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Documentation of class 'VersionDiffBrowser::ClassChangeSet':



Class: ClassChangeSet (private in VersionDiffBrowser

This class is only visible from within VersionDiffBrowser.




Class protocol:

instance creation
o  changeSetForClass: aClass
return a ChangeSet for the class aClass and its current source.
The source is generated into a stream and then the change set is generated
from the source stream.

o  changeSetForClass: aClass andRevision: aVersion
return a ChangeSet for the class aClass and version aVersion.
The version from the class source stream is checked out from the repositiory
into a source stream. Then the change set is generated from the source stream.

o  changeSetForClass: aClass andSource: aSource
return a ChangeSet for the class aClass and source aSource.
The source is converted to a stream and then the change set is generated
from the source stream.
Raise an error if the source stream cannot be opened.

o  newForClass: aClass againstVersion: aVersionA
return a ClassChangeSet for the class aClass against some verson in the repository.
A new instance of ClassChangeSet is generated containing
the correspondenting changes.

o  newForClass: classA labelA: aLabelA andClass: classB labelB: aLabelB
return a ClassChangeSet for two classes.
A new instance of ClassChangeSet is generated containing the correspondenting changes.

o  newForClass: aClass labelA: aLabelA sourceA: aSourceA labelB: aLabelB sourceB: aSourceB
return a ClassChangeSet for the class aClass and the two sources.
The two classes are compared via the source files. A new instance of
ClassChangeSet is generated containing the correspondenting changes.

o  newForClass: aClass sourceA: aSourceA sourceB: aSourceB
return a ClassChangeSet for the class aClass and the two sources.
The two classes are compared via the source files. A new instance of
ClassChangeSet is generated containing the correspondenting changes.

o  newForClass: aClass versionA: aVersionA versionB: aVersionB
return a ClassChangeSet for the class aClass and the two versions.
The two class version are checked out from the repository and then being
compared. A new instance of ClassChangeSet is generated containing
the correspondenting changes.

o  sortChangeSet: aChangeSet
sort by meta and selector

Instance protocol:

o  class1BeingCompared
returns the class which is compared

o  class1BeingCompared: class1 class2BeingCompared: class2
returns the class which is compared

o  class2BeingCompared
returns the class which is compared

o  classBeingCompared
returns the class which is compared

o  classBeingCompared: something
set the value of the class which is compared

o  diffSet
returns a diffSet containing the different changes.
it responds to:

changed OrderedCollection of arrays containing ChangeSets for methods
which are changed and exists in the class versionA and versionB
onlyInArg ChangeSet for the methods which exists only in the class versionB
onlyInReceiver ChangeSet for the methods which exists only in the class versionA

o  diffSet: something
sets the diffSet containing the different changes.
it responds to:

changed OrderedCollection of arrays containing ChangeSets for methods
which are changed and exists in the class versionA and versionB
onlyInArg ChangeSet for the methods which exists only in the class versionB
onlyInReceiver ChangeSet for the methods which exists only in the class versionA

o  labelA
returns the label for the class versionA

o  labelA: something
sets the label for the class versionA

o  labelB
returns the label for the class versionB

o  labelB: something
sets the label for the class versionB

o  methodsChanged
returns an OrderedCollection of arrays containing ChangeSets for methods
which are changed and exist in both versionA and versionB

<return: OrderedCollection of Array(2)>

o  methodsOnlyInA
returns a ChangeSet for the methods which exist only in versionA

o  methodsOnlyInB
returns a ChangeSet for the methods which exist only in versionB

o  versionA

o  versionA: something

o  versionB

o  versionB: something

o  removeAllVersionMethods

o  isEmpty
true, if there are no changes

o  setupForClass: aClass againstVersion: aVersionA
return a ClassChangeSet for aClass against some verson of it in the repository.
A new instance of ClassChangeSet is generated containing
the correspondenting changes.

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 23 Feb 2025 06:54:56 GMT