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Documentation of class 'WorkspaceApplication':



Class: WorkspaceApplication



rev: 1.326 date: 2019/07/25 10:59:38
user: cg
file: WorkspaceApplication.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool
Claus Gittinger


A simple wrapper around a WorkSpace-View, adding a pullDown menu.

Class protocol:

o  default
a place where the default workspaceApplication could be hooked in;
see SystemBrowser default and FileBrowser default on the intention...

o  defaultEditToolbarVisible

o  defaultInfoVisible

o  defaultMyWorkspaceDotWspFile

o  defaultToolbarVisible

o  filterTemplate

o  generatorTemplate

o  textProcessorTemplate

o  webServiceLinkName

help specs
o  helpSpec

interface specs
o  manageSnippetsDialogSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#manageSnippetsDialogSpec
     WorkspaceApplication new openInterface:#manageSnippetsDialogSpec

o  toolBarSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#toolBarSpec
     WorkspaceApplication new openInterface:#toolBarSpec

o  windowSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#windowSpec
     WorkspaceApplication new openInterface:#windowSpec
     WorkspaceApplication open

o  windowSpecForInfoBar
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#windowSpecForInfoBar
     WorkspaceApplication new openInterface:#windowSpecForInfoBar

menu specs
o  bufferAddMenuSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#bufferAddMenuSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication bufferAddMenuSlice)) startUp

o  bufferMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#bufferMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication bufferMenu)) startUp

o  editMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#editMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication editMenu)) startUp

o  editModeInfoLabelMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#editModeInfoLabelMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser editModeInfoLabelMenu)) startUp

o  editToolBarMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#editToolBarMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication editToolBarMenu)) startUp

o  executionMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#executionMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication executionMenu)) startUp

o  fileMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#fileMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication fileMenu)) startUp

o  helpMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#helpMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication helpMenu)) startUp

o  languageInfoLabelMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  mainMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#mainMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication mainMenu)) startUp

o  manageSnippetDialogMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#manageSnippetDialogMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication manageSnippetDialogMenuSpec)) startUp

o  smalltalkMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#smalltalkMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication smalltalkMenu)) startUp

o  toolBarMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#toolBarMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication toolBarMenu)) startUp

o  workspaceMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:WorkspaceApplication andSelector:#workspaceMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(WorkspaceApplication workspaceMenu)) startUp

o  createWorkspaceView

special startup
o  openEvaluationWorkspace
self openEvaluationWorkspace

o  openForSinglePageDoing: aBlock
the original Workspace

o  openMyWorkspace
openMyWorkspace_new leads to an error in root /, which we don't understand...

usage example(s):

self openMyWorkspace_old.

usage example(s):

      WorkspaceApplication openMyWorkspace

o  openMyWorkspace_new
open showing tabs for ALL bookmarked workspace files

o  openMyWorkspace_old
open showing the single file: MyWorkspace.wsp

o  openOnFile: aFilename
launch a new workspace on the contents of some file

usage example(s):

     WorkspaceApplication openOnFile:'Makefile'

o  openSystemWorkspace
|ws b|
ws := self openSystemWorkspace.
ws addMyWorkspace.
ws selectedWorkspaceIndexHolder value:(ws workspaces size).
ws selectedWorkspace contents:'Tools::NewSystemBrowser open'; selectAll.
ws selectedWorkspace
add:(b := Button label:'DoIt' action:[ws doIt. b destroy])

o  openWith: initialText
launch a new workspace with some initial contents.
The workspace will be opened in smalltalk syntax mode

usage example(s):

     WorkspaceApplication openWith:'Transcript showCR:''hello world'''

o  openWith: initialText selected: selectedBoolean
launch a new workspace with some initial contents.
The workspace will be opened in smalltalk syntax mode

usage example(s):

     WorkspaceApplication openWith:'Transcript showCR:''hello world'''

o  openWith: initialText selected: selectedBoolean title: titleString
launch a new workspace with some initial contents.
The workspace will be opened in smalltalk syntax mode

usage example(s):

        openWith:'Transcript showCR:''hello world''' 

o  openWithGlobalsInspector
open a workspaceApp with a single initial pane, showing global variables.
Same as Smalltalk inspect, but looks nicer...

usage example(s):

     self openWithGlobalsInspector

o  openWithText: initialText
like openWith, but will set the language to 'text', so it is not incorrectly syntax highlighted

usage example(s):

     WorkspaceApplication openWithText:'foo 1 2 3 4'

o  openWithWorkspaceVariableInspector
open a workspaceApp with a single initial pane, showing workspace variables.
Same as Workspace workspaceVariables inspect, but looks nicer...

usage example(s):

     self openWithWorkspaceVariableInspector

o  open
the very first open opens a MyWorkspace

usage example(s):

     MyWorkspaceOpened := nil.
     WorkspaceApplication open.

o  openRegularWorkspace
always open a normal MyWorkspace

Instance protocol:

o  autoDefineVariables

o  autoFetchSelectionHolder

o  autoFetchSelectionMenuItemVisible

o  bookmarks

o  browseItMenuButtonVisibile
typo in previous version

o  browseItMenuButtonVisible

o  canChangeLanguageHolder
return/create the 'canChangeLanguageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  canChangeLanguageHolder: something
set the 'canChangeLanguageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  cursorColHolder

o  cursorColLabelHolder

o  cursorLineAndColumnLabelHolder

o  cursorLineHolder

o  cursorLineLabelHolder

o  doItMenuButtonVisibile
typo in previous version

o  doItMenuButtonVisible

o  hasHistory

o  hasInfoLabel

o  inspectItMenuButtonVisibile
typo in previous version

o  inspectItMenuButtonVisible

o  languageInfoLabelHolder
'Syntax: ',

o  modeLabelHolder

o  namespaceHolder

o  namespaceInfoLabelHolder

o  printItMenuButtonVisibile
typo in previous version

o  printItMenuButtonVisible

o  profileItMenuButtonVisible

o  setWindowLabel: label

o  setWindowLabel: label language: language

o  smalltalkMenuEnabledHolder

o  syntax: aProgrammingLanguageOrNil
the argument must sth. like SmalltalkLanguage

o  syntaxHolder

o  toolBarView

o  anyWorkspaceVariableIsDefined

o  canAddBookmark

o  isSQLWorkspaceAvailable

o  isSQLWorkspaceSelected

o  isWebBrowserAvailable

o  selectedWorkspaceIsTextView

autofetch selection
o  autoFetchSelection

o  autoFetchSelection: aBoolean

o  autoFetchSelectionLines

o  itemFromClipboard

o  selectionClear: foo
Transcript showCR:foo.

o  startClipboardWatcher

o  stopClipboardWatcher

o  waitForClipBoardToChange

o  defaultEvaluatorSyntax

o  defaultFileNameForLoad

o  defaultFileNameForSave

o  defaultFileNameForSaveAll

o  defaultNameSpaceForDoIts

o  defaultPatternLoad

o  executeMenuVisible

o  thisIsASmalltalkWorkspace
can be redefined in a subclass to disable smalltalk-specific menu items
(expecco uses workspaces as scratchpads)

o  thisIsASmalltalkWorkspaceAndAutoFetchMenuItemVisible

drag & drop
o  droppedFile: aFilename in: aComponent
this is a notification from my textView component

o  helpSpec
dynamically adjust the menuSave item's helpText

o  updateHelpSpec: aSpec
dynamically adjust the menuSave item's helpText

initialization & release
o  closeRequest
asks for permission before closing

o  initialSyntax: aLanguage

o  postBuildEditModeInfoLabel: aLabel

o  postBuildWith: aBuilder
force geometry update

o  postOpenWith: aBuilder
(comment from inherited method)
starts the active help for this tool (if turned on in the settings)
and updates the info label and the font's (from the settings)

o  processEvent: anEvent
filter double click in line-label.
Return true, if I have eaten the event

o  askForFilterBlock: message template: template rememberIn: nameOfClassVar

o  autoDefineVariablesChanged

o  basicInspectIt

o  browseImplementorsOfIt

o  browseIt

o  browseReferencesToIt

o  clearHistory

o  compareTextAgainst

o  doIt

o  inspectIt

o  inspectIt: isBasicInspector
there is none - i.e. it is a HTMLDocumentView

o  inspectWorkspaceVariables

o  loadFile: aFileName encoding: encodingSymbolOrNil label: label
This small hack allows programmers to have their own
MyWorkspace.wsp in their ~/.smalltalk directory

o  manageSnippets

o  menuSQLConnect

o  menuSave

o  newEvaluationWorkspace

o  newSystemWorkspace

o  openDocumentation
opens the documentation file

o  openEditingDocumentation
opens the documentation file

o  pasteAndExecute: aString

o  pasteSnippet

o  printIt

o  profileIt

o  redoLastDoIt

o  removeAllWorkspaceVariables

o  removeGlobalVariable

o  removeSharedPool

o  removeWorkspaceVariable

o  renameWorkspace: wsIndex to: newName

o  setCompilerForSyntax

o  setCompilerForSyntaxIn: aWorkspace
compilerClass := (language evaluatorClass "self compilerClassForSyntaxName:syntax").

o  setNameSpaceForDoIts

o  spyOnIt

o  switchToBookmarkEntry: bookmark

o  terminateBackgroundProcesses

o  timeIt

o  addBookmark

o  addClassVariableInspector

o  addEvaluationWorkspace

o  addGlobalVariable

o  addGlobalVariableInspector

o  addInspectorOn: aValue basic: isBasicInspector suppressPseudoSlots: suppressPseudoSlots
Inspector2 does not work yet!

o  addInspectorOn: aValue inspectorClass: inspectorClass suppressPseudoSlots: suppressPseudoSlots
v allowFollow:true.

o  addMyWorkspace

o  addNamespaceInspector

o  addNamespaceInspectorFor: aNameSpaceOrSharedPool

o  addSQLWorkspace

o  addSelectionToSnippets

o  addSharedPool

o  addSharedPoolInspector

o  addStopWatch
avoid making stx:libwidg3 a prerequisite.

o  addTeaTimer
you think that is a useless gimmick ?
I use it in the office and as a wakeup clock timer

o  addTerminal
mhm - xterm embedding seems to no longer work; the default from user prefs is therefore false

o  addWebBrowser

o  addWorkspaceVariable

o  addWorkspaceVariableInspector

o  addWorkspaceWithSameContents

o  menuAddBookmarkTo: folder

o  babelFishTranslate: fromToModeString
translate the selected text and paste it after the selection.
This is now obsolete, as that web service no longer exists (sigh)

o  changesBrowserOnText

o  editBookmarks

o  editModeInsert

o  editModeInsertAndSelect

o  editModeOverwrite

o  fileInText
filein the selected workspace's contents as if read from a file

o  filterText
a filterblock is asked for, which is applied to the
selected line range.
Each line for which the filter evaluats to false is removed

o  generateText
a generatorblock is asked for, which is evaluated to generate
lines onto an output stream.
The generated text is inserted (or replaces the current selection)

o  googleSpellingSuggestion

o  indent

o  pasteLastDoIt

o  processText
a block is asked for, which is applied to each line of the selected line range.
Each line is replaced by the corresponding output of the processing block

o  undent

o  bookmarkMenu

o  editModeInfoLabelMenu

o  languageListMenuSlice
dynamically generate a slice containing the available
programming languages

o  makeRecentDoItsMenuFor: aSelector

o  namespaceInfoLabelMenu

o  namespaceInfoLabelMenuHolder

o  pasteRecentDoItMenu

o  recentDoItsMenuFor: aSelector

o  redoRecentDoItMenu

o  askIfAnyModified: question yesButton: yesButtonText
reset modified flag so question is asked only once

o  compilerClassForSyntaxName: syntax

o  compilerClassOf: aWorkspace
catch, because it could be a non-edit view there (VT100, TeaTimer etc.)

o  createEvaluationWorkspace
self renameWorkspace:(self selectedWorkspaceIndexHolder value) to:'Eval'.

o  createWorkspace
Modified (format): / 05-07-2011 / 14:18:52 / cg

o  createWorkspaceView
(ws respondsTo:#languageHolder:) ifTrue:[

o  createWorkspaceViewForText
creates a language unaware workspace

o  isModifiedWorkspace: aView

o  lastDoItsString

o  syntaxFromEvaluatorClass: aClass
knowing the evaluator class, determine the syntax highlighter class

o  workspaceSelectionChanged
attach line, col and mode holders to the current workspace window

special startup
o  openSystemWorkspace
create the tabs for the initial welcome system workspace

user actions
o  infoVisibilityChanged
(comment from inherited method)

o  namespaceChangedByUser
remember as default for next new workspace

o  syntaxChangedByUser
remember as default for next new workspace

o  toolBarVisibilityChanged
(comment from inherited method)
force it to recompute its dimension

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:54:55 GMT