example(s):

     self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:nil
	    domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:nil serviceName:22
	    domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'' serviceName:22
	    domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:nil
	    domain:nil type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:nil
	    domain:#inet type:#stream protocol:#tcp flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'blurb.exept.de' serviceName:nil
	    domain:#inet type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'' serviceName:'bla'
	    domain:#inet type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'2003:E2:EF32:D400:4C2C:DAEA:88FA:E300' serviceName:'echo'
	    domain:#inet6 type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:'echo'
	    domain:#inet type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:nil serviceName:'echo'
	    domain:#inet type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:nil serviceName:nil
	    domain:#inet type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'www.google.de' serviceName:80
	    domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'www.exept.de' serviceName:nil
	    domain:nil type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'www.exept.de' serviceName:'https'
	    domain:#'AF_INET' type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'www.exept.de' serviceName:'https'
	    domain:#'AF_UNSPEC' type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'www.exept.de' serviceName:nil
	    domain:#'AF_INET6' type:nil protocol:nil flags:nil

     self getAddressInfo:'www.baden-württemberg.de' serviceName:nil
	    domain:#'AF_INET' type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'www.baden-württemberg.de' serviceName:nil
	    domain:#'AF_INET6' type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil

     self getAddressInfo:'www.google.com' serviceName:nil
	    domain:#'AF_INET' type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil
     self getAddressInfo:'www.google.com' serviceName:nil
	    domain:#'AF_INET6' type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil

o  getNameInfo: socketAddress wantHostName: wantHostName wantServiceName: wantServiceName datagram: useDatagram flags: flags
answer an Array containing the hostName and serviceName
in socketAddress.
This is the generic version of getHostByAddr, however, if supported by the OS,
this returns multiple hostnames (if appropriate)

Usage example(s):

     self getNameInfo:
	(self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:'echo'
		domain:#inet type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil) first socketAddress
	 wantHostName:true wantServiceName:true datagram:false flags:0

     self getNameInfo:
	(self getAddressInfo:'localhost' serviceName:'echo'
		domain:#AF_UNSPEC type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil) first socketAddress
	 wantHostName:true wantServiceName:true datagram:false flags:0

     self getNameInfo:
	(self getAddressInfo:'exept.de' serviceName:'echo'
		domain:#inet type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil) first socketAddress
	 wantHostName:true wantServiceName:true datagram:false flags:0

     self getNameInfo:
	(self getAddressInfo:'exept.de' serviceName:'echo'
		domain:#AF_UNSPEC type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil) first socketAddress
	 wantHostName:true wantServiceName:true datagram:false flags:0

     self getNameInfo:
	(self getAddressInfo:'' serviceName:'22'
		domain:#inet type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil) first socketAddress
	 wantHostName:true wantServiceName:true datagram:false flags:0

     self getNameInfo:
	(self getAddressInfo:'' serviceName:'22'
		domain:#inet type:#stream protocol:nil flags:nil) first socketAddress
	 wantHostName:true wantServiceName:true datagram:false flags:0

o  primGetAddressInfo: hostName serviceName: serviceName domainCode: domain socketTypeCode: type protocolCode: proto flags: flags
answer an Array of socket addresses for serviceName on hostName
Domain, type, protocol may be nil or specify a hint for the socket
addresses to be returned.
A nil hostName resolves to the loopback interface address (localhost).
An empty hostname resolves to an address that may be used for a lisstening server.

Instance protocol:

o  acceptWithPeerAddressBuffer: peerOrNil
accept a connection on a server port.
Returns a new SocketHandle or nil if the operation
would block.
If peerOrNil is set to a ByteArray, the socket address
of the connection peer is stored into it.

o  bindTo: socketAddress
low level bind -
Set the local address of the socket

Usage example(s):

     (Socket domain:#inet type:#stream)
	 bindTo:(IPSocketAddress hostAddress:IPSocketAddress anyAddress port:9999)
	 reuseAddress:false ;

o  cancelConnect
cancel an asynchronous connect in progress

o  connectTo: socketAddress
low level connect; connect to a socket address.
Return true if connection has been established,
false, when the connection has been initiated but not yet
completed. If an error occurred, an OSError is raised

Usage example(s):

     Socket newTCP connectTo:(IPSocketAddress hostAddress:IPSocketAddress local port:7)
     Socket newTCP connectTo:(IPSocketAddress hostAddress:IPSocketAddress local port:5768)
     Socket newTCP connectTo:(IPSocketAddress hostAddress:#[1 2 3 4] port:7)

datagram transmission
o  receiveFrom: socketAddress buffer: aDataBuffer start: startIndex for: nBytes flags: flags
receive datagramm data - put address of originating host into
anAddressBuffer, data into aBuffer. For ST-80 compatibility,
the addressBuffer may be a non-ByteArray; then, it must understand
the addressBytes-message (i.e. be a SocketAddress instance).
Return the number of bytes received, or a negative number on error.

The thread blocks until data arrives - you may want to wait before
receiving, using #readWait or #readWaitWithTimeout:.

o  sendTo: socketAddress buffer: aDataBuffer start: startIndex for: maxBytes flags: flags
send datagramm data - fetch address of destination host from
anAddressBuffer, data from aDataBuffer starting at startIndex,
sending count bytes.
SocketAddress must be an instance of SocketAddress
Return the number of bytes transmitted, or a negative number on error.

o  domain: domainArg type: typeArg protocol: protocolArg
set up socket with domain, type and protocol number.
This is a low level entry; no binding, listening or connect is done.
All arguments must be symbols from one of
domainArg: #AF_INET, #AF_UNIX, #AF_APPLETALK (#inet, #unix, #appletalk, #x25) ..
type: #SOCK_STREAM, #SOCK_DGRAM (#stream, #datagram, #raw) ..
protocol: #tcp, #udp, #raw ..

Usage example(s):

     self new domain:#inet type:#stream protocol:nil

o  getOptionsLevel: level name: name
answer a ByteArray containing the socket option value
named name at level

o  listenFor: aNumber
start listening.
aNumber is the number of connect indications queues
by the operating system

o  setOptionsLevel: level name: name value: value
set the socket option name at level to value.
Value may be one of SmallInteger, ByteArray or nil

o  shutdown: anInteger
inform the socket that no more I/O will happen.
anInteger == 0 no reads will be performed
anInteger == 1 no writes will be performed
anInteger == 2 neither reads nor writes will be performed.
Pending data is discarded. This is faster tha
close, which may wait until pending (written)
data has been read by the other side

o  getNameInto: socketAddress
answer the my own address (I am bound to this address).
Note that this address may change after connect or accept.

o  getPeerInto: socketAddress
answer the my own address (I am bound to this address).
Note that this address may change after connect or accept.

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:01:19 GMT